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742759 No.742759 [Reply] [Original]

>Playing FFIV
>Final Boss
>Realize Edge and Cain specifically are still at lvl40 while everyone else is lvl60
>(Because Edge didn't survive the Big Bang and the only reason Cain did was because he was jumping)
>I don't stand a chance against this obtuse overpowered boss with one Paladin and a Glass Cannon Caster
>Realize how fucked I am because my only savestate is from after the battle began and I haven't formally saved the game since Gilbert became hospitalized

Has anything similar to this ever happened to you, /vr/?

>> No.742770

>painting yourself into the corner with savestates
Yup. Know that feel. That's why multiple slots are your riend.

>> No.742783

>using them at all

>> No.742780

You can win. Don't forget, you have the power of time on your side. Just keep playing until the victory. I've savestated myself into a corner many, many times. You only need to perfect this single moment of the game, and you have infinite tries at it. Otherwise, download a save file from the interwebs.

>> No.742787
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Does Wiegraf count?

>> No.742796

My Edge was overleveled because he was the only one that did decent damage by throwing shurikens.

>> No.743275

Zeromus wastes a turn shaking whenever it plans to do Big Bang. Have everyone but Kain (who you have Jump) and Rosa (who you have spamming heals) use Defend at that time. Rydia is basically useless the whole fight because everything of worth she can do Zeromus will counter and you sound like you can't deal with it given you think he's OP. Also, always keep Slow on him, even though he'll eventually just Black Hole it away, it'll still give you more time to deal with BBs. You can do it, OP.

>> No.743280

>cheater ends up bitten in the ass by the very cheat he uses

I love when it happens!

>> No.743337

You suck, OP. I solo Zeromus with Cecil all the time.

Learn to properly use your equipment to boost multiplier and use the drain sword.

>> No.743396

yup, twice with Survial-Horror games
Only one savestate, right before the fight with nemesis after he shoots down the chopper. Didn´t have the proper equipment, quit after 75+ tries
>Dino Crisis
I´m close to the end (I think) only 4 handgun bullets left, no ammo for the grenade launcher or shotgun. I have to search several rooms for clues/things I need, but I can´t thanks to 2 dinosaurs that follow me everywhere. Luckily, I learned from my previous mistake and created another save-file, but that file isn´t much better. I need to finish this fucking game,

>> No.743440

With Cecil, Rosa and Rydia at level 60, Zeromus should be a cake-walk for you. Kain and Edge suck anyway. The only thing Edge brings to the final boss is throwing the spoon/knife (whatever translation you like using.)

>> No.743462


>oh what, you didn't invest in leveling up the squire job class because you thought it would be cooler to be a knight?
>what's that? You SAVED before this battle too?
>guess you gotta restart your game buddy, shucks I don't know what to say

Not in terms of emulation, but the 1v1 with Wiegraf is a prime example of a pitfall in any vidya. You pretty much need all the stat increasing squire abilities in order to win this battle, Wiegraf will wreck your shit every time no matter what job you pick.

>> No.743470

Mage Ramza owned him on 1v1.

>> No.743492

You mean the throwing weapons? That's substantial; you can basically toss every rare piece of equipment from the entire game during that fight, and several do 9999 damage.

>> No.743531

but more importantly this:

>> No.743556

As well as Martial Arts Ninja. I beat him using Auto Potion Lancer.

But I guess if you're a 12 year old kid who mastered only the Knight class and nothing else "because it looked cool" you're pretty much screwed.

The rooftop fight, on the other hand... If your party isn't speed oriented you'll lose before even getting any turns.

>> No.743573

Savestates feel dirty if I use them for any purpose other than to mimic the emulator equivalent of leaving the console on all night at a part of the game where it wouldn't provide an advantage.

>> No.743593
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Not retro - but in PoP: Sands of time, I saved when that damn princess was falling onto spikes. The game would just reload her falling onto spikes. Shit sucked - i was like 70% in.

>> No.743649

Okay, I'm gonna have to be that guy


>> No.743686

Try the 1.3 version.

Worst battle in the game. It's just dumb. And fuck those assassins in general, god damn they're annoying.

>> No.743693

>he didn't buy the chameleon robe!

>> No.744080

That's fucking awful.

>> No.744316

Savestates are like most anything else: there's good to be had from them but there is also the opportunity to be dishonest.

I use them as a form of file backup. If I save naturally, I will savestate there, too.

I'd say they're OK in TASs, too.

>> No.744345

What happens in the 1.3 version? They gave him 2 copies of himself or something like that?

>> No.744494

>You only need to perfect this single moment of the game, and you have infinite tries at it

A rigid RNG system would love to slap you silly.

>> No.744517
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That said, thanks OP, you encouraged me to go and finally beat Final Fantasy IV (ds version), I always, ALWAYS put off end-game for jrpgs. I got to the lunar base on an emulator a DECADE ago, and likewise I believe the PS1 chronicles version, never beat it. Have had the DS version for years, played it off and on, reached endgame about two years ago, haven't touched it till tonight and beat it. Dat ending.
Now to get around to beating FFVIII, I'm also at endgame and have been for nine years. Here's hoping my save still loads.

>> No.744538

Don't forget to steal the Dark Matter from his Zemus form, OP. It does absolutely nothing.

>> No.744605

More health, more damage, higher stats, built-in Defense/MDefense UP and some other stuff. Also has Shock! (missing HP worth of dmg) and he has like 700 health. And 1.3 nerfs a lot of the more powerful stuff, like the Squire's Accumulate and Ramza Squire's skills, no brave raising so your brave is at 70 something.

Speed Save + Move HP-UP + Regen. Hell, Lancer/Time Magic with a shield, a mantle, magic defense up and move hp up is one hell of a tanky mother fucker.

>> No.744610


Fucking Zeromus. I never did manage to defeat his final form in that game.

I think I tried the final battle once or twice, each time expending all of my energy and resources just to get to Zeromus, and then he just fucking raped me both times. Didn't feel like grinding, so I just said fuck it.

Same thing happened to me in FFX against Braska's Final Aeon, he wrecked me at the beginning. Only for him, since I was older, I just grinded and wiped the fucking floor with him.

>> No.744629


My Ramza was a knight with a little bit of Squire and Chemist stuff, but not a ton. I don't know how I ever beat that asshole as a kid. I know it took forever, but I somehow did it.

Also never really had an issue with that rooftop one. Was that the one against the Marquis, or am I thinking of something else? My strategy as a kid tended to just be bullrushing the one guy I needed to kill if it was one of those battles where you only needed to get the main guy.

>> No.744720

I remember beating that fight after some Behemoth grinding(fuck those guys) and using can'trememberwhichstrategy, on the Complete Collection version. I could never bring myself to play the After Days.

>> No.744727

I seem to recall killing him by throwing Excalibur at him but I can't for the life of me remember why the fuck I would do that.

>> No.744738


>> No.744958

I killed him with Cecil and Rosa because everyone else constantly died and my guys were at level 50ish. You can totally do this.
and use your Elixers for fuck's sake

>> No.744978

I believe there is a cloning glitch, mayhaps you cloned excaliburs for the sole purpose of Edge doing 9999 each turn. Or maybe you just threw it because you gave Cecil Ragnarok and didn't need it anymore.

>> No.745261

This is one of the easier FF final bosses

>> No.745282

>Has anything similar to this ever happened to you, /vr/?

No, because I don't savescum through games.

>> No.745582
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