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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7379227 No.7379227 [Reply] [Original]

I just beat Ninja Gaiden on NES

>> No.7379230

Not if you used an emulator.

>> No.7379241

how many times did you get sent back to 6-1 =p

>> No.7379252

emulators are more accurate than original hardware.

>> No.7379259

Well I did but I didn't savestate or anything
I spent like 3 fucking hours on 6-2 dying over and over, worst level worst music worst everything

>> No.7379260

Cheater cope

>> No.7379263

boomer cope.

>> No.7379280

Don't you mean B.O.P.E.?
Get some new material.

>> No.7379285

What do you mean by new material? You are literally a coping boomer. I know how you fags function. You most likely used a turbo controller with game genie to beat ninja gaiden

>> No.7379302

Yes using a Turbo or a Game Genie is cheating who said otherwise?

>> No.7379310

Glad you admit you cheated

>> No.7379313

The design of this game was terrible and they lied to me when they said that this game was the first to introduce and make cinematic scenes popular

The game was released in 88

>> No.7379315

>used continues

So by no stretch of the imagination did you beat the game, if you are going to continue you might as well use save states.

>> No.7379320

yep, op literally did not beat the game.

>> No.7379323

Take your meds freak.

>> No.7379335

the game has built in continues though

>> No.7379341

>jealous boomer still mad emulator is more accurate and displays the original design of game than his crappy dying technology from the 80s

>> No.7379361

can people stop pretending to be retards in my thread please i just wanted to talk about ng

>> No.7379378

Yeah and it makes the game piss easy. Never understood why people pretend this game is hard when you can beat it with sheer persistence alone. The game is much more satisfying when you don't accept failure and restart on game over.

>> No.7379379

If you used the turbo button on the demon head to avoid that cheap hit, you cheated, so says the /vr/ autism crew.

>> No.7379385

Anything external to the original console and controller is cheating with no exceptions.

>> No.7379387

>Never understood why people pretend this game is hard when you can beat it with sheer persistence alone.
does that mean you think ghost and goblins is easy too?

>> No.7379397

>pushing the button really fast is cheating!

>> No.7379407

What exactly did you use to beat it, a cart and an NES, or an emulator? Be specific so I can know to be happy for you or not.

>> No.7379415

When you play fighting games, do you make special scripts that completes combos for you? Its just pressing buttons fast after all

>> No.7379419

but did you get hit by the demon head?

>> No.7379427

>pressing one button fast is the same as elaborate pre-programmed sets of buttons

>> No.7379432
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>emulators are more accurate than original hardware

>> No.7379435

how is it not? Youre using an algorithm do multiple inputs for you instead of you doing it manually

>> No.7379437

This is why I love this board, the laughs are nearly non-stop.

>> No.7379439
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>> No.7379440

The real cheese way is to bring a spin attack with some charges all the way to 6-4 and then one shot the bosses

>> No.7379441
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>> No.7379443

>Youre using an algorithm
No, not on old controller from 1990 I'm not.

>> No.7379450

What the fuck do you circuit boards in your controller do? use a magic spell?

>> No.7379453

I typically do that, but unless you want to go through the game again right away, you can't keep it past the first boss, but yes, if you get killed you can started over at 6-1 and bring the spin magic all the way to the demon and then you can spin attack its head away, yeah. That's too much of a slog for me usually so I just take the friggen hit.

>> No.7379456

There are people fighting over a terrible game.

This is some kind of mind trick

>> No.7379458

^Check out this zoomer who doesn't understand turbo buttons

It's very primitive, anon, try to understand that.

>> No.7379459

A sentiment just as ridiculous as the one he replied to

>> No.7379464

>thinks turbo button isnt cheating
>says im the one that doesnt understand
textbook example of projecting

>> No.7379467

>he thinks the irony is on my end

>> No.7379470

I mean it’s not in certain systems like pc engine

>> No.7379471

Are you on crack? The original hardware will always be über alles.

>> No.7379542

....so you beat the final boss on your first try? color me skeptical

>> No.7379546

What are some good retro games?

>> No.7379569

Does this mean I'm cheating when using 6 button Genesis controllers?

>> No.7379582

Not him, but how is trying again and again his "first try"?

>> No.7379593
File: 25 KB, 500x374, olivia_munn_g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, if you've actually beat Ninja Gaiden without save states, dying on the final segment of the final boss sends you back to the beginning of 6-1.
If you didn't know this, you probably didn't beat Ninja Gaiden without save states.

>> No.7379603

>not just turning the system off when he chokes on the final boss
The lack of a heal on the refights makes it hell on earth thanks to that last second cluster fuck of enemies they throw at the door

>> No.7379608

I'm not, OP, pay attention. I haven't read all of his posts and no shit it sends you back, and I didn't quote anything he said that says it doesn't

>> No.7379614

>The lack of a heal on the refights makes it hell on earth thanks to that last second cluster fuck of enemies they throw at the door
The game restores your life before you fight a boss, though. I know it does for Ryu's father, anyway.

>> No.7379615

the last segment and those fucking fireballs was brutal lol. no spin attack sucks too.

>> No.7379626
File: 332 KB, 599x600, tehUrnNot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i asked OP how many times he got sent back to 6-1, and he didn't bring it up. i smell savestates.

>> No.7379628

You can get on top on the ceiling and just slash at the Jaquio.
And no, that's not cheating, you assholes.

