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7419223 No.7419223 [Reply] [Original]

If I never played a Final Fantasy (or JRPG) is the FF:Origins collections a good place to start? Can just emulate it or play on ps3 I don't think it matters much

I'm not asking which versions are the best because I'm aware there is no definitive answer, just curious if it's a good pick for a new comer and I'd like opinions from people who played them. I played a bunch of classic Resident Evil titles this year for the first time and it was amazing, I'd like to catch up on some other series as well, especially since modern games appeal to me less and less

>> No.7419234

yes it is

>> No.7419239

Not really imo; you should probably go for something more accessible and broadly rewarding for regular players.

5th gen jRPGs are a good place to start, but if you feel something 2D is more appropriate go for a later 4th gen one like Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger.

>> No.7419249

it fixes the bugs, the originals were barely functioning, half the spells and attributes did nothing at all
I would say its a better place to start than the actual originals, enjoy yourself and turn the music up

>> No.7419254

I'd like to start at the beginning, I meant to ask if FF:Origins is a good place to start playing FF1 and then 2
ah sounds like an easy deal then

>> No.7419274

Most likely you know this, but there's no real continuity in the series, at least when it pertains to /vr/-compliant entries.

Of course you can start from 1 and 2, but although they're not exactly bad games they are extremely barebones in terms of the sort of frill that later became standard for the series and genre, including detailed settings and stories.

If you really have never played a single jRPG, I'd really recommend going in through something that gives you a little bit more to go on. It's fine to backtrack later and play them as a curiosity, but do consider the fact that there's no real benefit in playing them chronologically.

>> No.7419287

there is a benefit to playing them chronologically but it's more so you can see the progress, missteps and evolution of the franchise, but yeah you're not going to wring any story or interconnected lore from it

>> No.7419290

Yea I know, but I like to experience how well received series evolved mechanically over time, plus I'm autistic so skipping one is hard for me unless it's truly awful, kinda why I also have a hard time just picking up a version to play

Would you recommend I play something from some other series first maybe? I really never played a JRPG, maybe I should give Xenogears a go instead?

>> No.7419295

Since OP is emulating I'd recommend just playing the WonderSwan versions with translation patch, they are the source of the PlayStation ports except with snappier load times and chiptune-esque OST.

>> No.7419297

I'd recommend starting with 4, 6, or 7 for Final Fantasy. But origins is not a bad choice.

>> No.7419305

I would go for the GBA versions over PS1 personally. But if the load times have been addressed in the PS3 version that should be fine.

You will find them pretty bones but both are still good and FF2 is among my favorites in the series. The only piece of advice I'll give is when you play 2, absolutely avoid exploiting it by attacking your own party members. Yes you can get very strong very quickly like that, and you can get end game equipment and spells before even going to the first normal dungeon, but that's the problem. All tension will leave the fights and the whole game becomes a boring slog of completely pointless, very frequent random encounters. Many people do this and it's why it's probably the most widely disliked Final Fantasy in the series.

>> No.7419321

I want to eat a chocobo. Not in some creepy vore furfag way, I just have to know if its chicken.

>> No.7419331

If you're going to try out a series from the start, go with Phantasy Star. For one it's only really 4 games so easily completable, the first game is really one if the best 8bit jrpgs ever and holds up very well to this day. 2 and moreso 3 are both flawed but still very interesting in their own ways and then 4 is again one of the best 16 bit jrpgs ever made.

Lunar might be worth trying (stick with sega cd versions). I don't care for them but many like Dragon Quest series. Breath of Fire is kind of bad for the first two games but is a good entry and 3 and 4 are solid. Chronotrigger might be a good starting point.

Don't start with Xenogears.

>> No.7419332

Seconding this. Anyone remember WarMECH's Domain? They had all these cool comparisons between different versions of different games, and it surprised me how much the PlayStation version stretches the screen taller to give the illusion the aspect ration is bigger than it actually is (they even had to redesign a few sprites to disguise it like the final boss of FFII). Too bad that site is lost to time, don't think it was archived.

>> No.7419335

It would taste like ostrich

>> No.7419340

They taste like chocolate sticks, like Pocky obviously. It's right there in the name.

>> No.7419359

I'm usually a hardcore originalist and hate all remasters and remakes but the originals are actually the worst way to experience theses, just from the bug standpoint, even if none of us noticed these bugs at all back then.

>> No.7419395

Decided to just say fuck it and loaded FF1 on duckstation, that CGI intro was cool as fuck, all old games were cool like that. Moved a couple of spots and got a random encounter, combat kinda reminds me of HOMM3 which is the nearest game I played that is like this I guess. Playing in software mode and I dig the artstyle, think I'm gonna enjoy this

>> No.7419654

What party did you go with?

>> No.7419679

Don't even bother, jarpigs are garbage, especially final faggotry.

>> No.7419680

Best place for you to start is Final Fantasy X and X-2.

>> No.7419807

just default warrior/thief/white/black mage

but I did name the thief Garrett :3

>> No.7419810

what are you some kind of crossdresser?

>> No.7419828

I won't say to restart, it's not like the game is that hard (I had one in my first playthrough) but sadly Thief is the one class that actually sucks. At least in the version you're playing I believe it's not bugged but it is the only class you can't solo the game with. Anyways have fun!

