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7368887 No.7368887 [Reply] [Original]

Which games in the bomberman series would you say are worth playing besides saturn and the pc engine games?

>> No.7368898

Bomberman Land Touch is pretty fun. That isn't retro though, and I'd say you've already mentioned the worthwhile retro titles, so 'gratulations

>> No.7368957

neogeo bomberman best bomberman
64 is super underrated and has the best SP

>> No.7369113

bomberman hero.
maybe it's just nostalgia but I really like it.
nitros is super cool, too.

>> No.7369437

Dynablaster on the Amiga with 4 friends.

>> No.7369670
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64 has the best SP and MP
and is also different mechanically from all other bombermen

>> No.7369727

that's what some slavscum would play

>> No.7369795

I guess games post-2002 don't count, but I'd recommend the 5 Super Bomberman games, the GB trilogy, Neo, any version of Panic Bomber games (I played the Virtual Boy one), Quest, Tournament, Jetters: Densetsu no Bomberman, and Generation. Have not played any of the N64 titles, but I know a lot of people like 64. Pocket isn't bad either if you want a quick game to beat in under an hour. I believe some people like Fantasy Race as well.

I like this one a lot, and its sequel isn't so shabby, but they're not full-on retro yet. Same with 2 on DS, really good, but not old enough yet.

>> No.7369880

Hero is best 1player mode by far.

>> No.7369883

All of the SNES games are really good

>> No.7369907

The 1st one is a little shaky (though I love its soundtrack and aesthetics)

>> No.7370006

The three games on Nintendo 64 that the west got are all good, and more importantly are each unique. Easily my three favorite Bomberman games, admittedly there's some nostalgia bias but I grew up with a number of Bomberman games and the N64 trilogy were ALWAYS my favorites.

Pocket Bomberman is a fun quick little game and turns the series into a platformer. Worth playing, it's fun.

I've heard good things about Tournament and Jetters but haven't played either, and I don't think Jetters has a translation hack. Both are RPGs, but not turn based.

Fuck the board rules, Bomberman 2 DS is one of the best games in the series and I'm gonna recommend it. One of the only 'traditional' Bomberman games to do something different. Very good.

Off the top of my head those are the only good games that do something different. The Super Bomberman games are good, the PC Engine games are good, all those different traditional Bomberman games are good but are nearly identical with only a few unique stage hazards or power ups to set them apart from the others. You don't really need to play ALL of them, they're kinda the same game. I would say Saturn is the best one. If you want more like Saturn you can play those, if you want to see something different then play what I've recommended.

I really like the experimental stuff more than "Super Bomberman, Again" which is what most of the series is like. Some people prefer the traditional gameplay and want the series to stick to that.

>> No.7370016

wario blast

>> No.7370042

Bomberman 64 is nice

>> No.7370436
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For actually playing Battle Mode (either offline or online), I recommend Power Bomberman.

It's a fangame but really well done, it has a Saturn Bomberman style, lots of power-ups, dozens of stages, hundreds of characters to unlock, everything is very customizable so you can iron out anything that doesn't fit your taste.

>> No.7371006

That game just has so much soul, especially considering it's a romhack. I like how Wario's creator, Kiyotake, had a part in its development.

>> No.7371018
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The most unique bomberman is a java version of bomberman called 3d bomberman. But, theres a few different games called 3d bomberman. The other ones are traditional bomberman, but this one has interesting level designs you wouldn't expect. Its my favorite bomberman, besidez bomberman 5

>> No.7371021

Super bomberman 5*

>> No.7373071

Pocket Bomberman is interesting. It's a 2D platformer and a regular Bomberman game at the same time.

>> No.7373084

I gotta go with the classics bomberman hero and Super bomberman 2 on the snes. grew up with them and maybe its nostalgia but love them to death.

>> No.7374142

Agreed, solid platforming, decent bosses, and kino music. Having played this one first, I always felt the more traditional bomberman games lacking.

