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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7420384 No.7420384 [Reply] [Original]

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 or 3? And why?
I'll go 3 > 1 > 2. 3 is the culmination of the previous 2 games and adds a lot of good detail to stealth. 1 just has much much better stealth than 2 and not really comparable. I thought 2 was great but the gameplay suffered for the sake of Kojima's story. "Recreation of Shadow Moses" my fucking ass.

>> No.7420418
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For me, it's the original Metal Gear on the MSX. None of the 3D games can compare tbqh.

>> No.7420426

The first game is the only one that's retro.

>> No.7420436

2 was the best especially if you factor in the extra missions on substance

>> No.7420716


>> No.7420725

2 = 1 > 3 >>> the rest

>> No.7420775

The boss fights in 2 are kind of weak compared to 1 and 3 though

>> No.7420867

3 > 1> 2

>> No.7421014

The story, writing and characters too.

>> No.7421093
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I love the story, gameplay, music, and the graphics. The Substance edition was even better with the VR missions, aside from some repetitive weapon missions.

There's not much I dislike other than Rose and the bosses being inferior to MGS1 and MGS3. MGS2 is a 10/10 for me.

>> No.7421497
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You can vote here https://www.strawpoll.me/42636636

>> No.7421659

Whoever voted MGSV should be shot

>> No.7421721

3 substance has the best gameplay in the series, if we don't consider 4 that isn't retro and improved just about anything from 3. The problem is, coming from splinter cell, you don't really know how you're supposed to play. Most of the times just running from point A to B is better since you're less likely to die and the alerts status will be zeroed at the first cutscene.
2 is great, and unlike 3 doesn't suffer from the topdown camera. However, 3 retroactively ruins 2 by building on top of it and adding things that you feel missing in 2. The VR missions are amazing, but there are so many gameplay mechanics that you don't really have to use in the main story, which make it look too simplistic.
1 is great technical achievement, but it doesn't really play as good as 2 or 3

>> No.7421745

2 is a great Kojima trip but it rides on 1 by design. 1 is just the perfect all around package. People really like 3's story but it doesn't feel like the rest of the game had caught up.

>> No.7421878

People keep telling MGS 2 is the on this thread but nobody is voting on this one

>> No.7422125

for me out of the 3, 2 has the best story, gameplay, art direction, music, atmosphere and level design.
This is what I think mgs is, should look, sound like, play and feel. It also shows that mgs is made for indoor areas and that's were mgs excels at. 2 has the perfect amount of both realism and supernatural/wacky kojima shit. I love mgs1, but it was more serious and leaned more on realism, even in it's supernatural elements, tech and wacky kojima stuff, it held itself back. 2 found the perfect middle ground, imo.
I used to think mgs3 was my favorite, but I always kept coming back to 2, and wishing the game behaved more like it, I always wanted to get to the indoor areas right away, and wanting more of it, those places always have a lot of replayability, and encourages experimentation, mgs core gameplay is built on that. Guards have better placements and rotations too, and kojipro are better at designing indoor areas, unlike outside where it has to be designed with mgs gameplay in mind and the environments also have to look organic.
Another thing I didn't like on the first few runs was the over encouragement of proning, it's a pace killer and it's too op, tho this stops being an issue after longer play time since you can pretty much manipulate the AI the more you get to know the systems, but during those first playthroughs, I would've preferred less encouragement for it. I also have a problem with camo outfits, it's the main gimmick, but the game doesn't really encourage you to change outfits all that much, you can easily deal with the drawbacks of the camo index with the current outfit you're wearing, the slight benefit you get by changing clothes via the pause menu isn't worth it a lot of the time, specially if it's a small area on the map the outfit covers.

>> No.7422201

>unlike outside where it has to be designed with mgs gameplay in mind and the environments also have to look organic.
I love MGS 3 but you're perfectly right. The forest looks nothing like a forest, and doesn't play like one.
>Another thing I didn't like on the first few runs was the over encouragement of proning, it's a pace killer and it's too op,
That's the best thing about the game. Not knowing where the enemies are (sure, you can use the radar) and slowly crawling inside an unknown area is peak stealth. MGS 3 shines in those little sandbox areas, like the base with the helicopter, that optional area where you get the sniper rifle, and places like that. Inside areas become less frustrating once you learn how to use CQC properly

