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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.83 MB, 268x360, James Rolfe & The Rex Vipers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7402820 No.7402820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7402827

Thanks, mods

>> No.7402829

Have you seen the music video? It's rad and /vr/ related.

>> No.7402834

posting in thread soon to be deleted

>> No.7402837
File: 219 KB, 1620x1624, 1606676046103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7402839

post it

>> No.7402845

>James never liked vidya, hes just stuck with avgn
>has a huge collection of vidya in his oldest videos

>> No.7402847

Mike's games

>> No.7402849

its mike mattei's games in the early videos and after his success he got a lot of donations

>> No.7402850


its more so he has an autistic obsession with things from his childhood, he then expanded his collection when his videos became more popular

>> No.7402864

James, Mike and Kyle game hunted and when he became popular the collection became bigger through fan donations.
The reality is that while James liked the NES, SNES, and to some degree the N64, he simply lost touch with gaming in the sixth gen. We know he played Melee and mained Mr. Game and Watch, and played MGS3 Snake Eater, but by this point he didn't care for videogames beyond a passing hobby. There's a reason why he was originally the Angry Nintendo Nerd, NES and SNES are where his fondest vidya memories are.
Unless he plays a game that sparks that something in him like Earthbound did, we're stuck with episodes written essentially by an outsource that he has no input or interest on.
Since he liked Earthbound and likes fantasy, I was hoping he'd gotten interest on Dragon Quest and we'd get another episode written by him later down the road. What a disappointment.

>> No.7402886

>MGS3 Snake Eater
he did?

>> No.7402890

I made a reddit account 30 minutes ago because of how shit this website has become

>> No.7402891

nobody cares faggot

>> No.7402893

James has always said that Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is his favorite Sega game

>> No.7402895

I wish he had more videos with him

>> No.7402897


>> No.7402898

According to himself well over a decade ago.

But this is the result of reddit raiding us, you'd be leaving the colony and going straight to the core.

>> No.7402902

>he thinks they don't talk about the AVGN on reddit
Haha, your whole life will be filled with a never ending run away from AVGN, you will never find sanctuary

>> No.7402904
File: 248 KB, 1275x720, maxresdefault (25)(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a mash up of Mighty Wings from Top Gun and Ken's Theme from Street Fighter 2 by AVGNs new band James Rolfe & The Rex Vipers

>> No.7402906

maybe he is going to destroy it from the inside

>> No.7402909

The alternative is to just quit the internet and commit to normiedom

>> No.7402916

or a hermit

>> No.7402918

Or just give up the extra cash to my internet provider and go to Usenet. The smaller userbase might make it more bearable than the surface internet in this post smartphone age

>> No.7402921

Join our community!


>> No.7402926
File: 36 KB, 266x280, 197-1970879_cringe-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7402927

I dont even know who AVGN is, so I dont care. Just look at how awful this board has become and try to defend it. 6th gen zoomers are cancer and the mods dont give a fuck because they are in on it. There is nothing left to do now but to post less and less over time until I just stop coming here completely. If someone wants to talk about hobbies, 4chan is no longer the place to do that. It's just an endless sea of mindless garbage and no one gives a fuck.

>> No.7402930

>I dont even know who AVGN is
Yeah right you stupid faggot, you know who the Angry Video Game Nerd is

>> No.7402937


>> No.7402939

I dont pay attention to ecelebs and neither should you.

>> No.7402943

Reminder the current moderation team was put in place when moot tried to fuck Anita, of all people.
Reminder he sold the site and left said mod team to this day.

Why even Anita? In the late 00's cons there were cuter anonettes willing to fuck him.

>> No.7402946

Is everyone that still posts about James in this day and age underage?
He pumped out great content from 2004-2012~, I wish he had just retired or something. It's so crazy to me that people are obsessed with his and Mike's lives and feel so much entitlement in regards to him making videos. Just go back and watch the classics, it's not like he's ever going to make anything as good as the original episodes.

>> No.7402951

He predates YouTube and the eceleb trend, stop trying to act like you're too sophisticated to know you retarded piece of shit, if you're here you know who AVGN is.

>> No.7402956

what? moot was always a cuck and sold out to google, which was something he was gonna do eventually.

>> No.7402960

>he thinks everyone is as stupid as he is

>> No.7402965

He doesn't even write the episodes anymore or chose the games. Justin Silverman actually went to the CinemassacreTruth and did an AMA that confirmed it. Screenwave does everything, James just shows up and reads his lines at the studio they built for him so he can focus on vanity projects like his band

>> No.7402967

Wanna see the extent they're obsessed with?
Same people who have been raiding us since Rex Viper was announced as well.

>> No.7402969

You're transparent as fuck.

>> No.7402970

You're right, anon. The catalog is pretty depressing.

>> No.7402971

During GG the reason many chans popped up like 7 and 8 was because moot tried to censor GG talk, it was found out by an anon moot was hanging irl with anita during an event

>> No.7402972

Justin Silverman went there himself to do an AMA. It's just a splinter community that hates Screenwave and the censorship on the regular board.

>> No.7402976

>flyers for shows he absolutely did not attend
Holy cringe dude.

>> No.7402979

>During GG the reason many chans popped up like 7
>implying 7chan started during Game gets
Don't remember Ian huh newfag? 7chan was the original breakaway chan, it has a far longer history than GG

>> No.7402981

I found it hilarious how they despised Mike and when Mike left he was suddenly s Chad and the unsung hero when before they despised him because he never paid Kyle or Bootsy.

>> No.7402991

This is what I mean, what adult or person that was a fan of AVGN back in the day has time for this? I get that it sucks that the new episodes are ghost written and bad but what do you expect when someone has been doing the same thing for nearly 20 years? Move on with your lives

>> No.7402992

I don't post there but I find the board fascinating to lurk. There is currently a major schism in the userbase with it being divded on if Justin Silverman/Screenwave are pieces of shit ruining AVGN or if they are just regular guys who aren't so bad and are just trying to do their job and accomdate James post-Justin Silverman's AMA. To be honest he does come across as likeable and honest in it. Him coming to do that was like a bomb dropping there.

>> No.7402996

*he even answers questions about his old boomer co-star on his channel Silvermania going to jail for kiddy porn and the rumors they're still friends. He denies it and says they haven't spoken since he went to prison.

>> No.7403000

>focus on vanity projects
you mean shit he actually wants to do?

>> No.7403003

Nice digits but this band shit is cringe and he wants to tour and shit with them now too.

>> No.7403006

i agree, it looks like a mid-life crisis momment but if he wants to do that, why the hell not

>> No.7403013

Got a link to Silverman's AMA? I'm genuinely alien at browsing reddit.

>> No.7403017

Yes, and this affects you how exactly?

>> No.7403020

The major reason 4chan discussion is pretty shit these days has nothing to do with AVGN or people posting him. The real reason 4chan sucks is that people took the "we're reddits antagonist" too seriously, to the point that any thread that isn't ironic shitposting is deemed "reddit", if you're sincere about any subject, you're not considered "valid"

>> No.7403026

I personally believe the biggest reason is 4chan grew way too big from it's inception in 2003 and it's now uncontrollable.

>> No.7403046


>> No.7403056


>> No.7403059

Sure but honestly the gamergate culture spawned from /v/ in 2014 and leading to modern /pol/ is what ruined 4ch
It doesn't help that the /pol/tards also attracted election tourists bringing an influx of true retards