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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 640x480, WARNING-A-huge-Shmups-STG-GENERAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
736616 No.736616 [Reply] [Original]

2hoo is totally unappealing to me.
Are there any FUN v-shmups that are not retarded bullet-maze games?
I'm primarily an R-Type style guy and was wanting to branch out but that bullet blossom curtain hell nonsense is too much

>> No.736618


>> No.736619



>> No.736620


>> No.736625

Are those actually good? I remember one from the arcade and seemed pretty bland

>> No.736627

I actually had that shit on Dreamcast. One of the games that made me swear off verts

>> No.736631

I know a few
but not retro lel

>> No.736637

Battle Bakraid is juuuuust manic enough to not be boring but I wouldn't consider it a bullet-hell. It keeps you on your toes without getting too anal

>> No.736639

Gigawing, Battle Bakraid, and yeah, as >>736618 said Ikaruga.
Ikaruga looks like a bullet hell at times but it's really isn't that bad since the idea is that bullets can be absorbed

>> No.736640

Lords of Thunder and GunHed

>> No.736643

LoT has that arcade feel, but it isn't a vertical

>> No.736669

you don't seem to understand the point of verticals, just go play more r-type if you want to have fun

>> No.736701

Please enlighten me of "the point" since it so apparently escapes me.

>> No.736725
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I am making a shmup game for my FMP in colege, made even a thread on /v/ a while ago cuz I had no idea what story should be in it. game is almost done now. Its fucking painful.

>> No.736738

Is it about space ships or witch maidens? Those are the only two choices because WW2 planes suck

>> No.736745

gtfo ausfag

>> No.736746


>> No.736748
File: 257 KB, 336x496, rtypevertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you want to play a vertical? why not just turn your TV sideways and play r-type like pictured

>> No.736758

Spaceships, not a fan of touhou style
and WW2 planes do suck


yeah I know, but Its required

Game will be finished soon-ish, so I will post it on /agdg/ once its done.

>> No.736769
File: 45 KB, 420x248, 1364848029831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou 02 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland lol

>> No.736795

You are an intergalactic fugitive and all the ships you blast are the space cops trying to apprehend you

>> No.736802
File: 124 KB, 700x548, SR-71[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceship is THE shmup theme, plus giant robots, motherships and aliens make the best bosses,

There should be a way to fix WW2...

Cold War planes , now that should be cool

>> No.736803

Nah I do have a story, my mate came up with it for me, I seriously dont give a fuck about a story.

>> No.736808

Do you even Garegga faggot?

>> No.736827


>> No.736835

Your ship is actually a drone aircraft, and the MC is you, the pliot.
Boom, now you're topical. Throw in a few Pakistani hovels that you can blow up for extra life and now you're getting deep.

>> No.736853

Actually, scrap that thing about hovels giving you life - blowing up hovels actually depletes your pity gauge. When it gets to zero, you can activate your "Western Media Deflection" ability which makes your drone invulnerable to criticism from journalists, who are dotted around maps interspersed amongst Taliban artillery pieces. Avoiding criticism is important, because it adds to the Pity Gauge, and when that fills up, Hurt Feelings activate and your drone becomes a sentient, unstoppable loving machine that chooses to defect to Iceland.

>> No.736865

this is the best i've read on /vr/ so far

>> No.736872 [DELETED] 
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If you like R-Type try Image Fight because the same developer made it. Also Mahou Daisakusen, Flying Shark, Truxton and 19XX are all awesome and have sparse bullets.

Raiden's blandness is part of its goodness.

Strikers 1999 has a few jets from that time.

>> No.736880

Dimahoo was really fun. Godd balance between bullet hell and normal shmup.

>> No.736893

Not retro ,but Hitogata Happa.

>> No.737026
File: 39 KB, 340x480, ikaruga2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who really like 2hoo are the obsessive fans (or people who don't like shmups but do like to pretend they're into retro gaming).

If you want great vertical shoot'an, you'll get the biggest list from shmups forum (google it). But speaking as someone who's cooler than most people who post there:

Mars Matrix. Seriously. Look at a video for it. It's what some would call a "hectic" shooter, when people were trying to make that a genre. It's cooler than pretty much any shooter you'll play. Some people will tell you their favorite shooter is Ikaruga or Raiden and, after you play Mars Matrix, you'll realize something: Those people haven't played Mars Matrix.