>> No.7422212

this is more of a personal thing but 4 did it better, imo. The game constantly encourages you to use camo and the process is sped up considerably. I understand due to the setting this would be more difficult to pull off but it could've been done. With hindsight, we see how mgsv does outfit switching on the battlefield, this could've been used in 3 if they thought about it back then. Snake puts on the cbox, box shake animation plays, box opens and poof! outfit is changed, only taking like 3 seconds. Another thing that could've improved it and cut out the middle man of the Pause Menu, is being able to pick 3 main camos from your collection in the Pause Menu for faster switching. Sorta like bayonetta does where you can pick the weapons you want to switch to on the fly, but for mgs, you hold L2 or R2 to switch items. Think of it like equipping/unequipping your suppressor in 3 when you highlight your gun, but instead of the gun, you would highlight the CBox with L2 and then press circle, triangle or square to pick the outfits you want. This is how mgs4 does it with it's weapon attachments and Solid Eye.

>> No.7422219

Anyone that's played VR missions for 1 and 2 knows mgs's gameplay is supposed to be constantly flowing, with cutscenes/codecs and boss fights usually being the only thing slowing you down. Doing the things above would improve 3 a lot, for me.

for 3, the story is fine I guess, but I wanted more, story was lacking something, idk what exactly...After the rollercoaster of 1 and 2 and how much kojima put into those stories, both games were complete, full, flooded with lore, 2 helped explode that world with tons of it. 3, the world was smaller, the stakes lower(this is usually a plus to me but when it comes to mgs, lower stakes is a downgrade), and definitely more personal(tho this one is a plus not a negative but i think it took away from mgs3) it felt like it was missing a big chunk of world building, like the cobras, it's pretty surface level stuff with them outside of the boss and ocelot, sorrow showed promise but that goes nowhere fast, I think the end is the one that gets most of the love from the boss' disciples.
I think the best part of mgs3 is definitely the character development/moments with snake and boss, and most of the optional stuff with the codec crew.

>> No.7425059


Not only had the best memes but had the most cohesive plot and didnt do that faggot bait and switch with raiden as the MC for the entire game.

People were expecting the MGS1 remake on GC and mistakenly got duped when they bought MGS 2.
Twin snakes was what I thought MGS2 was as a kid since I dont give a fuck about big oil and the whole patriotism and not being a retard and following orders blindly to your death to be touching.

>> No.7425096


2 > 3 > 1. I actually don't like 1 that much. I hope that isn't a dogshit opinion.

>> No.7425180

I could agree with all of this and still think that MGS3 is a better game than MGS2 because MGS2 sabotages the time spent with it's own mechanics in order to "send a message" while MGS3 actually lets its gameplay speak for itself and breath. Seriously, you can talk up MGS2's stealth all you want(which frankly is pretty good) but there's only 6 rooms to utilize it in before the game drops it's own mechanics(another 4 including the tanker section). You can talk up the stealth of those 6 or so rooms all you want, but there's a certain point where breadth of player space becomes a relevant factor to gameplay quality. The VR missions are a nice addition in the expansion, but they are short and exist in a vacuum which isn't at all like how MGS plays during the real deal. The frank truth is that there is barely any stealth to be enjoyed in MGS2 before the game becomes an improvised action game. All MGS games have content variety sections but MGS2 barely lets you enjoy the nice game they built, and I'm not talking about cutscene density which can all be skipped, but the actual scenarios they have laid out for the player. MGS2's greatness is all based on theory of play where they spent more time building on the mechanics they laid out and less time pulling a post modern marketing stunt.

>> No.7425693

Honestly, none of them are worth playing. The story is schizo mode, and the gameplay hasn't really changed since 2. Dart everything in the head and move to the next area.

>> No.7427428
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I'm giving it a go right now, I'm liking it but man, I wasted 30 minutes to an hour backtracking and punching every wall on the first building to find the Enemy uniform. Also, were you really expected to try every single codec frequency to call Shcneider? I thougth the game would hand it to you eventually by releasing prisoners but the guy didn't call me till I was on the second building's underground floor, I even checked the game's manual just in case.
>no Ghost Babel

>> No.7427498

This was my biggest gripe with 2, there was little stealth involved, and it's more of a vehicle for the story.
I played them in a weird order so bare with me. The first time I ever played a MGS was The Phantom Pain. So I played 5, then 3, then 1 and then 2. Right now I'm playing through 4. I also played Peace Walker probably a quarter of the way through after 3.
2 is pretty mindfuck but the gameplay just felt done bad to me, at least in the sections between the Tanker mission and after Fat Man.