>> No.7419895
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Just FYI, the default party depends on the version you're playing, with the original NES version having Monk and Red Mage in place of the White and Black Mages, respectively.

>> No.7419904

yea it was hard enough deciding what version to play, I'll worry about min maxing if I decide to play the dawn of souls version too
PS1 origins here

>> No.7419906

I and II were cute for their time but are pretty forgettable. IV and VI were the real can't-miss Nintendo-bound Final Fantasy games. If you're dead set on playing these games though, the Playstation version's the way to go.

>> No.7419931

>sets the template, tropes and standard for the series
It's like you don't know what words mean

>> No.7419983

IV really solidified the formula though. The NES games feel far more expirimental. Also the round-based combat feels a bit awkward compared to the turn by turn method of subsequent games.

>> No.7419985

2 was very experimental, I'll give you that, 1 was as safe as it could have been, they had to be safe, if this game didnt sell, square was under

>> No.7419997

>Thief is the one class that actually sucks.
Fortunately in Wonderswan-onward, Thief is a little less useless due to fixing bugs such as the running glitch and especially making Temper/Steel work as it should in battle, though yeah, it'll still be the weakest link among the physical-focused classes. I think the idea was for Thief and Monk to both be "investment" classes, where Thief gets good via class change and Monk gets good via grinding (and inversely has minimal class change [actually slightly worse on NES due to lowering the magic defense stat, dunno if that's still the case in remakes]), but despite that they never really buffed Thief's promotion in the remakes to actually make it worthwhile.

>> No.7420015

The PS1 versions of the FF games are all solid. Keep in mind there's a lot of disinfo about load times for these games but in playing both the original 1.0, greatest hits revisions, etc. there is no load times longer than anything on the SNES.

>> No.7420034

>Keep in mind there's a lot of disinfo about load times for these games but in playing both the original 1.0, greatest hits revisions, etc. there is no load times longer than anything on the SNES.
Yeah, there is a disinfo campaign, and it's you. Final Fantasy IV on PlayStation is pretty good though, but it's the outlier.

>> No.7420038

There's literally no load times.

>> No.7420052

You are literally full of shit.

>> No.7420056

I'm tired of nintendo fans lying about load times that don't exist. What load times are there? Tell me about them.

>> No.7420061

The SNES Dragon Quest remake might be a better starting quest. It should take you just like 8 hours to finish, you have to only manage 1 character, his stats and equipment. I think it's the quintessential "gateway RPG" preparing you for more complex stuff.

>> No.7420069

Why would you play the PSX version when GBA and PSP exist?

>> No.7420086

Are you being ironic? Have you never played them on original hardware? 1 and 2 aren't horrible, 5 is literally unplayable they're so bad.

>> No.7420090

What about 6 and chrono trigger?

>> No.7420095

Because slapping an MP system in a game that wasn't meant to have one isn't even remotely close to "improving" anything.

>> No.7420103

>nintendo fans
Dude, just because this board is called "Retro Games" doesn't mean we have to reenact the tribal console wars.
I can tell it's going to be a waste of time to "tell" you, so instead of that, I invite everyone reading to just hop on to YouTube and compare some playthroughs to inform yourself. You'll see observable differences between startup, battle/loading transitions, entering and exiting basic menus, saving, etc. This isn't to "knock Sony" or whatever that anon seems to think, but it's just intrinsic to the cartridge versus CD format at the time. Of the SNES->PS1 ports, Final Fantasy IV is the only one where you're not actively punishing yourself if you're playing the PS1 version when you have access to the original.

>> No.7420109

>Dude, just because this board is called "Retro Games" doesn't mean we have to reenact the tribal console wars.
You're telling that to the wrong person. I've got no biases here, just observing what I see. Why don't you want it pointed out? I'm playing on real hardware by the way.

>> No.7420119

>Why don't you want it pointed out?
What a random thing to troll, but you do you.

>> No.7420126

What do you think of the 6 and CT ports? Tell me about their load times.

>> No.7420159

6 and 4 I didn't play because I didn't care for 4 and it felt like I'd played 6 too recently. Chrono Trigger was by far the worst of the lot. I suffered through 5 even though it sucked, CT I literally got only a handful of hours in and found it legitimately unplayable. If you want that emulate the original or play on DS.

>> No.7420164

OK so thank you for clarifying about Chrono Trigger. I haven't tested 4 and 5 as most complaints are leveled at 6 and CT, and can confirm all versions of CT have identical load times to the SNES, basically none. Thank you for throwing your credibility out the window here, I was curious how long you'd keep the lie up for and that confirms it. Kindly fuck off you nintendo troll.

>> No.7420173
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Do you get off on this.

>> No.7420182

I am directly interested in dispelling lies, I have no other motive.

>> No.7420195

You're either insane or have no sense of time. I played CT on a SNES, the PS1 version runs like complete garbage. When I love a game that much but can't stand to play it there's something seriously wrong. Holy shit, no joke you sound bonkers.

>> No.7420202

Gaslighting. Why are you so protective over the SNES version?

>> No.7420220

I'm certainly no Nintendo fan if that's what you're still driving at. I was hyped as fuck to play the PS1 version. Why are you pretending one of the most widely documented and complained over reasons for it being a legendarily bad port are all made up? People have been talking about this for years. I know because I used to rant till I was blue in the face over it. To this day I think Square owes us at least a partial refund for releasing a basically unplayable version of the game.

