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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 704x528, [Venny] Sonic CD Opening (Definitive Edition).mkv_snapshot_01.07.374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7393912 No.7393912 [Reply] [Original]

Good Lord, is the animation in here top notch.
Toei Animation may usually be cheap when it comes to their animation (except during the '60s and '70s when they actively competed against Disney and made films like The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun, which some say even surpassed Disney at the time) but this is some of the most fluid 2D cel animation I have ever seen.
It's up there with AKIRA.

Too bad it hasn't been preserved in high quality and we're left with videotape sources and heavily compressed and DNR'd sources from the remasters.
Some guy on Nyaa filtered and cleaned up the Opening but I really wish someone can also clean up both endings as well from the GameCube version of Gems Collection.

>> No.7393915


>> No.7393929

nah it sucks it look like a tumblr tranny made it which is why they love it so much and you are one

>> No.7394039

You zoomies are so retarded and fucked up I can't even tell whether you're trolling any more

>> No.7394049

This is the average poster in this board now. Thankfully it's entertaining, in a cringy kind of way, but it's still pretty sad.

>> No.7394104

It’s preserved on the CD, we don’t need some shitty up scaling. Upscaling is not preservation. When a museum obtains an important black and white photograph, they do not colorize it. And so, similarly, a video game “preservationist” should not either.

>> No.7394236

It's analog animation, hence it could have been scanned in 4K and beyond. They didn't draw it digitally in the resolution of the Gamecube version or anything if that's what you thought.

>> No.7394249

What the hell are you even sperging out about? "Zoomies"? It's Sonic fucking CD and this is the retro game board.

>> No.7394254

Assuming Sega still has the original cels or however it works with animation, these days you could probably upscale with AI pretty decently
Just classic /vr/ shitposting, ignore it

>> No.7394261

>Assuming Sega still has the original cels or however it works with animation
They typically don't save the cels, what they'd have is the original film transfer.
>these days you could probably upscale with AI pretty decently
There's no need for any upscaling if they have the film, they'd just have to scan the film at an appropriate resolution. Upscaling is only something you do when you only have low-res digital sources.

>> No.7394263

I wasn't sure if they'd utilize actual film for something like this, that's cool. Did Sega re-scan or do anything to the cinematics for the more recent re-releases? I honestly don't mind the compression of the original if you play on a CRT, looks comparable to video CDs from the era

>> No.7394281

>I wasn't sure if they'd utilize actual film for something like this, that's cool.
How else would they handle analog animation? This is how all anime was done at the time.
>Did Sega re-scan or do anything to the cinematics for the more recent re-releases?
I don't know, it's possible that they scanned the thing at a decently high resolution when they made the game and re-encoded that in different resolutions for all the re-releases.
>I honestly don't mind the compression of the original if you play on a CRT, looks comparable to video CDs from the era
In the original Mega CD version they basically drew over the original animation to make a sorta pixelart version to make it look better with the Mega CDs really low resolution. The version on Sonic Jam should be slightly worse than Video CDs since the game doesn't utilize the MPEG card. The version on Gamecube should be DVD quality.

>> No.7394303

Thanks for the animation education anon, I always assumed they would use VHS for lower budget stuff by the 90s
Sounds like the Gamecube port at 480p is what OP should play

>> No.7394406

>it could have
But it wasn't, AI upscaling isn't preservation.

>> No.7394408

Is it known if they still have the film or not?

>> No.7394428

If they do, then maybe one can get it scanned. If not, then it's preserved as well as possible on the media upon which it is still preserved.

Imagine "preserving" Metropolis by colorizing it and inserting Finn Wolfhard digitally. This is what AI upscalers are equivalent to.

>> No.7394437

AI upscaling is prone to noise and other errors but it's not like george lucas remastering lmao, so many brainlets on /vr/

>> No.7394445

>Imagine "preserving" Metropolis by colorizing it and inserting Finn Wolfhard digitally. This is what AI upscalers are equivalent to.
That's what I'm saying. I'm not suggesting they do AI upscaling as a first resort, they should just rescan the film if it hasn't been destroyed in a fire or something.

>> No.7394450
File: 132 KB, 1200x820, SCD_Animation_Cels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have t seen sonic CD cels in particular show up at mandrake auction, but you do see cels from other games and even original pc-98 production artwork show up there.

Pic related is some of the cels, but not sure if it was an exhibit or pri ate collection.

