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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7425036 No.7425036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You ever lie about your retro gaming achievements? Like saying you 2-alled the whole Strikers 1945 shooter series? Or beat arcade games you barely play?
Are retro gaming liars (retardo) as bad as cheaters (schlauchi) Or worse?

>> No.7425054

who the fuck would I even lie to? nobody I know could give a rats ass about vidya game scores

>> No.7425105

Are cheaters as bad as people who collect dirty to later use on doxing members of their own community, Cee?

>> No.7425123

>are gaming liars worse than cheaters
They're the same, both are deceptive and should be banned and their scores removed.

>> No.7425145

I 1CC'ed a million games. Never crossed my mind to brag about it online. And although i grew up in arcades, score never bothered me. Like >>7425054 says, no one fucking cares. Apart from YOU OP.

>> No.7425151

That's the thing is if you play these games for le net cred, you can just lie and save yourself a lot of time.

>> No.7425181
File: 14 KB, 300x168, ''?DEMO_MOVIE??????????_CAPCOM?PSiKYO????????DC?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play for fun so no need to lie. But I see why rictardo lies to fit....he's a talker, a poser and needs an audience to listen and give him validation.

>> No.7425216

I dont mind schmups but if i find myself looking at a white screen full of bullets I would find myself in Halo 5 warzone, which was clearly inspired by 2hu faggots like you as a first person Schmup

>> No.7425220
File: 337 KB, 2000x2000, 73078U7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying Trigger Heart great game on DC. Too bad gus won't kick the Spanish Flu out, he's too chicken to enforce rules against cheaters and liars himself

>> No.7425225
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>> No.7425228

>I play for fun so no need to lie
this but stop talking about namefags.

>> No.7425231
File: 259 KB, 635x483, discord_tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish discord trannies would keep their drama on discord, or better yet, join the 41%.

>> No.7425257

Any reason not to play an ABC ship in Battle Garegga? Seems like pure advantage....

Yes synth is worse than sik at this point.

>> No.7425370

I'd dupe gold in MMOs and give it away for free and ruin the economy of servers lol that was fun

>lying about single player achievements like synthricardo or sikraiken
Only someone really desperate, nasty and weird would do that.

>> No.7425387

>ABC ship
Is that when you select a ship with all three buttons?

>> No.7425405
File: 1.45 MB, 3640x2140, average discord tranny lifestyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaked image of the faggot who keeps posting this thread

>> No.7425420

I beat Impossible Mission on the C64