You're really, seriously and earnestly saying that you played CT on a SNES then were happy with the PS1 port and didn't notice ANY load time issues? Because you might be the only person on earth who didn't.

Again if you're not trolling, there's something fucked with your brain.

>> No.7420227
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>> No.7420238

Widely documented by who? Just how long are these load times? The fade in-fade out of entering battle, entering a menu, transitioning an area is basically instant, just like the original. The "worst" Chrono Trigger gets is a fade to black, fade in that takes about 1.5 seconds when entering the menu.

Do I have to start posting comparisons recorded from real hardware? I don't think anyone has done any serious comparisons of this. The SNES original may be faster, but if 1.5 seconds is a long time to you then I don't think you're a reliable surveyor of this information. I get that it's a widely repeated meme, sort of like how a lot of people blew in their cartridges when we were kids. Lots of memes carried on. Some people still think PS2 component is worse than RGB when it turns out cheap cables were the problem. These popular games seem to be victims of these memes.

You've never played them, otherwise you wouldn't be lying about them so heavily unless you had some other motive. I think you do, seeing as how hard you protest about being identified as a fanboy.

>> No.7420249

By discussion forums since the game was released. Holy shit this has to be bait or you're crazy but I know first hand how unplayable it is. Spread all the lies you want to trick some poor sap into buying your copies off eBay or some shit but I'm not wasting more time on it.

>> No.7420254


>> No.7420256
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I'm sorry anon, those discussion forums are lying to you. I know it's hard to believe but fanboys may have lied to you, but it's the truth. If people can get the same (in CTs case, a better experience) on a far cheaper copy on the PS1 vs the overinflated SNES game, go and buy the PS1 game. You'll save a lot of money.

>> No.7420258

Load times on 6 are insane. You can open and close the menu screens like 4 times on snes for every one on the ps1

>> No.7420259

It's about 1 second.

>> No.7420270
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Damn, man. You must be hardcore lonely if your self-defense mechanism is spending Valentine's like this. Wherever you are, I genuinely hope you help yourself get out of this rut. This anon deserves our pity, not our scorn.

>> No.7420275

>hold on babe I gotta reply to this anonymous guy talking about final fantasy 6 on the playstation during our dinner date.

>> No.7420276

I was in them myself ranting about how angry I was over one of my favorite games getting one of the worst ports in history. And no, I wasn't lying to myself.

But whatever, I know my experience. I don't know what your angle here actually is but I don't care if it's stupidity or malice. I'm not wasting more time on you.

>> No.7420280

Bye bye.

>> No.7420283

Not him but you're an absolute retard who had to have played on an emulator or off an SD card. It literally takes 10+ seconds to open the fucking menu

>> No.7420286

>next level trolling

>> No.7420289

I actually played on a 25 year old console with a mediocre burn on best buy verbatim discs. Took 1.5 seconds to load the fucking menu.

>> No.7420337

It's really not next level, this is classic /vr/ trolling in the vein of Scotformer, Sega System etc. You find a hot take like "people have been lying for decades about shitty loading in the PS1 FF ports" and then try to meme it hard enough that some sap somewhere mimicks and then you feel special. On a given day a good third of threads can be these threads. Also, prepare for full threads on it soon given how many bites he got.

>> No.7420340

>Widely documented by who?
"As with Square's previous Super Nintendo-to-PlayStation releases, Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger appear on the Sony machine courtesy of emulation, and as such their technical quality is acceptably lacking. Though they run serviceably, enough minor discrepancies exist between these emulated versions and their cartridge originals to make picky Square stalwarts wince on occasion. Final Fantasy IV was the first game Square released for the PlayStation in Japan, and it has a few slowdown problems, especially in battles, and awfully muffled sound effects. As the last SNES port, Chrono Trigger's emulation issues are ironed out, >but its long and frequent loading is somewhat annoying. These flaws aren't really glaring and shouldn't stop you from playing the games, but purists should consider themselves warned."

>> No.7420346

Blowing in your carts is actually good. The japanese "tomb raiders" on saturn is the definitive version of the game. saturn was the definitive platform for tomb raider.

reviews are not reliable.

>> No.7420352

Thanks for destroying the thread, you stupid faggot.

>> No.7420359
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>saturn was the definitive platform for tomb raider.
Oh c'mon, that one was actually true.

>> No.7420363

All I did was make a humble recommendation, helpful advice shooting down often repeated rumors, speculated about the origin of them. Then I was attacked for it. Don't like it? Stop lying about it.

one of the devs literally confirmed this was not the case.

>> No.7420397
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>reviews are not reliable
>For real guys, this problem fans have been complaining about since the port was released was all a devious misinformation campaign by Nintendo fans. Saying otherwise is obvious gaslighting! Really!

>> No.7420402

We all know what you did and why.

>> No.7420408

YouTube is part of the disinfo campaign conspiracy, the reptites add fake loadtimes when editing their videos.

>> No.7420414

battle transitions take just as long as on the original tho.

Tell we I said "hi."

>> No.7420427

>reviews are not reliable.

