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7368518 No.7368518 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Nintendo choose the original top-view formula to continue the series on the SNES and GB instead of building up on AoL?

>> No.7368592

Because AoL is universally considered a mediocre to poor game by everyone outside of idiot contrarians on vr

>> No.7368712

Because Adventure of Link fucking sucked ass. People were nice to it at the time cause hey, they didn't know any better, but time has proven that the top view was always way better and has proven universally appealing and more popular for Zelda games.

>> No.7368716

it was a commercial and critical failure. simple as.

>> No.7368721

But how did Nintendo even hear about the negative reception Zelda II had? Its not like you could write review for a game online.

>> No.7368737

Clearly it wasn't as popular or they wouldn't have reverted back to over the head for LTTP. Nintendo is company, it wouldn't ditch the AoL style if it was actually more popular just cause they felt like it. It doesn't matter how they came to the conclusion that it was worse, the point is that they did and they were 100% right as history has shown considering how polarizing the game has become as it aged compared to the likes of Zelda 1 and LTTP

>> No.7368748

Besides the obvious answers, i dont think they wanted to compete with themselves as metroid has better combat and exploration as a side scrolling 2d adventure game (yes, I know the overworld map is top down, but everything isn't). AoL feels like a concept game they made to test the waters.

>> No.7368749

>Clearly it wasn't as popular
yeah, but by what indication? How were they finding out?
>It doesn't matter how they came to the conclusion that it was worse,
but thats the interesting part

>> No.7368750

>but thats the interesting part
Not to me personally but if you really care go try to get an interview with whoever was in charge of deciding the direction of LTTP I guess. That's the only way you'll know for sure.

>> No.7368757

Sales data and written reviews, Anon. Also the concept of market research was around long before the internet.

>> No.7368760

Sales figures and magazine reviews. It actually got a 36/40 from Famitsu and its the 5th best selling game for the system.

>> No.7368774

I guess this was meant to reply to me. Got a source for that 5th best seller? Sounds surprisingly to me but I have no alternative data.

Either way, my main point is that there were/are other ways of finding that stuff out without the internet. Maybe they were ignoring all that anyway and going for more of an Original Zelda 'feel'?

>> No.7368791

>Got a source for that 5th best seller?
Google says it's actually the 8th. Z1 is the 5th

>> No.7368805
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>no internet equals no communication

>> No.7368808

Damn fair enough, 8th is still pretty high.

>> No.7368816

Because they realized it didn't work perfectly, which is why Zelda 2 and LTTP were fused together into OOT.

>> No.7368825

It wasn't though, and was rightfully recognized as being a great game back then. It was very popular and well liked. Your historical revisionism isn't valid. It's just modern zoomers who have meme opinions they parrot from YouTube.

>> No.7368830

Despite what faggot gay-ass niggers ITT say, Zelda 2 is a very good game.
But Nintendo already had Metroid, and people loved the original Zelda more, so it made sense to go with the original formula for LttP.
Nintendo's big 3 on the SNES all play differently and have their of mechanics as a result.

Common sense.

>> No.7368831

is not lol, literally every other notable Zelda game sold more except MM

>> No.7368858

This. Zelda 2 is also infinitely better than majority of NES era platformers or RPGs as well.

>> No.7368863

[Citation Needed]

>> No.7368873

Go fucking play them you dispshit. NES had an enormous shovelware problem. Vast majority of platformers or overhead games for the console are dogshit. You're clearly an infant spoiled by games like Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania. Zelda 2 isn't even particularly worse than them. To even suggest it's a "bad game" is pathetic when you don't even know what "bad" is.

Fuck off zoomer, and go back to your YouTube essays lmao.

>> No.7368878

Go play contemporaries like The Legend of Kage or any movie game you fucking idiot.

>> No.7368921

It really is, but if you take ALL of the SMB games, the Zelda games, Metroid, and even Kid Icarus together, Zelda 1 is the stand-out game, and it was very popular, so that's why Nintendo chose to keep that styles until the 3D age.

>> No.7368932

This, metroid outclassed AoL in every way. It would be stupid to compete with yourself

>> No.7368934

I agree with every other poster in this thread: Zelda 2 is a very good game! Thanks for sharing this correct opinion, every other poster in the thread.

>> No.7368946

>akshually most NES games were bad that means Zelda II is GOOD
dumbest take ever

>> No.7368961

Well yeah, it is a good game. I'm not a filtered brainlet like you.