>> No.7427508

3 is the worst of the 3 Solid games.

>> No.7427518

3 is the best game even if my favorite is 2.
to me it goes 2 > 3 > 1
fuck backtracking in 1, 2 at least makes it quick

>> No.7427901

>fuck backtracking in 1
Just use the cardboard boxes in the trucks.

>> No.7428246

2 > 1 > 3

Don't get me wrong, MGS3 is a superb game. But its really just the normie fan favorite.

>> No.7428425

2 > 3 > 1
1 was great for the time but the shitty writing makes it tough to go back to. Kojima didn't even fucking know how genes worked for god's sakes.

>> No.7428552

3 is the best because it's a normie fan favorite. Kojima couldn't think of some self aging stunt in time to sabotage the game with and the plot actually has interactions that aren't just a series of exposition. Giving people what they want isn't a real flaw.

>> No.7428856

the gb campaign is full of terrible gimmicks.

>> No.7428864

2 was the only one that really felt like it got the stealth right. in mgs1 it feels almost like a gimmick, once you're past the command center it's basically over outside of some trivially easy sections. 3 feels like an awkward hybrid.

>> No.7429319

Unmemorable boss fights. The Cobras suck shit.
I like urban infiltration over the jungle.
The camo and healing system are neat ideas, but it actually means you pausing the game all the time.
Ocelot is a fucking goof.
I don't like the Boss. She actively ruined the MGS story going forward as she became the most important coolest person ever that everyone talks about all the time.

It's fine, but a letdown after 2, as I wanted the story to continue, not a prequal.

>> No.7429923

>She actively ruined the MGS story going forward as she became the most important coolest person ever that everyone talks about all the time.
Isn't that just what Big Boss was before the introduction of the Boss though? Nearly the entire conflict of the MGS saga could be summarized as "I wish I was Big Boss".

>> No.7429990 [DELETED] 

yes, one of the most disappointing things about the series to me was how ocelot was kind of fucked twice over. He gets replaced by liquid's persona in 4 and then when he finally has a chance to lay out his motivation he's just a bigboss fanboy. Snake and Ocelot's anonymity from 1(especially from the otacon ending) is the biggest hanging thread in the series.

>> No.7429997

yes, one of the most disappointing things about the series to me was how ocelot was kind of fucked twice over. He gets replaced by liquid's persona in 4 and then when he finally has a chance to lay out his motivation he's just a bigboss fanboy. Snake and Ocelot's animus from 1(especially from the otacon ending) is the biggest hanging thread in the series.

>> No.7430037

Yeah, but at least he wasn't a woman

>> No.7430046

Soooo.... You didn't play 4 huh?

>> No.7430051

enlighten me.

>> No.7430069

If you wanted the story to continue from 2, then you didn't understand 2, you massive brainlet nigger.

>> No.7430114

This. If we really needed another game then it should've been snake and otacon fucking around with freelance shit and getting caught in some bullshit. Not trying to wrap up shit that never meant to be answered. Maybe throw some nods to MGS2 here and there to keep fans wondering

>> No.7430203

3>2>1 in every way Story Graphics Gameplay.

>> No.7430321

Metal gear solid 3, that was my first mgs game and in the final credits of this i wanted to get up the couch and clap for kojima, he's a fucking master i love him so much my life was splitted to 2 after that day (before and after know mgs and kojima)

>> No.7431129

What an idiot I was, hoping that Metal Gear SOLID 3 would docus on the continuation of SOLID Snakes story. Before any idiot points out 2, that is a continuation og Solids story.
All I'm saying is that I don't give a fuck about Big Boss or the Boss. They both suck.

>> No.7431161

At least you admit to being an idiot. Not many do that.

>> No.7431802

You 3 fags are the worst

>> No.7431805

I'm a 2 fag. You're even more braindead than I thought.

>> No.7431807

Not him but you 2fags are lucky considering for years mgs 2 was heavily panned on this board

>> No.7431835
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some of you guys are alright, don't go to school tomorrow

>> No.7431883
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MGS2 chads, why people hated him so much? was the VA? or was he cringe?