>> No.7420429

The PS1 ports of both the classic FF games and Chrono Trigger are outright fucking terrible garbage and should be avoided at all costs
hell they are probably the actual worst versions

>> No.7420443

Origins is fine

>> No.7420453

WonderswanColor FFIV is the inverse of FFI&II and is pretty dreadful, so I'd say that's the worst version. Basically, it can handle 8-bit conversions with flying colors, but 16-bit conversions were another story. Also, Origins is nowhere near the worst version of FFI. That's the MSX version.

>> No.7420463

the NES originals are the worst versions, especially FF1, it is bugfucked

>> No.7420470

1.5 seconds to load a menu in a JRPG is pretty ridiculous

>> No.7420509

I don't remember the exact times I measured them last week but it was about 4x faster on snes. Maybe 3x. Also the transition times were not symmetric, on longer than the other. I think menu to map was slower than map to menu. This was true on snes also bur the difference was very hard to notice if you weren't opening and closing a lot of times in a row. It was trivial to notice on ps1.

>> No.7420519

It's like .5s on snes. You open the menu a lot. It makes a big difference.

>> No.7420520

Not even close. That's why it gets brought up so much.

>> No.7420587

how dare the snes do this

>> No.7420614

Blowing in carts is sorta good sorta bad. It does work, but why it works is your moist breath leaves a thin film of moisture that helps make the connection. But over time it leads to corrosion which might be the problem in the first place but slowly makes it worse.

>> No.7420625

More like 7 second load times. Fuck that shit. It's noticeable every time you go into the menu screen.

>> No.7420652
File: 2.36 MB, 654x480, 2021-02-14 19-46-30.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these load times are really blown out of proportion.

>> No.7420689

That's cute. Now why didn't you battle Gato and show off the famous Chrono Trigger active battle system?

>> No.7420761

hold up lil nigga im checking out ff6 so far the only long thing about it is this shitty intro

>> No.7420784
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this one also has short load times lol whats the big deal? just trying to keep those cart prices up?

>> No.7420809

>just trying to keep those cart prices up?
Is that what your mental illness is about?

>> No.7420851

Are you emulating?

>> No.7420901
File: 2.84 MB, 654x480, 2021-02-14 19-46-303.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thats why it looks like soft shit, its going from the ps1 thru hd rectalvision cables to a crt with passthru and to a retrotwink and then into an elgayto. finally compressed by webm4retards because cli is for nerds. ff6 is also shit and 7 is better in every way

>> No.7420919

>7 is better in every way
does 6 have a scene where the main (male) character gets anally raped by a group of strongmen in a hot tub room?

>> No.7420924

no but it does have a cringe opera scene lol talk about gay

>> No.7420932

yeah, to be honest, that doesn't really sound as gay as a twink getting raped.

>> No.7420937

found the queer

>> No.7420940

jokes aside, you play a male rape game. that's pretty gay. we out.

>> No.7420945
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speak for yourself gay boy advance lmao

>> No.7421116

>ah sounds like an easy deal then

It's not. The creature you're replying to is just repeating bandwagon talk that became popular once most people learned about games that old via this kind of "online scholarship" method of deliberately reviewing history rather than by seeing them at the game store or rental shop as children and trying them out and loving them. People who did the latter didn't notice or care about the bugs. Play the originals, or if you must play patched versions of them that fix the bugs. There is a very high chance that you wouldn't see any significant difference between the two, were you to try both.

Don't be taken in by "ACTUALLY Castlevania 4 is bad because of what Egoraptor said about the whip!!"-style fads. If you want history, play what people played then. If you want a new game, play a new game. Don't play watered-down hybrids like FF Origins that leave out the strongest flavors of either.


There's no CGI intro in a Famicom game from 1987. All old games were not cool like that. You're re-chewing prechewed food. Try some casual games on your cellphone next, but make sure to do all the microtransactions and get all the best powers before you start so you don't end up having to do anything that might be a little bit difficult or unfamiliar.



>> No.7421136

Xenogears a shit

>> No.7421407

Real talk, I played the original release of FF1 on NES and liked it well enough but I honestly can't think of a single reason to recommend it over any of the later ports which were done better. Just because we didn't notice the bugs that much doesn't mean someone else should have to tangle with them.

>> No.7421484

why are you sperging out when somebody mentions how bug ridden ff1 is?

>> No.7422453

I would say no due to the loading times

>> No.7422697

FWIW we did kind of notice the bugs, sorta, we just didn't realize it
What I mean is, you probably used FIR2 more times than you can count. But if you wasted your money on LOCK, you used it once or twice then never again, and reloaded your save if you were smart.

>> No.7422704

I'm pretty sure FOG did fuck all too

>> No.7422717

I just tried the Origins versions and GBA versions back to back and decided to go with GBA. If I could I would play the PSP versions of both, no idea why those were never powered to any other platform or even made downloadable on PSN

>> No.7422907

I'd recommend the GBA releases of I and II. III is fine on GBA and DS.
IV-VI are best played on GBA with a soundtrack mod, since they have the superior translation
VII-IX are best played through their current steam releases because again, better translation (VII's OG translation was done in like a month).
X | X2 is best played on PS2.
XI had its servers shutdown but there's probably a workaround.
XII is best played through either its PS2 release or The Zodiac Age.

>> No.7422989

Definitely not. The animations and subsequently the overall pace and feel of the gameplay is absolutely fucked. FFIV GBA is far and away the worst version to play and it's not just because of the shitty sound. It is recommended only by people with no standards who play anything just to tick it off the list.

