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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7371135 No.7371135 [Reply] [Original]

>endless backtracking to the point it seems like parody
>level design consists of "three flat screens with enemies and you run right"
This is truly a black mark for Nintendo and probably marks the exact moment when they really started phoning it in without giving a shit

>> No.7371143

Did you play Paper Mario on the N64? I never played that game when I had a Gamecube.

>> No.7371152

PM64 is the only good PM game. M&L overall blew the series out of the water.

>> No.7371234

Yeah it's awful, and the localization is the beginning of NoA's truly embarrassing translation work

>> No.7371242

Paper Mario is a series where each new game for the most part unironically gets worse and worse.

PM64 > TTYD > Super > TOK > CS > SS

>> No.7371753


>> No.7371759

And on top of that the game forces you to read the stupid dialogue

>> No.7371762

i can still enjoy if i put on double pain and try to be as underleved as possible. makes badges super important and the fights you do have to fight fun.

>> No.7372012
File: 14 KB, 240x208, FinalBattleSMRPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMRPG = Paper Mario > TTYD > SSS >>> etc.

I don't know how people can stomach the L+R platforming in the M+L games. It's perhaps the worst in any game in existence, and it gets even more painful later with Dream Team's dreamy gimmick bullshit. It's the game I've dropped the most, I can't tell you how many times I've done that bullshit startoad brothers tutorial fuckery. And then you have to deal with that climb up that fucking mountain, twisting away. Fuck those games, only the first makes the combat worth it because it doesn't waste your fucking time.

>> No.7372351

Fuck you, I loved it.

>> No.7372436

Weird, I thought people loved TTYD. Backfired bait thread?

>> No.7372716

It does have an obscene amount of backtracking not gonna lie.
The final level is fucking kino though.

>> No.7372736

This is all /vr/ does now. Take a popular well recieved game, call it overrated or shit, provide vague criticism, then watch the (You)s flow in.

This particular OP has more criticism than most threads like it, which should tell you all you need to know about how garbage this board is now.

>> No.7372739

Oh, I just started posting. LOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7373136

A simple google search would illustrate people have disliked this game for a long time. It's a game only children like. The backtracking is always cited as the reason. So quit coping.

>> No.7373143

>endless backtracking to the point it seems like parody
This is a bait thread

>> No.7373162

Anyone who actually calls TTYD a shit game is completely delusional or has ulterior motives aka propping up 64 as high as they can for because they bought into the 4chan hivemind idea that you can only enjoy one game in a series and have to hate anything else that's as or more popular as it.
Note that I'm not saying you can't like 64 more but that doesn't mean that TTYD is anywhere near shit and to claim that it's anywhere near universally disliked is the biggest bullshit possible

>> No.7373163

Delusional braindead boomer doesn't remember the game because he's too dumb and demented.

>> No.7373169

The fact that you're jumping straight into meme insults and being so aggressive is really more proof that this is a bait thread made to just make people mad.

>> No.7373175

>A simple google search would illustrate people have disliked this game for a long time
As if you can't find the same tweens whining about everything, specially in the Halo and Cod subreddits you browse for opinions

>> No.7373184

not a argument

>> No.7373205

>more meme responses
Man, the rules update really did ruin this place.

>> No.7373234

"hur dur some people hate it ergo i hate it and is bad" is not an argument

>> No.7373241
File: 734 KB, 500x266, ttydgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a cuntrarian fag.

Backtracking is overblown most RPGs have at least some form of backtracking and its far from egregious. Implying it has shit level design because its keeping the 2D sidescroller aesthetic mario is known for is a retard take.

>> No.7373293

Played it too and it was pretty boring, the backtracking didn't help either. It's far from being a "black mark" though.
I think the biggest problem I had was that I played the Mario & Luigi games before this, so I couldn't enjoy the combat at all.
This felt like the kind of game that if I had played during my childhood/teenage years I would have enjoyed it and still have fond memories of.

>> No.7373319

always this kid with the marxist rhetoric. stop posting already.

>> No.7373452

>with the marxist rhetoric

>> No.7373502

not an argument

>> No.7373667
File: 338 KB, 2644x2643, A3B86C4C-4A8C-45E5-A7FA-5543B1D4D2CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this game as a kid, thought it was 10/10 and was one of my all time favorites for a long time. Did a replay every year or few years til my late teens or early twenties.

Played it again recently for the first time in like five or more years. Did a challenge run so the combat was excellent, and I still consider it the best battle system or any rpg IF YOU DO A CHALLENGE RUN. That’s the catch, a regular run is too easy for the gameplay to provide excitement to an adult who has any rpg experience.

And I agree with the backtracking being a big problem even if it does get overblown a little by trolls. If I played it the first time as an adult I’d be whatever towards the game.

