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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7394225 No.7394225 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best Neo Geo game?

Pro Tip: it not KOF '98

>> No.7394245

Games that cost over 1000$ for the Aes like Garou are the only ones worth playing.

>> No.7394247

World Heroes, if only for Rasputin, “the leader of a pansexual love cult”.

>> No.7394257

it's actually Shock Troopers

>> No.7394268

based and shockpilled

>> No.7394286

I really like Neo Drift Out.

>> No.7394292 [DELETED] 

only fighting games on neo geo were good
the beat em ups, run an guns and shmups were objective trash and anyone who likes them is a mouth breathing brit

>> No.7394347

Metal Slug is fucking great eat shit

>> No.7394349 [DELETED] 

just sharing the objective truth
u can't handle it

>> No.7394362

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2

>> No.7394365


Hello fellow /vroom/er

>> No.7394417

Most games from the first two years now seem a bit lacustre, but for the impressionable kid it was worlds apart from anything else, the shock at the quality of the pixel art was only comparable to the arrival of 3D and maybe greater.

>> No.7394429

samurai shodown II, of course

>> No.7394442

Hard to say. But definitely not any of the >9k fightan games, which leaves maybe a dozen good games to choose from. Pick one of those. I can't be assed. I'd rather play some mindless fun run and gun with a friend than argue with fightfag shitposters like >>7394292

>> No.7394535
File: 129 KB, 900x1450, 1607893384045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played the fighting games/Metal slug stuff/neo turf masters
what are some other great neo geo classics to try out???

>> No.7394570

top hunter, super dodgeball, baseball 2020, windjammers, strikers plus, magical syrup 3

>> No.7394651

Super Spy Uzi spray animation needs to be transparencied and memed

>> No.7394971

It’s obviously Art of Fighting 2

>> No.7394974

Money Puzzle Exchanger, Twinkle Star Sprites

>> No.7395670


>> No.7395683
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>> No.7395712

Fuck off fascist

>> No.7395775
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>> No.7395876

Only correct answers:
>Puzzle Bobble
>Metal Slug 1/X
>Neo Turf Masters (the best golf game EVER btw)
>Magical Drop 2

Patricians Choice:
>Crossed Swords

>> No.7395924

Flying Power Disc is fucking great.

>> No.7395961

Literally any other Fatal Fury game is better.
>Twinkle Star Sprites

>> No.7395980

Baseball Stars 2

>> No.7396006
File: 29 KB, 300x287, Soccer Brawl-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ctrl + f
> "Soccer Brawl"
> 0/0

I hate you all.

>> No.7396105

>Literally any other Fatal Fury game is better.

>> No.7397237
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>Fuck off fascist

>> No.7397285

blazing star
puzzle bobble
metal slug 6
spinmaster (2P only)

>> No.7399283
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>> No.7399419

Kof 2002

>> No.7399424

Go back to resetera tranny

Not everyone you dislike is a facist

>> No.7399460
File: 641 KB, 1542x2048, EkXdjhJUcAAVYYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to obvious baits and post your Fav games instead you fucking retards.
Shock Troopers 2

>> No.7399762

Fuck of back to /pol/, conservitard

>> No.7399784

>”Not everyone you dislike is a facis
>OP literally dhouts out his faggot Nazi pol bro’s in post title

Great take, anon. You really used all your brain on that one

>> No.7399791

Strikers 1945 Plus, but it's only MVS

>> No.7399883

Nigga you dumb. They was socialists.

>> No.7399954

Wow you are beyond retarded. Hitlerr write an entire book about how the Judeo Bolshevik Russian socialists needed to be destroyed. He coopted the nationalist socialist party to achieve this goal, and they were not socialist in the least. They were a right wing facsist government, and like all other right wing fascist governments, absolutely destroyed any local socialist opposition. The communists were literally enemy #1 in Nazi germany. And guess what? The USSR DESTROYED them.

Read a history book.

>> No.7399986

The same kind of people who think the National Socialist party were socialists are the same kind of people who think the Patriot Act was patriotic

>> No.7400079
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>> No.7400382 [DELETED] 

>clearly can't type
>yet talks about using brain

Kek. What a stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.7400391
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>> No.7400446
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Nah. Just another leftie race faker.

>> No.7400452

The only thing worse than white liberals are the jews themselves. All the fires of hell aren't enough for white liberals.

>> No.7400459

>Magical Drop 2

>> No.7400485
File: 119 KB, 639x407, A088EC78-D169-4378-A66A-C335FEDD046D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mage Lord chads rise up

Pic related average NEO GEO chads

>> No.7401039


>> No.7401097

yes it is