You're over-rating the importance of translation especially for the older games, and even then there are plenty of translation mods if you care that much.

>> No.7423074

>these load times are really blown out of proportion.
Are you being serious?
Holy shit you have low standards. I just ran the same transitions on snes9x and what took you 22 seconds took me 11 seconds.

(sorry I'd post a webm but can't figure out how to get it properly compressed and have better things to do than dick around in openshot all day long)

>> No.7423091


>> No.7423106

He's making an excellent point about preferring original games whenever possible (patched if necessary). More often than not, remakes have noticeably less soul than originals. Originals were the games that got popular and the reason why you know even about them today. Remakes and ports are cash grabs.

Ports can be worth it if they are done well. But waiting 3 seconds instead of 1 second every scene transition might not seem like much but subconsciously it's a death by a thousand cuts. In the original game, developers went the extra mile to make it run fast and smooth and be an overall enjoyable experience in every way possible. The C-team managing the port can't be bothered with shit like that, they know people will buy it anyway and no-taste cucks will defend them. This shit just gets worse if they have to re-implement game systems, adapting it for different hardware and so on. That's how you wind up with shit as absolutely soulless as the GBA version of FF IV.

Personally I think the FF:Origins games are pretty good as remakes go. But he makes a good point.

>> No.7423109

play it on any emulator or original SNES hardware and you will see that you are playing a retarded version that sucks and are trying to back-rationalize your wasted time and money.

>> No.7423154

it cost me a $.02 burned disc to play anon, is that a lot to you?

>> No.7423204

People with emulators try to give their opinions on what they think original hardware might have been like and pretend widely criticized loading problems never existed.

>> No.7423548

>They taste like chocolate sticks
Bullshit. If they were that tasty, they would have been hunted to extinction long ago, regardless of their usefulness as steeds.

>> No.7423551

More like nincels lying about a rumor they heard and keep repeating. Happens all the time, this is just another instance of it. Gotta buy those original cartridges ;)

>> No.7423560

this is the epitome of boomer posting

>> No.7423561
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>> No.7423602

You're utterly retarded and very obviously never played the originals then their ports.

>> No.7423605

Literally recorded myself playing them last night you lying faggot lol get exposed some more

>> No.7423628

Those webms show how shitty it is.

>> No.7423639

>bro the load times take MINUTES
>actually it's just a few seconds, basically like the snes original
ok lol

>> No.7423645

Curious that you don't show a battle. Now where's your webm of the same on real hardware?

>> No.7423654

Minutes is an obvious exaggeration, but it's still much worse.

Seconding this.

>> No.7423667

>obvious exaggeration
>entire thread is just people believing obvious exaggerations for 20 years
yeah I think it's safe to say that's not the case.

>> No.7423678

The lag is extremely noticeable particularly in battles which there are a ton of. Sorry people not being happy with a shitty port hurts your feelings or something but this hasn't been criticized for so long without reason.

>> No.7423682

Give us a side by side comparison going into battle on SNES hardware and then the PS1 version.

>> No.7423789

well this took a weird turn. I played FF1 origins for an hour today and the game is really comfy, personally I play it on duckstation software mode, could have just as well played it on ps3 but this is more accessible

is the GBA version something I'd enjoy playing immediately afterwards or should I postpone it for later?

>> No.7423821

The GBA version is quite different. I don't remember if they changed this in the PS1 but you don't whiff on an enemy if two characters attack and the first one kills it.

More importantly the magic system is different. Instead of having a certain number of each spell it goes to a more normal (by now) MP system.

It's also very very easy which is sort of good in you can almost speed run it and grinding isn't necessary at all. I'd say if you liked 1 when you finish it then playing the GBA one can be an inter different take.

>> No.7423936

No retard 3 seconds is a long fucking time. That's what people have always complained about. If you thought they meant it was literally minutes that's on you for being retarded (although that is proven quite conclusively by this point from your other posts so no surprise there)

>> No.7423945

More than the $0.00 it takes to play the original on an emulator but then we've already established you aren't very good at math.

>> No.7423978

>play the peak RPGs so everything you play afterwards will suck ass to you
Fuck this guy, FF1 is great, and aside from the (((load times))), PS1 is a good version of it.

>> No.7423985

>there arent any female characters
This is the real reason trannies dislike FF1.

>> No.7423990

He obviously doesn't have it on SNES that's why he's having such a fit.

>> No.7424301

Play the PSP version, it's an improved version of the GBA port, so the GBA games are passable. The PS1 version is okay, but NES is shit. So, no need to bother with anything other than the PSP version.

Same as FF I, only any version before GBA is utter dogshit. The game mechanics are a clusterfuck and boring, but at least the PSP and GBA versions don't reduce your stats. So play the PSP version.

NES is pretty bad. The DS remaster is much better and the PSP version is easier and more convenient to emulate. So play the PSP version.

Best 2D version is the PSP version with extra content, although the DS 3D version is fun. Play FF IV Complete on PSP and the 3D version on DS is ok.

>FF V and VI
GBA versions have slightly more content with slightly inferior quality compared to SNES and PS1. Any of them is okay.

PS1 versions of course.

>> No.7424483

This thread is some of the most intense cope I've ever seen on 4chan. Bravo.

>> No.7424685

But in his first post he specifically says there's no difference between the SNES and PS1 versions. He wouldn't just make that up and lie about having played both!

