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7400141 No.7400141 [Reply] [Original]

how would you have saved the Dreamcast? let's say you can't unrelease the 32x and the Saturn.

>> No.7400154

>two analog sticks, better controller in general
>DVD capability, slightly more utilitarian design
>actual games instead of arcade and N64 ports
>main selling point isnt a furfag game about talking animals
basically, you would need to make a different console.

>> No.7400171

>Firing Bernie Stolar.
>Continue support for the Sega Saturn until the year 2001.
>Not do any of the steps this Soncel is suggesting ----> >>7400154
That's how I would save the Dreamcast.

>> No.7400185

Backwards compatability with Sega CD and Sega Saturn to get the people who bought those. Use the internet functionality to revitalize Sega Channel via a Sega Channel boot disc. DVD player. Maybe a cartridge slot for Genesis/32X games.

>> No.7400189

wait for more details about GC and PS2
maybe release paired with the PS2
turn internet connectivity as a addon sold separately (making the base console cheaper)
turn off all the arcade games faggotry focus (learn from ps1 massive sucess) and add one more analog stick.

>> No.7400197

>>Continue support for the Sega Saturn until the year 2001.
Why, so that Sega would go bankrupt even sooner? The Shiturn was a corpse that was causing Sega to bleed money profusely, they needed a new system and a new image fast.

>> No.7400774

Dreamcast was doomed without DVD. Sega's last hardware hurrah should have beem a beefier Nomad to compete with Nintendo in the handheld market.

>> No.7400796

nobody could compete with Nintendo. Look at the PSP

>> No.7400809

Dreamcast had no chance because SoJ tanked the entire company so they could finish second tothe PS1 in Japan.
To save the DC you have to save the Saturn, and that impossible because SoJ intentionally killed it in every market but 1 due to their decisions.

>> No.7400839

a portable system-16/32x released in 99/00 could have gone toe-to-toe with gba on handheld arcade novelty alone.

>> No.7400875

sega was already doomed before the dreamcast even released. There was no saving it unless you could go back like 8 years from its release

>> No.7401190


>Actual games instead of arcade games

Jesus, get off this borad. Arcade games are absolutely real games, and if anything, they're probably the most bang for the buck stuff you can buy. Besides, it's a Sega console, if "actual games" means cute bing-bing wahoo games you'd get another console and Square RPGs then you'd get something else. The Dremacast did almost everything right from the get go, better than most consoles ever released, it really only needed DVD capabilities and a better controller. That still wouldn't have stopped the mismanagement at Sega, though.

>> No.7401207

More hardcore games for the sega fan crowd. Less bernie stolar. DVD drive. Better copy protection. Less peter moore. Better controller. More marketing.

>> No.7401219

Game Over - You are bankrupt.

>> No.7401231

>Better copy protection.
on the contrary piracy boosts hardware sales which sega desperately needed

>> No.7401236

>Backwards compatability with Sega CD and Sega Saturn
its quite honestly insane they didn't at least do saturn bc

>> No.7401245

>bleed money
Lets call your delusional bullshit out one more time, Bernieposter. Actually the Dreamcast was bleeding money. SEGAs went with the gillette strategy. Of selling the Dreamcast console below manufacturing price, and thus losing money with every single DC unit sold. And the DC was selling well. Making SEGA bleed money WITH EVERY SOLD DC CONSOLE. Which wouldnt have been a problem at all, if they were actually selling five to six games per sold Dreamcast console. Which did not happen, because A) internet piracy, and B) the DC games werent compelling enough. The sole reason why SEGA left the home hardware business was failure to sell enough DC software to be profitable.

>> No.7401261

>piracy boosts hardware sales
This only works if you are Sony or nintendo and your console is cheaper in manufacturing. So you end up making money from sold hardware. And sold software adds a bonus profit on top.

>> No.7401276

make it the xbox before xbox, a high end console with exclusives.

>> No.7401278
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Launching with a hdd and Sega e-shop would have given them a huge edge over ps2. Updating their controller so it was comfortable to hold would help.

>> No.7401290

Give it an 8 button controller, better advertising in the West, improve the d-pad, and wait for more info on the PS2 so as to calculate what to do when it does come out.

