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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 147 KB, 1200x800, card_catalog_filing_cabinet_data_repository_library_archive_index_sashkinw_gettyimages_1200x800-100757562-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7419269 No.7419269 [Reply] [Original]

What are your preferred methods for storing and backing up your digital games? Are you the type to have everything on computer or no? Do you have multiple backups? What devices or services do you use to organize and maintain your collection?

>> No.7419351

On my main PC as well as an external drive. I suppose technically my PSP has a lot of them too.

>> No.7419382

I download everything one rom at a time and curate everything on an SD and then cry when it dies and I can figure out how to use emuparadise any more.

>> No.7419392

Lots of hard drives

>> No.7419579

I have my games both on my PC and on an external hard drive. A lot of them are also backed up on an SD card in my hacked Nintendo Wii. I'm thinking I should have an off-site backup as well, just in case, though I'm not really sure which would be the best for that.

>> No.7419590

I've a home server, bunch of single drives with no redundancy.
For digitally downloaded stuff, I put a copy there when I buy em. If there's updates like with GOG games then I keep the old installer.
I've been considering digitizing my collection of optical media but that'd cost me like a thousand bucks in just hard drives so I've been putting it off.

>> No.7419597

That's like five 8 terabyte hard drives. Just how much fucking Optical media do you have?

>> No.7420125

I have an entire larp full

>> No.7420216

I follow the 3-2-1 rule. 3 backups, 2 accessible from your home, 1 in a different location, all different formats. My computer SDD (living room), external/portable HDD in my portable fire box/safe (storage room), and Google Drive for my off-site location.

>> No.7421282

>an entire larp full
What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.7421316

I wonder if there's a better long-term option than Google Drive. It works, but given that I have around 250GB and growing for games at the moment, I'd need their highest paid subscription to keep it up there, and I'd rather not spend $100 a year just to sate my paranoia.

>> No.7421379

My mom deleted my roms off her ipad because they were taking up too much space. I tried the emuparadise work-around but they have taken most Nintendo games off the site! Can anyone help, I really want to play Super Mario Bros 1 again.

>> No.7421670

A larper larping

>> No.7421775

I guess that would depend what you are storing. I have the 2TB plan and it's $10 a month or $100 a year. I focus on 3rd and 4th Gen with a sprinkling of 5th, along with important documents, photos, podcasts, etc. I'm sitting at 175 GB, only 7% of the storage (so far).

>> No.7421783


>> No.7421785

do you think 8tb is big or something? my raid array is 15tb, imagine being so poor you think somebody haveing just 8tb of hdd space is a larp, I feel sad for you

>> No.7421924

>do you think i'm larping and projecting
I know you are. Keep digging that hole little faggot. There can't possibly be someone on zoomerchan who can read posts and do math. To top it off, you think larping about having 15tb or raid is going to impress anyone. Wew lad.

>> No.7421935

>if i yell larp nobody can have more than 2 harddrives
you're a fucking joke, imagine having so little that you think everybody has to be a loser like you

>> No.7423556

>if i keep coping nobody will notice my larping
That boat sailed long ago kiddo

>> No.7423572

do you add anything to any thread ever, or do you just scroll around yapping "larp" to feel better about your shit life, after all, if everybody is secretly lying, they must really be a loser like you, what a sad self comforting method

>> No.7425284

Outing larpers is a public service

>> No.7425289

but he outed nobody, all he does is run around saying it and get proven wrong, fuck there was a 300 reply thread just filled with rare shit seen nowhere else that dropped on a larp-shouting spastic just last week

>> No.7425402


OP here to say that I'm really glad you shitted up my thread to complain about a supposed LARPer. It really added to the conversation.

>> No.7426448
File: 124 KB, 340x256, durka-durka-mohammed-jihad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He outed a larper. No amount of cope will change that

Larper here to say I'm, really butt blasted that i had to larp as a different larper because I already larped the larp of of this larp
larper larper larp larper larp larp

>> No.7426456

Google drive and mediafire

>> No.7426475

I have a 2TB harddrive I keep my games on. I don't buy any new games so it doesn't fill up. I also have a ton of other misc game stuff on there like a bunch of custom maps from obscure games, mods, templeos, source code for stuff like the Dark Mod, etc.

