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7378901 No.7378901 [Reply] [Original]

Possibly, the best F-Zero game

>> No.7378916

It's time to stop sucking on this piece of shit. It's a bare bones futuristic racer with shitty buttrock music and tracks that look all nearly identical. It's fucking boring and I have no idea why it gets so much praise. GX is better in every conceivable way.

>> No.7378919

You're a buzzword-spewing faggot, though.

>> No.7378920

possibly the only fzero game even worth playing

>> No.7378937

rubberband too stronk

>> No.7378940

definitely the best
>Judge Dredd inspired edgy graphic novel styling
>the truest fucking metal that exists outside the first 6 Sabbath albums
>incredibly fun physics and wild track designs
I do like GX as well for the huge amount of content and cool stuff like every character having their own theme song, but I don't like the course designs and physics as much. Less flying and jumps and going upside down and more normal racing in it. And obviously the bland electronic music is a huge downgrade, no clue what they were thinking.

>> No.7378947

>opinion i dislike
ironically by using the term 'buzzword' you've used more buzzwords than i used in my entire post. you are also very mad and have no argument for what is obviously the truth.

>> No.7378950

Nintoddler garbage.

>> No.7378954

You were using a bunch of buzzwords as your "criticism", though.

>> No.7378963

There's barely any rubberbanding in this game, if any at all.

>> No.7378964

Not every word that you dislike is a ''buzzword'' retard. I'm sorry but your butthurt is painfully obvious.

>> No.7379029

Don't forget the track randomizer

>> No.7379040

are you smoking crack? You can smash staff ghost times in the master gp and still lose. I learned some of the stage skips and the cpu is still right right on my ass buy the end. It's complete bullshit. You're better off just destroying rivals at the bginning or waiting til the very end of the race to make a move for 1st

>> No.7379043

if you think the F-Zero X soundtrack is "the truest fucking metal that exists", you are legitimately the biggest faggot on this board

>> No.7379050

you are literally supposed to kill your opponents to win

>> No.7379071

good job not denying anything he just said retard

>> No.7379106

A bunch of random words that mean nothing but "you're poopy poop face" is what you used to defend your poorly thought out opinions.

>> No.7379115


>> No.7379117

by far the most overrated game I've ever played. whenever I see one of those threads about games that don't deserve their popularity, this is the first one that comes to mind. literally all you do is guide a hover car down a series of identical tracks, occasionally strafing around rough dirt patches. that's fucking it. it's not like the game even gets by on cool graphics or something, it looks like total ass, has NES-tier asset repetition, there's no customization... i really dont understand the love people have for this game when any racer you could pull out of a bag while blindfolded is almost guaranteed to have more content, features and more unique gameplay.

>> No.7379124

>the game is bar bones, has shitty music and all the tracks look identical, also there's a sequel that is 10x better
I don't mean this in a nasty way, but you, legitimately, have a low IQ and should not be allowed to use a computer for your own safety.

>> No.7379141

I can tell you're mad, at least. You still said nothing of substance. All you said was "this game sucks because I don't like it."

>> No.7379157

To clarify further, "buttrock" and "all rook same" is peak buzzword. None of that nonsense you said was intelligible.

>> No.7379278

GX is good but I don't like how you can lose grip with grip racers and not be punished for it. You can basically drift in a grip car and that just makes the game feel sloppier to me. Also the music and character designs are obviously worse.

>> No.7379284

Seethe more long haired rock faggot.

>> No.7379297

>literally all you do is guide a hover car down a series of identical tracks, occasionally strafing around rough dirt patches. that's fucking it.
Maybe look into how to actually play the game above its most basic level? It has some really cool mechanics.

>> No.7379325

This. The momentum-based gameplay of Wipeout is far better in every conceivable way, with far more depth.

>> No.7379328

Wipeout sucks and has way less depth.

>> No.7379390
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X has a higher quantity of good courses that you'll want to replay over and over when compared to GX - especially if you take the 64DD Expansion Kit into consideration (not even talking about the track editor, just the added courses from the devs). You can tell they got better at their game and created crazier, more challenging (but still fun and playable) courses for the add-on. Mechanics, aesthetics, music, etc in GX are great and it is a fantastic game for sure but X is better mostly due to the track design.