>> No.7401825

The DC had fine advertising, the console and it's games sold well. (myth of piracy killing the system is zoomers bullshit, in 99 almost half the country still didn't even have internet at home and those that did maybe 5% had anything past dial-up)
Doesn't matter when the parent company is bleeding money before it's ever released because they spent the last 5 years killing the only success they ever had.

>> No.7401834

Make the cart port on the saturn be a backwards compatible sega port that works with the 32x and also have the saturn be able to play sega cd games. Work on the DC longer while actually putting good support into the saturn, then release the dc novber 21st 2000 with a dvd drive and 2 analog sticks on the controller.

>> No.7401837

No. It's so that Sega would have time to develop a more powerful console, sell as many Saturns and games as they could and then release a Dreamcast in 2001 with DVD compatibility(requiring a remote to activate it, due to licensing issues) and stay competitive. Microsoft wouldn't be able to enter the console wars until at least 2005, had Sega waited. Keep seething, Bernie.

False. Piracy hurts sales, hence Sega's quick exit out of the console business and why CD's are no longer profitable in 2000.

>> No.7401858

>No. It's so that Sega would have time to develop a more powerful console, sell as many Saturns and games as they could
and what games would those be exactly? the Saturn had nothing for any market outside of Japan, and the worst version of multiplats. Your solution to saving Sega is doubling down for another 3 years on an already dead system that devs hated working on, had no games, and had ridiculous manufacturing costs to the point Sega never made a profit on the hardware at any point of its life.

>> No.7401870

Only Microsoft could pull it off. Remember the Xbox had an 8gb HDD and that was solely for saves/DLC. (Until it got hacked)
They just cost too much.
The only thing they could have done was wait that year out, swap the CD drive for a DVD drive and try to negotiate better third party deals and try to repair some bridges they burnt.
Not impossible to do, but it would be incredibly tight, just barely squeeze through tier.
Maybe even an outright partnership with Microsoft, take their proposed hardware upgrades and release a console under the Sega brand.
Microsoft and Sega had pretty good relations at the time. Sega implimented Windows CE functionality for the Dreamcast to try to make games potentially easier to develop (which lead to piracy eventually but people seem to forget that piracy happened AFTER the console died, because that's when people actually started to get broadband internet of like a whopping 4mbps).
Microsoft probably would have done it if Sega allowed for it. Microsoft needed a partner to help get a foothold in Japan. They just didn't trust western brands. And the Xbox did sell abysmally in Japan even with Segas help on the software front. An Xbox with a Sega brand in Japan and Microsoft/Sega branding in the west. It probably would have been a strong rival to Sony if they could release it around the se time.

>> No.7401876

>Piracy hurts sales
nintendo's famicoms and sony's playstations would not have made inroads into developing markets without piracy

>> No.7401891

The saturn II. Smaller, cheaper, sexier. Force sonic team to make sonic 4 instead of nights into dreams, 3d toe jam and earl sequel, ristar and dynamite heady mashup game, vectorman 3d, gunstar legends, sonic spinball 3d.

>> No.7401896

Oh so you're just a retard

>> No.7401907

Release Half Life earlier.

>> No.7401927

>how would you have saved the Dreamcast? let's say you can't unrelease the 32x and the Saturn.
better controller overall(two analog sticks instead of just one, at least as many buttons as the PS1 Dual Shock has), improve the security of the GD-ROM by dropping MIL-CD support on the Dreamcast from the beginning

and perhaps most importantly drop the Modem as coming with all Dreamcasts, instead either being sold separately or available in a slightly more expensive bundle of the Dreamcast, and also rather than wait all the way till September 1999 to release it in the US(October for Europe), try to instead either do a simultaneous Global Launch in 1998 or if that isn't feasible at least try to get it out sometime in the first quarter of 1999 in regions outside of Japan, as others have noted the huge delay in the Dreamcast making it out of Japan probably crippled it in the long run, if it had extra time to penetrate the US market it probably could have been able to compete a bit better against the PS2, if primarily due to being cheaper and having an initial larger library, though I kinda figure it's still somewhat doomed, just that maybe in this universe it can survive to perhaps 2003 instead of early 2001, and maybe in this universe we do get Microsoft buying out Sega and having Dreamcast backwards compatibility built into this version of the Xbox(which I picture arriving slightly later than in OTL because of that, like say in 2002)

>> No.7401940

Showed people how fucking shit style over substance garbage for Playstation and N64 was and how Sega was the only company that even cared about still releasing actual fucking videogames (despite their insistence on countering fucking shit SM64 with the two 3d Sonic games).