>> No.7426485

I also should mention I have a server that I back my computers up to incase one dies or something. I looked at cloud storage but it all appears to be a scam.

>> No.7426496

Who the fuck sets up their own home server with no redundancy or backup of any kind? Fucking subhuman.

>> No.7426501

What kind of RAID do you use?

>> No.7426509

What if the home server IS the redundancy for all your computers?

>> No.7426637

A dumb larper. Notice how his larp has evolved from that to having a whopping "15tb" which I guess is "RAID"0

Then you'd still be a poorfag larper that everyone laughs at

>> No.7427305

This post reads like a larper who lurked /g/ for 3 years and thinks his opinions is worth anything despite not being able to even manage a fucking command line.

>> No.7427330

>hurr durr I have 40 TB of optical media
>not a larp

You're all retards. Not even the entire PS1, PS2, Saturn, Xbox, Dreamcast, etc. library combined would hit that amount.

>> No.7427412

I'm pretty sure PS1 alone is almost a terabyte and the size of games grew considerably after dvds came around. It would at least be damn near close to that.

>> No.7427416


>> No.7427426
File: 5 KB, 765x80, romz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people acting like a few terabytes is big?

>> No.7427431

But then again having the entire libraries of multiple different systems on optical media sounds pretty far fetched and stupid.
who is

>> No.7427434

lmao at the bitches thinking just having 15tb is a larp, hey faggots, catch my tracker stats

Traffic:130.493 PB

>> No.7427667

I could see hitting 40TB if you had EVERYTHING for consoles up until 6th generation, but I don't see much point in keeping all of the shovelware and redundant titles on the PS1 and the 6th gen consoles. That's the point where you curate your stuff.

That said, with HDs getting cheaper, its not unreasonable or anything to think someone has 40TB of storage on hand. The whole LARP thing is just one of many annoying memes that are clogging up this place.

>> No.7427816

I have everything archived up to PS2.

>> No.7427843

you are an idiot and should not be allowed to post, just console shit breaches 50tb, adding PC stuff triples that

Dreamcast: 0.614 TB (564 dumps, avg. 1.11 GB per disc)
GameCube: 2.318 TB (1746 dumps, avg. 1.36 GB per disc)
PC: 7.370 TB (8200 dumps, avg. 0.92 GB per disc)
PS1: 3.605 TB (8204 dumps, avg. 0.45 GB per disc)
PS2: 16.046 TB (6844 dumps, avg. 2.40 GB per disc)
PS3: 14.889 TB (1618 dumps, avg. 9.42 GB per disc)
PSP: 1.325 TB (1586 dumps, avg. 0.86 GB per disc)
Saturn: 0.642 TB (1554 dumps, avg. 0.42 GB per disc)
Wii: 4.460 TB (1031 dumps, avg. 4.43 GB per disc)
Xbox: 11.274 TB (1585 dumps, avg. 7.28 GB per disc)
Xbox 360: 4.685 TB (658 dumps, avg. 7.29 GB per disc)

>> No.7427875

where can I download all of those?

>> No.7427878

>deleting individual PS1 games
Why bother, the entire USA redump set is under 600GB. The jap region set is almost 1TB but you could "curate" the entire thing if you know you'd never figure out what japanese region games to play.
>40 TB
Downloading every fullset for every /vr/ console would be more like 10TB, if you got every region. Downloading less than a complete set for any console 4th gen and under is retarded. For gen 5+6 just download USA sets and skip the moonspeak games and euroshitter 50hz demakes if you don't need absolutely everything.

>> No.7427894

if you don't know how to pirate, what the fuck are you doing on the chans

>> No.7428043

redump sets on archive.org and Total Dos Collection
the-eye.eu has exodos and a Win 3x collection
I have no idea where to find the redump ibm PC compatible set

>> No.7428046

it's been a secret every since hddx was shut down, nearly everything on the redump list is out there, but we do have a few cases of where dumps were lost, these are known as missing in action instead of the typical undumped status

>> No.7430775


>> No.7430786

archive.org is nice but I need to figure out a better way to pull shit down from it
A lot of the torrents don't get reindexed so that's not an option either

>> No.7431754

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