Story is fun and creative but not as epic as I remembered. I still discover new things about the game’s world though, like connections between npcs I never knew about.

I really value that I can still find new things in this game and still get enjoyment from its battle system, for people who grew up with this game it has staying power in ways other rpgs dont and really is something very special. At the same time, if you play it for the first time as an adult I totally see why you wouldnt think of it as anything special.

Even if I might be really ‘finished’ with the game after so many replays, I think it’ll always be special to me. It certainly stuck with me far more than most games do, and at least to me that means something.

>> No.7374570

I remember my mom bitching about the back tracking when this game came out. She liked the first one but couldn't keep playing this one. I never understood as a kid and thought it was fine. It's funny how the backtracking is always brought up with this game. Guess she was ahead of the time.

>> No.7375091
File: 279 KB, 430x430, c53c2ff47e4e13e0a398bbbc7f9815b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when /vr/ turned in to /v/?

>> No.7375113

you know when.

>> No.7375234

what was up with peach having nude scenes in this game?

>> No.7375252

Low brow Japanese humor for kids can often be pretty sexy.

>> No.7376040

>A simple google search would illustrate people have disliked this game for a long time.
Just like every popular game ever

>> No.7376618

Is /vr/ really pretending like TTYD wasn't a huge step down with lazy level design? Are you really going to argue that Twilight Town objectively ISNT backtracking?

You walk the same linear path to Creepy Steeple at least SIX times in order to win. It is a FACT, not an opinion that the game is filthy with backtracking as a replacement for level design. Lazy bullshit.

>> No.7376728

The General White part literally makes fun of you for having to backtrack to literally every level in the game to find him. Takes like 2 fucking hours to get through.

>> No.7377380

Game is obviously insanely rushed compared to PM64. It was made in less than a year. The battle system is better but everything else related to the gameplay is a big step back. Overall chapter quality is lower as well. It gets points for its original setting and antagonists, but I just can't say it's a better game than PM64 at all.

>> No.7377485
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 07F481AA-B8E6-430A-AA95-05C353614F87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Party Nintendo title
>any point after fifth gen

Why are you surprised it’s shit? Nutendo is a shambling corpse of the powerhouse that came before.

>> No.7377503

Backtracking is good though, just ask Metroidvaniafags

>> No.7377512

Sorry man you have legitimate, well thought out criticism and it’s coming from someone who has played the game multiple times.

This doesn’t bode well with the screeching Nintoddlers, so they’ll just ignore your post and keep jerkin off about how everyone who disagrees is a troll.

>> No.7378121

The backtracking is parody.

It’s still backtracking and annoying though.

The rest of the game is charming and fun though, which I think makes up for the backtracking.

>> No.7378229

Hello zoomer, did you know that most retro games force you to restart the entire game when you lose? If you want games where you never have to go through the same area twice, you should go to /v/.

>> No.7378245
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, Wii_SuperPaperMario_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endless backtracking to the point it seems like parody
>This is truly a black mark for Nintendo and probably marks the exact moment when they really started phoning it in without giving a shit
Nintendo pads out games intentionally to keep kids busy for longer and give the impression for parents that when they spend $50 buying a Nintendo title, the kid will not want anything for at least a month. By this point they didn't design their games with passion and love, but instead for the GamePro quote "this adventure will span over 40 hours and is an excellent value".

If you want to see the perfect example of phoning it, look at the Wii version. With each iteration, enemy designs got simplified down to squares, triangles, and circles. By the Wii U/Switch era, even NPCs got copy and pasted without any charm or personality. There's also a part in the Wii game where you have to hold down "right" on your controller for over ten minutes while you run in a hamster cage. Pic in next post.

>> No.7378246
File: 904 KB, 1249x661, hamster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's also a part in the Wii game where you have to hold down "right" on your controller for over ten minutes while you run in a hamster cage. Pic in next post.
What were they thinking?! What a load of piece of dog shit!

>> No.7378256

This is a joke right? You realize that level encourages you to cheat it so you dont have to do the hamster thing?

>> No.7378272

I believe you still have to do it a little bit, but not for the whole entire duration (which would take hours).

>> No.7378274
File: 103 KB, 612x612, 1972946f-3127-4264-a362-f33268dbd4ba_1.1e2ee9a77867f5e2b63abd0b2dad1ad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That will be $15 for the "Have actually fun with this game" DLC

>> No.7378286

Imagine being the dumb fuck who spent hours in a hamster wheel like a literal lemming instead of thinking outside the box.