>> No.7401941

Forget a harddrive. Have a memory card slot with an eshop and sell old games and skins for $5 a pop. Ngage started the DLC trend around 2003 so this wouldn't be a bad move and works even with dial up.

>> No.7401943

>D-pad on that third party shit

>> No.7402009

You've never used a stock dreamcast dpad before have you?
This would have helped. Dreamcast counterstrike would have been great.
>but people seem to forget that piracy happened AFTER the console died
I bought Blue Stinger, Sonic Adventure, Sega Rally 2 and MvC1 in that order before I learnt about pirating. I may not have been the majority but pirating was definitely happening.

>> No.7402016

>let's say you can't unrelease the 32x and the Saturn.
Under those conditions, it's impossible.
The disaster of those two releases were a huge factor in the Dreamcast's failure.

>> No.7402023

>Firing Bernie Stolar.
Sure, fire the one guy who had nothing to do with Sega's bad decisions (which were being made in Japan, not America).
>Continue support for the Sega Saturn until the year 2001.
Why? No amount of support was going to save the Saturn.

>> No.7402030

>selling the Dreamcast console below manufacturing price,
Nearly every console ever made has been sold at a loss. The money is made back from software sales, retard.

>> No.7402036

>Launching with a hdd and Sega e-shop
Ask me how I know you're a zoomer.

>> No.7402054

Xbox released with a HDD and Ngage introduced DLC not long after you Zoomer.

>> No.7402420

XBLA didn't launch until late 2004, moron.
And even then it was something of a gamble.
In 1998 it would've been a flop - being too far ahead of your time is just as bad as being too far behind.
>praising dlc
Again, ask me how i know you're a fucking zoomer.

>> No.7402462

>XBLA didn't launch until late 2004, moron. And even then it was something of a gamble.
Not much of a gamble when they had seen what Dreamcast got right and copied them on a larger scale.
>In 1998 it would've been a flop - being too far ahead of your time is just as bad as being too far behind.
Being able to download Master system/Genesis roms would have been welcomed by Sega fans and kids are always going to buy skins. Only issue here was needing bigger memory cards.
>Again, ask me how i know you're a fucking zoomer.
I'm sure you've never supported a company offering micro transactions.

>> No.7402549
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nigga we had 33k modems back then, 56k at best, we had to wait 30 minutes to download a song in 96kbps. Just think again about downloading video games in that age.

>> No.7402587

An album off napster would take longer to download than the Master systems entire library.

>> No.7402740

I wouldn't have spent (possibly) millions sponsoring various football clubs in Europe. There weren't even any good football games for it and I personally dislike the sport.

>> No.7402752

Bro it was a way to wear a video game shirt and not look like a dork.

>> No.7402761

nobody would buy a DC for the chance of playing MS games. It was all about the 3D craze in that era.

>> No.7402783
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Yes they would.

>> No.7402795

>continue to support the Saturn
Literally how? How in the fuck was this piece of shit console that was 200 dollars more expensive than the most 3D capable system of the generation supposed to fucking stay relevant until 2001 with NO FUCKING GAMES?
Wow, everyone sure wants to pay 400 fucking dollars to get some arcade ports of mediocre forgettable shmups and fighting games instead of playing the revolutionary titles on N64 and Playstation that were redefining game design and trailblazing the industry and in many cases were literally brand new experiences that couldn't be had in previous hardware generations.

Yep, fuck Ocarina of Time, the mature realistic (for the time) masterpiece game that codified how to make a perfect 3D video game and is still considered the best game ever made. Little 1998 extreme American Jimmy would rather be playing tranny superman 64 in 2.5D flying through fucking rings and being confused, Nights was totally going to compete with Zelda, Mario, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid. Nights is totally as good as those which is why there's a bunch of clones of it and games still borrow its concepts to this day!

get fucking real. The Saturn is lucky it lasted as long as it did, it deserved to go out faster than the fucking FM Towns Marty.

