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7353570 No.7353570 [Reply] [Original]

So do you guys prefer fallout 1 or fallout 2?

>> No.7353578

I liked 1 more, but it's very close. 2 seems to get hate from mongs who got filtered right at the start, in the first trial temple, they die to the fucking tutorial, I'm not even joking.

>> No.7353583

Fallout 2. It has a lot more content and freedom, so I never really get bored replaying it.

>> No.7353674

Fallout 2 seems less barren to me and has more options and wherever you go you'll find something that needs to be done. There are things I like about each but I almost never choose 1 when deciding on a replay.

>> No.7353683

That shouldn't even be possible, the ants and scorps literally cannot even get the chance to damage you if you space them by 3 tiles. They don't have enough AP to actually roll the attack at all if you do this basic thing, and the AP formula for you is 5+ half your Agi so you can't just "accidentally" make someone who can't beat or run from them, you'd have to deliberately make a min AP character.

>> No.7353704

and then they scream that the game is bad because it let them die and im sat with my head in my hands

>> No.7354207

I like em both. Fallout 1 introduced most of the iconic concepts and mechanics but could do with an additional layer of polish since there are few dead-end quests an non working scripts. That said, it's also much more consistent and rounded than Fallout 2.

On the other hand, the sequel is simply a vastly richer game with tons of content and cool stuff. Because of this, I find myself replying it much more often than the original game.

>> No.7354217

Not only that, but if you have even a middling PE you get to go twice in a row against them due to sequencing rules.Not to mention that you can just run through the whole goddamn temple in like 5 minutes, if you do not want to fight anything.

>> No.7354549

2 is gay. As in you can literally have gay sex. So I prefer 1 cause it's not as gay.

>> No.7354990

Less than 3 AG with no weapon skill is a deathwish for a new player in the temple.

>> No.7354998

2 for me but I understand the people who like 1 more. I'm a CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT sort of guy desu so I like 2 in regards to that.

>> No.7355020

fallout 2 of course. the first one is a classic and still holds a special place in my heart but the second one is leaps and bounds better. larger world, more characters, more things to do, better control over your companions, numerous quality of life improvements.
one thing that always bothered me is how under-utilized radiation is in the games. in the first one you have to go 2 weeks out of your way to the glow to find any radiation. the second one is hardly any better but i remember there being more places with radiation. the newer games accomplished the feeling of being in a radiated hell hole much better but ruined it by having your geiger counter always on and making it sadly easy to mitigate with rad-x and rad-away

>> No.7356149

2 Agi and a lack of the Bruiser trait is all you need to be literally unable to lose while intentionally fighting every bug in the temple (walk 3 steps, punch with 3AP), with no break. Any character can also survive by fighting poorly or with bad AP, and instead using healing skills and items, because it's not necessary at all to complete it damageless. The *majority* of weapon skill characters do not have any weapons aligning with theirs in the temple and they can both survive, and clean it out of all bugs, without real difficulty. That's straight up a normal character.

>> No.7356158

2 is more challenging to ironman. 1 is just too easy.

>> No.7356164

I agree, there are very few places with it and it's odd, but maybe it would have just been annoying. Clicking more than a couple tiles ahead of you in the toxic caves is already enough to frustrate over pathing issues to just get around green goo.

If anything the main sources of it in Fallout 2 are certain enemies' attacks, which inflict radiation without telling you and also still work when their attacks inflict no damage.

>> No.7356170

I still sometimes go back to 1 to experience 1AP punches made possible with its looser definition of Fast Shot.

>> No.7356259
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Fallout Tactics

>> No.7356270

Is that game good? Literally no one ever talks about it.

>> No.7356314

Not him, but Fallout Tactics is amazing. It is more of a squad tactics game than Fallout 2.5. You think that would be obvious from the name, but a lot of fans don't seem to get that for some reason.

>> No.7356318

It's very different. Basically an SRPG

>> No.7356323

That depends on how much of a original fan or fundamentalist you are. I love 2D and Fallout, I will literally play anything 2D with a top down/isometric view. So for me it was fun.

>> No.7356362

>Basically an SRPG
Shut the fuck up console pleb

>> No.7356369

2 has more content. some worse, some better.
san francisco sucks.

