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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7388092 No.7388092 [Reply] [Original]

>enjoyed retro gaming all my life
>able to pick up fun games for cheap
>eat pizza and play co-op with some friends every friday
>fast-forward to the 2010's
>collectors overrun everything, friends all become obsessed with collecting rather than playing
>rooms are now covered from head to toe in cases and cartridges, friends only ever use them for bragging rights
>all discussion about games leads into collecting
>we gradually drift apart
>start to lose interest in gaming in general, days are mostly spent posting on /trv/
>look back at some old photos, we're all playing some party game
>everyone is smiling and happy
>look at social media, friends barely post anything besides game sales
>spend the rest of the day playing the game in the photo to remember the good times
i fucking hate collectors, just play the damn games instead of making a fort out of them.

>> No.7388104

Why do you keep shopping in North America and Japan? Have you heard of other countries

>> No.7388106
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>> No.7388115

seethe poorfag

>> No.7388129
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I found collecting is pointless once I realized all cartridges and disks are going to be unreadable in 40-50 years time. Yeah that's practically forever, but the thought that even if I get a perfect collection its all going to all degrade into nothing eventually is too depressing.

>> No.7388140

It's just a symptom. Nerds needs to get shoved back into the locker in order to cease all the recent faggotry (e.g. Geek Culture).

>> No.7388147

sorry OP, I absolutely agree with you in being able to pick up games for cheap cause they looked interesting, miss the shit out of that. but it just sounds like your friends are retarded fucks

>> No.7388148

Buy hard drive to download ROMs and isos Problem solved

>> No.7388150

>but the thought that even if I get a perfect collection its all going to all degrade into nothing eventually is too depressing.

This happens to basically everything in human existence, zoom-zoom.

>> No.7388161

I'm a collector and i always play my games and enjoy them. Not all collectors are scum.

>> No.7388165

Nice blogpost, faggot. Is it that time of the month?

>> No.7388182

You can still do that in places that are not america. Here prices on old games go down not up as the games get older, only poorfags would buy n64 games in 2020 is the logic not the other way around

>> No.7388185

Literally the only people mad at collectors are the zoomer poorfags mad that they got into it too late

Anyone else with a brain just emulates, uses a flashcard/ode or plays on a mister

>> No.7388201

I am happy coomlectors exist because i've been making a lot of money flipping games i buy for literal pennies but i don't respect them at all, they are basically subhuman bug people. I guess this is how drug dealers must feel about the junkies that buy from them.

>> No.7388202

thats called getting old you retarded faggot
youre supposed to get a nagging wife

>> No.7388215

you post this larp every thread, sad little fag

>> No.7388225

imagine being mad at those who have what you can't possess. is there anything more childish?

>> No.7388249

Not really at all because archeology exists. Something lasting for only 100 years is pretty bad engineering usually.

>> No.7388253

I can though, i just downloaded a full romset of every 4th grn console for free

>> No.7388259

The truth hurts bugman. I have three copies of SH3 coming up, so stop seething and get ready to place your bids

>> No.7388264

Based. Fuck collectorfags.

>> No.7388273

i used to own a townhouse with fire sprinklers
before I got divorced
they're a bit too expensive to retrofit but the peace of mind is amazing

>> No.7388291

>rooms are now covered from head to toe in cases and cartridges
what a sad life

>> No.7388296

Those boxes would be ruined by the water but I guess the cartridges would be fine after they dried

>> No.7388335
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You have my sympathy, zoomer. I always wanted a Mega CD collection because I never had one growing up. When I started collecting in the early '00s, you could get games like Keio Flying Squadron and Snatcher for $70. I paid $39.95 for Sonic CD.

If today's zoomers want to get into collecting for cheap, they're going to have to start with *cringe* PS3 and Xbox 360. Better move quick if you want to those rarer Wii and WiiU games.

>> No.7388346
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>before I got divorced
at least now you have half of all those cartridges and your Mario Kart themed bed all for yourself

>> No.7388383

That's fine box collectors are insane

>> No.7388398

How are collectors hurting you? You can emulate practically anything these days you know.

>> No.7388404

>not collecting coins
There are quite a few civilizations of which no records whatsoever survive and which are only known from coins.

>> No.7388409

civilizations who left no records were probably worthless anyways, like the Incas, who never developed a writting system, so fuck them. Any civilization worth their salt cared about record keeping and preserving their history

>> No.7388439
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I agree OP, I hate it, too and I wish renting was still possible. I mean, when these collectors then decide to sell their collection, they somehow mix up the value of the game with how valuable these games are for them personally. It's a piece of plastic. It might look nice. It might be nostalgic. But fuck anyone who tries to sell me a fucking gameboy game for 200$. These jews are just ridiculous. I'll be honest I paid a lot for some games before, but it's just not worth it most of the time. You can still get PS1 games for 20$, but as soon as they hit that sweet spot between rare and popular they immediately spike up to 150$. Ah and don't forget the extra 50$, because it has the fucking manual included and the box only has a few scratches instead of being completely fucked up beyond recognition.
But whatever, I just emulate those that I can't get (something like Panzer Dragoon Saga - found one for 750$ - fucking crazy) and buy those I am willing to afford. Can't do much about it.

>> No.7388451

Games are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Sorry you aren't willing (or able) to spend $200 on your hobby.

>> No.7388457

Yeah and people are fucking stupid so the price is fucking stupid, too
blow it out your ass you stupid cunt

>> No.7388473

>Games are worth what finantially retarded soi bois are willing to get scammed for them

>> No.7388513

I tried collecting games for a little while but I got exhausted with it long before finishing any. Not to mention I'm not spending £100+ on a fucking PS1 game.

