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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7423717 No.7423717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>One guy is buying out EVERY SINGLE COPY of the game you're looking for, and putting it back up at 300% of the going price

How is this shit even legal?

>> No.7423726

short circuit the system and put on an eyepatch
don't give that fucker a dime

>> No.7423731

I'm not giving him a dime, but this is insane. I'm looking at PS1 games and these resellers are killing me. $50 for a 25 year old CD? Are you kidding me?

>> No.7423745

can you pickup a Japanese copy of whatever game you're after? It's either that or deal and play it via an ode

>> No.7423750
File: 765 KB, 504x504, thinking 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I play Japanese games on my PAL console? For example a european PS2 can play Jap PS1 games?

>> No.7423758

Emulate it you fucking mutt.

>> No.7423762

no, the systems are region locked and it's likely yout tv won't support 60hz, back in the import and piracy days this was fixed via per-game PAL patches, but that is a dead art

>> No.7423828

Lmao you complain for 50 bucks,maybe stop being poor.
Wait until the game you want shot up from 40 bucks to 300 in a month.

>> No.7423829

>what is a ps3
>a psp
>a ps vita
>a ps tv
>a modchip
>an ODE
>a software emulator
>a PS1 Mini

>> No.7423834

What game costs 300 bucks?

>> No.7423875

Obscure on ps2.

>> No.7424008

Emulation sucks

>> No.7424037

get a PS1 with ode or modchip

>> No.7424038

Pay thousands for a physical copy then. What are you complaining for?

>> No.7424047

that having to pay thousands for a video game because of usurers is utterly retarded. Are you daft?

>> No.7424061
File: 162 KB, 1242x810, BN-EI841_schwab_GR_20140902125020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL pay the reseller a 3x markup

>> No.7424085

What game? I'll emulate and enjoy it for you.

>> No.7424104

>it's worth thousands of dollars because I REALLY LIKE THE GAME!!
I would consider myself a "videogames are my life" kid when I was growing up. I'm good with playing emulators. How is it possible to be such a total faggot that you pay a 300% markup for an old video game when you have no plans to resell it for a profit?
If you need to play on the original hardware buy a flashcart or mod it you retard.

>> No.7424106

You do realize the fact its old makes it more valuable.
Also dont complain if the game is cheaper now than it was at release and adjusting for inflation 50 bucks is a fair price.

>> No.7424109

nigga who the fuck cares lol get yourself a FMCB card for your ps2 and be done with it, paying for playstation games = maximum cucked

>> No.7424114

I dont have anything to burn games retard.

>> No.7424115

Get rekt trash collectors.

>> No.7424130

Emulation surpassed all the benenift of real hardware years ago.

>> No.7424138

I can't even imagine that.
I've always had a burner, even my shitty x4 speed one in 1998, but then again, I'm a dumper so I also have ranges of specialized tools like eeprom programmers and bus pirates, still though, how did you end up in a place without access to a burner? Are you posting from a phone?

>> No.7424145

Not every PC has a CD / DVD burner in the current year, just saying.

>> No.7424163

You can get an external usb one for cheap

>> No.7424164

External USB DVD drives exist

>> No.7424192

this is honestly such a pathetic response. like, do you have a best buy or something near you? you do realize you can just get an external dvd writer for way less than the cost of one marked up game on ebay, right?

>> No.7424195

> I can't even imagine that.
> how did you end up in a place without access to a burner?
Have you been living under a rock for the last decade? Who the fuck owns a CD burner in 2021? Most people probably don't even own something that can read CDs/DVDs to a computer. And if they do, it's lost in a somewhere in their basement collecting dust.

>> No.7424197

and, on top of that, discs aren't even necessary. if you have a router with a USB port and a thumb drive/external HD/etc you can just load isos via ethernet

>> No.7424202

Shops around me dont even sell writable dvd anymore.

