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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 161 KB, 1920x1440, received_180213750530765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7418045 No.7418045 [Reply] [Original]

I just paid $200 for this new old stock.

Was it worth it, /vr/?

>> No.7418057

way to cheap. i would have asked the seller if i can buy this for $800 instead. you have no class OP.

>> No.7418063

Nah. SGB sucks ass.

>> No.7418064
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1536, 20210124_101148[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I would have sold you it for 10, I only deal with PAL though, I try to undercut the scammers and deflate the bubble, retro gaming should be the cheap option, not a rich mans game.

>> No.7418071

you are doing God's work unless you are just being a snarky fucker

>> No.7418076

my damn god, you could get a real snes oem controller and a raphnet tec gamecube adapter and still have $100 left lol

>> No.7418090

I'm being 100% geniune, I recently sold 2 mint in box NES carts, duck tales 2 and tail spin, for 20 each, knowing they are "worth" 200 each. I'm willingly selling at a "loss" just to try and repair damage to this hobby.

>> No.7418092

I fucking want one of those, apparently they were worthless before but all a sudden you can't find it for under three digits

>> No.7418095

Someone should make repros that are so good and look legit that it just crashs the market

>> No.7418103


>> No.7418389

Not if you have a SD2SNES. Someone released a few days ago a patch for the SGB ROMs that gives you the functionality of the SGB Commander on a normal SNES controller.

>> No.7418432

>oh look its that's faggot with a couple boxes of thrift store garbage larping again

>> No.7418436

You have no games

>> No.7418545

if you need to go anywhere other than your mom's basement to get retro games & accessories, please GTFO this board

>> No.7418550

I bought mine for about 15€ 4 years ago

>> No.7419497


>> No.7420952
File: 194 KB, 799x255, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you need it to get everything out of the Super Game Boy, so yeah probably worth it.

You're unfortunately LARPing though and don't actually own the controller.

>> No.7421023

Why is everything in this box shovelware though

>> No.7421502

Because it's whats left after selling up a massive collection during covid, I had 5 bins of crap left, mostly later gens and of course, nobody wants to buy sports games from 2003 etc

>> No.7421507

Never even seen this controller before and no idea what it does, cliffs and redpills?

>> No.7421515

shut up retard

>> No.7421626

Is using a SNES controller that bad?

>> No.7421631

I didn't post the actually picture you fucking mongoloid, it hasn't arrived yet

>> No.7421636

nobody throwing down 200 on old new stock is going to use it

>> No.7421639

Of course I'm going to use it. If this threads still up when it arrives I'll post a picture with timestamp

>> No.7421658

>Of course I'm going to use it.
why? why even buy this its a nes controller but a tad fatter cant imagine it feels good to hold looks like really cheap shitty plastic which is odd considering its hori unless pic related is a bootleg hori

>> No.7421673

>why even buy this
Because it's obscure and I want to experience it. Plus some other consoomer will buy it from me for around the same price since I sell shit when I'm done with it

>> No.7421680

If you larp about buying it you might as well larp about using it amirite

>> No.7421682

You'll see, nigger

>> No.7421694

obscure not really its a hori controller plus SGB's are shit what with the overclock speed its really noticeable hope you got a super game boy 2 cart now those are legit obscure and cool and 90's as fuck
someone will indeed buy it tho its retro hori and nintendo

>> No.7421695

the cheap option now is xbox 360, ps3 and wii old man

>> No.7421698

If you're gonna use it you might as well have bought a good condition used one instead, I got a used boxed one in mint condition for like $20 from Japan a few years ago.

>> No.7421812

I'd consider it obscure since it never came to North America, where I am. And I already have the SGB2

>> No.7421814

360's are all red ringed
ps3 has no gaems
wii is just shovelware

>> No.7421820

how can one anon be so retarded

>> No.7421829

all those statements are correct, it was the very worst gen

>> No.7421830

i'm the guy buying all of this guy's stock and selling it at 2000% markup

>> No.7421832

Besides looking neat, what's the point? Are the SNES controllers not good enough?

