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File: 2.63 MB, 736x634, Gamebare Goemon overclock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7400190 No.7400190 [Reply] [Original]

>overclock introduced
>no one uses it or talks about it

In this clip Gambare Goemon has no slowdown. I love the snes but it's lower cpu meant games chugged unless it had an advanced chip. Therefore this removes the biggest problem with snes games.

>> No.7400210

I find the SA1 hacks to be much more interesting. But this is cool too.

>> No.7400220

>Tedious Autoscroller

is the game better than this webm?

>> No.7400274


The SA1 hacks are much more legit as the game and system thinks there is a real SA-1 in there and for all intents and purposes it is. You can in fact make a real cartridge using a real SA-1 chip and it will work just fine. However, such work takes months to decompilation and code writing to work. It's a massive under-taking and I would not be annoyed if there was never another one out there.

For that reason we need more hacky approaches since most games will never get the SA-1 treatment.


It's just a second with major slowdown. The entire SFC, and most of the PS games are fantastic scrolling action games.

>> No.7400362

>SA-1 conversions
>FastRom conversions
>uncompressed gfx romhacks

That's not very "legit".

>> No.7401949
File: 2.98 MB, 854x480, 2018-11-23-0001-01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7401958

fucking retard

>> No.7401972

star fox is so much better with overclocking. i don't think i'd bother to play it without at this point

>> No.7401976

This is pretty fuckin neato.

>> No.7401990

Show some Star Fox 2 with SuperFx overclocking. It's so fucking smooth and playable compared to the original slideshows.

>> No.7401995 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7402004

Nope. Goemon games are overrated weebshit.

>> No.7402021

Or you could play Genesis games that run normally,

>> No.7402046

>play games that look and sound worse but run fast
>play games that look and sound better AND run fast
Wow what a challenging choice

>> No.7402056

It's not just slowdowns, games had to have their design dumbed down just to run on the SNES' atrocious CPU. Compare Final Fight arcade version vs. SNES port for a good example.

>> No.7402134

Right, so I'm playing the arcade versions of arcade games, and the SNES versions of home console games with an overclocked SNES. At no point do I drastically sacrifice color count and sound quality to play on something worse than that, since now SNES does not have its problems. Good talk anon.

>> No.7402376

>Compare Final Fight arcade version vs. SNES port for a good example
fucking what

>> No.7402472

When will you wake up and realize that there are exclusive games worth playing on both the snes and genesis

>> No.7402484

Is that why the controls in SNES platformers never felt as snappy and quick as most of their 8-bit predecessors? The difference was subtle in the best of cases (Super Mario World, Super Metroid), but still noticeable.

>> No.7402487

Did the Animaniacs SNES game copy this floating dragon section or the other way around?

>> No.7402491

I grew up with SNES, but even I can see this is SNESfag cope. Of course both platforms had games worth playing, but that doesn't negate the Anon's point.

>> No.7402495


Both made by konami so likely recycling engines and assets.

>> No.7402498

The other way around, sort of. Ebisu Etsunobu, Gambare Goemon 2's director, was a huge fan of western animation and was part of the SNES Animaniacs when it was in early development. The dragon is either a nod to his last game or a nod to the guy himself from his colleagues on the team.

>> No.7402523
File: 103 KB, 1048x1300, teenager-hysterical-laughing-happy-isolated-white-background-37146429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I fear the challenge so I will mock it

>> No.7403201

what challenge?

>> No.7403381

staying awake

>> No.7403412

SNES FF has less enemies per screen than arcade, worse AI, etc.

>> No.7403707

>Or you could play Genesis games that run normally,

Mega Drive had some amazing action games, but so did the super-fami. But many of those games have slowdown. I really want to play Mega Man X or Goemon games with no slowdown.

>> No.7404567

Anon's point is worthless when emulation can get rid of slow down

>> No.7404631

guys guys, i'm pretty sure that "dragon" from the animaniacs games you're thinking of is supposed to be Falkor from Neverending Story. Video games use multi-jointed objects all the time, I think it was R-Type or Gradius that did it first

>> No.7404802

It early release.
Only emulator used by tranny...

>> No.7404817

You're missing the point

>> No.7405270

no shit, there aren't many games that come close to the quality of the arcade versions, even on genesis

>> No.7405301

Genesis could handle arcade conversions better than the Snes. Hence why Toaplan chose to support the Genny over the Snes.

>> No.7405308

then why is sunset riders and TMNT more accurate on SNES
it's completely up to the developers, it has nothing to do with the platform

>> No.7405350

Quit soft replying like a faggot. Call him a nigger or get out.