>> No.7379610

Game is still the fastest and most intense in the series, regardless.

>> No.7379869

>ctrl+f "wipeout"
>2 results
more like wipe your ass

>> No.7379875

>X has a higher quantity of good courses that you'll want to replay over and over when compared to GX
they all look and play the fucking SAME

>> No.7379962


Strafing means passing something while raking it with shots from a weapon. You can't strafe in a game that includes no projectile weapons. Please do not say a retarded thing like what you said.

>> No.7379985

Actually "strafing" specifically refers to a combat maneuver performed by an aircraft, so even your semantic masturbation is fruitless in this situation. I might also point out that internet slang is rarely derivative so you might just be autistic for not understanding the subtleties of language.

>> No.7380040
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It's because nintendykes didn't have anything else. Their consoles are notorious bad for racing games. I mean, apart from kiddy shit like Mario Kart, what else was there that was genuinely good? So they need to cling to one of the few racers they have that is barely above mediocre - F-Zero.

Most of them didn't own another console or PC, so they have no reference of what makes a good racing game. They wouldn't play good racers in the Arcades either, because most of those were made by Sega and the childish fanboy in them pushed them away. So their bar is extremely low. They will even go as far as they say the awful, simplistic, generic, bland, unoriginal, basic and highly compressed cartridge music in F-Zero is better than Wipeout's actual proper music soundtrack. Is it even a wonder why so many nintendiddlers are actual trannies with this level of mental gymnastics and reality distortion.

>> No.7380051

you should really get laid

>> No.7380071

you're right but you'd sound a lot more agreeable if you didn't talk like a massive faggot

>> No.7380085

Nah, I love wipeout but F-Zero X and GX are leagues faster and more responsive.

>> No.7380119

Sony fanboys literally always come into F-Zero threads just to cope over the fact that F-Zero X shits on Wipeout hard. That's how one sided it is. You don't see F-Zero fans shitting up Wipeout threads because the superiority of F-Zero self evident.

>> No.7380121

>the superiority of F-Zero GX is self evident

>> No.7380128
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>> No.7380746

Blown the fuck out by GX by a huge margin in gameplay and nearly all other respects, but the track generation is amazing. Wish it got re-implemented.

>> No.7380795

I'm pretty sure it's just one guy.

>> No.7380801

F-Zero X = F-Zero > GX >>>>>> everything else

>> No.7380934

if you can read this you're not playing f-zero x

>> No.7380947

The soundtrack is soulless techno shit tho

>> No.7380962

>F-Zero > GX

>> No.7380971
File: 74 KB, 1100x825, 56986c82c08a8081028b9c3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sony fanboys literally always come into F-Zero threads just to cope over the fact that F-Zero X shits on Wipeout hard. That's how one sided it is. You don't see F-Zero fans shitting up Wipeout threads because the superiority of F-Zero self evident."

>> No.7381954
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t. poorfag kid who could only play psx
i got to play both, i enjoyed both, your console war gaslighting doesn't mean diddly and your mother's breath smells of my jizz

>> No.7381969

t. shit times

fuck off back to your onesie wiggle and wall slide to win you autistic man child still on the tit hug fucking a pillow with noodle arms.

>> No.7381974

faster yeah cus everythings straight lines lmao and wall sliding! with its GAY wiggle to win and pixel perfect skips, f queero is for nintendorks who select hero onesie to go zoom because crossing the line in falice go karts sub conciously satisfies the pussy they arent getting

>> No.7381991
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>> No.7381997
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I like X's audiovisual aesthetic more but GX is still nice in that department and when it comes to actual gameplay it utterly BTFO every other futuristic racer (Wipeoutards need not apply).

>> No.7382010

>when it comes to actual gameplay
>arbitrary gay wiggle to win
>win dorks over with MUH WHOOSH to hide lack of depth
>muh character in a onesie!

its fucking embarrassing as fuck you childish gunt

>> No.7382034

I don't understand what you're trying to say with this post

>> No.7383013
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>noodle arms
Glass houses and stones.

>> No.7383109

I have a pirate F-Zero cartridge with a F-Zero X label on it lol