>> No.7421835

[x] doubt

>> No.7421840

china repros, no thanks, but if more companies started going back and reprinting their games, which is a small trickle, but is happening now for retro consoles, i wanna see that shit flood the market

>> No.7421910


>> No.7421929
File: 364 KB, 1440x1898, Screenshot_20210215-030752_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did you pay so much?

>> No.7421940

What does this have to do with anything?
How do you use a SNEStoGamecube adapter to play on an SNES? You would need to get a second adapter that goes from gamecube back to SNES. At that point, just plug your fucking controller directly into the console.

>> No.7421949

Do you even know what it fucking does? It's not a normal controller.

>> No.7421983


You cant LARP on the internet, retard. The internet is the literal opposite of live action.

>> No.7421990

So what makes it special? I have a Super Game Boy and my stock controller has always worked fine as far as I knew.

>> No.7421991

What, does it make you able to get laid? If not then I'm not interested

>> No.7421993 [DELETED] 


>> No.7421994

other than direct access to the menu functions, nothing, maybe the guy you are replying to doesn't know you can just change all that shit in a menu without dedicated buttons

>> No.7422087

They've gone up and according to the seller this one is new old stock (unused)

>> No.7422090

I already saw. Everyone did.

What were the original GB devs even thinking! It's literally impossible to play a GB game without the ability to mute the sound by pressing a button.

>> No.7422108
File: 56 KB, 261x221, willy-wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This user is underage

>> No.7422119

your reddit meme really showed him

>> No.7422139


I'm 28 and been here a hell of a lot longer than you.

>> No.7422147

Added functionality, like changing the speed that the game runs at entirely.

Why would you go out of your way to speak on a topic you know nothing about? Why would you do that, and unironically be confident about it too? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.7422152

I have a super gameboy.
I can change all those settings without a dedicated pad.

>> No.7422161
File: 335 KB, 1440x859, Screenshot_20210215-044326_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I'm actually wrong
What the actual FUCK. How was I supposed to figure this shit out?

>> No.7422162

Besides nintendo power

>> No.7422503


>> No.7422621

so do the speed options make it about the same as how the SGB2 was more accurate or is it still off?

>> No.7422740

It slows the game down

>> No.7422746

Meanwhile on loop in the seller's head:

>> No.7423606

>my newsamesummer showed me

>Why would I go out of my way to embarrass myself with my ignorance?
It's in your nature, zoom zoom. Your degeneration is not only obsessed with bullshitting about shit you don't know but but even more obsessed with claiming to know about shit you don't know. You aren't to most despised degeneration in history for no reason.

>> No.7424016


I was born in 92, retard.

>> No.7425057

ok LARPer

It enables extra options in the Super Game Boy.

>> No.7425073
File: 1.44 MB, 2560x1536, 20210216_014026[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't, EVERY option on that pad is available without it

cease being a larping retard

>> No.7425083
File: 22 KB, 685x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally aren't though. The controller pulls off macros that are literally impossible for a human to do.

>> No.7425086

it's incorrect, I have all that shit, I know better

>> No.7425094

Anon please stop lying. It's been documented multiple times that you can't physically pull off the button combos needed to do the things that the Commander does.

>> No.7425106

ah yes, the guy with both of these plastic trinkets is wrong, the guy informed by the internet without them, knows best

I bow to you brainlord, now im going to roll a smoke with the note i wrote calling you a retard

>> No.7425115

Anon you're literally wrong though.

>> No.7425118

tell me more, person without said items, your deeply informed views amuse me

>> No.7425124

Dude, you're actually wrong though.

>> No.7425129

I'm really not, the pad is worthless

>> No.7425132

>pad is worthless
I'm not arguing that, I'm saying the Commander enables like 3 things that you can't do without it. It shouldn't be as expensive as it is.

>> No.7425157

Such as?

>> No.7425164

he thinks a human can't press L,R,R,L,L,R on the shoulder buttons, that is the mythical macro, and no you don't need to do it at the speed the port polls data at either

>> No.7425172

You have to do it in 1 frame

>> No.7425174

no you dont

>> No.7425182

You literally do.