Twinkle Tale
It's a fun shmup. You control a person instead of a plane. Great artwork and fun encounters though, some of the weapons could have been better. Good game.

Battle Garegga
Pretty dang sweet. If you're the kind of person, like myself, who thinks Raiden is a little bit boring, check this one out.

DoDonPachi series
Plebs will consider this the best shmup ever. It's not but, it is pretty fucking great. DoDonPachi Daioujou is the best of the series.

Gunbird 2
Man, what can I say about this game. You can play as Morrigan, and she's real fast and she's got big hooters and her arrow attack kills things hecka fast. Unique level structures keep things interesting.

I'm bored of writing these out. I found a good shmupsforum like for you, though (and to my surprise, my favorites are climbing up their yearly lists!): http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t=38073

>> No.737045
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>> No.737060

What a sweeping Generalization you made there, can people not enjoy Touhou as a franchise without being called hipsters? my brother plays Touhou but no other SHMUPs but he can do touhou 1cc clear on lunitic, but I guess that's casual because touhou happens to have a big fanbase of people just like the story/manga/music.

>> No.737071

sup rob

>> No.737097

I agree with you that touhou is great but this troll thread is not suitable for the discussion

>> No.737114

Tyrian's pretty nice. Really easy unless you play on one of the hidden difficulties, but the customization more than makes up for it.

>> No.737209

They're called danmakus, and they're for children
Try Twinbee and R-Type

>> No.737226


>> No.737221

I don't really hate hipsters or obsessed fans, man, I'm just telling it how it is. If you aren't one or the other, 2hu has jack shit to offer you. It's not as joyous as Raiden or, as amusing as Ikaruga, cool as Mars Matrix or fun as Twinkle Tale or as good as EspGaluda. I'm not saying somebody is a piece of shit for liking it, I'm just saying that people who are really into it tend to be a certain kind of person, and that person probably cares more about the hentai or has autism. Maybe your brother is neither of those people! But your brother apparently doesn't play any other shmups so, that's kind of telling.

Genuinely curious, who's Rob?

>> No.737224

> who's Rob

>> No.737232

>CTRL+F "Aero Fighters"
>No Results

I'm disappointed /vr/, AF is so good.

>> No.737239

Why would you need to ctrl F? There aren't many replies you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.737243

Just in case I read over it.

>> No.737298

stop posting your shit opinions

>> No.737629


>> No.737639

A properly developed shmup is harder than a bullet hell game since you have to actually react quickly to chaotic setups as opposed to reacting slowly to patterns.

>> No.737641

>hurrr hipster autism autism

Stop making STG fans look bad.

>> No.737642

Make it about a seagull, and all the enemies are other birds.

There, done. You'll be internet famous in a week for a week fucker.

>> No.737646

You don't even want to know.

>> No.737653

Make it a game about magical flying boys, and I'll make sure it's a hit.

>> No.737661

>limiting yourself to one axis
Nah its Horizontal, but I advise you to move a lot since it takes inspiration from Touhou

I do have a story, its just shit and i dont give a fuck about it really

>> No.737670

>but I advise you to move a lot since it takes inspiration from Touhou
I actually find myself moving a lot less and just inching along the screen when there are more bullets on screen. Though that is just me personally.

>> No.737675

I find myself bombing every single pattern and not giving a pattern. SA Lunatic? fucking easy

>> No.737676

For Genesis, vertical shooters that rely on level design, as a bonus walls won't kill you:
(already mentioned) Twinkle Tale
Elemental Master

For Snes, I'd really recommend Pocky & Rocky

>> No.737684

bombs are rare and you start only with 3
many bullets are homing, on highest difficulty cannon fodder follows you on x axis

>> No.737685

Valkyrie Densetsu/Legend of Valkyrie for Arcade/Pc Engine

>> No.737687

I can't remember, but does Phelios have level obstructions as well? Though if I remember correctly they kill you.

>> No.737694

>not giving a pattern
*not giving a shit

>> No.737696

Bomb scumming on SA? Wtf, you'd time out every single boss due to lack of power.