>> No.7424769

>what is white mage

>> No.7424774

FF3 is dogshit on any platform. Slot system for magic is atrocious game design.

>> No.7424775

it's a priest, and priests are not female

>> No.7424795

ff5 is a good start, 1 and 2 is godawful

>> No.7424812

NES versions have mucho soul. FFIV and V as well. All remakes and games after that are soulless.

>> No.7424870

is ff9 the only one with a playthrough time limited item?

>> No.7424939

It's different but I don't mind it. Most games you have like 20 spells but usually end up using the same few over and over. Spell slots makes you be strategic and use the whole range. I grew up on D&D though.

>> No.7424941

I'm pretty sure yeah and the item is nowhere near worth the hassle it takes to get.

>> No.7424948

yes, running through the games at top speed wont get you anything new, only 9 has that "secret", the later games, like 12, also pull some shady shit however, if you loot the early chests as you have been trained to, those chests will not contain the things you need for the best gear later on, X-2's 100% completion simply cannot be done without a guide, as the percentage counter requires you to see every line of dialog and some of these are hidden behind having to talk to the same one off npc, 10+ times, to trigger a new line

never go for ff x-2 100% completion, you will be furious at the end when its stuck on 99% and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.7425010

It was my 1sr ff is say yes then feel free to go off and play some ps1 era games it's not a bad way to get in to the series.

>> No.7425051
File: 16 KB, 500x565, 1609745513537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if anyone has brought up the really nice psp ports but im having a psp problem with sudden save data corruption. I was playing iv complete and all of a sudden mid save i got corrupted save data. I cant find anything on this, im using a real duostick/save card on real hard ware with a real umd, does anyone at all have any idea what i can do to avoid this? Reset to factory default but now im saving multi files to keep my progress. Sorry to blog and interrupt this nice thread but im lost on this. Thanks for not retroing and blog posting this.

>> No.7425093

Zodiac Age fixes the chest issue but it's outside /vr/ so that's all I'll say to avoid going further off topic.

FF1 on PS1 is good. Versions from GBA onward have a difficulty drop. PSP is based on GBA and is frequently recommended for QoL changes and nice visuals. FF2 on Famicom is broken. Avoid at all costs. PS1 is good. As with FF1, later versions have lower difficulty and are sometimes recommended. My own personal experience with FF1 and FF2 was regrettably on GBA. They were the last games in the series I needed to play to complete all the mainline SP games and I didn't want too much of a fight. In hindsight, I think I was lazy. Take that as you will.

>> No.7425128

PSPs are just built like shit and tend to fuck up in various ways. Just keep up with multiple saves.

>> No.7425140

It's fun how you pretend to have a voice of authority on all the versions while at the same time admitting you only played the most dumbed down one once. It's like all /vr/ in a delicious nutshell.

>> No.7425142

The least of the problems with FF3.
>Mini Dungeons
>Frog Dungeon
And before you say play the DS/PSP version: NO. Fuck those made up “characters”. There are no women in FF3, and again, this is why trannies dislike it.

>> No.7425298

Rent free.

3 is solid fun, even the ds version.

>> No.7425359
File: 106 KB, 277x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy sucks. Play Live A Live instead

>> No.7425464
File: 60 KB, 274x500, 14-Cecil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based truth-posting anon

>> No.7425472

The best one is Final Fantasy VI-2 aka Chrono Trigger

>> No.7425479

If it's so good why did it never leave Japan?

>> No.7426605
File: 1.08 MB, 985x1621, FFIIIDSSUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy III DS is an abomination (so is The After Years 3D though FFIV DS ain't bad), the effectiveness of GBA music "restoration" hacks are exaggerated, and the best version of Final Fantasy VI by a mile is the T-Edition. Everything else I'll leave up to personal taste but if you disagree with these proclamations then I sincerely doubt you have taste anyway, kthnxgbai.

>> No.7426674

What are you talking about? For Final Fantasy 1 the PSP version has the same MP system addition as it does on the PSX and GBA editions. You realize that the MP system was added for the Wonderswan version, and the PSX, GBA and PSP versions are all essentially ports of that version?

>> No.7426689

Anon, the battle system overhauls were introduced in GBA, the only thing I think the WS/PS versions tweaked was the removal of the bs hidden equipment weight stat in FFII.

>> No.7426751

Yeah, thanks, i am. Usb port on pc is shorted out so i cant even get new saves if i wanted. This corrupted data thing is spoiling the fun of my snow days.

>> No.7426759

Get off it, 3 is ok. And i think people were excited for not only being able to play 3 in NA for the first time but also a return to basics after all the new combat systems of the games then. Also i dont think many ds games had animated 3d cutscenes at the time.

>> No.7426820
File: 42 KB, 512x448, 1085890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play 3 in NA for the first time
Ding ding ding, that's why III DS became as overrated as it was.
>also a return to basics after all the new combat systems of the games then.
Oh yes, the totally UNFUCKED battle system. The number was monsters per battle wasn't cut to an embarrassing degree causing the devs to shit up the balance. The DS hardware limitations that were resolved by IV DS didn't completely taint every rerelease of III since then because Square knows people like you will endlessly buy minimal effort ports. No, sir.
>Also i dont think many ds games had animated 3d cutscenes at the time.
Damn, it's not like YouTube exists or anything.