>> No.7378340
File: 137 KB, 872x470, incorrect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone who played it the first time knew there is a way to cheat it and didn't end up trying "outside the box" solutions after running in the wheel for a few minutes and realizing the game isn't going to speed things up.
Pic related is a guide that proves that you have to do it for six minutes. The shortcut the article it mentions is the password for the vault, which is always the same at every run, but you do not get the full "password" until you run. And before the hamster cage, you have to jump in one place, hitting the same block, 100 times. Truly AAA game design.

>> No.7378374

>hitting a block 100 whole times
Holy shit, that's almost 50 seconds, why doesn't Nintendo respect my time?
>six whole minutes of walking in a wheel
Dammit, that's 1/4th of an episode of Tokyo Mew Mew Nintendo took from me. Fuck the hours of overworld travel time every Paper Mario game has, the six minutes of walking on a treadmill is the breaking point for me.

>> No.7378391
File: 129 KB, 800x371, daa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG I'm having soooo much fun jumping in one place over and over like a monkey. Nintendo is the best! I cannot wait until they port this game so I can do it all over again
Pic literally you.

>> No.7378424

I miss old /vr/

>> No.7378436

>Tokyo Mew Mew
Is this kino?

>> No.7378440

Yes, the era where games weren't padded out messes.

>> No.7378640

I times it once to see how long it took because of how infamous that part is.

It took me 15 minutes.

>> No.7378669

>nooo no fun allowed and don't you dare say something bad about amiga!!

>> No.7378679

What reality do you retards live in.

>> No.7378681

Nintendo games were always padded out.

>> No.7378683

like the "infamous" water temple that i beat with no guide as a kid before i even knew it was a meme but then i grew up to see legit adults crying about it. Lots of people are really , really bad with videogames, a lot of people never even played the games but still like to meme about them as some form of weird internet social bonding or something

>> No.7378707

Don't people just shit on the water temple because it's tedious and a slog? I think you just might have a high threshold for time wasting bullshit.

>> No.7378713

it didn't take me any more time than the other temples, maybe you are just retarded and suffer from add

>> No.7378738

The big thing about the Water Temple is that you constantly have to pull up the pause menu to swap to the Iron Boots as you can't put them onto a C-button. Since OoT performs like crap the pause menu hangs the game for a while any time you open it. It's not that it's particularly hard or anything, anyone can clear the temple, just insanely tedious and annoying as a result of that, and it doesn't really make up for it in looking nice or being interesting either as it's probably the most same-y temple in the game with a boring aesthetic.

>> No.7378739
File: 198 KB, 1317x988, 1609246064731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gameplay is a massive step up from 64 and so are the characters and story. The level design is way worse though. It's not a complete improvement but an overall improvement

>> No.7378742

Wow you're very aggressive and defensive. Just seems awfully boring constantly wading into and out of menus within the span of seconds. You might think this is entertaining but I think most people find it boring, even Nintendo apologized for how shit it was.

>> No.7379125

I’ve got legitimate, well thought out praise for it too. People who say it’s flawless are kidding themselves but people acting like the game is a travesty don’t deserve to be taken at all seriously. If you play this game and can ONLY zero in on the flaws instead of appreciating what it has going for it, of course people are gonna think you’re either trolling or too negative for your own good.

>> No.7379140

>Wow you're very aggressive and defensive.
am i? you must be a real sissie if thats how you perceive any dissenting opinion.

>> No.7379174

How does a simple google search gauge general trends? I'd have to crossreference several sources across over a decade. That sounds far from simple.

I'd much rather discuss why opinions might have changed than try to shootfight whether it is "objectively" good or bad.

>> No.7379179

Fun is allowed. But that is not fun. Only reason you guys excuse it is because it's Nintendo.

>Nintendo games were always padded out.
Not really. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3 has no padding. Neither does Link's Awakening, Super Metroid, Link To The Past, Yoshi's Island, Wario Ware Twisted, or Donkey Kong 94. Surprisingly they haven't actually developed as many games as I thought - they mostly published.

>> No.7379185

>maybe you are just retarded and suffer from add
How many Gold Points are they giving you for being on the Nintendo Defense Force? I noticed this became the latest "scotformer" meme around here. Any time you criticize Nintendo's bullshit of padding games, you have ADD!

>> No.7380601


>> No.7383380

>not knowing about the blue pipes underneath rogueport

>> No.7383394

I did, it was still an awful slog. There were also no blue pipes in Glitzville or Twilight Town.

>> No.7383503

The pipe to twilight town is one screen away from the blue pipes, it would’ve been unnecessary.

The blimp to glitzville is like three screens away from the blue pipes.

The white quest is definitely annoying but extremely overblown. Like >>7378640 said it takes like 15 minutes. Annoying, but a very small part of a 20 hourish game.

You fags who overhate this game have become far more obnoxious than the people who overrate it, congratulations.

>> No.7384328

t. Triggered TTYD fag. Just admit you're a TTYD knob slobber who can't cope