>> No.7379637

I smell Game Genie with a level select if that's the case, mang.

>> No.7379643

You do not get another heal if you fail the final boss and try again.

>> No.7379649

This guy has never been laid in his life. Imagine thinking people in their late 20s or even in their 30s give a shit how you beat a game. Stop pretending to be old. Old people have shit to take care of, we don't give a shit if you use an emulator or continues or savestates. Just let me grill and play vidya.

>> No.7379679

Oh, see it's been so long that I died at him that I forgot.
>or savestates
Gen X grillers care..

>> No.7379680

truth, i was only autistic about it during my cringe college fedora years, now that i am over 30 i could hardly give a shit and think people should just have fun. Most purists on these places are teenagers or people barely above drinking age

>> No.7379684

The only one pretending here is you buddy. If you don't have time to enjoy video games anymore that is 100% your fault and not a symptom of getting old.

>> No.7379687

>I turned into a brain dead retard
Imagine bragging about this

>> No.7379691

> Most purists on these places are teenagers or people barely above drinking age
i never even used strategy guides... prima is cheating

>> No.7379702

I would love to buy a real nes and all the real games for it but I just don't think it's worth it for a kids' toy, especially when I can play them for free. how does beating a game on an emulator make it less authentic if you're not using any kind of save states or anything?

>> No.7379717

>how does beating a game on an emulator make it less authentic if you're not using any kind of save states or anything?
It usually doesn't, anon, but sometimes emulators make the game easier or harder, so anyone that says that they're the same or that emulators are better is a moron.

>> No.7379730

>noooo beating nes games from before i was even born is the only way i get a sense of accomplishment
And no one gives a fuck, you could literally lie or nor, no one gives a shit dumb hipster kid, go buy a house and raise a family before you are wrinkled if you wanna talk about being a brain dead retard

>> No.7379732

they're the same, or emulators are better

>> No.7379742

Isn't it weird how people that collect vintage actual children's toys are respected, but if you ever mention buying a physical video game on this board you're flooded with "lol retard buying children's toys I'm too mature and refined for that!"

>> No.7379747

>Anyone who I disagree with is a child.

>> No.7379748

Real NES is kinda comfy

>> No.7379751

You're a fucking masochist or you never played the game in the first place

>> No.7379781

>Yeah and it makes the game piss easy
This guy has never even beaten level 3 of Ninja Gaiden. No way, no how.
Why do people pretend that the game is easy? Don't they know that for the people that have an easy time with it, it took a long time to build up the skill?

>> No.7379791

I enjoy video games. I enjoy them with savestates and without. I also enjoy them on original hardware and emulators. I can tell you're underage from your post kid.

>> No.7379798

>but if you ever mention buying a physical video game on this board you're flooded with "lol retard buying children's toys I'm too mature and refined for that!" from chronic poorfags that are jealous

>> No.7379819


>> No.7379846

explain how

>> No.7379867

OP here yes I died on the bosses and got sent back many times. Not sure how you’ve interpreted otherwise. I didn’t get stuck on 6-1 at any point because it’s short and easy. 6-2 on the other hand is a massive pain in the ass

>> No.7379879

now go play Deadpool

>> No.7379882 [SPOILER] 
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Wanna enrage poorfags with me?

>> No.7379884

I'm not sure how but I can unironically tell from your post that you have autism

>> No.7379885

I've explained this many times before, but ok, specifically and for example, Robotron is *harder* on MAME because it runs a teeny tiny bit too fast, so that proves, at least for that one emulator, that emulation is not superior and is in fact flawed.
Having said that, most of the time emulation is either almost as good or as good.

>> No.7379893

Thanks for your jealousy.

>> No.7379904
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sega is fucking garbage kid

>> No.7379919

>console warring like a baby

>> No.7379920

hey, its that gamecube game

>> No.7379928

>calling another man cute
oh no no no no no

>> No.7379931

we are all trannies in this board, even you are a trannie, even if you haven't accepted it yet

>> No.7379945

The gamecube version is actually a little more valuable, but it destroys the sound quality so badly I don't really want it.

>> No.7379946
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>> No.7380617

Are you stupid, I said it was just as ridiculous as the post he replied to

>> No.7380656

There’s no filter

>> No.7380670

I tried that and it never worked for me. I was always below half health before I even got up there

>> No.7380673


>> No.7380740

NES emulation is currently pixel- and timing-perfect. There is no difference. None, not even a little, tiny, unnoticeable difference.

>> No.7381950
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There isn't filters on that image either, just shitty raw pixels stretched to 16:9

>> No.7381982

post the no continue run.

>> No.7384679

Congrats! Any plans on tackling 2 and 3?

>> No.7387206


>> No.7387213

Can we talk about how this board was wrong for years and autisticly argued that runs wherein the runner eats a hit from the demon head were "no damage" runs?

>> No.7387386
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 4376b8dd909d48cf29109e1df4d71e6b--meme-faces-rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex literally and im not joking. this is what no pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.7388103

pro tip for n00bs

turbografx ninja gaiden is basically easy mode
>birds do half damage
>most enemies less aggressive
>final boss slower

>> No.7388164

If you emulated then try again on a cartridge and come back to us then.

>> No.7388173

>If you emulated then try again on a cartridge and come back to us then.
This is a drooling retard take of either a person that just hit 18 or an older person that is still a child mentally. No one gives a shit how he beat the game. Did he enjoy it? Then that's all that matters.