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/vr/ - Retro Games

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740237 No.740237 [Reply] [Original]

Picked up one of these bad boys today, and damn if I aren't impressed. This thing blows the Gameboy Color out of the water.

I bought a few games for it:

>Sonic Pocket Adventure
This blew me away. I've only played the first two zones, but so far it's basically a very competent port of Sonic 2. It plays tight, feels fast, and has great music. Really impressed.

>Neo Turf Masters
Bought this because I love the Neo Geo game. I figured this would be a crummy down-port, but I was wrong. It's basically the full game, minus the voices and one of the courses, and all the sprites are replaced with cutesy versions of the originals. It's adorable, and it plays really well. It's a tad bit slower than the full version, but it's a more than acceptable way to play the game. I'll be playing this a lot.

>Fatal Fury: 1st Contact
Not a huge Fatal Fury fan, but I picked this up because it was super cheap. It's pretty slow, but honestly it still plays pretty well. The fact that the NGPC only has two buttons obviously limits the combat, but the microswitch thumbstick still lets you pull off specials really easily. The sprites all look great, and you can tell who everybody is easily. Pretty easy though. Decent game.

What other NGPC games should I look out for?

tl;dr NGPC thread.

>> No.740256


>> No.740260
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>> No.740267
File: 21 KB, 300x298, US NGPC Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo Turf Masters

Great game. I love the adorable versions of all the golfers. The attention to detail is great, I love how they recreated all the original reactions to getting a birdie or bogey or whatnot.

>> No.740274


Wikipedia says it's a minigame collection sort of like WarioWare?

>> No.740284
File: 33 KB, 252x297, 252px-The_Match_of_the_Millennium_NGP_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorites are Samurai Shodown 2, SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium, and SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters Clash.

>> No.740290


>SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters Clash

What's that game like?

>> No.740295

Like rolling dice
Especially near the end (I only played the sequel though)

>> No.740301


That sounds... fun?

>> No.740313

The fun to me was from seeing all my favorite characters in one game, the game's novelty is that it's a crossover

You collect cards and build decks but the actual card game is very shallow with few possibilities and relies a lot on luck

>> No.740350

Legend of the Xenobia Prince.

>> No.740359

Anyone know what sort of AC adapter a NGPC takes?

>> No.740361

It's like yu-gi-oh, but with streetfighter, resident evil, final fight, rival schools, powerstone, king of fighters, samurai shodown, fatal fury, and metal slug characters as card summons.

>> No.740364


I have no idea how Yu-Gi-Oh plays, but that's cool that it has references to all those games.

>> No.740374

Adapter has a really tiny tip like the Game Boy. But like the Game Boy, the batteries last so long there's little point in getting an AC adapter.

>> No.740370

I believe the ac adapter for the pocket was proprietary, meaning they made adapters that worked only for the NGPC.

>> No.740378

Anyone know where I can get a NGPC link cable for a decent price? I'd like to play some multiplayer fightan on the go.

Also are the Metal Slugs multiplayer?

>> No.740376


Hm, alright.

>> No.740380
File: 24 KB, 500x465, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw two of them for sale at my local shop today.

>> No.740382

...Wanna buy one and meet me in the next BST thread?

>> No.740384


Probably wouldn't be worth it. I have no idea how much they were charging anyways.

>> No.740396

Are games for this thing cheap? I might pick one up, but not if every game is $20 or more.

>> No.740419


Is that an Ogre Battle game?

>> No.740553

Common games are like 5 to 10 bucks, rare games can easily be 200 bucks.

>> No.740561

Definitely recommend Gals Fight, it's different enough to feel like its own series.

>> No.740564

That, and plus a Tamagotchi clone.

>> No.740827

The "Tamagotchi" element really isn't much of a virtual pet thing. You can trigger a few random events, but there's no feeding, cleaning, etc. Mostly you're just watching him mope around,

>> No.740887

I've read that there are to different NGP Color versions.
One with with "Color" printed cursive on it and one with block letters.

Apparently there only difference is the size. But what is the more comfortable one?
How do they compare to other handheld systems in size?

>> No.741886

I recommend Falsei (sp?) for turn based combat goodness, and Densha De Go! Pocket for train driving fun

>> No.741943

The one with cursive is the slim model, but they both feel about the same to me, comfort wise.

>> No.741950


I never knew anything about a slim model. Interesting.

>> No.741952

Yeah, the slims were were see through. There's also a black and yellow striped one that gets it's colors from a japanese baseball team called the hanshin tigers.

>> No.741956


Were those ever released in America?

>> No.741961

Nope, both were Japan exclusives. I think the crystal slim one came bundled with Samurai Shodown II.

>> No.742208

How are the Metal Slug games? They're moderately priced, and I don't want to buy them unless they're good.

>> No.742238



The NGP versions of metal slug feel like a cutesy 8-bit incarnation, with stages that also feel somewhat larger.

>> No.744546

Anyone ever done a front-light mod?

>> No.744603

where can I buy the battery covers for one? Ebay shows a lot of lost ones

>> No.744613


Good luck with that.

>> No.744790

god damn MotM was some awesome shit. Such good little chiptune remixes.

And the training mode. With the awesome minigames. And the little moe waifu crap.

>> No.747187

I've never owned one of these myself. Bump for curiosity.

>> No.747308



>> No.747329

save us, 3d printing

>> No.747359

FYI: The NGPC uses the same internal battery as the Saturn and the Dreamcast VMU.

>> No.747473

Second on Match of the Millenium. I only had two games for this system when I was a kid (Sonic Pokket Adventure being the other one), but man, that fighting game gave me hours on hours of entertainment. All of the sprites have silky smooth animation, and the super moves are as over the top as ever.

>> No.747757

And controls are as close to proper arcade stick as you get on handheld. PSP or DS don't even get close and even current gen console controllers can't really compare.
>that feel when spamming reppuken in rapid succession in Fatal Fury F with Geese
Feels SNK, man.