>> No.7388556

>all cartridges and disks are going to be unreadable in 40-50 years time
i lol'd

>> No.7388579
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in other news, records from the 1920s are 90-100 years old and can still be played

>> No.7388595

Not a good example, no moving parts of pieces that could be ruined, as long as they remain untouched they'll be able to be played forever. Some loons think that cuts in ancient pottery could contain jesus's voice if they were played like a record.

>> No.7388606

>no moving parts of pieces that could be ruined
what do you mean?

>> No.7388616

>Not a good example, no moving parts of pieces that could be ruined
Wait when does a ROM cartridge have any moving parts in it?

>> No.7388939

>other bandwagoners jumped on the bandwagon after i did

>I found collecting is pointless once I realized im forever poor guy
Even more so after you transitioned to forever poor girl amirite

Nobody wants to play brazilian language sega system games

>> No.7388962

>the ameritard proud to be scammed
every time

>> No.7389000

>PAL gaming
Not even once.

>> No.7389051
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Sounds like to me that your just jelly that you can't afford to own original hardware and ass-blasted that the Chad collecters of retro gaming has cranked up the market so faggots like you can learn to appreciate and value the community and culture of /vr/.

>> No.7389178

That's capitalism. You should be thankful, because without capitalism non-productive time sinks wouldn't exist.

>> No.7389273

>sold dreamcast after it stopped reading discs
>sold 2 psones after they stopped reading discs
>sold 2 gamecubes after they stopped reading discs
>sold 3 ps2s after they stopped reading discs

disc based consoles are prone to failure for me, and i stopped collecting them because of it. Disc drive replacements are shit and last a few months if youre lucky. i give it another 10-20 years before fully function disc based systems become a rarity

>> No.7389282
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It's ok to hoard things you love, but collecting for the sake of collecting is retarded

>> No.7389283

The fact soiboys are willing to get fleeced doesn't mean i am gonna respect them or that doing that is based or rational, it still a bunch of retards being retards

>> No.7389290

i thought of buying a ps2 but all the second hand shit i've seen looks in terrible shape. Its really not worth it, thats true for pretty much every disc based console, i sold off a Dreamcast that was starting to shit itself too even though i took really good care of it since i bought it new.

>> No.7389297

The laser weakens from just regular use, so failure is inevitable, but for some reason the dreamcast seems to die faster than any other console ive used

>> No.7389338

seethe faggot

>> No.7389347

James Bond in: nothing dies faster than a PS2 laser

>> No.7389353

>I grew up and it makes me mad

>> No.7389440

If you are that big into collecting and not adding a separate policy to your homeowners/renters insurance, you are a fool.

>> No.7389514

>fuck old people
>enjoyed stuff made before I was born
>able to pick up games for cheap but they've mysteriously disappeared
>game mysteriously magically ends up in old person's home
>why wont you sell me my game back for cheap?
>seethe on web 2.0 when I see some game I had for cheap, but mysterious magically lost to some old person
fuck why can people solve all my problems and give me instant gratification? it's not like old people have old shit.

>> No.7389536
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the price of pretty much every collectible and asset is going to hyperinflate over the next decade because governments are currently printing absurd amounts of money from nothing. if you don't start stacking assets now you're going to be ass fucked for eternity, don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.7389540

>stacking assets
>old toys
Boy are americans financially retarded

>> No.7389552
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i'm using videogame prices as an example, but it applies to most things that aren't everyday consumer goods. in fact, if videogame collectibles are inflating like they are then it's a good illustration of just how fucked things are getting, and it's not gonna slow down any time soon

>> No.7389554

>the 3rdworldshitholetard proud his bootlegs are worthless
every time

>> No.7389592
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i am the one flipping this shit on ebay so you can post how proud you are of being scammed.

Keep it going paypig. You make my day

>> No.7389612

if you get to the point of real hyperinflation, not the meme shit , real one like Argentina in the 00s, Zimbabwe or Venezuela then the last thing you want is fucking games and toys, those are exactly the things that during an economic crisis people would sell on the street for nothing just to have another meal. Anyone thinking that is a sound investment to preserve wealth is a moron and deserves whats coming to them because idiocy is rewarded handsomely

>> No.7389621

consoomer goods won't inflate this time, people will still be able to afford TVs and fast food but anything with lasting value or potential to earn income will be progressively less affordable. new paradigm

>> No.7389639

>wii u is almost retro
loving every laugh

>> No.7389656

games don't have lasting value, buy gold and silver, physical and bury it in your backyard. Leisure goods and entertainment is the first things everyone sells off when they get in finantial trouble, in fact retro coomlector shit only has value in america precisely because the economy has not taken a nosedive and people still have dumb priorities to what they spend their neetbux, stimmie checks and other disposable income on.

>> No.7389668

absolutely agree with the advice that games are a horrendous investment compared to gold/silver or many other things. but nevertheless coomlectible shit appears to be absolutely skyrocketing right now, possibly because poor people don't affect the prices of such things any more, the market is priced by the 1%

>> No.7389694

Just like with the stock market, smart money buys things cheap before they are a meme and they know when to flip it , dumb money buys things after they are meme'd at overpriced prices thinking they will hold forever and they they sell low when shit hits the fan and they get desperate. Just look at the GME stock, the entire timeline took less than a week, the smart ones bought at 30 bucks and told everyone else to have diamonds hands so they could cash out at 300$, meanwhile billy bob was looking only then looking to buy

>> No.7389720

it's more crazy than you think, the wallstreetbets guy was telling people to buy GME at 4 bucks in july.

>> No.7389764

The value will continue to climb steadily because old games will never be made again and you have dumb people who buy NIB and then open it.