>> No.7394453
File: 311 KB, 2048x1152, DHLde2XUAAArnAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7394459
File: 133 KB, 1200x900, C9MCibdUAAEZkgF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7394464


Does anyone know what was the vector program they used at that time? There are some shots that clearly used computers

>> No.7394469
File: 246 KB, 600x615, npczoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell whether you're shitposting, can't tell whether your samefagging. Just zoom zoom zoom over and over again.

>> No.7394486

Burgers watched that gay shit and turned into a country of trannies. Soviets watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOtQx2hqS7A and got tzar Putin enforcing antigay laws.

>> No.7394557

Still not preservation.

AI upscaling is not preservation though.

>> No.7394602

No, not really. If all the analog material is lost then the Gamecube version is the best there is, unless Sega still has the original digital scan that they used to encode it.

>> No.7394624

It doesn't replace preservation, but it's nice to look at and looks better than the original.

>> No.7394650

I wish Dr. Strangelove was in color and we could replace Jimmy Stewart with somebody like Finn Wolfhard. That'd be nicer to look at.

>> No.7396401

It was clearly 16mm or 35mm.
The very first anime productions to partially have digital 2D animation were Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke.
I think My Neighbors the Yamadas was the first fully digital anime.

>> No.7396410

Also, I do not want AI upscaling but regraining the picture to undo the DNR would be good.

>> No.7396426

>"a first for an anime production, although the voice actors did perform with the aid of animatics[6] – and super-fluid motion as realized in the film's more than 160,000 animation cels.[4] Computer-generated imagery was also used in the film, primarily to animate the pattern indicator used by Doctor Ōnish, but it was additionally used to plot the paths of falling objects, model parallax effects on backgrounds, and tweak lighting and lens flares.[6] Unlike its live-action predecessors, Akira also had the budget to show a fully realized futuristic Tokyo." Not my comment, I found it and agree they also most likely use it in the beginning of entering the tunnel. Animations in America did use some cgi at the time, but it is very clear that it is, because it is 24 frames per second and had a very smooth motion and usually for backgrounds and odd camera movements. Later Otomo would embrace cgi with "Steamboy" and it is much clearer when it is being used. Then moving to cell shaders to make noodle commercials. They are okay but something is lost for me.

Take a look at the opening of dragon Ball z

>> No.7396439

Anybody remember that short-lived board on /vr/ about that one autist going on about that one compressed shot of this?

>> No.7396440

Golgo 13 in 1983 was the first anime to have 3D CGI effects but the first anime to use 2D digital animation were Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke, and they were only partially digital.

>> No.7396524

I said "some shots used a vector program"

According to my research, they used this type of technique with film and computers until the middle of 2000.

When they decided to digitize the entire process

>> No.7396559

Lay off the meth.

>> No.7396732

Watch for boardbrain rot, it's a serious issue

>> No.7397901

Lay off the tidepods

>zoom for zoom zoom zoom

>> No.7397918

Not taking the bait, but this looks cool and will watch. Thanks anon.

>> No.7397960

Not him but all old anime used film, if an anime has VHS quality in a re release, chances are the film was destroyed. To give an example, Armor Hunter Mellowlink, an 80's OVA series had the original film being burnt during a fire where films were stored. All re releases have been based on VHS and beta versions as a result. A digital remaster has been confirmed, so it's the next best thing.

>> No.7397963

Funny how this thread gets posted a day before an actual decent looking upscale comes out

>> No.7397975

Zoomy zoomy zoomer zoomer zoom zoom zoom!

>> No.7397976

The endings can't be cleaned up properly since the Mega Collection and Gems Collection videos are really shitty and full of ghosting

>> No.7398490
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, Sonic CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks nice, anon!
Someone on the forum also posted different video done by Brady Hartel from Discotek Media.

Forum for anyone intrested.

>> No.7398827
File: 166 KB, 404x561, zoomer-quick-floss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7399829

the cringy japanese version was the one i was growing up with, and i still feel the melody flows way better with the video.

>> No.7402156

I actually honestly prefer that one. The colors look better, though both are pretty nice to look at.
I prefer Sonic Boom, but You Can Do Anything was the song that the animation was literally created to accompany so it makes sense

>> No.7402167

For being made to accompany it the two barely sync up that much. Almost every part of it that matches is incidental rather than clearly being on purpose and Sonic Boom largely matches up at the same points on sheer accident while also fading out more naturally at the end.

>> No.7403052

I fucking hate the US artwork for Sonic games at that time, it just looks so bad.

>> No.7403062