>> No.737718

when I run out of bombs I just suicide
still end up in stage 6 with 6 lives

2hu difficulty level = Asian xD

>> No.737754

Huh, makes sense, as long as you don't die you still get a life piece even if you bomb.
I guess that could work if you play as Marisa + Nitori or Marisa + Alice, because every other shot type gets weaker, shorter bombs the less power you have.

Can you share a replay? I thought Zun had completely fixed bomb spamming after Mountain of Faith.

>> No.737757

> 2hu difficulty level = Asian xD

>> No.737765

the answer is ReimuC.

>> No.737781

What you're looking for are Compile shmups, possibly my favorite console shmup dev. Their games are very fair and fun to play with great music and powerups.

Some favorites:
Blazing Lazers/GunHed
Zanac X Zanac (specifically Zanac Neo)
Gun Nac
Power Strike 2 for Game Gear (one of the best handheld shmups)
Power Strike 2 for SMS (these are both different games)
Space Megaforce/Super Aleste

There are others, those are just the ones I can remember enjoying off the top of my head. Zanac Neo (part of Zanac X Zanac on Playstation) is the most modern of their output despite it being a remake of their earliest game.

>> No.737784

How is this a troll thread?
Jesus, you 2hoo fans flip out worse than furries

>> No.737796

>Mars Matrix
Horrible control latency

>Twinkle Tale
Run 'n' gun, not a shmup except that one level

>Battle Garegga
Barely visible bullets and stupidly excessive rank. Great music though.

>DoDonPachi series
Legitimately good even if the scoring system requires too much memorization to be fun.

>Gunbird 2
DoDonPachi level memorization needed just for the clear. No fun for beginners.

I recommend Espgaluda as the ideal shmup for beginners.

>> No.737817

Kingdom Grandprix is probably my favorite "classic" shoot em up, great art direction, level design and as a secondary goal you have to win the race by staying at the top of the screen and beating bosses quickly.

>> No.737820

Just play Raiden. It's the most fun while being of sufficient difficulty.

>> No.737906
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I picked this version up for 20 bucks. First time I've actually played the arcade versions; only played Trad back in the day. 1 and 2 on one disc, with options for 5 levels of difficulty, original/remix music, and you can change the continues.

Raiden is definitely "Generic Shooter: the game", but its far from boring. Especially 2, with the purple plasma whip thing that is crazy fun.

>> No.737915

And, of course, the nice thing about PSX games, you don't even need a retro console to play them. Just pop it into your PS2 or 3. 2, in my case.

>> No.737918

I picked up Raiden 3 for five bucks, and thought it was pretty nifty. Now that I've actually played other STG's though, it's hard for me to go back to it.

>> No.737928

The actual /vr/ Touhous are pretty shit so any discussion of them is irrelevant.

My recommendations that haven't been given already are Dragon Spirit NES and Cho Ren Sha 68k. (windows 60fps version)

>> No.737930

Except not, because Dim.Dream is amazing.

>> No.737938

Ooh oh and guys, download Blade Buster. It's a freeware homebrew NES game.

>> No.738031

It's a port of one of the Star Soldier games on TG-16, just play the real Soldier Blade on that system.
The Star Soldier games are good examples of a vert done right.

>> No.738384 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 356x240, bb_hiscore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a game like that, it's Lords of Thunder!

Hime-sama, we both like Blade Buster so lets be rivals at 5 minute calavan mode!

I think it's more of an homage than a port. There are lots of games like that for x68k and windows including Studio Siesta's Soldier Force which really is an enhanced remake of Star Soldier. My favorite is Lunaria because it's cute and scrolls horizontally.

>> No.738391

Just did a one credit clear of Bakarid. Its one of the best ever in my opinion. Raizing is great.

>> No.738407

Favorite shooters:
Battle Garegga
Battle Bakraid
Dodonpachi Daioujou
Dragon Blaze
Armed Police Batrider

Some of these might be too bullet hell-y, but they are all great games in my opinion and they are all available on mame.

>> No.738521

Just tried a few of these suggestions and found several I'm really digging.

Thanks bros.

>> No.738604

>/vr/ shooty thread
>no Thunderforce

>> No.738614


>> No.738620

Early Thunderforce is okay, but I thought that 6 was the blandest shit ever.

>> No.738623

Somehow, I forgot to mention Raiden Fighters Jet. God tier.