>> No.7389778

What a coincidence. I bought a bunch of old disc based consoles for cheap from a tard who couldn't figure out how to burn discs and though the drives were broken at exactly the same time

>> No.7389783

>Be me
>Major into collecting things
>Still play a lot of games very regularly
>Still play games on original hardware
>Take very good care of my stuff
I want to be able to gift it all to my children before I die. I hope they take good care of it all

>> No.7389842

Collector here. I collect video games about or featuring Dracula (and related trinkets).
I have no idea what drives people to collect 'games' as a general thing. Even limiting themselves to one system is too broad to make a hobby of it.
Please, pick something you're really, actually into and focus on that. It's healthier and more fun.

>> No.7390000

all the digital civilizations left no trace, not even bones

>> No.7390030
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>having kids in current year
>expecting anything but the worst from your kids

>> No.7390101
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>there exists on the fourth channel any person who is not a zoomie of such vile self centered disposition that they will forever be an incel

>> No.7390113

I get a sunken cost fallacy from it too.
"OOOOOH ITS WORTH THIS MUCH!" and clinging to it to get that value.
I've found it easier to put more hours into my business to make money than to sell games. It's a complete waste of time.
Just enjoy what you enjoy, and treat it like you would any other disposable type of entertainment in your life.
I find people like this are living in their own personal hell: https://youtu.be/YnWPcvrHYVw
They think they're enjoying themselves, but they're trapped by mountains of garbage.

>> No.7390118

Seething collectorfags

>> No.7390361

are you retarded?

>> No.7390459
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I'm with you to a degree OP. It seems to me that many collectors treat their hobby as an endless activity, akin to hoarding. To them it's like collection becomes a greedy endeavour, which isn't about the joy of playing the actual games anymore. It seems also that collecting crosses over with "jewing", or market-manipulating simply put. I have a small collection going, only 10 games or so in total, and I couldn't imagine having a collection of 1000 games, like what kind of person has time to play a 1000 games?

Why not select out of those 1000, your 50 favorites, and sell the rest? Because it's not about playing, it is about the collecting itself, and especially about taking a compulsive behavior (which perhaps, admittedly, began as a "hobby") and turning it into another way of "making money". The end result is that the "collector" has a lot of games, and a lot of money, while the video-game enjoyers must face huge price hikes for games that they actually want to play. That's the society we live in, truely makes you think.

>> No.7390506

This is why collecting is a cancer. No one can fault a well curated, thoughtful collection. But the market is driven by people who want to have complete system collections, driving up the prices of all games, even ones that suck or are relatively common but have meme status and become expensive as shit. For some reason the people who spend money on retro games are also idiots. A coworker at my last job bragged about buying ALttP for $200 and he was making around $35k/yr in an apartment.

>> No.7390513


>> No.7390526

ITT: a lot of soi-induced butthurt thanks to OP

>> No.7390534

because people who have money definitely want to waste it on overpriced children's toys

>> No.7390540

Exactly, hence why it's sad faggots defend this "lifestyle".

>> No.7390584

I have probably 200 to 500 games. Stuff I've bought over about 3 decades usually by going to pawn shops and hoping they have stuff I want. I've played every game in my collection, most of it being PS2 and PS1 games. Collecting only becomes a problem when you buy stupid shit you'll never play so you can have every title released on a system.

>> No.7390663

>ITT: a lot of butthurt soi like OP and me

>> No.7390715

Ah yes, all those new collectors of the toys our grandparents played with. What a thriving market.
What's that? Those collectors are dying, and there isn't many new collectors of it?
How could this happen?
Same shit as video games will be. The current kids aren't going to become NES/SNES/N64 collectors. They'll maybe download a ROM set one time. Maybe.

>> No.7390726

>I want to be able to gift it all to my children before I die. I hope they take good care of it all
Your kids are going to debate pawn shop or ebay, after selecting the few that have sentimental value(less than a handful total).
Sorry for the unmarked life spoilers.

>> No.7390735

You cant play multiplayer or co op on emulators

>> No.7390776

Yeah sure you are kid. Youre a little /v/ faggot and should go back.

>> No.7390779

you literally can, wtf did you mean by this?

>> No.7390780

Seething third worlder

>> No.7390782

Not only is that false for couch play, but a lot of them even offer netplay.

>> No.7390791

>w-why don't you guys emulate don't you know how superior it is?
>what the fuck why are these games so expensive this isn't fair I just want to play games!
If you just wanted to play games you'd emulate. Sure there's retarded collectorfags who buy shit they don't play but every single game I've bought I've beaten and the same is true for most "collectorfags" on this board. You people are attacking a YouTuber strawman.

>> No.7390794

come on, you can try a little harder

>> No.7390795

These will degrade over time the more they're played though. Since they use actual needles and friction, over time the needles will wear down the disc (although the discs are super hard precisely for this purpose). Still, while many shellac vinyls from the 20s can still be played, you will often find more popular ones to have suffered in quality because they were more often played.
Source: I own a gramophone

>> No.7390796

>I just want to play games!
exactly, which you can do for free and with superior quality given you are not a tech illiterate boomer with a 20 yr old pc who doesn't even know you can play multiplayer and netplay in old games

>> No.7390803


This is a uniquely American mentality. In most of the rest of the world (even developed nations), people who dedicate a whole room of their house to their "collection" of some random consumer product are rightly mocked. In Japan, the secondhand market was kept alive because 99.99% of people who play games eventually resell the majority of their collection, partly because they don't have space at home and partly because they don't want to fall into the "shut-in otaku" stereotype.

A little shame is healthy.