>> No.7426859
File: 116 KB, 740x263, final-fantasy-iii-ws-playmag51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad part is, we were so close to living in the timeline where Final Fantasy III was released on WonderSwan Color and then ported to PlayStation. Then Square saw which direction the winds were blowing with the WonderSwan Color and got greedy. "Let's cancel III and give them a quick crummy port of IV as a consolation prize, III deserves to be remade on PLAYSTATION 2!" Cue Sony: "Square, we love you, but no way in hell are you releasing a decade-old game on our PS2, come back when you have something new," causing Square Enix to eventually resort to Nintendo DS to salvage the concept in truncated, butchered form. And this is "good enough."

>> No.7426934

I thought the reason it fell through was because they lost the source code? Also lol I know the west didn't officially get some Final Fantasies until the remakes but that's clearly 2 on the right.

>> No.7426998
File: 131 KB, 623x659, if-ffivfc-is-preserved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's either a rumor some dumbfuck started online or a dirty lie (wouldn't be the first time, see pic). There's no way they greenlit III WS and realized, "oh shit, we don't have the source code" midway through development. If anything, they threw out the WIP code of the WonderSwan version after they switched development to PS2 because they believed in their over-ambitious 3D remake so damn much, thus why it skipped GBA. That's right, their own passion for FFIII sabotaged it.

>> No.7427365

I guess im looking thru nintendo power lenses in regards to ff3. I dont know what couldve been, i know what is and that is that ff3 is an ok game. And at the time just like my playthrough last summer it was fun and nice just going back to a 4 member job based party and saving the world by collecting crystals.

>> No.7427643

Yeah, if you want a corridor disguised as an RPG, sure.

>> No.7427686

That's a great intro to JRPGs at their most basic. I will warn you that FF2 is considered a pretty broken and bad game in a lot of ways, so if it's not doing anything for you early on, feel free to skip it.

The real question is, where do you want to go from here?

>> No.7427739

FF1 and 2 are fine with load times but 5 and 6 are unplayable with that shit, same with Chrono Trigger.

>> No.7427768

>the T-Edition
I don't know what that stands for, but if it's not "Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition" you're wrong.

>> No.7427915
File: 104 KB, 850x850, shortrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what that stands for, but if it's not "Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition" you're wrong.
You...you sad troglodyte.

>> No.7427935

>but but muh faithful translation
No thanks, I'll stick with the one that's actually fun to read. Also, Working Designs is good.

>> No.7428056

That's cute. But y'know, Rodimus Prime is a fuckface who kept doing "script overhauls" whenever he felt threatened by hairy_hen, Dr. Meat, and now the ROSE project. He's the one going "shit, they might notice I suck at fuh-fuh-faithfulness." He is not your hero.

>> No.7428079

I don't even know who these faggots are. I don't keep up with romhacking e-drama. I just know I like fun translations more than literal ones, provided they don't have massive blatant plot mistakes or egregious censorship like the original Woolsey version of FF6.

>> No.7428121
File: 323 KB, 647x554, 'CAN-YOU-TALK!'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even know who these faggots are. I don't keep up with romhacking e-drama.
All you really need to know is that, to reiterate, Rodimus, the author of Ted Woolsey Uncensored, plays catchup whenever there's another major FFVI script project with a hack revision to feed his ego.
>I just know I like fun translations more than literal ones, provided they don't have massive blatant plot mistakes or egregious censorship like the original Woolsey version of FF6.
Which would be a "good for you, agree to disagree" moment if he actually did half of these fucking things, pic very related.

>> No.7428138

>(so is The After Years 3D though FFIV DS ain't bad)
I'll amend this point: ANY post-PSP rerelease is minimal-effort garbage.

>> No.7428159

Huh, I was wondering why FF3 on PSP bored the bejeezus out of me whenever I tried to play it, even compared to FF1 and FF2.

>> No.7428339

I still like both versions. It's one of mt favorite FF games in both forms. They're different but the port is good fun.

>> No.7428554

Wait am I reading right? Did he post this as a defense of the ps1 port?? Has he literally never played the snes version?

>> No.7428594
File: 362 KB, 600x800, whee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through a decent chunk of all of these and I gotta say, Rodimus Primal's (at least the version I played but I'm not gonna play "follow-the-leader" with him like his sycophants [which he'd probably pull with Namingway Edition if more people cared about FF IV's script]) was the most milquetoast of the bunch. He got in at the right time after discovering the game's script editor, the only competition was that awful RPGOne translation that no one with a brain enjoys. Only Dr. Meat's relocalization is maybe slightly worse on an objective level, but I'd still rather play Total Graphics Uncensorship. He's lucky, that's it. Can't go wrong with the two others though.
T-Edition is way better than something like a Brave New World, but I still wouldn't say it's the version everyone should play, at least for their first time. For one thing, the English release isn't too accessible, but the author still makes few fanfic changes like replacing Siegfried with Gilgamesh. Then there's all the added anachronistic music that feels so out of place at times. It does do a decent job of leaving the main story untouched for the most part, but it could have done a little better in that regard. Maybe if the author made a more conservative version with just the GBA additions, I'd recommend that one. As it stands, T-Edition is good if you want a different, surprising experience on your next playthrough, and in that respect, it delivers in spades.

>> No.7428618

Is this an MD Geist reference?