>> No.738634

>Not having both, then giving it some stupid plot that doesnt take itself seriously

>> No.738640

The TG-16 is still the wild west to me. I had no idea about Star Soldier until Anon recommended Final Soldier as an entry level stg a while back

>> No.738643

The top down parts in the Thunderfoce series are laaaaame

>> No.738661

So explain the Raiden games. What's the progression of the series? I can't tell them apart

>> No.738678
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>tfw waiting for the countdown screen in MAME

>> No.738682

Raiden one is the original, and is fairly crusty but still great. Raiden 2 is a much more modern sequel, and Raiden DX is a different version of two. The Raiden Fighters series was originally not going to be Raiden, but they stuck with the name for recognition. Those games are pretty different. There are three, Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2, and Raiden Fighters Jet. In my opinion, Jet is the best in the series.

>> No.738691

I heard Mame has problems with it. Is it true?(other than the team getting into trouble with Cave, I can use shmupmame to get around that).

>> No.738706

I haven't had any problems with it using the latest version of Shmupmame. Seems fine to me. Though I am not as picky as some of my friends who actually own boards when it comes to that shit.

>> No.738770

Some of these aren't *really* retro, but these are my personal recommendations:
-Darius Gaiden and every Darius game that comes after it
-DoDonPachi series
-Mars Matrix
-The rest of IREM's shmup library

A properly developed Bullet Hell is harder than both.
Problem is Touhou is the example everyone uses for Bullet Hell games. Touhou isn't a good Bullet Hell game. It *looks* more difficult, because the patterns are denser and more visually complex than most other games, but in the end it's a slow and boring style-over-substance game.

>> No.738816

Just tried out Bakraid myself (don't know why I hadn't before), seems bretty gud but the fact that diagonal movement is faster than single-axis movement is kind of driving me crazy

>> No.738826

10 Desert Island Shmups?

Sexy Parodius
R-Type III
Thunderforce IV
Radiant Silvergun
um...R-Type Final
Raiden Fighters Jet

I honestly don't think I'd need ten

>> No.738834

I thought that was just me. I was sailing into bullets and I thought I was just making excuses for myself

>> No.738885

> For the first year ever, Radiant Silvergun is not on the Top 25 list

I'd like to thank XBLA

>> No.738894

Just go have a coffee or something. It only does it the first time you play.

>> No.738908

you can hold pgdown to fast forward but it doesnt even double the speed

>> No.739058

Huh, I never noticed this or have had any problem with the control. But I played a shitload of Garegga and 1 credited Batrider (normal course) before playing Bakraid, so I guess maybe I was used to Raizing control?

>> No.739114
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>but the fact that diagonal movement is faster than single-axis movement is kind of driving me crazy

>> No.739120

Ok stupid question. In these games, where do you look? At your ship? Or do you get in a zone like a Magic Eye poster?

>> No.739123


>> No.739125 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 705x741, 1331614512719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like Touhou

>> No.739137

Doom's engine has a quirk that makes diagonal movement the fastest movement in the game by a pretty large margin.
>SR40 (to the right) may be activated using Run, Forward, and Strafe Right (shift, up arrow, and period in the default keyboard arrangement). It may also be activated using Run, Forward, Strafe On, and Turn Right (shift, up arrow, alt, right arrow). SR40 results in a speed of √(402 + 502) = 64 (128% of normal run-forward speed) at an angle of arctan(40/50) = 38.7 degrees (to the right of directly forward).

>The more you know!

>> No.739145

plenty of people don't. they are pretty niche

>> No.739176

I'd give Touhou another chance, but the two that I played, while not bad, were far from top tier shooters in my book. They definitely didn't have the depth or care that goes into a Raizing or Cave game. Still, I'd be willing to give them a second chance. I don't think that old school hardcore shooter players though are into Touhou as much as they are into other shit, like Cave.

>> No.739182

I should scratch the term 'old school' there, as Cave isn't exactly that old.

>> No.739231

Holding down the insert key will speed it up, though slightly.

>> No.739256 [DELETED] 
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It seems like something that could be useful if you're aware of it. I read that Raiden DX has something similar.

It can depend on the game somewhat but generally looking around for threats while keeping the ship in your peripheral vision works well. If the game has really pretty backgrounds like Lords of Thunder you should look at them.