>> No.7368962

It seems logical that in a game which emphasises exploration that you'd want the player to have as much freedom of movement as possible. Top down is the best way to do that in 2D.
I like Zelda 2 a lot but I don't think the franchise would be as popular if it stuck to the sidescroller format. Feels a bit like a novelty or a test.

>> No.7368972

Imagine forming your opinion on YouTube videos, and not by actually playing a shitton of NES games.

>> No.7369008
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>> No.7369031

which youtube videos? i played it and i hated it, memetubers probably shill for it for pure contrarianism which is the only reason anyone would claim to like Zelda II

>> No.7369034

Anon I think you misunderstood, its the 8th highest selling NES game, not Zelda game. I don't know about you, but I consider the 8th best selling game of a console with about 70 games pretty good sales stats.

>> No.7369042

Yeah you played it for 10 minutes lmao

>> No.7369046

OoT plays nothing like Zelda 2. Just cause they reused some town names doesn't make OoT a fusion of it.

>> No.7369048

It probably didn't had to do with sales figures or reception, Miyamoto feels like it failed at a personal level since it didn't realize the sword combat depth he wanted. Zelda 64 development aped so much from AoL (and OoT still did to a degree) simply to correct a self-appointed flaw.

>> No.7369054

Why is every thread about Zelda 2 just fans of it plugging their ears and screaming how everyone ever loves it and if someone didn't like it then it just means they have fake opinions?
Borderline schizo with that kind of logic, not gonna lie

>> No.7369056

OoT used AoL as a basis for its swordfighting. I think that's what he means.

>> No.7369108
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Because, unlike some companies, they knew that releasing a sequel to a game which was massively successful and that sequel only being a fraction as successful means that they shouldn't double-down on what was essentially a mistake.

X was successful and mostly stuck to the guns its predecessors held, (not counting XI), XII was a massive deviation from said guns and not as successful as X, and then we got XIII.

>> No.7369125 [DELETED] 

Because criticisms are he most pleb shit possible. Yes, we get it you couldn't adapt - I did and found send extremely rewarding game I see. You nay sayers also try to rewrite history and pretend a lauded game was seen negatively, when you're applying the post LTTP outlook on the series onto it, when it's objectively a fine RPG/Platformer hybrid. Yes, it didn't sell as well be sure it was harder lmao. Guess what, I don't find it that hard :)

>> No.7369129


>> No.7369131

Just because a bunch of normie faggots hate Zelda 2 doesn't make it bad.
Lots of people actually like NBA Jam and Madden games.
There is no bad quality to that games except-
>it's not like other Zelda games!
Point taken, it's a shitty Zelda game. Not as bad as BotW tho, aka The Elder Scrolls: Hyrule.
People LOVE BotW. Go figure. Link doesn't ever wear green in that motherfucker.

Zelda 2 is like BotW in that regard. Great game, terrible Zelda game.

>> No.7369138

Because majority of the criticisms are the most pleb shit possible. Yes, we get it you couldn't adapt - I did and found an extremely rewarding game. You nay sayers also try to rewrite history and pretend a lauded game was seen negatively, when you're applying the post LTTP outlook on the series onto it, when it's objectively a fine RPG/Platformer hybrid. Yes, it didn't sell as well be sure it was harder lmao. Guess what, I don't find it that hard :)

The fact is, if you're criticisms are things like 1) it's too hard, 2) it's not like other Zelda's, 3) it's too cryptic. You are fucking pathetic. The ONLY real criticism with AOL is his sword's length.

>> No.7369167

Market research existed long before the internet, dumbfuck

>> No.7369194

Not AoL, that's for sure.

>> No.7369293
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it started out as a recreation of Zelda 2 and elements from Z2 carried over to the final release, Volvagia and Dark Link being good examples

>> No.7369307

>itt people repeating memes on zelda 2 being bad
I bet you cunts think tmnt on nes is bad too

>> No.7369324

There's an interview where Miyamoto admits that Zelda 3 would be easier than the games before it to capture the more casual audience, so that's probably a big factor why they pushed Zelda away from arcade style action to "you lifted up a pot and found a key, YAY".

>> No.7369358
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>> No.7369368

you clearly are a filtered brainlet in life for getting so worked up and emotional about a children's game from the 80s lol

>> No.7369380

challenge or no challenge is meaningless in the discussion when the game is just so shit.

>> No.7369384

Nobody brought up Wind Waker though.

>> No.7369497

I mean, it is...

>> No.7369568

>I mean, it is...
video games are not for you