>> No.7402819

so what's the number of people who bought that collection? 30?

>> No.7402842

Not sure how well it sold. It didn't help that they weren't perfect ports. The point I was trying to make is Sega fans were desperate for their old franchises like Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Wonderboy, Alex Kidd. I feel it would have been welcomed with open arms at a couple of bucks a game.

>> No.7402846

>Sega fans were desperate for their old franchises like Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Wonderboy, Alex Kidd.
[citation needed]

>> No.7402860

Streets of Rage 4, Dragons Trap and Sonic Mania are proof there is still demand for classic Sega titles.

>> No.7402896

nigga, you're talking of 2020 attitudes and extrapolating them to 1999. Things change, there wasn't a huge need for games that were released 5, 6 years before back then, specially when everybody obsessed about new and shiny 3D graphics. It took a while for retro 2D vidya to be interesting to a sizeable portion of consumers again.

Just stop being a fucking zoomer and stop talking about things you don't know. Talking about huge demand of 2D games in 1999, downloading games from the crap internet of that era, big hard drives and so on. You're out of your dept, admit you're talking nonsense and move on.

>> No.7402920

based and was-actually-there pilled

>> No.7402928
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>Things change, there wasn't a huge need for games that were released 5, 6 years before back then,
Sega of Japan were making a new Streets of Rage for Dreamcast before Sega of America stepped in claiming they had never heard of this game before.
>Talking about huge demand of 2D games in 1999
Sega smash pack 1-3 proves people would still buy them.
>downloading games from the crap internet of that era,
Do you realise how small Master system roms are?

>> No.7402940


I would include the broadband adapter with the system instead of the shitty dial up modem.

>> No.7402953

>a new Streets of Rage for Dreamcast
>a new
thanks for proving to be a moron. Yes, they wanted NEW games of beloved franchises, not a re-release of SoR1 to be downloaded with the Dreamcast's crappy 33k modem.
>Sega smash pack 1-3 proves people would still buy them.
stuff that costs nothing to make and sell little. You're still thinking that these were the actual system sellers instead of Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure and so on.
>Do you realise how small Master system roms are?
do you realize how little of a fuck everybody gave about the Master System in 1999, you stupid bong? heck, do you realize how little of a fuck everybody gives about the MS even today?

>> No.7402962

>people would still buy them.
They would maybe buy them. Were they impressive and considered system sellers? Fuck no. 2D was seen as old grandpa shit that was keeping game design from moving forward.

Keep in mind, Symphony of the Night is now considered an all time classic and the N64 games pieces of shit, but before both these came out, many game magazines considered Symphony an outright insulting joke compared to the N64 offerings because it wasn't 3D.

>> No.7403023

-Make it as cheap to manufacture as possible
-Keep EA Sports games
-Cancel Shenmue perhaps?
-Use DVD

>> No.7403024

I'm glad you finally see their old franchises were still in demand.
>stuff that costs nothing to make and sell little.
Everyone has been selling roms since the dawn of time. Mario All Stars sold like crazy. Sega went on to sell Smash pack on multiple platforms then their Genesis collection which has been on sale for 14 years now.
>You're still thinking that these were the actual system sellers instead of Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure and so on.
I never said to turn the Dreamcast into a streaming service.
>do you realize how little of a fuck everybody gives about the MS even today?
Dragons Trap sold well enough for them to make a spin off with Monster boy.
I wouldn't expect them to carry the Dreamcast but they would help. I know GBA wasn't a 3D system but when you look at their best selling titles the majority of them were old roms. Super Mario 1,2,3 world and Yoshis Island were all best sellers.

>> No.7403048

There is a world of difference between handheld super portable versions of old games in the early to mid 2000s after 3D was no longer considered mindblowing and full console releases in the late 90s during the twilight years of the 3D revolution.

>> No.7403097

>release fewer arcade ports, or at least more non-arcade ports
>focus on getting more big name series on board
>release more games for graphics whores to drool over early on
>get entries in all the big genres on board ASAP
>RPGS were popular at the time, so get more of those

They didn't do everything wrong, but in trying to be different from Nintendo and Sony they basically killed themselves.