>> No.7405439

what game is this and it is only in wapanese?

>> No.7405441

>talking about hardware
>moves goalposts so emulation makes the other guy's point moot
Come on, Anon. Really?
I know, I just decided to make up >>7402498 on a whim to test anon's BS meter.

>> No.7405443

it recently got translated

>> No.7405607

>Genesis could handle arcade conversions better
No it couldn't man, 7MHz of blazing fast processing power can only take that tiny little VDP so far

>> No.7405674

Slowdown makes that stage easier so I don't mind it.

>> No.7405756


I'm a Super-Famicom fan, but i do recognize the Mega Drive is a powerful console with a very strong library.


The main CPU of the MD is faster than the main cpu of the SFC. The SFC could use enhancement chips to be even faster, but a lot of games did not have those.

>> No.7405762

>then why is sunset riders and TMNT more accurate on SNES

TMNT Hyperstone Heist is offically a "new" game and it looks like it's some weird exclusivity loophole they're trying to exploit. It looks like Turtles in Time is a SNES game only, so they remade a new game using those assets to get it on the Genesis.

>> No.7406747

did you seriously forget what this thread is about? This whole thread is about overclocking snes games through emulation to make them run better.

>> No.7406808

Aren't you the Anon who wrote
>When will you wake up and realize that there are exclusive games worth playing on both the snes and genesis
The post before that was talking about how some snes games were dumbed down to account for the slow CPU speed. I don't think he was talking about changes that could be fixed by overclocking.

>> No.7406820

There's really no point in saying that since there are still a good number of snes games worth playing, also his example was shit. Anon just wanted to turn this into another consolewar thread.

>> No.7407008

>overclock introduced
>no one uses it or talks about it
Likely snobbery. Shit fixes a bunch of older games, you just need to try and see if it breaks anything.

>> No.7407063

FastROM and SlowROM, was also a thing. Obvs. came down to $$$.

>> No.7407426

Sunset riders was an earlier release and was only able to use an 4Mb (512k) cartridge, while the SNES was released a year later with double the storage size (1MB). Konami would have been able to match the SNES if they used a bigger ROM


basically Nintendo fuckery

>> No.7407602


Turtles in Time was a SNES exclusive, and they did a loophole around it. Same reason why Rondo of Blood got a quick remix game rather than a direct port. It's not Rondo, it's Dracula XX using the same assets.

>> No.7409348

right, so as I said it's completely up to developers and has nothing to do with the platform

>> No.7409356

Except when the poor hardware holds them back, like the SNES.

>> No.7409368

except when I just told that's not the case, your hardon for console war bullshit is getting in the way of rational thought

>> No.7409379

Specs are specs, your being triggered when people point this out doesn't matter when discussing objective facts.

The SNES is objectively weaker than the Mega Drive, and thus had inferior designed action games. You won't find a shmup or a bmup as intense as Thunder Force IV or Streets of Rage 2 on the SNES because it simply isn't possible.

>> No.7409427

irrelevant, there are plenty of arcade ports and action games on the SNES
like I said before, your hardon for console war bullshit is getting in the way of rational thought

>> No.7409447

Can someone show me the notorious Megaman x stage where you're on the trolley thing and it slows down like crazy

>> No.7409628

>snes overclock
>playstation pgxp

These are the best advancement in emulation in the last 10 years. Big deals that fix the major problems of these consoles.


MMX has a proper SA-1 patch that removes slowdown without the need for a hacks.

>> No.7409636

that looks hard

>> No.7410715

The SNES was overall a more powerful system
Only the CPU was slower, and by a debatable amount.

>> No.7410853

Dude holy fuck I can't wait to play Starfox like this. I had no fucking idea this existed thank you OP you made my fucking day. I hated that stupid truck where you just sped the game up a little bit.

>> No.7411689

you are pretty retarded but your post actually did get me wondering...
how come it seems like there are more high-octane games on the mega drive than there are on the snes? snes has an abundance of jrpgs, slower paced platformers and puzzle games, meanwhile the mega drive has more fast-paced, arcadey action games
was it really hardware limitations, or something else?

>> No.7411749


Starfox uses the SuperFX chip so you need to OC that chip. The OP is about the SNES main CPU.


The SNES CPU was slower and tended to chug more so devs designed around it. It led to a different type of game typically while many of the fast paced games had major slowdown. Later games were better programmed and had enhancement chips so you could get MD like speeds on the SFC.

Rather than waving dicks around who was best, you can use OC in MD and SFC and get all of them!

>> No.7413356

You could overclock the snes with a command line option in ZSNES back in 98 you ignroant dope