>> No.7390805

It still sucks that playing on original hardware is ruined by collectors unless you go the flash cart/ODE route
I just want the feeling from before the bubble of going to garage sales and flea markets and buying random games simply if the art looked cool
Now someone tells you about a cool game, you look it up and it's minimum $100 for an eBay copy in poor condition

>> No.7390808

I'll also add on that before the retro gaming bubble, you could just hop on eBay and buy random Japanese copies of games for literally $20 or less. I scored a bunch of CIB N64 games this way back around 2012.

>> No.7390920

>i am the one larping this shit on 4chan

>> No.7390978

>I hope they take good care of it all

>> No.7391027
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Everyone collects for different reasons. I collect games to play first, then flash out my collection with titles that I just want or are 'rare'. I don't see why fags spend x5 what a game is worth just to put it on a shelf and never touch it again, and definitely not open it. When I see some fag buying a CIB n64 controller to shelf I cringe cause I would immediately open that mf just to play with that crisp new stick. But I do agree OP, fags collecting just so they can post pictures for you's/likes so they can feel cool are pretty wack. Zoomies lusting for nostalgia trying to reminisce a world they were never apart of don't help either

We should be directing our hate towards the flippers. They are the faggots driving up the prices trying to make a quick buck instead of collecting because they love. All the fucking dweebs that bought NES classics, SNES classics, Game and Watches, etc by the dozen to hoard and resell deserve the gas.
>reeee normies get out and stay go

>> No.7391056
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If you aren't a collector and just want to play games for the sake of playing games why wouldn't you emulate everything? It sounds like you might be pretty similar to them if you have some weird sense of physical cartridge worship holding you back from enjoying the ability to obtain and play any game you want like magic all from the same physical device.
I was born in the mid-eighties and I don't see any reason not to use emulation for all the games I used to need dedicated systems and cartridges for. It's crazy to me more people don't appreciate the ridiculously convenient zero cost and effectively infinite scope of game conjuring afforded to us by modern emulation and the public internet.

>> No.7391070

Thankfully I live in a third world country where collecting is for high class playboys, since original games cost a fortune and are very rare. God bless piracy.

>> No.7391072 [DELETED] 

>a coworker at my last job bragged about buying alttp for $200
See this? This right here is why my long time hobby has been ruined. Basedboy consoomers think the more they spend on worthless shit the cooler they are. They do it for "clout". They collect games to be "unique" in that hipstery way of "oh, an mp3 player? You just can't beat the warmth of vinyl". It's some kind of weird flex to other consoomers. Snagging Earthbound at a garage sale for $5 is something to brag about. Buying Earthbound on Ebay for $350 means you're a fucking idiot.

>inb4 poorfag
Consooming will never fill that hole in your heart, anon.

>> No.7391082

>a coworker at my last job bragged about buying alttp for $200
See this? This right here is why my long time hobby has been ruined. Basedboy consoomers think the more they spend on worthless shit the cooler they are. They do it for "clout". They collect games to be "unique" in that hipstery way of "oh, an mp3 player? You just can't beat the warmth of vinyl". It's some kind of weird flex to other consoomers. Snagging Earthbound at a garage sale for $5 is something to brag about. Buying Earthbound on Ebay for $350 means you're a fucking idiot.

>inb4 poorfag
Consooming will never fill that hole in your heart, anon.

>> No.7391098 [DELETED] 

>This right here is why my long time hobby has been ruined.
>They collect games to be "unique" in that hipstery way of "oh, an mp3 player? How are you any different from them if you also feel the need to use physical video game systems instead of emulating?

>> No.7391112

>This right here is why my long time hobby has been ruined.
>They collect games to be "unique" in that hipstery way of "oh, an mp3 player? You just can't beat the warmth of vinyl".
How are you any different from them if you also feel the need to use physical video game systems instead of emulating?

>> No.7391157

>how are you any different from them
I don't post my collections seeking attention/trying to feel superior, or brag about getting ripped off because I think spending money on outdated shit gives me clout

There is a difference between humbly enjoying vinyl and only listening to vinyl because you're elitist trash and someone think that makes you better

>> No.7391180
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I collect video games because I am a loser, not because I think posting pictures if my shit will make the internet people think I am cool

>> No.7391195

you're scum by default. think about the nature of collecting, what kind of animal shit is that? you should start a bank or something too while you're at it

>> No.7391217

>average earnings outpacing house prices
i don't believe it

>> No.7391242

I’ve recently started collecting PSP games last year and it’s very based. The games are ridiculously cheap most being $5-$10 even the rarest games ever made for the system are maybe $70-80. I only buy the ones I genuinely like and will play so my collection only about 50 games out of the possible 700 the system had.

>> No.7391416
File: 16 KB, 353x250, 1357455073198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it feels like this thread is full of defensive collector fags and militant anti collector fags that are ultimately both just sad manchildren at the end of the day

personally, it feels good to do whatever you want with retro games and not care about what some angry 35 year olds say on an anonymous image board. I'd suggest all of you to enjoy your gaming lives instead of obsessing over others' decisions but I know your response to me will just be calling me a retard or some similar childish insult.

Ima go play Fire Emblem on my gamecube now, peace

>> No.7391447

Well excuse me for not wanting to play at an inferior framerate.

>> No.7391463
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>tfw have this entire room on one hard drive

>> No.7391467

With proper care, a quality cartridge and a counterweight records can last lifetimes. Record playing technology is also getting better. Record players the read the grooves with a laser exist now.

>> No.7391481
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>plugs in another controller
wow that was hard

>> No.7391484

im sitting on a pile of saturn,mega cd,neo geo AES and the rarer wii u games,they have never been played apart from testing,i am hording them to sell for a profit,stay mad lmaooo

i got a cart of metal slug for 1000 quid? you interested? :3

>> No.7391493

>smart enough to solder a new battery to a cartridge so they can save their game again
>too stupid to set up 2+ controllers on an emulator

>> No.7392124

I've got a pretty big collection but for pennies on the dollar. The finds are still out there if you are dedicated. Not like they used to be but nothing is.