>> No.740231

>he doesn't play as the Dimahoo characters in Garegga

Look at him. Look at him and laugh!

>> No.740236

holy shit you're still alive, xoxac

>> No.740291

most toehoe games are boring

if you really want to get into them, however play SA and UFO which are the most intriguing

>> No.740452

glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking this

>> No.740516


Nobody likes 2hu games, not even ZUN gives a shit about them

>> No.740882

Go play Mars Matrix

>> No.740895

He praised Ikaruga somewhere, I'm not convinced.

Pretty sure the Dreamcast version of Mars Matrix busts the input lag. I played it on my friend's Dreamcast after I had played it for a while on MAME and holy shit I was jealous, it was so much better. The arrange mode was fucking quality, too.

>> No.740928

how's emulation on silvergun?

not really concerned about minor input lag or anything, just want something that can run smoothly when I'm back at my good computer

>> No.740945

It runs well enough on my shitty rig.

>> No.741095

And where is the love for HOTDOG STORM?

>> No.741103

I don't know what that is

>> No.741117


With a name like HOTDOG STORM you would expect nothing but a sausage bonanza, wouldn't you? However in fact you get a semi decent shmup instead.

I'm really only mentioning it for its comical name that has no relation to its actual gameplay content.

>> No.741494

I can't get it to work at all on linux or mac sadly.. I think windows folk have it easy

>> No.742193

I am playing the Dreamcast version so, that would explain why I've never experienced any input lag.

And I'm not xoxac but, yeah, he and myself have very similar taste in shmups. I think Ikaruga is cool (more as a Treasure game than a shmup, maybe) and I sorta dislike Geometry Wars 2, though.

>> No.743086

I miss W.T.Shmups. Does he still come around here or /v/?

>> No.743625


Yui why do you have to faggot up every shmup thread?

what's your steam id?

>> No.744067 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1360811223961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not very lively today. Too busy playing shmups right?


>> No.746684

Go play Mars Matrix

>> No.746704
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Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire

>> No.746728


>> No.746731

working on 1cc battle bakraid normal, slowly getting better at clearing the levels. but i haven't been playing the last level with the toughest bosses... I wonder how the guy who recommended me it is doing

>> No.747057
File: 203 KB, 370x478, Screenshot - 05312013 - 08:28:24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting some tips on guwange from here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQJs5gjrQxY

>> No.748561

Have you gone to play Mars Matrix yet?

>> No.748579
File: 44 KB, 446x450, Battle Bakraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Bakraid is fucking awesome. Totally love the artstyle, the mechanical designs, the gameplay, all the destruction you unleash, the amazing boss battles and especially the music and the sound effects. The sound that bullets grazing your wings make totally gets you in the mood for some crazy bullet grinding.
And Terrible Object is the best boss theme song ever.
Seriously, it's my favorite SHMUP, and a truly underrated gem. If any of you still hasn't played it, go do it now!

>> No.748675

I just tried Blade Buster this morning.
That shit was great but I wish it was a bit longer.
What are some other great retro Shmups that emulate well on a PSP?
I'm currently playing the PSP version of Star Soldier and I'm in the mood for some retro SMhups while I take a shit.

>> No.748694

Since we're talking about Shmups, I have a question. Is it better to go through the whole game, continues and all to get better at them or is there another method. I wanted to try and 1cc a game this year but I'm not sure how to go about doing so aside from just a bunch of practicing.

>> No.748925 [DELETED] 
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It's short so that you can quickly replay it and try to get a better score.

This genesis shmup pack that Anon-kun found in another thread will probably work well on your PSP:

Take advantage of save-states and other people's replays if it doesn't ruin your fun.

>> No.749070

Cool, thanks bro.
I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks.

>> No.749396
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RIP in pieces, CAVE.

>> No.749427
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all this talk about Raiden.

I love me some Raiden, i used to play that game so much during my mispent youth at the arcades.

I have a question tho gents, how do I into Raiden 2 and or DX?
Never seem to be able to find a working rom or a mameui that supports it.

>> No.749431

I'm probably gonna get a lot of flac for this, but Taoplan and Compile shooters don't seem to have been designed with 1ccs in mind at all. They're too long, too repetitive and difficulty curve is too inconsistent to be really worth it, personally I think those games get most of their replayability from the fact that they have multiple loops.

