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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 329 KB, 1517x407, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7399864 No.7399864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boy I sure do love how one faggot can totally shit up a slow moving board.

>> No.7399870

rules should be rolled back so these zoomies go back to /v/

>> No.7399872

Your fault for not containing the schizo in the fps general.

>> No.7399875

Terrific job definitely not contributing to that

>> No.7399878

this isnt even /v/ quality level shitposting. This is like the food scraps of /v/ shitposting.

>> No.7399882

Yeah it's genuinely terrible now. I used to whitelist 4chan on my adblockers, but now it is blacklisted. Worse part is I don't know where else to go. Reddit sucks, 8kun/vr/ is TOO slow (dead), idk what to do now. Almost feels like its time to quit the internet and give into normiedom.

>> No.7399884

Thank Mr /v2k/ and friends

He does this on purpose to shit up the board and blame it on /v/ but he showed his hand one too many times and now it's obvious. You'll also note there's always a storm of these after his "6th gen never retro" threads get axed.

>> No.7399886

Alf here. Not a Russian, I'm from the US. I shit on Half-Life and this schizo can't stand it, he's obsessed for a reaction from Senpai. I just hide his schizo shitpost threads, that's why he is spamming them. Sorry.

>> No.7399891

Nice false flag

Yup, he's lazy as well as stupid.

>> No.7399895

Why can't you man up and admit that 6th gen was a mistake?

>> No.7399897
File: 125 KB, 1639x979, shitposting survery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This board has a disproportionate degree of shitposting given how slow it is. It's actually much worse than /v/.

>> No.7399898

Don't pretend you are innocent faggot.
Especially after the doomworld fiasco.

>> No.7399913

Because it wasn't and your shitposts will never change that.

>> No.7399915
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, bc1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy I sure do love how one faggot can totally shit up a slow moving board.

Suffer, and die.

>> No.7399917

Kill yourself already.

>> No.7399923

>spent an hour doing autistic statician work for free

you are far worse than they are sperglord

>> No.7399928

It's entirely on purpose. Part of why they fought the rule change so much was they liked having shit threads that could last weeks just by bumping once a day. These guys aren't really fans of retro gaming, they're just trolls who a slow insular board where they can gatekeep. The way they acted in threads before the change made it obvious. The site mods also noticed and is part of why things were changed the way they were.

>> No.7399929

>board is objectively worse after 6th gen
>6th gen wasn't a mistake
How detached from reality do you have to be to think like this? You're like a paranoid schizo from /x/ who sees every thread as a false flag.

>> No.7399934

He also loves to fill threads with these kinds of wojaks and calling anyone who disagrees with him trannies.

>> No.7399935

At this point, who cares anymore? Let's just spam shit, pictures of actual feces, porn and gore on this place.
/vr/ is dead. It don't matter anymore.

>> No.7399936

very little of the shitposting actually has anything to do with 6th gen being allowed though, it's more that the event of it being allowed coincided with a gigantic increase in shitposting for some reason

>> No.7399937

You shitting up the board doesn't change that it was good. You're just an angry baby.

>> No.7399938

Intentionally shitting up the board is obviously a much better solution.

>> No.7399939

So much shitposting about Half life is giving me the craving to replay it again. This guy played himself

>> No.7399941

What fiasco? Posting 3 times and getting banned? Who cares?

>> No.7399942

redpill me on the doomworld fiasco please

>> No.7399943


This is literally what you get if you go to knowyourmeme and just copy the image address into the upload field. You aren't even saving these. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7399948

>the paranoid schizo thinks that I make more than one thread a week
You're a retarded child and I feel sorry for you

>> No.7399951

>Alf types out paragraphs on Doomworld threads with no provocation whatsoever all about how Half-Life is shit and raped his mom or whatever his issue is
>people tell him to shut up and calm down
>calls everyone trannies and tells them to kill themselves
>gets permabanned
>comes back here and claims anyone telling him to shut the fuck up is a doomworld tranny

>> No.7399958

You mean opening the gates to hordes of people from /v/ who are under 25 whose first console was 6th gen played no part?

>> No.7399959


>> No.7399961

Not him, but youhave to be on denial if you don't see how sixth gen allowed in and /v/ shitposters whose childhood was the sixth gen definitely overlap.
At the very least the old fucks who grew in the 80's and 90's were already in their 20's or close to it when 4chan was founded.

>> No.7399963

Nice try. You're way too obvious repeating the same lines over and over.

Enjoy your tears and never ever getting what you wanted :)

>> No.7399964

Imagine - no seriously, imagine it - being a grown ass man who can't get any, cutting your dick off and sucking down estrogen pills and then coming here to defend this utter abortion of a game. It's shit. It ruined the entire FPS genre, and calling me a "schizo" or "shitposter" (define this one by the way) doesn't change that.

>> No.7399965

Holy fuck, what is it about this god damn hobby that attracts so many autists?

>> No.7399967

False flag. /v2k/ and his ilk have bragged about doing this on purpose and we both know it.

>> No.7399968

What same lines?

>> No.7399969

Imagine being this assblasted over a game

>> No.7399970

I don't know, I'm skeptical about that. There are lots of younger fags on this site that don't shitpost, there's a thread on /vrpg/ right now made by someone claiming to be 19 detailing their experience through the Ultima series for example. I don't think people with any actual interest in vidya are coming here day in and day out to spam the board to death.

>> No.7399975

And there we have it. You can yell /v/ all you want but everyone knows it's you.

>> No.7399976

what the actual fuck did Gaben do to you?

>> No.7399979

Yeah the worst trolls here are in their 30s

>> No.7399984

>someone says game is shit
>tell them you disagree
>they spend the next year throwing a tantrum over it

I hope the original anon that set Alf off is laughing himself into a stupor looking at this.

>> No.7399996

Might as well move to /vrpg/, then. I'm sick of this place. The first 2 years were magical, but now it's a rotten corpse. What you describe sounds like something actually worth reading.

>> No.7399998

>even mentioning Alf in this

Don't, he gets off on it.

>> No.7400004

>getting so assblasted by basic bitch shitposting you actually run away in fear
