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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 153 KB, 1280x720, retroarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7382352 No.7382352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this so popular again? It's a pain in the ass to set up, it's ugly, the interface sucks to use, and at the end of the day it doesn't provide anything that emulators from the mid 2000s provide
so why is this thing so fucking big when it sucks shit big time?

>> No.7382385

first of all, it reeeaaally strikes a cord with turbo autists who like to have everything in one place (like me)
second, it has a handful of emulators which are effectively better than their stand alone counterparts, which makes skipping it missing out on some good stuff
and lastly, if you emulate your games on a ps vita, switch or android, it's often your ONLY choice to emulate several machines
(i fucking love handhelds, i was playing legend of valkyrie on the namco collection through pcsx rearmed on my switch a few hours ago)

>> No.7382392

XMB isn't even the default anymore. I don't see what's so difficult about the setup anyway. You download the core, and then if the core needs additional files like BIOS or something, you just put them in the system folder, similar to any emulator that needs external BIOS.
Xbox 360 and Xbone pads auto configure, probably PS3 and PS4 if you're using an Xinput wrapper as well. Most of the time you don't really need to tweak any settings yourself, but even if you do, it's all right there in the menus.

>> No.7382476

At this point I use it for every console up to the Dreamcast. Once you go in and tweak the interface to remove anything you don't use and set up playlists of your games its pretty convenient.

>> No.7382602
File: 2.34 MB, 640x360, RetroArch_is_so_hard2_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382625

CRT filters and RetroAchievements.

>> No.7382670

setting it up is still stupid you faggot. the ui is gay just like you.

>> No.7382953

>not pictured: the 2+ hours of setting all of this gay shit up
I still don't understand why anyone wants to use a PS3 knockoff UI to play SNES games. To make no mention of the awful borders, but I guess there's no accounting for taste

>> No.7382986

Less input delay, shaders, best N64 and PS1 emulation

>> No.7382990
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>t. brainlet
every time

>> No.7383000

It sucks. Literally the reddit of emulators.

>> No.7383004

You will now justify spending 1+ hour setting up an emulator that is either as good or worse than standalone alternatives

>> No.7383010

you can change the xmb menu to something less tedious
It's in drivers>menu>(pick the theme that you want), I go with ozone, then restart retroarch.
It's pretty simple, and there's tons of video of it online that streamline the process and even help you with the best settings for each emulator you want.
simplest way to setup.
bios, games and cores is what you need to set up, the rest is for personal preference

>> No.7383018

I can do a full retroarch install in 10~ minutes. Also you can't find a better standalone m64 emulator and most cores have lower input delay than their standalone counterparts

>> No.7383028

I've been using the same base config for years now, not my fault that you're a dumbass. Regardless, I can play my entire library and use my same saves by streaming Retroarch with a Steam link or parsec on my modern and CRT displays. Plus better accuracy, scaling, filters, etc. And you can sync your saves up to cloud storage to play on other devices with Retroarch.

>> No.7383038
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its fine really doesnt even take hours to set up like people are saying

>> No.7383092

>It's a pain in the ass to set up
If you're retarded

>> No.7383140

Easily-portable to most other platforms, with the exception of the PCSX2 core.

>> No.7383171

Setup is easy...

...troubleshooting on the other hand, is a fucking bitch. I've always had this issue where the video randomly hitches for a whole second or two during gameplay- with Genesis Plus GX as an example, and no amount of video settings adjustments have ever helped alleviate it so I just went back to using Kega Fusion because at-least it "just works" despite not having been updated in nearly 13 years.

>> No.7383243

It's the only emulator option for newer hacked consoles and it has the best Genesis and PS1 emulators for PC.
I didn't like it until I set it up on my Vita and learned how it works. Now I laugh at the weekly threads crying about how complicated it is.

>> No.7383270

Many people complain about the video recording functions, but I don't do this sort of thing. I accidentally hit some key and found a few small .mkvs the other day which looked terrible, so I deleted them swiftly.

>> No.7383345

In another thread, someone was suggesting that Retroarch divests emu developers from making standalone emulators, since they'd really only need to focus on the cores.

My jury is still out, the whole in-one-place aspect that >>7382385 mentioned does sound really appealing, but I'm also weary of anything that bottlenecks progress.