>> No.749438

>Genuinely curious, who's Rob?


>> No.749521

MAME can't emulate those games because of the protection they're using, which hasen't been cracked yet, however those games are also available for the PS1 and the isos for those ports are readily available and work fine.

>> No.749580
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thank you, you are a good guy

>> No.749767

Raiden Fighters Jet is a really scary game, I dying on 05 and below constantly. I've only ever played CAVE shooters and this is my first Raiden game, so getting used to a much larger hitbox is kind of difficult.

>> No.749803

Been a Touhou fan for a while and never played any side scrollers.
Just tried Super R-Type (only one I had laying around). That shit is TEDIOUS, man. Your ship just aimlessly floats through while something jumps out at you every now and then, hardly any bullets, only time you die is when the damn level throws a waterfall or sudden barrier at you.
Is this what a side scrolling stg is like? No bullet patterns or combo system? Even fully powered up the ship hardly has any firepower

>> No.749814
File: 235 KB, 1444x986, TF4.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super R Type isn't for everyone, it's slow and pondering. Just try the Thunder Force series.

Or, try R-Type Leo.

>> No.749863

R-Type in general is more meticulous in nature. It's less about being twitchy and more about setting your Force Orb for the next up coming onslaught and knowing if you should rapid fire through or charge your beam.
For example there are parts you will not survive unless you have the orb on the rear, bosses that last forever unless you hit it with charged beams, stretches that would be harder with a Yellow beam than with a Red and so on.

Like >>749814 said, Thunder Force IV is frantic as all hell

>> No.749921

If you want sidescrolling bullethell than try Progear

>> No.749940

Play Blazing Star, the spiritual successor to R-Type on Neo Geo, or R-Type Delta for playstation.

>> No.749956

Typical 2hoo fan. Bored with actual gameplay

>> No.749995

are those the fabled filters I heard about!

>> No.750027
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>> No.750063

Feelio when built eight monster computers to set up slowpoke MAME cabs for their SH3 games.

yeah, rip.

>> No.750083

Why the hell does someone need to identify which fandom they belong to anyway when giving opinions. How is that relevant?

>> No.750101


anon was implying that touhou isn't popular because of game mechanics

>> No.750173

Touhou is a very real shump but personally if you want to get into bullet hell shumps I say they are the best to get into without a huge amount of memorization and cruel bullet patterns unlike a person playing like Dodonpachi Doj. They're like the Kirby of shumps; Simple and fun but not alot of depth to them.

I recommend 6-8 as starting points but if they bore you even on Lunatic you can try 11 and 12 which are easily the hardest and most interesting games with the most involved level design in the series.

Touhou shumps got me into more bullet hell and manic shooters all together so I can't really hate it.

>> No.750197

I have no idea what these images are showing me

>> No.750209

Ripped ISO for a modded Xbox 360.
Most Cave games are region locked.
Mame still doesn't emulate bullet slowdown properly, the games will be way harder than they should. Only Deathsmiles plays correctly.

>> No.750249

Sounds to me like you just don't have the reflexes or learning capacity for bullet heaven. Go watch STG weekly, they cover all sorts of shooters and you stand to learn a thing or two about the genre as a whole.

>> No.750282

So it's a brain defect to not enjoy anal retentive pixel dodging?

>> No.750290

see how awful and argumentative this watered down discussion is? that's why you shouldn't start threads with troll shit like calling touhou retarded

>> No.750318


>> No.750337

Maybe touhou fans shouldn't be such crybabies.

Those games are poor exemplars of STGs in general. They just have an inflated presence online because of the art and music fandom surrounding it. The actual games are niche score attack games with a tacked-on story element.

There are plenty examples of verticals that are not the same sub-genre as 2hoo. Some like Guwange, Donpachi and Mars Matrix have a sort of metagame focused on maintaining the score multipliers and collecting more and more medals, gems, etcetera but those aren't the pure focus and are there once you've gotten good enough to survive without credit feeding.

PLUS there are (mostly older) verticals that have similar environmental and level design like 1941 Counter Attack

>> No.750368

Make it some cyberpunk fuck the police setting

>> No.750373

why is the character art in touhou such poop

>> No.750376

Eh, the music is good and you can't expect too much being developed from a single person. They're decent and the fan content can be pretty good if you ignore the western secondaries.

