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File: 518 KB, 4681x2633, heritage-auctions-nintendo-playstation.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7367865 No.7367865 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when this thing was found?

>> No.7367872

It's like a relic from an alternate universe that doesn't belong

>> No.7367876

If Sony never existed and took away revenue from the Saturn and Dreamcast, they would still be in steady competition with Nintendo. Literal 5D Chess by Nintendo here

>> No.7367886

why won't they make more of them T_T

>> No.7367928

Kike owner missed out on $700,000. What a cunt

>> No.7368025

I played it at a retro gaming con once with my then 9yo niece. Fucking magical day

>> No.7368038

It's not like it can play actual PS1 games so it's kinda worthless desu

>> No.7368043


>> No.7368047

uh so? you can burn cds of snes conversions

we could make hentai homebrew games with cd sound

>> No.7368048

No you didn't.

>> No.7368061
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, derail thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the first big shitstorm on this board
I just cant believe how many people here got absolutely mad at the fact this existed. We had thread of 500 replies saying this was a fake and a scam. At the moment it was proven real, the threads stopped and the few retards lefts crying why the owner wouldnt give it to a museum or something
Im glad he got a lot of money even if the auction failed.

>> No.7368067

He turned down an offer for a million dollars because he thought it was worth more. It only ended up selling for 360000

>> No.7368143

It's like the one true time someone who posted 'my uncle has that in his attic' actually followed through and wasn't bullshitting anyone.

>> No.7368156

The only thing I keep wondering is why it was found with some American

>> No.7368159

he very may well have, it toured. I touched it.

>> No.7368181

>Im glad he got a lot of money even if the auction failed.
why? he tried to make money in so many ways off of owning it like charging to let people play or look at it, just get an actual job

>> No.7368190

If only this released and we got the good version of Seiken Densetsu 2. I wish Sony didn't try to jew Nintendo here. We could have gotten the ultimate N64 as followup.

>> No.7368192

well he wasn't very patient now was he? I would have held the thing for a decade or longer before selling.

>> No.7368201

It's stunning for one. That's probably my favorite console design. Love how compact it is, how dense it looks, and that flame retardant grey it has.

>> No.7368236

Pretty much this but it had all the hallmarks of a scam.

>my dad worked at nintendo even though we live in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere
>he was best friends with the japanese lead engineer who is dead now
>told him to take it home one day
>my dad doesn't remember this clearly now because he's old
>he told me all this when I was a kid
>it's been in a box for 25 years
>here is a low quality video of it
>can't turn it one because it might blow up
>branded controllers say playstation or something like that on them
>there is literally nothing to corroborate its existence
>making massive waves on social media

There were a bunch of repro carts and fake prototypes being bought and sold at that time so suspecting bullshit was completely natural. Later he got it to someone with some actual technical knowledge who examined it and confirmed it was real, then they got an actual CD game running on it.

>> No.7368265

Another liar heard from.

>> No.7368268

>saying this was a fake and a scam
I forget all the "reasonings" they posted, but wasn't it shit like the plastic wasn't evenly aged, somebody could use a 3D printer, the logo isn't right, etc?
Some people simply can't stand someone else owning something they can't have.

>> No.7368353
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210202-112520_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay jealous, manchild

>> No.7368480

lmao I think that sums up the legacy of this thing
it's like the ultimate gamer
>what if?

>> No.7368483

Not only do Japanese love America, but also the biggest electronics fairs in the 1990s were in America, so it's less of surprise than you might think to see an American who was involved with Sony at the time having this.

>> No.7368551

I saw it at a local event, too; the lack of interest by the con-goers was kind of amusing, given how much of a tizzy it caused on the internet. The older guy was just there at a table with it with hardly anybody else around. I played SF2 on it for a bit, but apparently using the actual PS controller was reserved for special people.
>I was wrong, but I was wrong in the right way, so it's OK

>> No.7368565

His dad worked in the same company as the Sony president and took home his trash. That's about it.