>> No.7428681
File: 352 KB, 480x420, Final Fantasy PSP Graphics [Mato Tree reconstruct].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please stop pretending that the PSP versions weren't terrible too?
Just look carefully at the intro for a quick comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO-SrskvGi0
The dynamic, ominous clouds from the WonderSwan version somehow got downgraded so much over time that the PSP version looks the most flat. The graphical upscale looks like some amateur RPG Maker junk. And look at the crystal animation - it's completely mistimed. The "shine" sound before they come together now plays with no obvious visual effect, even though it made sense in earlier intros. Imagine that things are this sloppy before the title screen.

>> No.7430570


>> No.7430829

>The real question is, where do you want to go from here?
personally I'll try and keep things chronological, unless a game repulses me for some reason

>> No.7431339

they're on mobile

>> No.7433368

>And look at the crystal animation - it's completely mistimed
patrician observation

>> No.7433417

You know that doesn't count.

>> No.7433430

I suggest giving 2 a good earnest try. It's far from perfect but I think it's criminally underappreciated. The original and even PD1 versions are more difficult/grindy but still playable. The GBA/ PSP you should have no trouble with. Decide early how you would like your core party to each be and then stick with it.

Unlike other games in the series and most rpgs, you don't save your magic user to mostly conserve casting spells so you have the MP when you reach the boss. Same as everything else the only way you get them to be good with magic is using it constantly. It's both counter intuitive to most rpgs but also a lot more realistic and if you ask me, interesting.

>> No.7433435


>> No.7433504

playing games on a phone sucks that's why

>> No.7433516

Tactile feedback is nice but especially with an rpg it's nice. Having a good game on your phone is super convenient.

>> No.7434938
File: 470 KB, 1067x403, wmd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone remember WarMECH's Domain?
You mean this site?
>They had all these cool comparisons between different versions of different games, and it surprised me how much the PlayStation version stretches the screen taller to give the illusion the aspect ration is bigger than it actually is (they even had to redesign a few sprites to disguise it like the final boss of FFII).
You can navigate through sprite comparisons on the special section: https://web.archive.org/web/20080113190015/http://www.warmech.net/special/special.html
Not sure if it was their capture or not but the fact that they did indeed subtly modify many sprites between WonderSwan and PlayStation leads me to believe it, can't believe I never noticed.

>> No.7434974

This is my personal way, whether you use hardware or emulate I don't care cause I'm not an autist.

PSP or GBA Port

PSP or GBA Port

There is only the 3D remake officially, if you're fine with translations the NES version still holds up until the end.

PSP Port for 2D, PC for 3D






Don't know past that cause I havent played past 9

>> No.7434994

Did they ever fix the music issue with FF7 PC? I remember at the time it was all midi tracks and no matter what soundcard you used it didn't sound anything like the original.

>> No.7434998

Start with ff7 like a normal human.

>> No.7435030
File: 93 KB, 252x192, Emperor_Mateus_ATB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they reverted to the Wonderswan sprites in the GBA version, but in typical wash-out mode, yay, these direct conparison really illuminate that. It does give me a little more appreciation for the PSP monster sprites, they generally went through the effort to pick and choose between the Famicom or Wonderswan poses and put their own spin on them. The problem I had with the PSP sprites is that several of them are reused in later remakes whenever similar designs come up starting with FFIV, which is too same-y (I had the same issue with Pokémon remakes), and sometimes they take from the Amano concept artwork too much (like the FFII Soldier having a face, which yeah it might've originally had glowing eyes due to hardware limitations, but it clashes with the opening FMV and makes them look stupid). Then there are the spinoffs who realized all the in-game Emperor redesigns were goofy and went with the golden, regal Famicom version.

>> No.7435501
File: 24 KB, 450x240, 6-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "shine" sound before they come together now plays with no obvious visual effect, even though it made sense in earlier intros.
All they needed to do was keep the crystals inanimate until the sound cue or remove the sound cue, it's such a braindead-easy fix. Doesn't help that the animation is so ugly.
>Then there are the spinoffs who realized all the in-game Emperor redesigns were goofy and went with the golden, regal Famicom version.
Hopefully that means they're thinking of newer remakes that start from scratch (probably 3D). Right?

>> No.7435972

didn't realize these games got a PC port

>> No.7436168
File: 1.33 MB, 1057x1146, why t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFIVPC gets rid of the unique Whyt stuff from DS.
y tho

>> No.7436213
File: 52 KB, 740x415, wol-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. I was in the same boat as you until recently. I'd never played any Final Fantasy games and started with the first one and have been working my way through. The reward you'll get from seeing the evolution of these games will give you a different perspective on each subsequent entry. You see what elements they kept, which they threw out. What worked and what didn't.
When I first played 2 I thought it was a huge upgrade from the first one and I really enjoyed it. Once I got into later games and then briefly went back to 2 I realized just why they never went back to that same leveling system. It has the reputation for being a bit of a black sheep, but I didn't really see why playing blind with no spoilers on my first playthrough. I just saw the positive changes and expanded storytelling from the first game. The story of 2 is a lot more fleshed out from the first game.
I've probably put more hours into the first game than any other of the series so far. Its really charming and there is a lot of replay value trying different party configurations. Or trying different challanges for yourself. Like beating the first dungeon with level 1 characters.
Highly recommend playing these games in chronological order.