>> No.7403503

False, my solution is perfect. Look at how long Nintendo kept the Wii U alive, despite it being a huge disappointment. Then when they came out with the Switch, it became a massive success. Killing off a console too fast and not allowing it to stay a little while longer is a dumb idea, which is why Bernie Stolar isn't very well liked among Sega fans.

False. Piracy kills any profit, especially when it comes to video games. After all it was piracy that killed music CD sales when file sharing programs like Napster existed.

>> No.7404430

>Sure, fire the one guy who had nothing to do with Sega's bad decisions
>Ends support for the Sega Saturn in America, pissing off retailers.
Nice try Bernie.

>> No.7404520

American retailers were already pissed at the Saturn because of the Saturnday surprise launch, which wasn't Bernie's fault but Tom Kalinske's.

>> No.7404597

Sega did not have the capital to save it, so I'd make a deal with Microsoft that ensures that the Xbox is Dreamcast backwards compatible. Maybe have it sold in Japan as the Sega Xbox, or give them a percentage of sold licenses or make all new Sega releases xbox exclusive for a few years.

Supporting the Saturn would have killed Sega, they lost a critical amount of money on manufacturing it. This was stated in an interview.

>> No.7404602

Hideki Sato already confirmed that they sold the Saturn at a huge loss, they had to sell 8 games for every console to make back the losses.

They were bleeding money, and the Dreamcast was a last hail mary that did not make enough money to keep going.

>> No.7404606

It’s not the Dreamcast that needed saving, it was Sega. Stupid faggot ass gooks.

>> No.7404610

Just DVD capability would've done a lot but it felt beyond saving on release. Still have and love mine though.

>> No.7404613

Bernie is the reason the DC cost $200 instead of $250 at launch.

>> No.7404618

>American retailers were already pissed at the Saturn because of the Saturnday surprise launch, which wasn't Bernie's fault but Tom Kalinske's.

It was Sega of Japans fault. Kalinske was ordered to do it, despite telling them they have no games, no marketing, and no inventory to launch early.

It also meant that stores thought Sega was playing exclusives with the few places that DID get the Saturn at launch, and this pissed them off so much they stopped stocking Sega stuff completely.

>> No.7405343

JRPG's probably, regardless if you like them or not

>> No.7405603

Must be why the DC sold so well at launch then.

>> No.7405642

they're not going to save a system lol. more important would be sports games. they had no EA sports games. also needed a better controller

>> No.7405649

You say that, but what games were the main draw to PS1 and PS2

>> No.7405661

>myth of piracy killing the system is zoomers bullshit, in 99 almost half the country still didn't even have internet at home and those that did maybe 5% had anything past dial-up)
they werent downloading the games dude they were copying them lol. and people were selling pirate games for cheap at flea markets and stuff. we bought a dreamcast used in like 99 or 2000 and it came with shit loads of copied games

>> No.7405672

This was blessed post, painful but based

>> No.7405682

gta was the main draw to ps2 and most people didnt really care about jrpgs on ps1 outside of ff7 and ff8. it was mainly about tomb raider, sports games, multiplats, metal gear solid, gran turismo, tekken, crash, tony hawk, resident evil etc

>> No.7405702

JRPG's are up the with sales of sports and GTA, Square games in particular
people may dislike them here but at the time they were a huge draw

>> No.7405716

6 face button controller

>> No.7407029

>how would you have saved the Dreamcast?
Unrelease the 32x and the Saturn.
>let's say you can't unrelease the 32x and the Saturn.

>> No.7407354

Sell to MS or Nintendo
Not that either would have bought

>> No.7407389

>do you realize how little of a fuck everybody gave about the Master System in 1999, you stupid bong? heck, do you realize how little of a fuck everybody gives about the MS even today?
Brazil would definitely like a word with you.