>> No.7368571

Yeah and remember when the guy that found it tried to shill it and turn it into a moneymaking machinewith a failed kickstarter for a book that was just pictures? Then he claimed he got an offer of $1.2 million or some shit before it sold for $300k
What a dumb cunt

>> No.7368576

Nigga there was no ‘offer’ lmao he was just trying to drum up interest in auction to increase the price

>> No.7368730

Granted, he still got a few hundred fucking thousand off of it and probably that same amount in paid travel expenses when he was being flown out to conventions with it. For all I know he probably could've justified charging appearance fees. Did anybody offer over a million? Probably not, but he still made bank off of it, despite the angry shitposters losing their collective minds over some random normie and his baby boomer dad finding out they accidentally had a piece of game history. It is a shame that his son wasn't some hardcore gamer who was thrilled to have it just to have it, but we know that's not how the world works.

>> No.7369145

The magic of numbers

>probably new here

It "toured" here but was in some sort of box. I think this was the first place it "toured" and the turnout was abysmal so supposedly they let you touch it at the after party if you touched dads cock first.

>> No.7369394

It was neat to play a game for a few minutes on it, but let's be honest, beyond seeing it in action on YouTube or whatever, the only real value is owning it as a historical novelty. It has next to no practical use beyond using it as a regular old SFC or being able to play that one homebrew game on real hardware.

>> No.7370108

Yeah he made bank off it, but not a life changing amount he was trying to shill it for. Apparently they were at a loss too because they paid for the flights and shit to go to conventions too. DESU I'd rather have kept it knowing the significance and then maybe considered selling down the track, but it waas pretty clear early on the guy thought it was a cash grab and that's just not what it was

>> No.7370125

More lies.

>> No.7370321

Why would I lie about playing Street Fighter II on this while awkwardly making small talk with the father half of the father/son duo responsible for saving/refininding it?
Damn, if that's the case he might have honestly been better off selling it right away so the future owner could be buying the chance of minor celebrity and convention appearances in addition to the thing itself.

>> No.7371367

It was an interesting bit of history but only a tad more than edgar's gramps welding a CD player to his SNES.

Flight and cacomodation here were paid by the tards who organized the event that dozens of people showed up to. Don't know about the rest.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Welcome to the fourth channel, newfriend

>> No.7371694

it's just a snes with a cd-rom. nobody gave a shit back then and certainly nobody gave a shit about it until it reappeared.

>> No.7371698

absolute fantasy. what a fucking moron.

>> No.7373772

I think the most important thing learned from this came from Ben Heck's teardown, revealing what was likely the main reason the thing was shitcanned: it was just a regular SNES stapled to a CD player. Like that was it. The hardware wasn't improved at all. It was just a format change from carts to CDs. Made the whole thing shockingly uninteresting for a lot of people. Byuu did that shit with his MSU1.

>> No.7373806

>Why would I lie

I have long since given up divining the motivations of the pathological. Who knows why you lie? Just stop it. Seek help.

>> No.7373984

>format change
I guess it would've really been akin to the Famicom Disk System - (initially) larger game sizes for cheaper prices and audio improvements of some fashion.

>> No.7374021

Imagine if this thing came out. Nintendo fans would do a total 180 and start chanting the virtues of cd media and how sega was so backwards for having a cart slot on saturn as well as a cd drive.

>> No.7374048

Pretty much and it would have actually been worse in some cases right out of the gate since the SNES had a potato CPU. The CD games wouldn't have been able to do anything that relied on things like the Super FX or SA-1 so the games on the supposedly "better" format would have looked less impressive.

That was actually part of what fucked the Sega CD. The Genesis was pretty fast but for whatever reason Sega opted to add even more horsepower to the Sega CD but not a better PPU, which is where the Genesis actually suffered. You couldn't convey CD audio through a magazine. And since most people got their game information from print it meant that Sega CD games didn't look any better than their Genesis counterparts in screenshots.

>> No.7374058

Sega is run by talentless retards. The CD and 32x had nothing to do with Sony and were huge failures that damaged the brand.
The Saturn was an embarrassing piece of shit with a bad library and awful hardware.
Dreamcast was ahead of the curve but they were spending absurd money on it. Shenmue was so expensive that to be profitable everyone who owned a Dreamcast would need to buy 2 copies.

>> No.7374190

It could have been paired with a cart. For me the big mistake of 4th gen was not using add ons to prepare the ground for 5th gen. The Saturn would have hit the ground running if it ran CD & 32x games.

>> No.7374546

>larping kiddo tries to call bullshit
>gets completely and utterly blown the fuck out
I can't even imagine how stupid and embarrassed you must be feeling right now.