>> No.7431902

Because the was kind of the point. While I do think Kojima is very overrated and sloppy, Raiden as a character worked as intended.

>> No.7431948

I don't care about Raiden or the trippy plot. In the end the avatar is an avatar and is superficial to the gameplay experience. I don't really care for MGS2 because it just turns into a low-res Metal Gear Rising Revengeance in the second half.

>> No.7431952

literal brainlet

>> No.7431991

You're not an intellectual for enjoying a shallow action game.

>> No.7431992

Only retards on Gamefaqs hated Raiden. Everyone I know personally who played it on release didn't care.

>> No.7432037
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>> No.7432257
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Just finished the first Metal Gear (MSX, GOG version), not bad for a first entry though the game can get really vague at times (all three roadblocks I hit were due to codec calls, Schneider not telling me where the Uniform was and Jeniffer not picking up your calls anywhere but two specific corridors). Gave MG2 a quick go, feels a bit more advanced and unforgiving but also sluggier.
I thought it was mostly alright though I can see why people would dislike things like the conveyor belt area, the computer room or the occasional breakable wall hunt slowing down the pace, a few Nikita puzzles also made me feel like a brainlet until I realized turrets wont shoot them down at full speed. I also disliked the way the ranking system works, it will outright say you did TERRIBLE if you don't complete stages withing a time frame, no matter if you went through unseen or didn't kill anyone. I'd say the game is still worth a playthrough if you have nothing to do or want to play something other than the popular games in the series.

>> No.7432267

Exactly as I thought.

>> No.7432532

Don't care, he's hot.

>> No.7433017

1 > 2 > vr missions > 3 for me
>other than Rose
What's wrong with her? She's cute

>> No.7433063
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AI Rose is annoying but Rose in MGS 4 can get the work

>> No.7434395

liquid never actually took over ocelot, it was just ocelot LARPing

>> No.7436206

He was basically in a state of hypnosis. Technically not a LARP.

>> No.7436283

1>2>everything else>3

>> No.7436462

I'm not talking about the in universe specifics of the plot. His character is largely negated for more liquid whatever the adhoc justification is.

>> No.7436497
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he actually did in mgs2, then ocelot got the roboarm and did the hypnosis, pretty anticlimactic if you think about it. It's such a huge problem for him, and liquid's schemes come together at the exact perfect moment at the end of 2 and then....ocelot is just like oh yeah I should probably amputate that thing lol.

>> No.7436647

Fucking garbage character.
Everyone else is okay. But not as effortlessly interesting as MGS1.
They all feel a bit tryhard.

>> No.7436695
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>no love in this thread for Peace Walker
why live

>> No.7436702

Does the HD version fix the amputee controls?

>> No.7436707


>> No.7436716
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This thread is 99% talk of 1-3, if you want to expand the discussion to 4 and beyond I'll go there. I've only played through about a quarter of Peace Walker but I really enjoyed it for the story. The watercolor/paint style cutscenes took some getting used to but the audio was extremely well done, with great voice actors (who doesn't fucking love Kaz?) I've been replaying the series and after I beat 4 I'm going right back to PW from the beginning, then GZ and maybe TPP but I've played that game enough. What did you think of GZ and TPP as sequels to the story in Peace Walker?
Yes the HD version is great, they made it feel like a real console game.

>> No.7436719

Yup. What a disappointment MGS4's plot was.

>> No.7436732

Damn. Here's hoping I can emulate it soon.

>> No.7436745

If you have an Xbox One or higher, both discs of the HD collection are backwards compatible.

>> No.7436759
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MGSV > MGS > MGS4 > MGS2 > PW > >MG > MGS3 > GB > MG2

>> No.7436760

Nah PCfat only

>> No.7436772
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Try the PS3 emulator or go all in on the PSP version
Lel you've got some splaining to do, you can't just put v at the top without saying why

>> No.7436782 [DELETED] 

>What did you think of GZ and TPP as sequels to the story in Peace Walker?
Big Boss or Big Medic whoever is the separator, in GZ him having some of that old nakedsnake autismo charm and actually showing a little emotion when he sees paz cut up and chico having a panic attack is enough for it to be passable even with all dumb baggage peacewalker has. Sitting through all the autistic one sided conversations in V is just cringeworthy even if it's supposed to show disassociation or whatever bullshit kojima was trying to do.

