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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 147 KB, 1600x800, ZeldaIITheAdventureOfLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7430482 No.7430482 [Reply] [Original]

This is a good game

>> No.7430505

good yes, great no, the first one was great, ppl wanted more of that, the switch even back then in a more experimental time, wasnt liked, it still sold on the name alone, if it was a stand alone game without the zelda brand, it wouldnt get the heat it does

>> No.7430524

Better than anything after Ocarina. Zelda 2 is a great game that gets shit for being different and because muh Youtuber said it sucks

>> No.7430525

Most people riding the "LoZ 2 is shitty" bandwagon have either never played it and are juat parroting something they heard because having your own opinions is hard, or they're shitters that got filtered because they played it once when they were 8 and got their shit slapped.

>> No.7430534

im sure some of it is youtube influence but for us people who were there, well, we didnt like change and still dont, there is a reason it went back to more of 1 after 2

>> No.7430538

I hate this stupid fucking game

>> No.7430542

Next to getting filtered by Metroid, hating Zelda 2 is the zoomiest of takes.

>> No.7430547

Metroid was surpassed by Super Metroid in every way imaginable

>> No.7430548

Do you want to know why you are wrong?
It all went back to looking and playing like 1, right after.

>> No.7430553
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To be fair, that's itself a response to the "Z2 is the greatest Zelda and the greatest NES game" bandwagon (which is itself a response to the previous milestone in the spiral of contrarianism). Zelda 2 will soon be the literal worst game ever made, and a while after that it may become literally the best game ever made and objectively better than sex.

It's just difficult to simply accept it's an ok but flawed game and basically just "solid". If the core purpose of discussion is now to just claim somebody is wrong, you can't really go to a middle ground. They must be HYPERBOLICALLY wrong.

>> No.7430558

That doesn't make Metroid any less of a great game.

Which again doesn't make Zelda 2 any less of a great game.

>> No.7430559

it's a failed experiment, one which they dare not repeat

>> No.7430575

"The game was a critical and financial success, and introduced elements such as Link's "magic meter" and the Dark Link character that would become commonplace in future Zelda games"

Failed how?

>> No.7430586
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It was barely an experiment in terms of innovation, unless you count Frankenstein-ing together a bunch of different genre elements (which IS valid to count).

They just decided it didn't work well enough to keep the series in that direction and went back to the original formula, which was a smart move given the oversaturation of side-scrolling games.

>> No.7430589

failed as in people didnt like change, so everything went back to 1

>> No.7430593

"Upon its release in North America, Zelda II was met with mostly positive reviews from critics and became one of the most popular NES games of 1988, with many retailers reporting that the game was selling out that year. The game ultimately sold 4.38 million copies worldwide."

Anymore lies to embarrass yourself with?

>> No.7430595

People only bought it because they thought it would be like Zelda 1

>> No.7430596

then where is the side scrolling sequel, oh, its because the mountain of letters from fans and not paid reviewers told them to go back

>> No.7430608

the nintendo demographic came in 2 shades, children and autists, both of these demographics dislike change, both of these demographics are vocal about their dislike of change, it all went back to looking and playing like 1

>> No.7430618

Says who?

That has nothing to do with the fact that Zelda 2 was a critical and financial success. NES only had 2 Zelda games, Gameboy wasn't suitable for that style and if SNES had lasted longer they likely would have made another 2D sidescroller. The point is moot after that.

Nintendo regularly made radically different sequels.

>> No.7430621

Dunno, never played it, but I suspect it just gets shat on for being different to Zelda 1

>> No.7430623

>Zelda 2 was a critical and financial success
So is capeshit

>> No.7430625

And so is Penicillin.

>> No.7430642

people only played it AFTER THEY HAD ALREADY PAID, your fiscal success crap is solely because people loved 1, they wanted more of 1, when they didnt get more of 1, they were not happy, they still played and beat it because you sure as fuck were not going to flush your $60 down the shitter

>> No.7430643

Sure. It's just a really bad Zelda.

>> No.7430651

>people only played it AFTER THEY HAD ALREADY PAID

[citation needed]

>> No.7430656

>[citation needed]
That applies to SO MANY posts in this thread

>> No.7430667

how do they play it without paying, there wasnt some demo cart, you bought it, took it home, then played it, you didnt get to play first then decide to buy, you had to trust in developers and their past works and if you were retarded, misplace that trust in a magazine run by a publisher who's only motive is to sell carts

>> No.7430671

It's what they do when reality doesn't match their feelings.

>> No.7430672

>what are kiosks, rentals and borrowing

>> No.7430673
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>[citation needed]

>> No.7430674

I'm from that time, I'm having an idiot right now who thinks there were demo carts taped to magazines you could pre-play or something, the spastic doesnt even know the first time you got to play something was AFTER you had already paid, the sale was done, counted, logged, before that cart was in a slot and played

>> No.7430676

hardly existing and NO fucking kid would lend you out their new carts, this is why people would hang around the smelly kid nobody liked at school, so they could go to their place and play a game they didnt have

>> No.7430678

Including the OP

>> No.7430684

You are the first person to mention demo carts taped to magazines.

t.the smelly kid no one trusted

>> No.7430690

there was no method, fuck the first time we all saw super mario bros 3 was that shit movie the wizard, every ticket sale was actually to see that, not the movie it was in

>> No.7430693

>what are kiosks, rentals and borrowing

>> No.7430698

like i said, hardly existing, like fucking nil, none, rentals didnt come until the gen later, kiosks too, fuck the entire industry had WOUND DOWN from the atari days, marketing spending wasnt reduced from the past excesses that bankrupt their priors, I wish I had a time machine to show you how it was

>> No.7430704


>> No.7430714

if the fact that 2 wasn't repeated doesn't fill the gaps for you, nothing will, don't waste time trying to educate zooms

>> No.7430721

Most of the CDi games did follow this one's cue though. I guess that'd be because they thought side-scrolling games were more marketable

>> No.7430727

how did they do?
are they looked on fondly as good zelda games?