>> No.7392153

I'm kind of relieved that our modern society might not leave a trace in history.

>> No.7392274
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>know a collectorfag
>he treats his stuff like this

>> No.7392280

depends on the material used and we can still play audio from pots thousands of years old

>> No.7392323

Show us your AES carts or you are a lyin double nigger. Time stamp an all.

>> No.7392331

Anytime I see a post like this, I have to wonder how 4chan ever thought they reached a point where they could look down their nose at the rest of the world.

>> No.7392474

Tetris wants a word with you

>> No.7392554

Flash carts because >>7388129
is right and there will be perfect emulation before too long. Then collecting will be completely pointless

>> No.7392697

>friends have jobs and families
>gradually have less time for neet friend and playing vidya
>neet friend blames the collecting

>> No.7392718

>there will be perfect emulation before too long
Why are most of you so insanely into nitpicking irrelevant minor details? If anything's less than "perfect" with emulation as it is I'm not noticing the difference. You get all the games you can think of for free on one device and they play the same as how I remember them back when they were on cartridges instead.

>> No.7392926

>why doesn't everyone have low standards like me?

>> No.7392941

Low standard is playing on a shitty crt with arcaic hardware like a zimbabwean who just got an ONU relief package.

Get a decent PC and learn to use it for somethibg other than FB shitposts gramps, then you'd know.

>> No.7392942

>the only example
Based retard. Communism produced a single great game in the same time it took for capitalism to make probably 100, and the guy made it had to give all the credit and revenue to his overlords, who had no part in its creation.

>> No.7392956

Path of Radiance might be the worst game in that series, ergo, you have very bad taste. No wonder you identify as a faggot "centrist" attention-whore.

>> No.7392963

I came here to enjoy the show. Reply to me to enhance my enjoyment here even more.

>> No.7393009

Nah, you are a based and well-adjusted minded person. Have fun and a nice day.

>> No.7393020

Software emulation is shit. I'll never stoop to that for anything but short testing or multiplayer at retards' houses

>> No.7393026

things that never happened. zoomer daydreams about revenge, more news at eight.

>> No.7393027

>hard drive
So you're saying you have none of what's in that room unless he has a hard drive and hormone pills in there

>> No.7393030

>I'm not noticing the difference
Thats why you are here on /vr/.

>> No.7393093

Your kids are going to sell it for pennies or trash it all, anon.

>> No.7393217

Good, this man is now free.

>> No.7393261

>Low standard is wut my english is
No surprise you know all about poor niggers, poor nigger

>> No.7393437

>Path of Radiance might be the worst game in that series
nah you're thinking of Shadow Dragon

>> No.7393442

>Keyboard mania in the corner unplugged in a cluttered room getting no love
I'll buy it from him

>> No.7394290

>not having it all buried with you so zoomies will forever seethe that they can’t get it

>> No.7394663

I was at a yard sale and I had two comics in my hand I was going to buy.

I was browsing some other comics.

A boomer and his wife pull up in a van.

I'm still browsing through.
They come up and say "we're buying all of these". They even wanted to buy the ones that were already in my hands.
I told them no and they started giving me all sorts of bullshit.

The lady selling the comics was cool and allowed me to buy the ones I picked out.

The boomer couple kept on yelling at me as I left.

>> No.7394667

I have VHS and CDs approaching 40 years and they are still readable.

For some reason though, 3.5 inch floppy disks go fast.

>> No.7394674

I got some Sega Genesis and CD games and a console just out of chance.

My grandmother found one at a church picnic and gave it to me.

>> No.7394678

I had a Dreamcast go wacky due to summer heat.

It recovered over time.

>> No.7394679

magnetic media degrates on its own over time

>> No.7394690

That's why you make s copy for general playing purposes.

>> No.7394696

How do I emulate N64 where the controls aren't an abomination?

>> No.7394714

With VHS?
Not significantly if it is stored in reasonable conditions and hasn't been played much.

>> No.7395968

I'm telling you fools, groovymame on a small hidden computer going into a small crt on a table in a corner is such a good look. No need for all this mess, have a crt and arcade stick on a table, and one mario doll and thats it.

>> No.7395978
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well other emulators too, with a front end, all running at their native resolutions and refresh rates

>> No.7395991

I dont think collectors have made things that much worse but then again im a person who has emulated a lot of games ever since nesticle

>> No.7396007

>With VHS?
>Not significantly

econd, the research generally indicates that magnetic tapes (like VHS, VHS-C, etc.) stored well, will experience 10-20% signal loss, purely from magnetic remanence decay, after 10-25 years.

so best case scenario all vhs are losing significant amounts of signal at this point.

>> No.7396008

weird of you to sperg out at the first mention of faulty drives, as if its not an inevitable part of all retro disc based systems. you can burn discs all you want, doesnt mean the disc drive and laser isnt fucked. you can adjust the lasers sensitivity but youre just going to fuck it up faster in the long run

honestly no idea what dumb shit you were trying to imply with this post

>> No.7396061

Those assholes write articles, I still use VHS.

I played Top Gun the other day which the copyright on the box is as old as 1996 and had no issues. Still looked as good as any new recording.

>> No.7396590

Not weird at all of you to sperg out when someone laughed at your stupidity
>honestly no idea
You will now sperg out again as I'm laughing at you being even more stupid.
autism. not even once

>> No.7397561

Seems like Op is just complaining because buying retro is more expensive than it used to be and their "friends" (but probably just people they follow on social media are shitheads).