>> No.7436784

I think the rpsc3/xenia versions are coming along nicely, that's pretty much what i'm waiting for.
or ps3 prices dropping.

>> No.7436793


>What did you think of GZ and TPP as sequels to the story in Peace Walker?
Big Boss and Big Medic are the separator, in GZ him having some of that old nakedsnake autismo charm and actually showing a little emotion when he sees paz cut up and chico having a panic attack is enough for it to be passable even with something as stupid as the vagina bomb. Sitting through all the mute one sided conversations in V is just cringeworthy even if it's supposed to show disassociation or whatever bullshit kojima was trying to do.

>> No.7436796

hmm. pls no spoil im playing it right now I know what happens but I just haven't experienced it yet

>> No.7436805

probably better that you are spoiled, less disappointment.

>> No.7436809
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, METAL GEAR SOLID V_ THE PHANTOM PAIN_20150908173214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't just put v at the top without saying why

- Best controls
- Best level design
- Many ways to approach missions
- Dynamic objectives
- Comfy '80s military setting
- Comfy tapes to listen to while travelling
- Cool body horror elements
- Angry Kaz 'no girls allowed' Miller
- Sense of satisfaction you get from a perfectly performed mission is incredible

Game's fucking brilliant man

>> No.7436819

I'm already about 2/3s of the way through the game so I don't think I could get any more disappointed.

>> No.7436891

I'm an MGSfag and Peace Walker sucks dick.

>> No.7437006
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understandable, it gets really fucking repetitive, especially with the boss side ops.

>> No.7437020
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gameplay wise its pretty awesome, its how PW felt to me when i was younger, the mother base stuff is a little dumb down but other than that i liked it.
as for the story im a braindead retard. I liked finding the various tapes in GZ, i missed talkative and dry humor BB. imo TPP didnt really feel like a MGS game story-wise just weird.

>> No.7437035

>- Best level design
ah yes, empty boring desert map with outposts sprinkled about
>- Dynamic objectives
like...what? rescue soldier from camp 256 times? but oh wait, now it's endangered animals
>- Comfy '80s military setting
purely subjective, i liked mgs1's setting more
>- Comfy tapes to listen to while travelling
until you get a radio call which completely disrupts the tape recording
this is to make up for the pitiful lack of a story by the way
>- Angry Kaz 'no girls allowed' Miller
what? i know you're talking about miller being skeptical of quiet but who cares? why is this a selling point?
you forgot to mention the incredible addition of mobile game-esque mechanics by the way, like waiting for weapons and items to be researched or excursions that take real world time to complete. MGSV is a great game hidden under layers of strange and unnecessary changes.

>> No.7437051

3 is the overall best in the series I think, they're all fantastic though. 1 is a bit short in gameplay but the atmosphere of Alaska is amazing and it has arguably the best executed plot of the games, plus VR missions make it long enough.

I want to base my verdict on sentimentality in the end, but each of these three have some amazing moments. 3's ending is a tear-jerker but looking back I think 2's ending would hit me hardest as an adult. The story has a lot of suffering for Raiden as he learns about his life and how people around him used him as a tool, but then the conflict abruptly ends and he's left there confused on what to do now. It was more relatable than the other endings, I bet most people would be more like Raiden and feel totally lost. So in that respect 2 is my favorite overall, if not for gameplay then for the story and themes.

>> No.7437060

Those posts are all try hard psued nonsense

>> No.7437062
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Open maps are open yes, but once you get into the area the missions are in they are quite well designed and unique.
V had some of the best stealth in the game.
Also Kaz is fucking the man so I have to agree with that guy there. So many great lines from Kaz. That being said it's still not even close to the best. Like you said, it's very different.

>> No.7437068

This is only true if you ignore 4, which tbf, you should

>> No.7437078

Kill yourself

>> No.7437169 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 500x269, MGS2_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread feels like it's straight out of /v/, in fact any 3D Metal Gear doesn't feel like it should belong here (despite being relatively on-topic).
MGS3SE>MGS2SL>MG2>MGS4GP>MG1>MGRR>Ghost Babel>MGSVTPP>Snake's Revenge>MG1(Nes)

>> No.7437178
File: 36 KB, 500x269, MGS2_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread feels like it's straight out of /v/, in fact any 3D Metal Gear doesn't feel like it should belong here (despite being relatively on-topic).
MGS3SE>MGS2SL>MG2>MGS4GP>MG1>MGRR>Ghost Babel>MGSVTPP>PW>Snake's Revenge>POps>MG1(Nes)

>> No.7437192

The 6th gen is 20 years old and largely existed before gamemakers really ironed out the modern homogeneous control schemes at least on console.