>> No.750380
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i-it gets better

>> No.750393

Yeah, that's the only problem with the slowpoke build and SH3 games. I suspect that we won't be getting proper emulation for that for quite awhile.

On a somewhat related note, isn't the PGM driver emulated perfectly aside from a few sound bugs? I've never noticed any problems with DOJ and Ketsui aside from that terrible buzzing sound after killing a boss.

STG weekly is what made me want to start playing the Raiden series again.

Is there such a thing as a CAVE secondary?

>> No.750429

I was referring to touhou there

>> No.750497

Oh, I know. I was just asking if there were any CAVE secondaries. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

>> No.750503

Gonna admit, his art in Ten Desires was a great step-up, especially Youmu.

>> No.750535

Not really sure there. I think secondaries mainly happen when there's fanwork that people find more appealing than the games.

>> No.750586

If you're going to play a SNES R-Type, get R-Type III. IMO it's better than Super R-Type in every way, especially in the pacing factor.

I actually was about to question how anyone can enjoy the series before I played R-Type III.

>> No.751257


>Go watch STG weekly

I didn't know what to expect, it actually a really cool show.

>> No.751280


And I accidentally a word.

>> No.751340

The commentary is cringe worthy. The host is usually good but the kind of personality that generally makes you play at a high level also makes you as charismatic as wood.

"So how important would you say that using the bit in absorbing enemy fire is here? i see you using that a lot more on this part"


"Mmkay. You wanna comment on how hard it was to figure this sequence out?"

"wasn't hard"

"Cool, cool..."

"Anything in particular about this boss you want to point out?"

"It's the mid-boss"


>> No.751408

I love that

>> No.751412
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>> No.751417


I know sometimes some personalities are very bland. But the host makes up for it, and it's great when the players actually give some insight and tips about the game that is being shown.

>> No.751445

It's even worse when one of them DOES crack a joke, only one of the three other guys actually notices it's a joke. The others just sort of autistically chuckle

>> No.752609

The R-Type Delta one especially. The player they were watching was just so conversationally blah

>> No.753490

I don't know if this is the right thread to ask this but, I'm trying to emulate Pulstar on MAME and I got the Neo Geo roms and all, but for some reason I can't run the games from the MAME interface, I have to open up cmd and type in mame64.exe pulstar. Is there any way to fix this?

>> No.753875

open mame and type pul?

>> No.753881

That's exactly what I said it won't let me do.

I need to open up cmd, type mame64.exe pulstar or else it doesn't work. The game still works when I do that, it's just really inconvenient, that's all.

>> No.754146


I kinda appreciate the PC-98 episodes + the 6th, but it's cancerous fanbase make me puke.
Also, there's nothing wrong with not liking it. Eliminate the fanbase and all the 2hou stuff that aren't shmup games and it would be appreciable again.

>> No.754162


The PC-98 arts where better.

>> No.754386

no mention of aba games/kenta cho?
the only scrolling shmups you will ever need.
get rrootage and parsec 47. mu-cade is also pretty awesome.

>> No.754414

How are you supposed to practice these games? I've been using level select in console ports and full runs in MAME, but I don't feel like I'm improving much. Playing RFJ right now, blowing things up is fun, but I eventually want to be able to be good enough to see past the first couple of stages.

>> No.754423

One thing I do is to juggle up my game by picking a different ship from the one you're used to and practising with that for a while. It sounds odd but the "refreshment" can be healthy for your play, and you can even come to new ideas, perhaps through the shortcomings of the ship that you picked.

>> No.754431

Make a plan, try to work on one level at a time and be patient. Level select isn't always the best option either. I find that playing as if I'm going for a 1cc every time works better.

>> No.754453

y u no Axelay? vert and horiz shootins.

>> No.754456

axegay a shit

>> No.754461

I always wanted to do a vert shooter where it is in space and the ship has 2 weapons, bullets and lasers. The playing field is either solarized (light) or non solarized (dark). Bullet wont shoot if shot from a place with light and lasers won't shoot if shot from a place with darkness. One of the bosses I wanted to make it where the boss is only vulnerable to bullet weapons but it emits light from 3 or 4 spots on it's hull. But the shields guarding the lights are only vulnerable to bullets. And there is asteroids that fly around which will block the light. So you have to get in the dark spots, shoot the shields with bullets, shoot the lights with lasers and shoot the hull with bullets. Ya get me?