>> No.7425191

it's like you want me to dig out all this shit, plug it into my tv and show you personally, that you dont

>> No.7425198

Go ahead

>> No.7425207

fuck off, it's 2am and im smoking a spliff that calls you a retard, smug in the absolute knowledge that im already right, I owe you nothing but mockery

>> No.7425213

I've shown you proof that you're wrong, and when we ask for you to prove that you're right you refuse lmao.

>> No.7425323

>i've been retarded longer than i think you think
That's not a good thing, zoom zoom. Zoom isn't a number, zoom zoom. It's a state of mind. And you have it is spades.

>> No.7425392

Holy shit, take your meds.

>> No.7426647 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 249x188, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomy zoom i'm zoom

>> No.7426704

>A YouTuber said it so it must be true https://youtu.be/blxuKsQCQGI 1:56 - 3:11 https://www.pughoofgaming.com/videos/super-game-boy-commander/

Nice proof. I question how impossible it actually is rather than relying on hearsay. Six frame perfect inputs wouldn't be that hard if you practiced. It'd sound like the SMB underground theme. "Du-du du-du du-du".

>> No.7427673

>Was it worth it, /vr/?
you're asking, so you already know the answer is "no"

>> No.7428651

you still haven't provided any proof beyond saying my proof is wrong

>> No.7428678

I don't think that's the same guy anon.

>> No.7428715

yup. should have offered the guy 2k min for it.

>> No.7428839

I'm not the one making unverified claims based on a single person's opinion from a YouTube video. If you're so certain it's impossible, which is your argument, you're the one that has to prove it.

Tell me this: If it's so impossible, how could anyone know the button macros to begin with? Someone had to verify those macros somehow. I'd like to hear how you think they verified it without testing it themselves.

>> No.7428894

>unverified claims
I'm the only one who has posted some sort of evidence, compared to your hearsay

>> No.7428930

there was a dude with a super gameboy that told you that you were wrong, with a photo of it in this thread, complete with a note directly for you

>> No.7429226

I used to use the speed change code on my Super Gameboy, which I no longer have. I've spent like an hour trying to figure out why my attempts to emulate the Super Gameboy always fail so I could record a video of it, but it just won't work no matter how many emulators I try.

>> No.7429258

he hasn't shown actual proof though. he's just claimed he knows what he's talking about because he owns the thing. he hasn't verified his claim, but I've shown evidence.

>> No.7429854
File: 82 KB, 720x888, qmqqutmkixr41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone claiming something in a YouTube video without demonstration is literally hearsay and not proof. All you did was screencap paragraphs from that same youtube video script, which also proves nothing. Tell me, does that video cite a developer stating their intention to include an impossible macro for the sake of a special edition controller? I don't think so.

Why would that script even contain the codes if it weren't possible to do them? How did he find them? How would anyone know about them if they're supposed to be impossible? And on that note, why wouldn't the macro be a complex non-repeating fifteen-input code over an easy-to-remember easy-to-perform six input code that can be inputted rhythmically if it was actually supposed to be impossible?

There is so much logical inconsistency with your stance and I personally believe you're ignoring all of it because you took a YouTube video at face value and invested hundreds into a controller that only makes macro input more convenient. I'm beginning to get this image that you made this thread to address the buyer's remorse you no doubt felt as soon as you invested, so I'll directly answer the thread question in an attempt to end this ridiculous exchange.

You got to brag about owning a thing, didn't you? That should be "worth it" enough if you felt the need to do so.

>> No.7430192

That unprecedented level of pretentiousness and pendanticness.

>> No.7430243

>Fact checking is pretentious and pedantic
Yes I suppose it would be if you're unconcerned with objectivity. But let's get real; It isn't unprecedented to do fact checking. If you're going to take issue with it, well, that speaks volumes.

>> No.7431836

still waiting on a source that actually shows what you're talking about. I've provided some sort of proof, and you're just sitting here saying you know things despite showing no proof at all. You claim you could show the proof if you felt like it, but you haven't. All I'm asking is for you to prove me wrong.

>> No.7432475

Me too! Twinsies!

>> No.7432523

I mean you could look back on the thread and see I'm the only one who has provided any sort of proof.

>> No.7433986

>Holy shit, you nailed it

>> No.7434185

You keep telling yourself that.