>> No.7430731

Once they get enough contrarian momentum behind them I'm sure they'll be as "good" as Z2 lmao

>> No.7430735

I think the time that could have happened was with the memes, thankfully not even the contrarians can trick people into thinking they were actually good

>> No.7430771

Played it to hell and back when I was 6-10 years old.

Great game, I spent more time playing Zelda 2 than the first one. Probably because I liked Castlevania 1-3 so much.

>> No.7430783

Weak visuals, weak music, and the grinding is a drag. It's satisfying to beat, but just barely

>> No.7430785

the highlight of it all really is fighting your shadow, it's the sole defining moment in a confusing mis-step

>> No.7430808

TMNT is an exact copy of it.

>> No.7430814

Except for every single goddamned thing of course

>> No.7430827

The quintessential scotscroller.

>> No.7430832

I'd call it a textbook Zeldavania tho

>> No.7430836
File: 6 KB, 512x480, final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most miserable place ever created by nintendo

>> No.7430845

>it's another "people pretend to like a very flawed game just to be contrarian" episode
these re-runs are getting so tiring

>> No.7430848

It's shitty because it's way too cryptic and the early game is painfully difficult for no good reason. Like AVGN pointed out, half the game is practically designed to sell Nintendo Power guides. There's so many things you'd never figure out unless someone told you. Even moreso than the first game.

Cryptic bullshit =/= fun

>> No.7430849


>> No.7430852
File: 33 KB, 1020x426, here's your (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430853

hahaha you like dogshit

>> No.7430858
File: 15 KB, 181x316, 1613323699379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430873

>too cryptic
The "Nintendo Power game" label doesn't apply at all to it.

It's literally the most straightforward and streamlined mainline Zelda game, and even the dungeons are basically corridors, too. It's actually what makes the game boring on top of obnoxious.

>> No.7430874

what was straight forward about a tornado you had to wait for at the side of a screen

>> No.7430894

Are we still talking about Zelda 2, or are you LARPing as somebody whose negative opinion about it is based on an unrelated e-celeb review in order to undermine negative opinions about the game in general?

Because that would be clever, but it requires more effort imo.

>> No.7430906

>everybody who hates this game is just because of james, in reality everybody loves it and its the best loved game in history
you're a fucking joke

>> No.7430907

Literally who are you quoting lmao?

>> No.7430910

>if i fake laugh it away and pretend its not about me, people will also like this shit game and my parents will go back in time and not get divorced, maybe i'll even get to touch a girl
end yourself

>> No.7430913

Rentals were extremely common in the 80s and 90s. Why must you turn /vr/ into a house of lies?

>> No.7430917

no, they were not, it didnt get big until after the NES, blockbuster was all about snes carts and genesis and even then nintendo was very very pissed off with them over it, it HATED rentals, it sued many of them

>> No.7430920
File: 90 KB, 1024x731, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430928

it's the fucking truth, your tranime reaction crap will never change that

>> No.7430929

Nintendo & Blockbuster settled the case in 1990. Given the nature of legal battles, it's safe to say the issue at hand was going on for years before this.

>> No.7430932


In >>7430894 I was merely implying that nobody actually arguing about this game could possibly be ignorant enough about the game to remember the well-known tornado bit from the avgn video as pertaining to Zelda II.

The conspiracy undermining was the OPTIMISTIC scenario; but as you handily demonstrate with your posts, the existence of somebody braindead and assblasted enough is not exactly a stretch.

>> No.7431548

It's a great game. One of the best, in fact. Not memeing. I use Zelda 2 as a basic for difficulty curves and mechanic teaching in my own works.

>> No.7431592

Not perfect, and a little too unforgiving at places, but not at all a bad game. I think it's underrated.

>> No.7431614

Fuck no.
It's amazing and one of the best entries in the series.

>> No.7431776
File: 26 KB, 480x480, F0wjeofh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not allowed to like sequels anymore, Reddit declared that "MUH FIRST ENTRY PFFFPHPTHPH" is the current status quo and you're not allowed to think otherwise.

Zelda 1 > Zelda 2
Mega Man 1 > Mega Man 2
Sonic 1 > Sonic 2, and so on

Welcome to the brave new contrarian world of the 2020s

>> No.7431829
File: 21 KB, 640x480, rudy-mah-boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's grasping at straws. The older = better is an old dumb technique for easily defensible "unpopular opinions", but people don't shit on Z2 because it's a sequel. They feel like shitting on it because it was a tentative experiment that, though not particularly bad in itself, obviously didn't go anywhere worth going with the series. And they probably wouldn't shit on it if there wasn't an equal but opposite mass of weaponized autism defending it.

This was never a discussion; it's two sides that have literally no arguments or weaponry except yelling like spastic idiots at each other at an increasing volume. And it's extremely fun to watch

>> No.7431879

What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you bringing up Reddit? Why do you want to involve faggots elsewhere with here?

>> No.7431886

he's retarded