>> No.7374193
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>Having played this one first, I always felt the more traditional bomberman games lacking.
This is how I feel about all of the N64 Bombermans. The top down 2D series just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.7374218

They're all the same game. What's the point in playing any of them?

>> No.7374305

Another vote for bomberman 64. Graphics arent great, but it was just a lot of fun.

>> No.7374698

The SNES ones are as good as any.

>> No.7374718

See >>7370006
90% of the games are interchangeable but there some real neat, unique games mixed in as well.

>> No.7374759

Tournament is a direct sequel to Bomberman Quest, both of which you would love. Tournament adds Pokemon-like elements (Karabons/Charaboms) to Quest's Zelda-esque gameplay.

>> No.7374938

There's a lot of different nuances between battle modes, they may look the same at first glance, but there's a lot of pros and cons.
The same item could work really well or be almost worthless depending on the game, some items may or may not exist, some items are exclusive to certain games, some games have mounts with different powers, in some games the characters themselves have different powers, the arenas are always different from game to game so certain games have a better list of arenas, etc. It's a lot of small details that stacks up into something relevant at the end.

>> No.7375230

I've actually tried Quest and wasn't crazy about it, even if I respected it for trying something new. Too puzzle focused for my taste, I didn't like how there could only be one enemy on screen at a time, and how you could only find one once every few screens. Once you get past the first few it's like ten-twenty minutes looking around for a one-two minute fight.

Like I said though, I respect it for trying something unique. I can't think of any other game like that.

Tournament has been a game I've been wanting to get around to for a long time though, it's high time I check that one out.

>> No.7375236
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I've never played a Saturn game and I'm not sure what a PC engine even is, but Bomberman Generation is a great game. It was actually my first "real" console game. I got it for Christmas along with my Gamecube when I was 6 years old, so it's really nostalgic for me. I think it holds up though. The adventure mode is great, and the multiplayer is fun as well. The coin battle is a lot of fun to play with other people.

>> No.7375242

I played Tournament before Quest. IIRC, the action and puzzle elements are toned down in comparison to Quest.

>> No.7375249

PC Engine is another name for the Turbografx. I still need to check out Generations. Have it sealed in my armoire, but not sure if want to unseal it yet. I read about it in NP back in 4th grade, and it seemed like it had an incredible amount of soul.

>> No.7375256

So what kind of games does PC engine have on it? I don't think I've ever actually picked up on the names of any PC engine games despite using this board for awhile. Is there anything worth emulating?

>> No.7375259

I didn't like the singleplayer of Generations as much as the N64 games which I'd played before it, but the multiplayer was fun. I remember me and my friends all really liking the bomb rain multiplayer mode where you just have to dodge the explosions. Even my little sister and her friends liked that mode a ton and they didn't play videogames very often, but they always liked bomb rain.

>> No.7375265

A very popular Bomberman game, an overhyped collection of shooters, a cool Castlevania game, and some RPG's of varying quality.
Obviously that's not all of it, but I that's what it's most known for.

>> No.7375269

Yeah, dodge battle is another fun one. Also, it's Generation, not Generations. Easy mistake to make, but after booting the game hundreds of times the audio track of him shouting "Bomberman Generation!" is seared into my brain.

>> No.7375271

Bomberman '93 and Bomberman '94 are both on it. Both are standard Bomberman games but are widely considered good, on par with the Super games.

The console apparently has a lot of good shmups but the only PCE games I've ever played were the above Bombermans on wii virtual console.

>> No.7375273

Huh, seems pretty obscure. Was its failure the reason Hudson got bought by Konami and killed?

>> No.7375275

Bonk's Adventure series is something you might want to start wity. If you don't like the original, try its sequel, Bonk's Revenge, which is even better. Also try Ys Book I & II for Turbografx (PC Engine) CD and its sequels Ys III: Wanderers of Ys and Ys IV: Dawn of Ys. Start with those if you want chill games for it. There are a lot harder (arcade-type) games for it and a lot of anime games for turboweebs on it if you like stuff like that.