>> No.7407416

>system is only relevant in one weird third world country
how does this happen
it's like if the fucking Jaguar somehow caught on but only in Ukraine

>> No.7407420

>play it relatively-safe, don't dump over a hundred million dollars into games like Shenmue
>design controller with six face buttons and two analog sticks, a proper evolution of the Saturn controller
>adopt DVD format instead of proprietary GD-ROM crap
>bank hard on FPS's and fighting games with online and splitscreen multiplayer, beating the Xbox to market, maybe even buy platform exclusivity for Halo on the Dreamcast to make it an FPS like Microsoft did
>more new installments of classic and still-popular Sega franchises like Eternal Champions, Streets of Rage, and Shining Force, maybe Phantasy Star V also (PSO is great but I consider it a completely-different animal from the older entries, which has more in-common with Skies of Arcadia imo)

>> No.7407436
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Big American retro tubers are giving zoomers a very biased account on how 3rd gen played out. Truth is, the Master System was the most popular system in a lot of territories.

>> No.7407448

so in the only 2 countries that are relevant to video games (US and Japan) Nintendo had basically a monopoly and only irrelevant markets had Sega

>> No.7407502

No one in any developed country knew the master system existed. When the Genesis got popular everyone just called it the "Sega" because no one knew they had made anything else.

>> No.7407509

>Arcade games are absolutely real games, and if anything, they're probably the most bang for the buck stuff you can buy
Jesus, the cope levels are off the charts.

>> No.7407539

Make a Dreamcast 2 to compete with the psp.

>> No.7407654

More FPS games.
Have some military strategy games like you would for a desktop computer.
Make the DSL modem and VGA standard.

Copy protection?
Fuck off!

Dreamcast controller is comfortable. It is a proto Xbox controller.

>> No.7407670

People used cassettes to record off of the radio before then.

>> No.7407747

Very much so indeed.

>> No.7407754

>not pictured: the sadly underscored 7800 from Atari.
Damn, if only Jack Tramiel had not shelved the 7800 shortly after buying Atari's Home computer and consoles division.

>> No.7407781

The radio only played singles, not full albums. If you wanted full albums, you had to buy the CD. Radio did not prevent CD albums from getting sold. Napster did.

>> No.7407793

I'll say the only thing that would have saved the DC:

Announce some sort of exclusive GTA3 and GTA:VC for DC. That was the only shit that mattered from 2001 to 2003. You could also save the GC with that sucker move.

>> No.7407815

Oh great double the price of the system.
The Sega Saturn is so different in architecture to the Dreamcast that they would have needed to include the complete Sega Saturn hardware.

Backwards compatibility is generally a mistake. You know how the Genesis had a really limited color palette? Well the original design had 128 colors, but they could not fit it in the VDP due to the wasted space taken up by master system compatibility.

>> No.7407901

The only good post in the entire thread.
Sega of Japan overextended their buisness and Dreamcast payed for that.

>> No.7407927

>nintendo fucked themselves by using minidiscs and Rockstar refused to make a retard version of GTA for their system
Imagine being the only console without GTA3 series in the 00's

>> No.7407936

It isn't like people couldn't or didn't circulate cassettes with friends who had vinyl or CD albums.

People who were and still are into buying CDs are into audio quality.

Napster and similar shit was for .mp3 quality because the majority of people still had dialup.

>> No.7407949

Even back whe Gamecube was new, it seemed to me to be for very young or very autistic children.

How the fuck could anybody take a system with that bad of a controller, a funny looking console itself, and those small ass discs where you couldn't even use normal audio CDs?

>> No.7407978

it was the console of choice for fearful parents who were afraid of exposing their children to violence. I'd say that the long-term effects of having a cube were worse though.

>> No.7407982

Anyone suggesting any kind of hardware improvement is missing the point. Their entire strategy was to sell enough first party games to make up for the loss of each system.

They needed to double down on the first party IPs. Only Sonic got anything, and Ecco got a spiritual successor instead of a true sequel. There were a ton of missed opportunities. NiGHTS sold fine in Japan and a sequel could do well overseas if it was marketed well enough. Ristar, Golden Axe, Panzer Dragoon, and Beyond Oasis were all untouched for this era- and just having a familiar name attached to them could have helped.

I'd be lying if I said that this would be enough, but just maybe between that and the good arcade ports that got made for the Dreamcast? It had a fighting chance. But when X-Treme got cancelled it was already too late. Hell, when the fucking 32x dropped it was already too late.

>> No.7408000

To save the Dreamcast you'd have to first save the Saturn.