I visit this board daily and I love retro, but the thousands of dollars I've spent on retro all fit in a small closet shelf, while the SNES classic and my PC emulated whatever else I want to fuck with.

>> No.7397573


Except that they're not. It's not fucking magnetic storage, you underage retard.

>> No.7397576

"Geek culture" people aren't nerds. They're the ones who shoved you into lockers.

>> No.7397736

Mask ROMS last forever, literally, and the other components can be replaced. All games already have initialization routines for if their flash save area is corrupted.

DVDs and CDs last forever. I have two copies of Eine Alpinsymphonie, the very first CD ever pressed, even before there were any commercial CDs ever made. Both still play 100%, no rot.

>> No.7397814

>things that have a finite supply and increasing demand as the generation that grew up with them finally has money
wow surely nobody could have predicted!

>> No.7397841


>> No.7397849 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7397878

The thing that people don't realize is that if nobody values stuff, it gets sent to the dump and it's lost and forgotten. But if people value or like things, and preserve them, even if most of whatever that thing is that gets thrown away be it an early Colt revolver, a pre-WWII TV, a WWI-era early tube radio receiver, an early computer, car, motorcycle, airplane, coin...

Whatever it is, if it's not valued it's likely to be lost forever. The most baffling thing is retro video game fans who play with emulators getting angry that people are buying up the real deal. If they weren't, this would have indicated that things weren't as valued and thus the stuff, without people who are attached to it, gets recycled.

Imagine if you could travel back in time and tell your great grandpa to buy a bunch of those old model t's in the '30s when people were ditching them in droves becuase they were "old junk..."

>> No.7397909
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>The most baffling thing is retro video game fans who play with emulators getting angry
Narcissistic devaluation. Basically when a narcissist is denied, they react with devalue. It makes it easier to deal with their extreme envy. Because once a thing doesn't have value any longer. The envy fades away. But in truth they just suppress these feelings, and the whole thing becomes psycho-active from their shadows. That is why you have this grotesque behavior on here when it comes to real hardware and physical possessions. Its literally painful for them.

>> No.7397968

>shitty software emulation
No thanks

>> No.7397982

Poorfag cope the thread

>> No.7398002

Collectors are good actually because they make people mad for some reason.

>> No.7398004
File: 89 KB, 200x100, 1595564112506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having something that people want and can't get will always elicit poorfag cope and rage. It's delicious.

>> No.7398090

I have no test but I must consoom

>> No.7398095
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>> No.7398156

>Disc drive replacements are shit and last a few months if youre lucky
you have no evidence for this

>> No.7398163

>the thousands of dollars I've spent on retro all fit in a small closet shelf
Jesus. You bandwagoned for the meme hard. The thousands of dollars I've spent on retro don't fit in a 20' container. It's not even a million madden games or something. I have lots of legit rare shit that most people have never seen IRL.

>Mask ROMS last forever, literally
They literally don't. From kids dropping carts to transistor aging to the heat death of the universe you are literally 100% wrong
>All games already have initialization routines for if their flash save area is corrupted.
They don't and this is well known.
>DVDs and CDs last forever
See above on how you're a tard who can't into science
I don't know whether you're an emubaby false flagging as a coomlector or just another dumb zoomie bullshitter. Either way you're completely full of shit and reserve to be mocked for it.

>> No.7398171

>no moving parts
>a disc and cartridge now have moving parts

>> No.7398173

Not only can you play local easy, you can also use parsec to play online like you are playing locally

>> No.7398198
File: 138 KB, 463x827, 7AF66843-4A66-4A5B-B8F9-A9001541B91D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cry harder poorfag

>> No.7398201

based and redpilled

>> No.7398225

I don't care about saving space but I have no idea why you wouldn't use an emulator and get any game you want whenever you feel like it all from the regular public internet. Emulators are technological miracles I never even imagined possible growing up, the idea you could have an NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, Saturn, Dreamcast, N64, etc. all on one device with the entire library of each readily available on demand. I think zoomers just like feeling authentic or something.

>> No.7398246
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Zoomers are the ones seething because they're poor and too late for the bandwagon. Boomers are the based collectors.

>> No.7398340


Because emulation fucking sucks

>> No.7398356

Unless Sega Genesis games have six figure sticker prices now I'm pretty sure most people can afford them.
I honestly just can't wrap my head around anyone else growing up around the 80s to 90s not appreciating how ridiculously nice it is having magic emulators that run any game you can remember existed.

>> No.7398392

That's because you grew up in the 00s and can't appreciate how ridiculously nice it is playing on original hardware.

>> No.7398410

Thats because you're a retard who can't see the numerous inaccuracies preset when emulating.

>> No.7398412

>lots of legit rare shit
Pants down. Show us what you've got.

>> No.7398484

That's why you only buy the games you're going to play. It's still cheaper than buying games for newer consoles or PC. Retard.

>> No.7398513

as someone who went full autistic collector retard a few years ago and i hate having so much shit now.
its a pain in the ass and gets in the way of me enjoying actually playing games.
luckily i bought everything dirt cheap so im making a profit on whatever i sell but its still a hassle to manage selling shit in this much volume

>> No.7398515

No, I already told you when I grew up my zoomer friend.
You sound like you just get off on nitpicking barely perceptible and irrelevant details if you actually think modern 16 bit emulation has problems.

