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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7411001 No.7411001 [Reply] [Original]

Voice acting is one of the worst, most immersion breaking things to ever be added to video games. I'd rather read paragraphs of plain text in an ugly BIOS font than listen to bored actors fumbling through their lines and thinking about their paycheck.
Are there any games which have been improved upon by having voice acting? If a game has a text only mode, I'll always use it so that my ears aren't assaulted by that bullshit.

>> No.7411012

Gamers hating humanity?

sky is blue

>> No.7411032

I agree, but I also enjoy campy films with goofy acting so I'm not opposed to having it in my games either. I get it though.

>> No.7411048

Japanese voice acting is generally good.

>> No.7411057

This. OP sounds legitimately autistic.

>> No.7411060

Same, but something about campy acting in vidya ruins the charm
Maybe. I've found myself switching to the Japanese voice acting in some games because then I can't tell if it's good or not.
Not autistic, but it could be a weird psychological thing, honestly. I assumed most people didn't like voice acting for some reason.

>> No.7412280

I don't mind voice acting that much, but honestly, it's useless in certain games where I can read the dialogue faster. I just skip ahead anyway before they finish their lines.
>Are there any games which have been improved upon by having voice acting?
I can't think of any, but can name numerous series that were ruined by replacing previously silent protagonists with voice acting later.

>> No.7412287

>Are there any games which have been improved upon by having voice acting?
yes many. voice acting can add character and style to a game that text cannot.

>> No.7412289

>Are there any games which have been improved upon by having voice acting?
System Shock. I think it also came as a floppy disk version which had no voice acting.

>> No.7412343

Resident evil without the voice acting just wouldnt be the same so thats one that was improved by it.

>> No.7412347

That's because he is, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be watching him, his mother doesn't usually allow him this much computer time per day and I think he's just over stiumulated

>> No.7412349
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This. System Shock with the voices was one of the first moments in gaming where I felt legitimately immersed rather than just interested/invested. Some people criticize the amateur voicework done by random employees, but these people were meant to be random employees of the citadel. I felt it added to the realism that they weren't overemphasizing every word or speaking in dramatic fashion for every tape like other games do these days. Some scenes could've done with more emphasis, but most of the recordings fit the situation they're in; confusion, self-bargaining, tired acceptance of their circumstances, ways of speaking that common people do in horrifying situations to keep themselves going.

>> No.7413839
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>oh hello

>> No.7413858

What does this have to do with retro games? You're here to bitch about modern games.

>> No.7413918

Why the fuck is the ""retro gaming fandom"" so full of dumb fucking weebs who have to slobber on Japan's tiny infertile cock at every opportunity? Your "superior nippon games folded over 1000 times" are no better than any other countries games, and in many ways they're far worse. The only reason you think jap voice acting is good is because you don't (and never will) speak or understand Japanese.

>> No.7413924

I appreciate shitty voice acting more than good and want to burn with fire all devs that have any dialogue I have to read

>> No.7413926

>Are there any games which have been improved upon by having voice acting?

>This. OP sounds legitimately autistic.
I kinda agree with him, so could be

>> No.7413960

Is this pasta? Hard to believe a human being can be so assblasted over something so insignificant.

>> No.7413991
File: 1.73 MB, 498x213, 1612932186416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that japanese art style is worthless and all too much the same for any of it to be of any value whatsoever. As if every artist in Japan is required on pain of death to draw everything in an identical style.
>tfw 1960s Warner Bros cartoons like Bugs Bunny are 1,000 times more aesthetic than anything a nip has ever drawn

>> No.7414178

Yeah basically the problem is, these days the functionally illiterate are the biggest buyers of games.