>> No.7375278

Yeah, sorry. Even though I bought the game, I haven't played it yet, and it's so easy to tend to add an s to words like that lol

>> No.7375284

People were telling me Bomberman Online for DC has a single-player mode in the same vein as and as good as the N64 ones. Is that true?

>> No.7375292

Nah, the last iteration of the "PC Engline" consoles died in 1997 or so, but Hudson still made (great) games for every platform until 2011 when Konami ate them.

>> No.7375360

It was only a failure in the West. As far as I’m aware in Japan it was ROUGHLY as well known as SNES and Genesis, though I believe a small amount behind both in sales.

I’m sure bombing in the West didn’t help, but it’s not why they eventually went under years later.

>> No.7375373

Definitely not in the same vein as the N64 games. You can look it up yourself, it's just the various multiplayer modes against CPU opponents and then a unique boss. Gameplay is traditional, although the modes/maps are more creative than most 2D Bombermans. There's a mode where the map is split in half and bombs are teleported to the opponents side, and a 'paint the floor with explosions' splatoon type mode for instance. Cool, but not at all similar to the N64 titles emphasis on singleplayer adventure.

>> No.7375403

I've been playing through bomberman 3 with a friend on netplay. Finishing the final boss sometime the next few days. I really enjoy it, not sure why they didn't release it in the US. I think it's better than the first. For some reason bomberman 2 didn't have coop adventure mode, so we skipped over it for the time being. Might come back for battle mode at some point.

The stage 3 theme from bomberman 3 is an underrated banger imo.

>> No.7375569

>I really enjoy it, not sure why they didn't release it in the US.
I've wondered this too, same for 4 and 5. It's not like the SNES Bomberman games here sold poorly.

>> No.7375760

what do you mean its a romhack?

>> No.7375784

It's a reskin of Bomber Man GB.

>> No.7375907

it was the western release, so... it not really a romhack.

>> No.7375931

Panic Bomber

>> No.7376234

For Battle Mode SB4 and SB5 are my favorites, they have enough differences that you don't have to commit to just one.
For Story Mode, I think SB2 is the best of the Snes games, Stages have scrolling instead of just being 1 screen, there's more gimmicks to interact instead of just blowing enemies, etc
SB1 and SB3 are just "there" for me, but I do like the Story Mode of Mega Bomberman (Genesis), graphically similar to SB3 but the Story Mode is actually quite different from it and way more interesting.

>> No.7376268

I’ve tried playing power bomberman but none of the controllers i have seem to work, anyone know why?

>> No.7376343

I like SB3 and Saturn. I think SB5 would have been the best if it didnt have the homing bombs on some battlemode stages. Also not to much of a fan of the mine-powerup. Sucks to randomly step on a mine and sucks even more to accidentally collect the powerup especially when u only have 1-2 bombs :(
Which game has the best Battlemode AI?

>> No.7376354

Plug the controller before opening the game.
Did you go to the Options menu to configure? It's not automatic, go either from main screen or you can press F3.
Both my Xinput and Dinput controllers work, but from what I read just now apparently Dualshock 4 maybe be a bit tricky?
If it still doesn't works, you could ducktape it with JoyToKey, it allows you to bind keyboard to your controller.

Some random gameplay for other anons to know what it plays like, game is worth the effort:

>> No.7376367

Yeah I tried everything from my xbone controller, my switch pro. I got a read from my 8 bit do controller but the menu went wild with scrolling so it didn’t actually work

>> No.7377364

Romhack doesn't imply official status. Ms. Pacman was a romhack.
Though for Wario Blast, if they used dev tools then it could be considered more of a mod than a romhack, I guess, because they wouldn't have needed to do any 'hacking'.

>> No.7377579

The SNES and N64 era were also great, 64: The Second Attack being the last truly great console release before the Charabom times.