>> No.754464

sounds like there's a lot you could do with that, go for it

>> No.754474

Any particular reason?

>> No.754478


Seeing how he answered, i might say no. Just ignore him.

>> No.754479

Don't know where to begin. Any ideas? Would like to put it as an app for smartphones and shit.

>> No.754480

lol, his character drawings have improved at the rate of a 12 year old on deviantart!

Although you've gotta admire someone who can make all that fueled only on beer.

>> No.754481

when you let go of move you get sucked back to the middle and i keep dying because of that

>> No.754482
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> app for smartphones

>> No.754484

I tend to choose different ships every couple of runs. It helps that RFJ has quite a bit of ships, but getting used to the hitboxes when switching between them can be pretty odd. Fairy is OP as HELL.

Level select is okay, but it gets kind of old playing the same level over and over again. I've also noticed that it's good for learning the levels yourself, but it doesn't add the nervous shaky feeling that I always get during a 1cc run. Though, that might just be due to the fact that I have coffee before playing.

>> No.754485

Make it about a guy who shoots things.

>> No.754487
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>app for smartphones

Don't do it.

>> No.754490

yeah yeah, that would make the most cash, but being a jew aside, how would I go to produce my work of art?

>> No.754495


As I said earlier in this thread, his PC-98 arts are better, it became shit when he did the 7th 2hou.

>> No.754502

shut the fuck up pleb, mushihimesama all the way

>> No.754509

Game Maker and Flash are used pretty frequently for PC shmups

>> No.754510


>> No.754515


you have to use ">>>" to redirect to another board my newfriend.

>> No.754517

Meh flash. But thanks for the info.

>> No.754520


>> No.754548

Haha photoshop default brushes makes fools of us all

>> No.754660

I just thought all Asians were born knowing how to draw...this rocked my world

>> No.755995


The gimmicky mode7 scrolling is atrocious

>> No.756015

"Doo-bee-Doo here comes tha walk'n baws"


>> No.756019

This, 2hoo fans are the ponyfags of the shmup genere.

>> No.756027

It's not Mode 7. I would prefer it if the screen scrolled left and right without inertia and centred on your ship, though.

>> No.756032

>no Tyrian or Raptor

Why the PC always gets ignored when it comes to shmups?

>> No.756034

He's half-trolling but I agree
>Why'd you have to make a SNES shooter and not a Genesis shooter, Konami? Cuz you couldn't have made it as ugly?"

I feel that way about most mode7 heavy games

>> No.756060

because both of those are pretty lackluster and slow compared to stuff released around the same time

>> No.756069

The only reasons I play Tyrian are for the music and the carrot.

And the level design in Raptor just sucks too hard for me to enjoy it.

>> No.756080


The Amiga had better Shmup.

>> No.756102

'Cus it wasn't a popular platform for them?

I do quite like Tyrian though.

>> No.756098
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Has anyone here played Sideline? Supposedly it's very, very good.

>> No.756109


It was in the US. But here in Europe we had better shumps on Amiga, like Hybris or X-out.

>> No.756229

PC gets ignored in shmup discussions because people don't like euroshmups.

>> No.756265

>OP uses a pic of RefleX
>nobody mentions any of Siter Skain's games

>> No.756275
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It really doesn't help that a lot of the more popular traditional japanese-style shmups on PC are indie games released after 2000, taking them out of /vr/ territory.

>> No.756431

>Why'd you have to make a SNES shooter and not a Genesis shooter, Konami? Cuz you couldn't have made it as ugly?
The funny thing is they easily could have made it as ugly on the Genesis, since the effect isn't actually mode 7 at all.

And it ain't like Konami was unfamiliar with fancy scaling-like effects on the Genesis. They knew what they were doing.

I guess it's on the SNES because otherwise the resolution would have been too big allowing you to more easily see stuff coming, there wouldn't have been enough slowdown, and the music couldn't have sounded like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_puu8KSDxcY

>> No.756559



>> No.756721

I love those. Anytime someone says those muffled samples in SNES music beat Genesis music I point them to these