>> No.7398645

>decent but unknown game
>budget release and was found in every discount bin all the time back in the day
>can be bought for pocket money tier prices from any online store, used game store, ebay seller etc. it's a cheap game no one wants
>youtube game collector features the game in his video as a HiDdEn GeM
>suddenly the game price is inflated and sold out everywhere due to collectors who bought it
>game is hoarded by people who have no nostalgic connection or any kind of genuine interested in the game itself

If someone wants to waste their money on something that is essentially plastic junk, more power to them. I like to have some of my favorite games as physical copies because I genuinely love the games so much that I want to have the originals on my shelf, and even then I would seek them out from flea markets and drift stores instead of some greasy collector with ebay prices. Video games are about having fun. If you look at your video games and all you see is price tags, something is terribly wrong.

>> No.7398686

I have about 15 Gamecube games in a media cabinet at my grandparents house, all CIB and in more or less perfect condition. For some reason Nintards are willing to pay $170 for that shitty fire emblem game on it and like $100 for everything else so I'm just waiting until I need the money and going to sell everything for around 2k. Collectors are cringe dweebs who need to hit the weights, take a shower and get a clue, but I appreciate their mental illness making me money.

>> No.7398802

>i larp on 4chan

>> No.7398808

>anime poster
>zoom zooms out the ass

>> No.7398836

going there soon to bring them groceries because they're scared of the chink coof. if the thread is still around I'll post a picture

>> No.7398842

lol wut? You never told me when you grew up your zoomer friend.

>> No.7399246
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never @ me again you faggot

>> No.7399473

I don't know what you're talking about. Japanese consoles are fairly cheap, most games can be run from flash cartridges or CDrs.

>> No.7399494

That's called hoarding. He needs an intervention

>> No.7399506

I don't see any fun there. I just see a lot of plastic and cardboard.

>> No.7399519

Why did you take a time machine from 10 years ago just to post this?

>> No.7399525

Most of those differences are edge cases in extremely obscure games you've probably never heard of or played

>> No.7399534


>> No.7399558
File: 29 KB, 318x318, CA259F34-0E32-4450-B1F3-3801075C8AC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s the fun?

>> No.7399625

its still shit in 2021, unless you are into 8bit crap

>> No.7399640

Even 64 bit works fine now. Have been playing Mario 64 lately and the graphics are perfect with zero lag.

>> No.7399641

>kids dropping carts to transistor aging to the heat death of the universe
LOL, I bet you think optical discs all rot after 5 years too.

>> No.7399767

I couldnt even tell if you lie to me or not. I never touched an n64. I can tell you this, arcade games and 32bit games do not emulate well. And often its not just in the graphics, its the sound that sucks as well. The only reason to prefer emulation over the real thing, is being wishy washy, half assed, generally clueless about your chosen hobby.

>> No.7399790

>arcade games and 32bit games do not emulate well
That wasn't even true a decade back.

>> No.7399797

Were they all 90s or shit age comics worth nothing or did you pull the only value in the box?

No boomers buy up comics unless its a ton of them or the value to sell is worth it.

>> No.7399809

>generally clueless about your chosen hobby.

>> No.7399846

More blubbering about fringe edge cases.

>> No.7400017

I have my collection in fucking walmart pullout drawers, not alphabetized. If you saw my shit, you'd go "why isn't it on a shelf bro?"

Fuck shelves, fuck displaying shit.
I have nothing WORTH displaying that the next youtube MY FAGGIT LIFE IN GAYMIN doesn't already own.

Holy shit!
You got CT, PDS and Little Samson!?
Who fucking cares! So does every other high end fucker!

>> No.7400026

Sell it now, fag
Why wait? Prices ain't gonna get higher than this. Idiot.

>> No.7400080

You're wrong.

>> No.7400103
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>gets btfo
>LOL, strawman
lol indeed

>> No.7400474

>have a collection out of natural interest of the medium
>same thing with blu-rays, vhs, laserdiscs, vinyl records, some cds, cassettes and books
>only buy games if I can find them locally and cheap (haven't paid more than 50 bucks for a used game in like 5 or 6 years) and if they look fun
>consoles I have are only from thrift stores, my original childhood consoles, or gifts from family and friends who didn't want them anymore

>> No.7400519

i broke out of this mindset recently.
i bought a sealed copy of persona 4 with the soundtrack disc for $15 two years ago and saw it was recently selling for $100+ and was just going to keave it on the shelf.
but fuck that, you buy the game, you have the console setup, then enjoy it.

>> No.7400541 [DELETED] 

>have my og heartgold cartridge for 14 years now
>notice relatively recently that 1 out of 10 times i start it up my ds doesn't recognise the cart, tests are sometimes the same on different systems
>tfw i know the cart is breaking so now I'm gonna chuck it on ebay for $150 to some shmuck who will pay it for a cart that will last a max of 2 years from now.

>> No.7400549 [DELETED] 
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C.uck.ed and s.0.ypilled, just keep the stuff you actually give a damn or means somethin for ya, but dont fall for the s.0.y.

>> No.7400702

Denial and willful ignorance. Your opinion is worthless because it does not align with reality. The proper term for you is delusional. Most likely caused by a mental condition. I bet you lie about your penis size too anon.

>> No.7400738


Its objectively not perfect die to the nature of how emulation functions. You're a massive fucking casual for thinking otherwise.

>> No.7400740


>> No.7400754
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Not personalizing your livingspace is a sign of mental illness. You know who else didn't like to personalize their livingspace?

>> No.7400763

And them some faggot kids on the internet talk about how they wish you were dead because you own things.

>> No.7400824

I can understand why some people like to point out posers who buy thousands of games and then don't play them, at least.

>> No.7400828

If you only care about collecting physical game boxes, cartridges, and discs then you're an absolute retard.
The amount of youtubers who just have a bajillion games, but no figures or memorabilia outside of Amiibos or the same BORING posters hanging on their walls makes me wanna kill someone.
Imagine being an anime fan and not owning a figure or a mousepad or SOMETHING that isn't a fucking Blu-Ray.
I don't own a single Sega Saturn game nor do I wish to, but I've been rocking my Saturn shirts since I was 11 years old. THAT'S how I keep people aware of the Saturn, not by wasting money on games, but by having things which represent the fucking product.