>> No.7424203

might as well just give up now if you struggle to purchase anything off the internet, god forbid $50 on a game too, you'll never make it through the eBay checkout

>> No.7424206

if you're prepared to pay $50, $100, whatever it might be, online presumably, for a single game, there is no way you don't have what it takes to go on amazon or some shit and have them drop off a stack of blank discs at your door. i'm convinced this is just bait now lol

>> No.7424213

Not him but since you are wise when it comes to pirating, how much should I expect to pay for an external USB CD burner, and writable CD's to go with it, do you think?

>> No.7424216

not that anon but I got some ASUS external cd/dvd writer years ago for like, idk, couldn't have been more than 50 leafbux

>> No.7424218

I just spent $35 on an external DVD writer and 100 blank CDs last week specifically to burn PS1 games

>> No.7424219

Not him but probably 30 bucks

>> No.7424221

That's how the free market works, what do you want?
>not accurate enough
Buy the original hardware but that leaves you open to it breaking and the price going up over time as it becomes more rare. Load programs using a flash drive or other mod
>muh authentic experience
Wait until 3D printers can print a working console and game cartridges

What else are you asking for, government price controls on used games?

>> No.7424234

real talk though if you're pirating ps2 then discs are basically the last resort. i'd say 85% of shit probably works without a hitch via ethernet, or HDD if you have a phat. save your laser for the stuff that absolutely will only work properly that way

>> No.7424269

>What else are you asking for
They think that by spending hundreds of dollars on obsolete things, they will be able to reproduce the same feeling or experience they had in the past (which is impossible, no matter what). this is why they trash talk about emulators or modern displays so much.
imo, they are nothing more than frustrated people stuck in the past and trying to replicate those vibes of nostalgia here in the present.

>> No.7424297

>Wait until 3D printers can print a working console and game cartridges
this is the dumbest thing I've heard in my life, plastic doesnt even conduct electricity how the fuck are you going to print pcbs, how the fuck are you going to print chip dies, you do know carts are full of literal GOLD, right?

>> No.7424336

Im not the one complaning about 50$ games,thats about on average what i pay for a game unless its for ps4 then its cheaper but not retro so.

>> No.7424348

>collectorfags trying to recreate their childhood
Meanwhile every normal person already got over that when replayed their childhood vidya on emulators 20 years ago

>> No.7424385

What,are you saying i should only buy current gen games and never explore the library of console i owned in the past since i didnt have many games growing up ?
I dont even have a pc able to emulate ps2 and it struggles on ps1 and n64 i just have a budget laptop.

>> No.7424660


It isn't exactly legal. Its legality status is undefined, actually. This is because I'm not looking for a physical copy of any game, ever. Buying up all the copies of something that doesn't exist isn't even possible.

Emulation, anon. Emulation.

>> No.7424664


If you can't afford a good PC then you can't afford a good collection of old games.

>> No.7424678

retro should be the cheap option, the bubble needs to burst

>> No.7424809

>Shadow Tower and Echo Night are ~300.00
End me.

>> No.7424813

You are retarded, I hope you waste lots of money for arbitrary reasons

>> No.7424856

Spotted the scalper

>> No.7424991

No im just someone who wants to play games,when i sell a game and its rare,i sell it for less than what i paid for.

>> No.7424993

Meant that its rare that i sell a game.

>> No.7424996
File: 40 KB, 536x573, 87dc4d012c20622ce3f876081fdcbbcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resellers HATE this guy!
>learn this easy simple trick!

>> No.7425020

FMCB can load from a hard drive. Rip out out of an old laptop or trashed pc, and bite the bullet on a $20 adapter.

>> No.7425063

whats the game Xenu?

>> No.7425085

So get an ODE, stop crying about it

>> No.7425087

He's right though, emulation does suck
ODEs/flashcarts are the answer

>> No.7425102

>i'm stupid and poor because i'm stupud
How is this shit even legal?

>> No.7425112

Your fault for letting the (((guy))) buy every copy of the game like the goyim you are.

>> No.7425117
File: 80 KB, 511x415, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One guy
Gee, I wonder who...

>> No.7425343

European tvs have supported 60hz since the 90's.

>> No.7426362

Well before that. "NTSC playback" was a thing on most poorfag sets and true multi system was a thing on anything not destined for the dark continents (Africa/Americfrica)