>> No.7374672

>Flight and cacomodation here were paid by the tards who organized the event that dozens of people showed up to. Don't know about the rest
If that’s the case maybe he was just trying to add to the son story to get more shekels

>> No.7374741

Lmao do you niggas still believe it’s an elaborate 3d printer host

>> No.7374940
File: 283 KB, 480x360, solder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure do. i was in the original [/spoiler]reddit thread[/spoiler]

>> No.7374991
File: 309 KB, 2000x2241, le hideous aesthetics man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroys your one of a kind prototype

>> No.7375167

what did he destroy link it

>> No.7375834

who is this dude?

>> No.7375837

good times, better then this.

>> No.7375874


that kind of thing has happened on Reddit a few times though and the OP usually delivered.

>> No.7375878


If Sega of Japan weren't arrogant retards, Sony would have partnered with Sega and we'd all be playing the Sega Playstation 5.

>> No.7375892

Why do balding men wear graphic t-shirts of children TV shows?

>> No.7375901

This dude died recently

>> No.7376209

Who and how?

>> No.7376317

Ben Heck? No, he didn't.

>> No.7376370

>he continues the larp

Many such cases.

>> No.7376607

MSU1 is good though. Most are trash music choices but MSU1 Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country and Link To The Past are real gems.
What would've made the SNES CD so obnoxious was not enough RAM so you'd get constant loading times. But put in 2MB RAM and let people buy games for $40 instead of $60 (and remember this was in 90s money), it would've done a lot better then the Sega CD.

>> No.7376630

This retard needs to learn how to focus his camera.

>> No.7376741

That Killer Instinct patch is pretty good too.

>> No.7376880

Terry Diebold, the guy who originally obtained the system (the dad).

>> No.7376905

>le dolan drumpf meemay lel xD
God, you're fucking weird. But I'm not clear on what exactly you have an issue with. Do you just not believe that anyone has seen/played/photographed this unit? Or do you think the unit is fake or something? I'm just trying to understand your level of schizo.

>> No.7376962

Did he die boldly

>> No.7377089

>muh weird
>muh schizo

Stop larping, faggot.

>> No.7377148

This. Itd be pretty sweet if you got like the ultra cd cart with fx-2 chip and 16mb of ram or something.

CD games would stream data into the cart for quick access, movies and music could still run off the cd.

>> No.7377219

They want their hair back and touching children is the only way to get it

>> No.7377229

Then what's the point? You lose the benefit of cheaper games if playing them requires not only a $250 add-on but also required cartridge accessories for at least another $50. CD audio and FMV alone isn't going to be worth that, even in the mid 90s. Hell, the thing doesn't even have on-board storage so you'd need to use the cart slot for memory units.

>> No.7377243
File: 2.92 MB, 1080x1392, Screenshot_20210204-112915~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377287

300 for next gen capability in 92 would have been an easy sell, especially if Nintendo guaranteed the games would be compatible with 5th gen hardware. Remember, FX games were selling for 100 each around that time.

>> No.7377381

I don't think this was on the table for a 92 release. Realistically we're talking 94 at the earliest after several impressive cartridge games were already out or on the horizon. The benefit of the SNES design is it had a shitty CPU saving money on the base unit but could offload the cost of extra horsepower onto the games that needed it. This CD system as engineered would not be able to produce games that could match those chip carts without requiring a special cart accessory anyway so it doesn't really save anyone money. A hypothetical SNES CD version of Star Fox would have to come with the disc and the Super FX cart. And I'm not entirely sure that would even work for every game. I'm not sure you can stick a cart with an SA-1 chip or Cx4 chip on it, for example, and pair it with a CD with the game data and have them work together through the SNES's EXT port. A hypothetical SNES CD could have been good but not if it was what this machine was going to be.

>> No.7378730

So you don't actually care about this thing at all, and just want to shitpost. Got it.

>> No.7378745

It was announced in 91 and had been in development since 88, so a late 92 release was feasible. My point is they should have designed the SNES with the next gen in mind. A cart based SNES at launch, followed up by a CD addon for bigger games/better audio, followed by a 32x type head for proper 3D, with 5th gen being all 3 in one unit and backward compatible with all the media of the previous gen. A lot of people were unhappy about NES games not being compatible with SNES and the lack of 3rd party crippled the 64.

>> No.7378749

Yeah it was really gay and also stupid

>> No.7378861

Stop whining you larping faggot.

>> No.7379501

How am I larping? I've never seen this thing in person. I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck it triggers you so bad.