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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7399224 No.7399224 [Reply] [Original]

Is this considered /vr/ yet?

>> No.7399249

Unfortunately, you can discuss the Shitcube here now.

>> No.7399251

The GameCube was the Wii U of its time. People saw a purple lunch box that played newer, inferior versions of N64 games. Everyone knew Wind Waker was inferior to OOT/MM, everyone knew Mario Sunshine was inferior to 64. People saw right through this shit. Everything worthwhile on the GameCube was ported over to the Wii. History is repeating itself.

>> No.7399297

The GC was great for older game emulation for its time. Midway and Namco had you covered.

>> No.7399323

I was going to start Gamecube collecting. I got my favorites like Killer 7 and Skies of Arcadia Legends then I did some basic math and realized just for Fire Emblem POR and Cubivore alone I could fully deck out my Cube with GCLoader, GCHD, Game Boy Player, etc. so I did that instead.

Its honestly great being about to grab the gay purple lunch box by the homo handle and just have the entire library there. Made for some great local multiplayer nights.

>> No.7399332

It’s considered trash by anyone who isn’t a man child with arrested development

>> No.7399338

Have you ever played Rebel Strike?

>> No.7399342

Hating on the Gamecube is silly and stupid. Gamecube is a much better console than the PS2.

>> No.7399651


>> No.7399657
File: 52 KB, 500x417, godhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 has a much better library than the Shitcube, Nincel. There's a reason it almost killed Nintendo and they had to sell out to normies with the Wii.

>> No.7399663

Dude, I love the GameCube too, but the PS2 had a better library.

>> No.7399691

read the rules at least and don't be a moron creating a useless thread like you

>> No.7399789


>> No.7399802

Do you know what a fucking sticky is, shit for brains?

>> No.7399867

You say this as if the PS2 wasn't THE normie mainstream console. Normies even bought it to watch movies and not play vidya.

>> No.7399906

PS2 had something for everyone. Wii was just nothing but shovelware for people who don't actually like videogames.

>> No.7400253

most normies didnt buy a ps2 to play dvds. that is overblown. there were not millions of families gathering around the ps2 to watch dvds. most just stayed with vhs until dvds were more affordable. and by 2002 dvd players were significantly cheaper than the ps2

>> No.7400259

Woah, they changed it? When did that happen?

>> No.7400263
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>> No.7400291

Mario Kart was better
Smash was better

Metroid Prime

>> No.7400292

August of last year and people are STILL seething like >>7400263

>> No.7400358

It had more games but they honestly looked like shit.

>> No.7400374

muh grafx

>> No.7400375

Metroid wasn’t even on the N64. Smash and Mario Kart were never true, top tier Nintendo games. Just kiddy party fodder gimmicks.

>> No.7400449

Yeah, I'll give you that. Some PS2 games can look muddy or washed out. Resident Evil 4 is a famous example. But, the sheer amount of good games on the console heavily outweighs that negative.

>> No.7402457

fuck is that filename

>> No.7402621

Yeah, 2001 was 20 years ago

>> No.7402758

can't wait for PS3 to be retro

>> No.7403108

>Metroid Prime
ported to the Wii, exactly what he said

>> No.7403136

I love the Gamecube but it's hard to compare it to the PS2
The Gamecube only has about 20 exclusives or the best version of multiplats that are really worth playing, the PS2 has like a hundred
They're both good consoles though, Gen 6 was far better than Gen 7 pretty much across the board

>> No.7403141

they really should introduce a board switch for Gen 7
anything that supports HDMI natively doesn't belong here

>> No.7403536

I'm actually a Sega Chad, not a Nincel and definitely not a Soncel like you.

Better library because it was ahead of Xbox and Gamecube by 1 year? LOL Right. Xbox had better versions of multiplat titles. Gamecube had better exclusives, but even their multiplat titles are better than the PS2 thanks to the digital output port. Since PS2's video quality is crap, no thanks to being composite only.

>I love the Gamecube but it's hard to compare it to the PS2
I disagree, considering that Gamecube has better video output then the PS2.

>> No.7403557

Mario Kart and Smash were both worse on the GCN.

>> No.7403592

What are some actual exclusives that are good (not considering games that were ported to later systems)?
I only know of Luigi's Mansion, Wario World and kind of Doshin if we ignore the original 64DD game.

>> No.7403606

I heard President Bush is taking us back into Iraq..

>> No.7403667

>I'm actually a Sega Chad
How's it feel having your 6th gen system die before the generation even kicked off?
Lmao segatards.

>> No.7403721
File: 13 KB, 464x405, NotQuiteRetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro

>> No.7403732

based and redditpilled

>> No.7404437

Better than being a close-minded faggot ass Soncel who hates Sega and Nintendo.

>> No.7404628

Stay mad at Sony Chad superiority. We get all the games and the babes while you're left seething about your dead company 20 years later.

>> No.7404685
File: 49 KB, 395x510, RetroGamerUK221202133154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major retro magazine already covering 6th gen stuff in various issues.
Also, no one cares about your biased view about what is or what is not.
grow the fuck up (it is never too late) and stop whining or repeating the same stuff in the hope that someone will agree with you.

>> No.7404691

>and the babes
Delusional as always, huh Soncel?

>> No.7404702

>magazine that exists to make money includes 6th gen to appeal to a broader audiences
I knew the 6th gen zoomers would be stupid, but are you actually this stupid or just trolling? My god man, listen to yourself.