>> No.7356374
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Is heavy handed viable in 2?
A ten strength + heavy handed with a sledgehammer build sounds kind of fun

>> No.7356382

I prefer 1 for the oppresive mood, but I find myself playing 2 more. The first one does feel like going out into a wasteland

>> No.7356503

completed fo1 and played through maybe 50% of fo2 before getting bored and for me fo1 is the better game.

fo2 brings in some really great and needed gameplay changes and improvements but i just dont think beyond that it comes close to fo1 even though its kind of the same game for the most part.

the glow is absolute pure KINO really enjoyed that entire area and the lore in it.

>> No.7356509
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Why so triggered?

>> No.7356513

It's not the worst thing in the character screen, but it's unfortunately a weak trade even for its best imaginable use case. It's also on average half as strong as it sounds, and it already doesn't sound impressive: the Melee Damage stat only adds to the maximum damage range. So if you were going to deal 1-3 damage on an attack (average 2), adding +4 Melee damage to go up to 1-7 damage will have an average of 4 damage; it improves the average by 2.

It's not really horrific, it just makes your criticals worse by a stage and a half on average, and aimed shots worth a little less because they're less likely to have a meaningful crit effect. So you'll see less cool/funny stuff in combat, have a rougher time disabling things by targeting eyes/limbs, and not really notice a significant improvement in exchange. It's just low impact and doesn't make for a weird and wacky playthrough like a Jinxed or AP-fucked character either.

>> No.7357035
File: 1005 KB, 1279x959, fallout 2 build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready to survive in California bros

>> No.7357065

With 3 AP you will be limited to a very small number of melee weapons and only one basic attack per turn.

>> No.7357089

I like both, but 2 is much more polished and there's a ton more to do. It's a shame it has all the cringy le epic references and jokes. 1 indisputably has the better atmosphere, and a better final conflict, but 2 is more fun and varied throughout

>> No.7357168

I fucking love the original fallout character creator

>> No.7357227

I badly need to see what a speedrun with this nightmare mode character looks like.

>> No.7357417

What are some essential mods for Fallout 1/2/Tactics?

>> No.7357503

Don't know about Tactics, but Fallout 1 and 2 have unofficial patches for all their bugs. Fallout 2's is virtually mandatory, there's just so much stupid shit that can happen in unpatched.

Some people think Fallout 2 Restoration Project is must-have, others find it a demonstration of why certain boring garbage was cut from the game. It includes and is by the same person as the unofficial patch so you use one or the other, not both. There's also someone who's updated both since 2014 in some form on github, I forget, but it's easy to search for.

Additionally, someone's done a Fallout 2 patch to play the Fallout 1 game with the Fallout 2 engine/mechanics updates. I've never used it so I don't know what state it's in, but I saw it recently and thought it was interesting.

>> No.7357512

I hope you have plenty of jet, anon.

>> No.7357516

How exactly does melee damage work in the games?
I never really understood how it's calculated and how it works with the ranges of damage for any given weapon. All I know is that apparently, it's pretty much trash to take Bonus HtH damage or boost strength for the sole reason of melee damage.
And how would that work on top of Living Anatomy? What would be the practical difference between a character with 1str and a character with 10str, heavy handed, two ranks of bonus hth damage and living anatomy?

>> No.7357562
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FUUUUCK Skynet for being so hard to get.
Piece of shit robot should have had better armor for the massive skill investment the player needed to obtain it.

>> No.7357617

So Living Anatomy actually increases all damage by +5, not just maximum. People consider it the "good" damage perk (personally I never have space for it even for full combat characters).

Heavy Handed, Strength and Bonus HtH Damage all just increase the Melee Damage statistic, so they increase the maximum damage only. Strength's contribution is [ST - 5] but is floored at 1 (meaning 1 to 6 are the same 1, and a 10 grants 5). Bonus HtH is 2 per rank, max 3 ranks. Heavy Handed is another 4. What you'd get with all of these is 15 increased max damage, so 14 above baseline normal (although most builds increase their strength by 5 for free over the course of Fallout 2, so "average" might still be 10 strength and therefore 5 melee damage).

Then you can look up what attack you'll be using, and add your Melee Damage to the upper end of it (and Living Anatomy to both the lower and upper). With a weapon, it's straightforward. With Unarmed, there's a whole table of replacement attacks,
but you'll still wind up using a Mega Power Fist anyway, on the weapons tables.