>> No.7383557

in all honesty, they do deserve those patreon moneys. the various libretro devs do a wonderful job at porting cores to pretty much anything, if it weren't for mx4w my switch would be a useless brick, thanks to him it's my favourite console ever
gba games feel GREAT on it

>> No.7383597

This. RetroArch is a retard filter.

>> No.7383610

I've found that most retards do not in fact even realize that they are doing retarded shit.

>> No.7383647

Oh shut the fuck up drama queen

>> No.7383658

>I've always had this issue where the video randomly hitches for a whole second or two during gameplay
try using audio sync

>> No.7383659

>Retroarch divests emu developers from making standalone emulators, since they'd really only need to focus on the cores
Yes, that's true, and it's precisely why Retroarch is an evil, tranny piece of shit.
That said, I still use Retroarch.

>> No.7383665

>Retroarch divests emu developers from making standalone emulators, since they'd really only need to focus on the cores
you people are actually insane

>> No.7383669


>> No.7383670

insane if you think that*

>> No.7383687

elaborate on what?
it's open source software, if they don't want people to make forks then don't have it open source

>> No.7383691

elaborate on what makes you think you people are actually insane

>> No.7383701

it's open source, I just said

>> No.7383702

>if they don't want people to make forks then don't have it open source
You're a fucking retard.
Devs aren't making new emulators because they're only updating the cores on retroarch. This is a problem.

>> No.7383713

>Devs aren't making new emulators because they're only updating the cores on retroarch
seems more like you've just got an issue with retroarch, because this certainly isn't true at all

>> No.7383717

Better to have one team dedicated to one project rather than 100 retards dedicated to get the most autistic forks out there.

>> No.7383720

>Better to have people make things I use than have things other people use

>> No.7383737

Not that anon but I think the point was more along the lines of "better to make things that everyone can use".

>> No.7383743

>you've just got an issue with retroarch
Yeah, no shit. Because of retroarch, developers aren't spending as much time creating new emulators. That's the point. If retroarch didn't exist, developers wouldn't be wasting all of their time updating these cores. Instead, they'd be creating new emulators... like they used to. If you weren't a zoomer newfag, you'd know this.

>> No.7383751

uh huh, sure

>> No.7383865

People who want to work on standalone emulators will work on standalone emulators either way, because at the end of the day people does whatever they want.
It's not lost work either, someone who decides to make a new emulator can make use of the improvements, even if they are gross hacks (after all, knowing how a thing is done wrong means you can do it better/cleaner/faster).
Be thankful someone is doing some work somewhere, because if they weren't, there would be the same number of new emulators for you to use, and with less cumulative improvements.

Let's say someone figures out how to emulate a game that uses an obscure chip, something no emulator supported before because it required rare hardware or shit. Let's imagine the person with that knowledge is you. What would you do? Add it to an existing emulator by submitting a patch, maybe giving it a review or two... or do you start over from scratch, having to take care of all the instructions you don't know/care about, having to maintain it, respond to user requests to run <obscure chinese bootleg>, /vr/ shitting on you for not implementing paprium's chips right now, twitter calling you pedo because your emulator can run games with lolis, and reddit calling you fag because you don't have a port for <obscure early-2000s chink handheld with a devkit>?

>> No.7384091

Oh look another le retroarch bad trannies lmao amirite guise thread
Saged and reported

>> No.7384190

>People who want to work on standalone emulators will work on standalone emulators either way
>People who want to
Yeah, the problem is that people don't want to... because of retroarch.
>Let's say someone figures out how to emulate a game that uses an obscure chip
That's not going to happen because devs are only updating cores. That's my point. These advances won't happen because the popularity of retroarch has eaten up development time. More work on retroarch cores = more patreon money.
Retroarch killed emulation.

>> No.7384194

You...realize that such advances have already happened, do you?

>> No.7384198

>killed emulation

>> No.7384227

you're a moron dog with a bone to pick, that's all

>> No.7384234
File: 35 KB, 856x572, fun fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7384247


>> No.7384249

Oh, alright, so you are just a kid that is AN ENEMY OF RETROARCH because they didn't implement some feature you wanted. Or because it's popular so it triggers you. Or because you are just a prototroll with no imagination.
Retroarch is not the best thing ever, granted, but having the retroarch devs living rent free in your head can't be healthy.