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File: 264 KB, 800x1169, 32425-siren-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7413750 No.7413750 [Reply] [Original]

Ah yes, the real Silent Hill 2

>> No.7413836
File: 152 KB, 1500x1001, 闇人.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most underrated game ever. The only legit criticisms are that some of the missions are bullshit (especially the timed missions) but otherwise it's hardly any worse than any Resident Evil or Silent Hill game released at the time.

>> No.7413848

>that some of the missions are bullshit
that's an understatement.

>> No.7413876
File: 24 KB, 400x400, supergreatfriend-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you SuperGreatFriend


>> No.7413986

For me nothing will ever top Egomaniac's LPs, shame he hasn't uploaded anything in years and seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

>> No.7414284

Can't find any info in this guy

>> No.7414317

you pretty much need a guide to finish it as good luck meeting anyone IRL who even knows about this game. The sequel is better in nearly every way and it has much better enemy design

>> No.7414952

It's got nothing to do with SH.
Silent hill was western AF in the best possible way, especially the second one.
Siren is pure YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-core delivered in the atmosphere boner breaking way possible (i.e. bite-size episodes with a fucking visible tree)

>> No.7415623

>It's got nothing to do with SH.
Didn’t Team Silent members work on it?

>> No.7415636

Why are silent hill fans so similar to castlevania?

>Obsession with Japanese series
>But they try to deny any Japanese influence on their work.

>> No.7415646

no they were making actual good games

>> No.7415701

the mission structure and UI seem like a very strange way to deliver a horror game, not in a good way either.

>> No.7415795

The lead dev from Team Silent who split from them after the first Silent Hill game went on to head up Siren (and later Gravity Rush).

>> No.7415879

I'm gonna defend it because I felt the same way when first starting it, but then grew to appreciate it. It's alienating at first, but once you progress a bit you get to know the characters, and then it hurts when they start getting fucked up and dying off, or turning into Shibitos, or you come to learn new things about them, characters you thought were good turn out to be bad, characters you thought were pussies turn out to be tough, etc. You're not very close to them but you come to understand their lives, and feel how fragile they are.

You know how in horror stories there's often a guy who's researching the ancient evil, the old texts and stuff, and eventually goes mad from the revelations? I always thought of Siren as placing you in the role of that guy. You're playing the little scenes (the VHS effects and timestamps help you think of em like tapes), looking at scans of people's passports, news articles and stuff, joining the dots. Nothing is metaphorical in Siren, it's all literal and everything links up. It's not like SH where you're deep in the head of one character, you view the events from some distance, but it's the distance that lets you see the horror of the situation more.

It's not perfect but it's definitely interesting, and if nothing else an earnest attempt at coming up with a type of horror totally different from Silent Hill. How many games can say that, even now?

>> No.7415884

Yes, it's an incredible game. The atmosphere in Siren is as thick as it gets in video games

>> No.7415897

This game is awesome, but I don't mind saying at all that it's just too fucking difficult, call me a babby or a faggot or whatever, I don't care.
Good game though.

>> No.7416153

>I always thought of Siren as placing you in the role of that guy. You're playing the little scenes (the VHS effects and timestamps help you think of em like tapes), looking at scans of people's passports, news articles and stuff, joining the dots
That's a cool take. A lot like the novel House of Leaves where the protagonist is transcribing the dissertation of a blind man who was discussing a VHS documentary which doesn't exist. Worth a read if you like that kind of thing.

>> No.7416163

I feel the same. I absolutely love the horror, the atmosphere, the sound design, the visuals, the plot and the slow gameplay. But it's so bloody hard I've never actually finished it. Got on better with 2 and finished Blood Curse but that one felt TOO casualised and the Americanisation of it lost it a lot of the otherworldliness.

>> No.7416170

Any anons here seen the film? It's...not very good.

>> No.7416759 [DELETED] 

The frustrating thing is that they didn't necessarily need to add the generic survivalhorror action elements they did with 2 or blood curse, I just wanted slightly less arcane puzzles.

>> No.7416771

The frustrating thing is that they didn't necessarily need to add the generic survivalhorror action elements they did with 2 or blood curse, I just wanted slightly less arcane puzzles. the horror atmosphere would kind of go to shit when I got into a pattern of spammy adventure game logic..

>> No.7417004


This, the sequel and Eternal Darkness for the GC are the strongest horror games of their generation. Unpretentious, atmospheric and gameplay-oriented horror games, as it should be.

>> No.7417154

>I absolutely love the horror
Its difficulty contributes greatly to the horror

>> No.7417203


He also made a LP on dailymotion back in 2007 but it's really low quality.

>> No.7417351

Yeah even the most diehard Siren fans despise it. Even before that bullshit Fight Club-esque tweest it just seemed like another shitty vidya movie adaptation that completely misses the point of the source material.

>> No.7417786

If games developers used the difficulty factor more they'd easily make their games more scary, imagine the hospital in SH3 but getting insta killed by a gun holding nurse, it'd be unfair as fuck but bringing the difficulty spike in some points would keep you on your toes. The combat (or the urge not to) on those series could've been done better for sure.

>> No.7417807

never played even though i've wanted to since i saw it in playstation magizine back in the day.

>> No.7417810

If they made the game more tedious? I love it

>> No.7417879

All they should do is add a harder extra mode

>> No.7418027

But that could turn the game into a metal gear

>> No.7418048

Post yfw The Buster!