>> No.7357779

>feel like doing a non-small guns run
>remember how much of a pain in the ass anything other than small guns is in the early to mid game unless you metagame cheese the absolute fuck out of it, ruining the fun

>> No.7357842

It's too bad you can't get an electronic lockpick anywhere in the early towns, or you could get a plasma pistol in the Toxic Caves lower level pretty early with decent repair and lockpicking.

>> No.7357946

New Reno area isn't really that far out from the start unless your start heads straight east. Remember that the game's intended route is pretty loose, you can be told about New Reno and have it on your map in The Den as a place you should go, and also miss getting Vault City on your map in the same town. My blind playthrough went in the direction of New Reno way back when. Redding is placed so that you reach it on that path if you do, despite not hearing about it, just like how Modoc is put on your path to Vault City from The Den despite not hearing about it.

>> No.7357981

It's a great squad RPG.

Is it a good Fallout game? No, it's not. It's just one huge Fallout encounter after another where you control more than one character. That's it.

>> No.7357983

Why are you giving an opinion if you didn't even finish 2? You missed everything with the Master's Remnants and Enclave, you dope.

>> No.7357992

Anything with less than 5 AG is gonna get bumfucked without Companions. Perception is pretty unnecessary to have at 10 too.

>> No.7357994

Is it bad that I skipped New Reno on my playthru of Fallout 2

>> No.7358018

That poster was definitely making the worst build they could think of, I think giving advice is kind of pointless when what's wrong is everything.

>> No.7358106

I wanna chime in on this:

Those patches absolutely FUCK melee and unarmed combat. Killap is a megafaggot who thinks he knows better than what the devs made - terribly obvious with the cut content he 'restored.' The largest module he 'fixed' was only 25% complete before they axed it, so the majority of every single area he added is his own shitty, shitty writing.

Here are things he thinks are bugs, and here's what he did to solve them:

>Travel, clearly much too fast
Slow it down by 75%. Now it takes a month to walk to Gecko from the Den instead of a week.

>Melee combat, surely the devs didn't intend it to be viable for the endgame
Lessen damage across the board.

>Skill rolls, obviously should be skill gates
A 36% chance to succeed? Nope, either your skill is high enough to succeed, or it isn't. Every skill is either 0% or 100%. Only combat should have rolls.

Colossally stupid mods. Stick with 1.02 official patch, move on to killap's faggotry afterwards if you really want to see what some fatass college dropout thinks is professional game design.

>> No.7358109

>Skill rolls, obviously should be skill gates
This is actually good. The rest of that sounds retarded though.

>> No.7358129

>>Skill rolls, obviously should be skill gates
>A 36% chance to succeed? Nope, either your skill is high enough to succeed, or it isn't. Every skill is either 0% or 100%. Only combat should have rolls.
This one just isn't even true, I did a playthrough last week and spammed dialogue options to reroll a check to get to see Wright until I got the right one. And that's basically what you do whenever your skill roll fails, the only thing that stops you is the minimum success amount, which always existed. You may be experiencing a selective memory with this.

>> No.7358138

Say that when you try to pick locks, repair, or science anything.

>> No.7358140

I mean I can see it being annoying but otherwise you just encourage spamming the same skill over and over or save scumming. I think it's just better game design to have gates, though obviously you don't want said gates being too high but that's an issue with the balance of the patch not the core idea which is good

>> No.7358159

Anon, lockpicking and repair still reroll city with inconsistent results. They're rolled. Are you sure you're not just failing to reach minimums to be able to roll within the range of a success, which are just a thing in the normal game mechanics? Also Science is most often just checked flatly in vanilla for the things it mostly matters for. So what the actual fuck are you talking about? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.7358215

It's possible he updated his mods since I went through them.

I guarantee when he rolled them out in 200whatever the skill checks were gated.

>> No.7358579 [DELETED] 

I agree that restoration is dumb as fuck and should not be played by anyone, but the unofficial patch does not fuck with the game in the ways listed here, like other anons said.