>> No.7408471
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>GD-ROM (fast drive and more space than CD-ROMs)
>tiled rendering
>online features
>substantially improved graphics in comparison with the 5th gen systems
I would just add a 2nd stick to the controller and release it for $249 (most people interested would buy it at this price as well), then cut the price to $199 before the PS2 release ($299). There's not much else we could do, the Dreamcast was the right console, at the right time, but at the hands of the wrong company.

>DVD capability
SEGA couldn't even last selling the Dreamcast at loss for $199 (then $149 soon before the PS2 release), now think about the cost of a Dreamcast with a slow DVD drive in 1998 / 1999, now imagine SEGA trying to sell it at a cheap price to be as competitive as possible.

>saturn bc
Because the Dreamcast isn't strong enough to emulate the Saturn's architecture, you would need to include Saturn's hardware parts, again making the Dreamcast unnecessarily expensive.

>> No.7408496

Except people still had to buy CD albums in order for a friend to record it on cassette in the first place. But there is that inconvenience factor of not being able to skip tracks with a cassette. So you would have to buy a CD Player in order to skip tracks and then you had to buy CD albums. With the existence of the Sega CD and other CD-based consoles, you absolutely needed a CD if you wanted to play music on it. So again, cassettes wasn't enough to stop people from buying CD's. Napster and CD Burners on the other hand does.

>> No.7409158


Controller wasn't an issue at the time. DVD player would have been huge. "Actual games"... yeah you've eaten lead paint chips. "Furfag" wasn't spread out thing 20 years ago. Nobody was that autistic. All in all, 3/10 opinion, anon. Shame on you.

>> No.7409170

>Nearly every console ever made has been sold at a loss. The money is made back from software sales, retard.
That's a feisty lie. Nintendo does not sell under manufacturing price. And so did lots of others during the 80s and 90s. Even the switch today makes profit with every single console sold.

>> No.7409183

>substantially improved graphics in comparison with the 5th gen systems
are you blind?

>> No.7409201

Nintendo consoles sell at a profit because the tech in them is years outdated at their launch. "Give away the razors to sell the blades" is a common tactic in the industry.

>> No.7409206

Name a single 5th gen game that compares to Soul Calibur

>> No.7409241

nevermind, I read your post wrong

>> No.7409250

Sega should have done the internetz all by themselves paying up to 300 monero monthly for internet bill thanks tho pso.

>> No.7409340

Thats how they roll. Where as sega was gambling. And they lost and paid the price.

>> No.7409823

>nintendo system won in the axis
>sega system won in the allies

>> No.7410043

>Nintendo does not sell under manufacturing price.

Both the Wii and 3DS were $250 at launch, it didn't quite work for the 3DS, so Nintendo was forced to cut the price a few months later.

>> No.7410058

There's nothing the dreamcast could've done on its own to survive. It was a terrific console as-is, but Sega was already on the ropes from past mistakes and the hype train of the PS2 was too great.

Having said that
>don't allow Stolar to say "saturn is not our future" and prematurely kill it
>keep supporting saturn in both america and japan through 1999
>release dreamcast in 2000 with better hardware, directly competing with PS2

>> No.7410258

>because of the Saturnday surprise launch
Saturnday was the ORIGINAL launch in September, dumbass.
>False. Piracy hurts sales
>False. Piracy kills any profit
Piracy did fuck all. by the time it was available, Sega was already working behind the scenes to kill the system.

>> No.7410289

lol what a terrible post

>> No.7410294

the truth hurts

>> No.7411203

>GD-ROM (fast drive and more space than CD-ROMs)

No. CHD wins.

>> No.7411249
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>still considered the best game ever made

>> No.7411264

keep 3dfx on board

>> No.7411294

seethe snoy/pcuck

>> No.7411305

what does PC uck mean?

>> No.7411308

people mad that PC gaming in the 90s was actually total fucking dogshit and that console games of the time are more discussed and beloved

>> No.7411318

I was told yesterday that nintendrones didn't shit threads about non-nintendo subjects. That it was all in my imagination, that I was being an schizo...

>> No.7412087


Pretty much releasing every 2D arcade master piece from the 90's and a better non-vmu controller.

>> No.7412107


This Sega needed to pump out their own IP's with arcade home ports.

