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7353523 No.7353523 [Reply] [Original]

Is it immoral to google the answers to a puzzle?

>> No.7353526

I don't know if it's immoral but it is fagtarded

>> No.7353615

Why? I accept I’m an impatient brainlet, but at least in the case of horror games, puzzles don’t offer much gameplay wise.

>> No.7353637

Yes but if you've been stuck for a while you might as well look it up. I regret dropping games entirely because I'm stuck and I'm too prideful to use a guide.

>> No.7353802

if you do it too often you're either dumb or not trying hard enough dummy

>> No.7353845

None of the puzzles are particularly hard, only thing I had to look up was how to beat Cybil.

>> No.7353891

i don't think any are harder than the piano and you can brute force that when you know it's the dead keys

>> No.7353923

No. You must struggle and you must never finished a game. The gate keepers code demands it.

>> No.7353925
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Doesn't really matter. As a zoomer you won't be able to find anything anyway.

>> No.7354018

Not really. Silent Hill 1's puzzles I found actually just clever and fun.
Silent Hill 3 will fucking lock you in a room, require you to BUY an actual Shakespeare book, and do fucking calculus using its text to play the game. Fuck Silent Hill 3.

>> No.7354141

Silent Hill 3 was so stupid man. 1's and 2's were so good, and they were always logical and fair, so it took me a really long time to break with SH3 and look it up and it was some dumb ass shit a couple times. I don't even know why people jerk it off so much, is it waifushittery? That basic boring generic looking ass.

>> No.7354143

That's THE worst puzzle not because it challenges you but because it's poorly worded/explained

>> No.7354148

No, it just shows you're stupid

>> No.7354169

It's not just the bad explanation, it requires you to physically fucking own a specific Shakespeare work in your house to use as reference.

>> No.7354186

No, it's like using savestates, perfectly acceptable.

>> No.7354192

Isn't that only on hard mode?

>> No.7354193

>being a casual

>> No.7354194

Why do you people care so much about how you play games? We is3e to have interesting threads here. Now we have people trying to impress anonymous users on the internet.

>> No.7354219

>hard mode sucks and isn't fun
>but if you don't play hard mode you're a casual

>> No.7354231


I actually solved the Shakespeare one (on hard) without a guide, but lost it on the one where you have to enter the code based on a poem.

>> No.7354241

>so play normal then
>what am I a fucking casual?
Yes, now crack that Shakespeare book open and grow some braincells.

>> No.7354413

The only two that threw me off were "Alert" and counting the arms.

>> No.7354458

I highly doubt God gives that much of a shit, bro.
That's only if you do hard riddle, retards.
Yes, as usual people are bitching about a game they haven't played

>> No.7354476

Yes you HAVE to buy the strategy guide. Alternatively mail Konami $9.99 before referring to any online guide.

>> No.7354542

No. The "puzzles" only existed to artificially inflate game time so players wouldn't finish the game in under two hours and realize they got ripped off when a superior game like say Final Fantasy 8 could've gave them dozens if not hundreds of hours of game time for the same price spread across four epic discs. Don't fall for the Silent Shills OP they're mostly horny girls anyway and not the hot kind the stinky hairy kind but also not in the hot stinky hairy way the bad stinky hairy way so no bush only big ugly Italian mustache and poop not sweat scents. Anyone who says otherwise is exactly what I'm describing and they will try some clever retort but remember these idiots bashed their head against a wall for hours trying to figure out some arbitrary bullshit and do not want to admit they got duped unlike most people who saw the crap for what it was. Good day sir.

>> No.7354571

>Final Fantasy 8 could've gave them dozens if not hundreds of hours of game time for the same price spread across four epic discs
grinding for 30 hours is not epic gameplay you cuckold.

>> No.7354579


>> No.7354638

Wandering around lost and confused is part of Silent Hill's atmosphere.

>> No.7354647

a significant portion of the playerbase would use game magazine walkthroughs so w/e
just gived it a fair shake first or youre playing yourself

>> No.7354660

If you've tried it yourself and been stuck for a while, why not?

>> No.7354751
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>Don't fall for the Silent Shills OP they're mostly horny girls anyway and not the hot kind the stinky hairy kind but also not in the hot stinky hairy way the bad stinky hairy way so no bush only big ugly Italian mustache and poop not sweat scents.

>> No.7354758

There's only one puzzle in the entire game that is even remotely challenging and it's not really very confusing IMO

>> No.7354762

Holy shit anon seek professional help and/or dilate.

>> No.7355558

no but it defeats the purpose of playing the game, better off just watching a playthrough online.

>> No.7355949

Looking up puzzles for survival horror games is only forgivable if it requires uncommon knowledge you weren't presented with in game.
T-thanks for the schizo bait anon.