I remember that when I played Fallout 2 on my first PC back in the late 90s, you would crawl on the world map and have tons of encounters. Getting from The Den to VC was the hardest part of the game. You can still read about that in some ancient walkthroughs. Saving and loading would take ages as well. Then, as we got faster processors, you started to zoom around the map like a bullet, hardly ever having any encounters. There were even some patches made by fans made solely for slowing down the

>> No.7358584

I agree that the Restoration is dumb and should not be played by anyone, but the unofficial patch does not fuck with the game in the ways listed here, like other anons already pointed out.
There are no changes to skill rolls or to melee damage tables.
Regarding the world map travel time, I remember that when I played Fallout 2 on my first PC back in the late 90s, you would crawl on the map and have tons of encounters. Getting from The Den to VC was the hardest part of the game. You can still read about that in some ancient walkthroughs. Saving and loading would take ages as well. Then, as we got faster processors, you started to zoom around the map like a bullet, hardly ever having any encounters. There were even some patches made by fans solely for slowing down world map travel. Point is, slowing down a bit was a good call, and it feels right with the patch.
There are a few tiny bugs introduced by the patch, but nothing as game breaking as what you had in the original game.

>> No.7358629

Fallout Fixt is almost universally praised but is much more problematic than Killap's unofficial patch. Even the "purist" option makes a ton of arbitrary game changes as opposed to only bug fixes.

For example, if you tag Big Guns you immediately start off with a minigun (or a flamer can't remember). Now, you may not agree with the dev's decision of making big guns and energy weapons viable only mid-late game, but this NOT the way to “fix” that. You get a huge weapon that you can fire off 4 or 5 times at fuckin' scorpions or rats and then proceed to lug that useless thing around until mid-game where you can finally get some ammo for it? Ridiculous.

>> No.7358834

If you talk to Joey in the den after starting the gang war quest with Lara, you get "legitimately" get directions to new reno pretty damn early in the game.
After that, you can pick up a free electronic lock pick from the basement of new reno arms.

Personally, I don't see too much point in to doing that, because aside from the Combat Armor Mk2, the lower level of the Toxic Caves mostly nets you weapons you can reasonably get around New Reno anyway. Laser Pistol from the Salvatores, Bozar from one of Buster's guards in the NCR.

>> No.7358837

New Reno has a huge amount of the game's content tied to it and quests that include going there. I'm actually surprised that you never went there.

>> No.7358847

true. It's the most artistic character screen ever

>> No.7358864

1, because I prefer a post apocalypse to not be full of pop culture references and humour. Everyone blames Bethesda for ruining the universe but it started with 2.

>> No.7358870

>1, because I prefer a post apocalypse to not be full of pop culture references and humour.
You've never played Fallout 1, have you?

>> No.7358887
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yes i have

>> No.7358994

>you should continue to play a game you're not enjoying
no thanks Bob!

>> No.7359082

Fallout 2 is still a great game, even with the references which are really only a small part of it.

>> No.7359287
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>> No.7359295
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>> No.7359305
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>> No.7359553

That's a pop culture reference?

>> No.7360364

Is it viable to level up both melee and unarmed for a combination loadout of super sledge and mega power fist?
Power fist for damage, while the sledge does crowd control and not needing ammo.

>> No.7360509


diablo maybe?

>> No.7360757

There's nothing wrong with dying to the trial temple, as it was literally created to filter out bad character builds. If you complained about the Trial Temple, you created a shit character that deserved to die. Simple as.

>> No.7360772

They could have given you a fucking 10mm pistol at least

woogie boogie ooga booga tribals are the dumbest part of fallout lore anyway

>> No.7360791

Sulik is the best character in all of fallout, though

>> No.7360949

>it was literally created to filter out bad character builds.

Does it really, though?

It seems like the main thing it does is filter out players who, quite reasonably, don't know how to play a game they just picked up.

>> No.7361005

It is a very basic and linear squad tactic without much squad management or depth. SPECIAL is modified but barely, which renders skils more fitting to RPG like speech useless. Still fun though, it's an interesting take on the Brotherhood, and special encounters are the best and most plentiful in the series. The plot is KKND2: Krossfire ripoff, as are robots themselves, but there are different endings that are in line with Fallout's principle of showing how player's actions influenced the future of the wasteland. Overall, not bad, just don't expect X-Com-level of quality content there.

>> No.7361007

>1 IN
>1 AG
Yer fucked up.

>> No.7361009

>Anything with less than 5 AG is gonna get bumfucked without Companions.
I don't think they can be plentiful with 1 CH.

>> No.7361038

It's no Jagged Alliance 2, but it has more depth than many squad tactics games on PC. X-COM isn't particularly deep either.

>> No.7361052

The Temple of Trials is easily doable with meme builds. It astonishes me that zoomers get filtered there.

>> No.7362465

I was twelve, had no manual, and could barely read any English when I finished the Temple of Trials for the first time. People who fail here are just lazy or don't care enough be bothered.