>> No.7412151

t. Salty Nincel

>> No.7412249

1. backward compatibility with sega saturn
2. try to make square, capcom, konami, make more original games for the system / exclusives.
3. maybe a dreamcast v2 that can read dvds

>> No.7412530

courted pc ports much more aggressively.
no other console was as well equipped to do it until the xbox rolled around.
maybe set up an in house porting team.
and ditched the vmu for expanded flash memory.
dvd support, obv, but that wasnt as clear early on.

>> No.7412536

oh. and 2 analog stix

>> No.7412690

Marketing? As a 10 year old with dial up internet I didn't know it existed until I played one set up at Blockbuster. I still managed to hear about Saturn, N64 and Playstation before they came out.

>> No.7412692

Anyone who says to axe the VMU is a soulless retard

>> No.7412732


>> No.7413210

It's neat in theory, and I like it in code veronica for being able to read the health meter... But if it could mean more money being out into storage, then I would ditch it.
Or... Incentivize development for it in some fashion. No one uses it to it's potential. Also it's battery life is a joke.

>> No.7413290

>Never make Shenmue and instead use the funding on other titles which could've made their money back. I love Yu Suzuki but Shenmue sucks and is only notable for being the first of its kind. And it wasn't even good at what it did. Game's that came after in its genre would go on to discard its formula. Yu Suzuki shouldve been kept on Arcade Style games.
>Go balls deep into exploiting Sonic as an IP. Get AAA teams to work on the spinoffs. Create a department designed to preserve the integrity of the IP.
>Negotiate exclusive deals for GTA and RE
That's how I'd do it without changing the hardware or saving the previous fuckups. Really without the stopping Piracy through hardware changes or fattening up SEGA's bank account by erasing past failures, there's just not much you can do.

>> No.7413306

DVD was too expensive

>> No.7413330

i dont remember using it or ever figuring it out honestly. i could never figure out how to get it to stay powered on outside of the controller. nor did i ever really find any use for it lol. i guess i never had one of the games that used it. i played sonic but never remember using it

>> No.7413484

Shenmue is great, but it was a money hole for the company.

>> No.7413667
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- Prioritise a major Sonic Team Sonic game available day one
- Forget the idea of Arsenal sponsorship in Europe
- Include DVD playback
- Scrap Shenmue

There, I just saved Dreamcast

>> No.7414080


>> No.7414082

t. Salty faggot.

>> No.7414087

You see Nintendo in your soup, so yes, (You) are.

>> No.7414115

I like Playstation and Xbox and PC. If anything I think Nintendo slowly went wildly downhill in quality starting with the Gamecube.

Sega Saturn deserved to fail. It was a crap system with a bad library that was woefully mistargeted at one specific group of consumers. It was built entirely by a Japanese team who only looked at Japanese markets. They built a system that was only mildly 3D capable for the sake of doing good arcade ports at a time where arcades were dying FAST outside of Japan. They released barebones arcade ports of 15 minute games usually without even extra content for full price in an era when western consumers wanted lengthy single player games and loads of content.
They released simplistic arcade titles in an era when consumers wanted revolutionary and increasingly complex 3D games to push the boundaries of the medium.

You ever notice how literally no Sega Saturn game ever made has been influential? The system on a historical level doesn't matter. The system's games on a historical level don't matter. Video games as a medium would literally remain completely unchanged if you erased the Saturn and its library.

>> No.7414679

>hahaha fuck snoy, pcucks, segatards, microlosers...
>what? why are you accusing me of being a fan of the only company I didn't name? are you a schizo?

>> No.7415709

Not making it easy for ppl to burn games and play it on my console

>> No.7415741

Make more moviegames, but not shitty ones like Shenmue.

>> No.7416181
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yea they shouldve yous'd the neo geo controller

>> No.7416190
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>Two analog sticks
>DVD compatible
>Prostrate myself to EA, ask what I need to give them in order to get them to put Madden on it
>Tell Sega of Japan to fuck off and let Sega of America do its thing
>Immediately start planning for a Dreamcast 2 to come out in late 2002/early 2003 that will one-up the Gamecube (assuming that the Xbox never comes out)

>> No.7416640

>better joypad
>use dvd discs
>cut shenmue's funding
>backwards compatible with saturn games
>bring back sega channel