>> No.7400865

Poser faggot

>> No.7400894

>wearing advertisements

>> No.7400970

It's poetic how beautiful this is. Mindless dipshits who just buy things for the sake of owning them can get fucked to the depths of hell.

>> No.7400985


People who care are so fucking beta, it's almost unbelievable.

>> No.7400997

Suck a nigger dick.

>> No.7401185

Die mad while I enjoy life.

>> No.7401225

What exactly do you believe N64 emulation is not providing you?

>> No.7401321

>Its objectively not perfect die to the nature of how emulation functions.
Absolute bullshit, hence why you can't even articulate what problem you're having.

>> No.7401335

Buy the fucking games so sega can buy food! Also fuck your tshirt.

>> No.7401391

i live in a completely barren room, the walls are white, the ceiling is white. There are no windows. There are no lights except a simple lamp(with no shade). I am nude at all times. The only possession I own is a windows XP computer with a small LCD screen. If I ever wanted to play a game, which I don't, I would emulate it. This may sound crazy to you, but this is what it means to not be a consoomer.

>> No.7401393

I wanna make movie about your life.

>> No.7401401

such a virtuous, ascended being. very impressive, really, stunning and brave might I say.

>> No.7401403

shouldve emulated

>> No.7401405
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>turbo autist rambling about other people's supposed mental conditions

>> No.7401409

>cartridges and disks
>not the hardware
Your consoles will die first, senpai.

>> No.7401464


Even NES games went down to reasonable prices

>> No.7401558

valid arguments retard, not zoom zoom rhetoric, have a try at it?

>> No.7401567
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I don't argue with autists. Enjoy your neurosis.

>> No.7401607

If you refuse to ground yourself in reality, you will always be called out for your delusional bullshit.

>> No.7401640
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I'm not the one trying to debate with some rando insulting me on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, faggot. Perhaps the Anon you were baiting will indulge your fantasies.

>> No.7401738

Basically FOMO

>> No.7401974


Screencapped and saved forever.

>> No.7401979

lol it seems like every ps2 has been in some pot head dog owners carpet playing fifa for decades. they're all shit, but the good thing is it's one of the best selling consoles of all time so there's no shortage.

>> No.7401982

This is the most nigger ghetto thing I have ever read in the past year, and I'm aware of the girl who used gorilla glue to hold down her hair.

>> No.7402262

>I hate collectors and hoarders, they’re fags
>Also I own multiple games that I bought with no intention of ever playing them

>> No.7402271

>people should be smart and just let me buy their stuff for a dollar
You’re a genius

>> No.7402308

Emufags completely ass-raped

>> No.7402319

Hoarding soi-tranny who doesn’t even play games

>> No.7402536

Nes cartridges I bought 35 years ago
not surprise they still work
Trying harder anon

>> No.7402603

That was a gorilla using girl glue dumbass

>> No.7403804

>e-eventually heat death of the universe! amazing atheist said so!
You don't BTFO people with reducto ad absurdum kiddo. It just makes you look retarded.

>> No.7404223
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yeah I don't play nintendo games. here's two consoles (three technically since I use the ps2 to play ps1 games more than anything) I actually liked and also kept in perfect condition along with a Genesis mini so I can play all the games from my childhood.
seethe more

>> No.7404513
File: 115 KB, 1200x569, SanDisk-microSD-Extreme[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is precisely why I am happy with the absence of physical media. I have some games in my Steam library that I've never played, but they are not taking up any physical space, nor are they collecting dust. I love it that I can have an enormous catalog of games from Arcade, Atari, NES, Genesis, and SNES, on picrel, that's the size of my fingernail.
This is a thing of beauty. OP pic is the mark of a miserable person.
Enthusiasts are fun. Collectors are a drag.

>> No.7404742

>what are collectors editions

>> No.7404760

its not so much of "stop buying physical things" but more so, do you really need to physically own 300+ games.
the picture you posted i can guarantee that 90% of the mountains of shit they have they never touch.
if you actually reduced the amount of games you physically own by both your enjoyment and probability of you playing them at least once more throughout your life you'd realise you just have entire shelfs collecting dust which could be sold for a lot of money.

>> No.7404836

This guy probably owns a couple everdrives now and is probably much happier.

>> No.7405025

take your meds, schizo

take pride in your hobbies and the stuff you own. You sound like the type of faggot who just sticks everything in the closest because. you would probably put your shitty walmart drawers in your closest too if you could

zoomers go through a faze where they get a false sense of maturity by believing that minimalism and a lack of personality makes someone seem more mature. perhaps you never grew out of that phase in high school

>> No.7405158

What collecting is based around "need?" In fact, most of human activity is based around activities other than "need."

>> No.7405545


>> No.7405552

those "cringe" systems have much better libraries than whatever the hell a "mega cd" is.

>> No.7407331
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>k-kids don't drop cartridges
You get BTFO with with reducto ad absurdum kiddo. It just makes you look retarded. Projecting about it, even more so.

>> No.7407387

And if you want to make the experience as authentic as possible, get a pi or a MisterFPGA, a CRT and mod old controllers for USB/BT, or get decent replacements. Nowadays you can buy replacement pcbs from 8bitshit that will fit on og controllers and just work.

>Muh lag
Use runahead on a pi, it only adds like 2 frames anyway. Or get a MisterFPGA.

I switched almost exclusively to emulators and play them on my CRT over RGB. It's perfect this way, and I can still beat Punch-out just fine.