>> No.7437213
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, METAL GEAR SOLID V_ THE PHANTOM PAIN_20151021180210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for weapons and items to be researched or excursions that take real world time to complete.

Real Diamond Dogs don't wait

>> No.7437217

>3 is best on a technical level
>2 has the best story
>1 has the best atmosphere and cast
I got to go with MGS1 as the very best. It may not have as much meat on the bone as the sequels but there's something about the atmosphere that really sets it apart.

>> No.7437428


>> No.7438329

>This entire thread feels like it's straight out of /v/
Zoomers on /v/ shit on this entire franchise

>> No.7438394

2 > 1 > 4 = 3 > 5

2 perfected the formula established in 1. Great stealth sections, cool boss fights, interesting story. 1 is still fun to play but hasn't aged as well. 3 attempted a new spin on the idea with imo mixed results (camo system is weird, food gathering is tedious after first playthrough). 4 had some great gameplay (particularly the first half) but forgot about the stealth aspect in the second half, same as 1. Plus the cutscenes are just ridiculous.

5 is the best MGS game for the first 2 hours until you realise you're just doing the same thing over and over. Plus they did Hayter dirty and I'm still pissed off about that.

>> No.7438427
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1 aged perfectly fine, if any didn't age well it's 2 and 3 for the shitty gun mechanics. 4's gun mechanics are borderline unplayable too.

>> No.7439197
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MGS1 gets the balance of real world military and sci fi fantasy just right, you can really immerse yourself in that world. It has a simple premise and a simple mandate, with high stakes.

MGS2 attempted the same but ruined it with a retarded protagonist, gay vampires, and bashing you over the head repeatedly with its clever-clever 'you are playing a game' meta.

I like MGS2, but MGS1 got it exactly right.

>> No.7439549

>if any didn't age well it's 2 and 3 for the shitty gun mechanics
How so? The only big changes I recall are lock-on and first person shooting.

>> No.7439948

I loved all the mainline Metal Gear Solids before it but Peace Walker was painfully bland
From the comic book cutscenes to the boring bosses, what the hell went wrong with Kojima

>> No.7439989
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2 and 3 the player controls the first person perspective with the left analog stick. I'm saying it aged badly because now that's done with the right stick in every game so that will throw people off.
4 suffers from bad framerate and the gun mechanics are bad for the era. Look at Cod and Halo in 2007 and then play MGS4 in 2008. If you want to compare a third person game you could even say San Andreas or GTA IV has much better over the shoulder stuff.

>> No.7440051

>I'm saying it aged badly because now that's done with the right stick in every game so that will throw people off.
I don't see how that makes it shitty. With any game, you get used to the control scheme within the first hour of gameplay.

>> No.7440084
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It doesn't make it shitty, it makes it aged poorly as some zoomies like to say.
I still play these games all the time, but there's no denying that your aim with the left stick is no where near your aim with the right stick, correct?

>> No.7440096

>If you want to compare a third person game you could even say San Andreas or GTA IV has much better over the shoulder stuff.
mgs4 wasn't max payne 3 or anything but it was a passable ots implementation, certainly better than sa's lock on crap, and I'd argue snappier and less sluggish than GTA4.

>> No.7440106

>there's no denying that your aim with the left stick is no where near your aim with the right stick, correct?
Correct. I understand. I just think it's an asinine criticism.

>> No.7440116

1 had a cyborg ninja so this is probably bullshit but something about it felt western in a way that 2 and 3 just don't, you're immediately aware that you're playing an anime with those even with the james bond riffing in 3.

>> No.7440413

you can't move in first person with either stick though, maybe it doesn't bother me since I don't play many dual stick fps. it's a weak criticism, few games from 2001 have the same control scheme as modern third person action games or first person shooters

>> No.7440990

The first person is static so it's really not that difficult of a transition. Static single stick shooting compliments console games well.

>> No.7441063

at least thats the point

>> No.7441067

because the gameplay is gimped and the story is retarded
its fine, i guess, but its so far below 1-4