>> No.7356021

So this is the power of FF8cucks

>> No.7356278

Speak of the devil, how should I play SH3? Didn't have a good experience with SH2 on PC way back then.

>> No.7356295

>That's only if you do hard riddle, retards.
You mean like I did on SH2 and had no problem retard? That was a stupid puzzle no matter what. And it was more than one.

>> No.7356305

>omg hard mode actually challenged me?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
And no, that's the only riddle that requires outside knowledge. The others are just *gasp* hard!
SH 2 is piss easy even on hard mode so it's good the game actually bothered to challenge players. Sorry you got salty for being outted as a brainlet

>> No.7357247

What problems did you have with SH2? Did you use the enhanced edition patches? But SH3 actually has a pretty decent PC port, other than a widescreen patch if you want that there isn't anything really recommended as necessary.

>> No.7357383

What did you guys do about SH3’s puzzles back in the day? I’m talking about the Shakespeare one. Did you just look up the answer? On a somewhat related note, do you guys like 4? People seem split on it, but I don’t know why.

>> No.7357467

That face one was absolutely stupid too. That didn't take smarts, it took the dumbest logic. In fact, the dumber you are the more likely you are to solve it.

>hard puzzles means it should be unsolvable for 99.9% of people
That's just stupid. Every puzzle should be solvable with nothing but logic and things you learn in the game world. Fuck Silent Hill 3 and fuck you. Your waifu is generic.

>> No.7357479

Long story short it would freeze the whole PC, randomly and with no red flags whatsoever. This was still back in Windows Vista with +10 year old hardware mind you. Think it was the Director's cut (you could play as Maria).

>> No.7357550

I played on normal so no shakespeare puzzle.

>> No.7357627

Sounds like you're a brainlet

>> No.7357632
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Action Level: Hard
Riddle Level: Easy

>> No.7357640

Not if it's the Shakespeare puzzle in SH3

>> No.7357658

meanwhile everyone is saying how dumb 3 is
you don't have to defend everything about a game because the protagonist makes your hormones react funny

>> No.7357731

>meanwhile everyone
You mean your fellow brainlets

>> No.7357754

silent hill 3 more like silent hill pee
silent hill tres more like silent hill mess
silent hill tre more like silent hill gay

>> No.7357763

>this is what 3 haters are reduced to

>> No.7357764
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>> No.7357774

If you got past the piano puzzle without cheating you already faced the hardest puzzle in the entire game. It's all downhill from there.

>> No.7357794

If there's any problem with SH 2 and 3's riddle difficulty levels it's that the difficulty curve of the difficulty settings are all out of wack. Hard is almost total engrish inference interpretation and tenuous logic and Normal is basically Resident Evil tier and barely function as speed bumps. Easy I don't know because Normal is already so easy compared to Hard. Very poorly balanced too be honest and it would have been better if they just picked one set of puzzles and stuck with those like in SH1 where they could have better playtested whether the riddles make sense in fucking English.

>> No.7357870

this. still have laying around the piece of paper where i wrote the riddle and solved it

>> No.7359167
File: 68 KB, 800x806, silent_hill_ps1_us_greatest_hits_04_disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the greatest hits version of this game and they advertise on the actual disc calling the hint line.

Which is weird because as far as games from that era go this is definitely one of the more straightforward. I'd definitely need that hint line for some of the random ass shit JRPGs expected of you though.

>> No.7359171

Easy outright drops some puzzles entirely. The doors will just be open and puzzle items just there.

(its my preferred way to play)

>> No.7359253
File: 738 KB, 500x500, sh3 otherworld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SH3 has the best Otherworld designs in the entire franchise.

>> No.7359585

I just had to look up the solution to REmake's armor room puzzle, I seriously tried to solve it for like half an hour but I couldn't. Looked up the solution, and I still don't understand the logic behind it, goddamn I'm such a brainlet

>> No.7359592

If the puzzle relies on bullshit logic that flies in the face of common sense, no.

Isn't there a bug where you can use the item on a monster in that area and it skips the Cybil fight?

>> No.7359614
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In Silent Hill? Fuck no. These games are full of stupid bullshit designed to make you buy the strategy guide. And don't listen to people like >>7354018 and >>7354141 who will tell you it's just SH3 and the first two games are fine. Defend pic related. You can't. It's indefensible.

>> No.7359638

>itch.io game called Terminus releases a demo
>basically a SH1 knockoff
>play Hard riddle
>the first fucking puzzle requires you to know of a specific cryptography cipher that was invented in the 15th century
>there is literally no hints whatsoever as to how the cipher is constructed in game
>message the dev that having a puzzle that is reliant on specific outside knowledge is retarded

>> No.7359647

I didnt even have to think to solve that.
My god some people are retard.

>> No.7359654

Liar. Go ahead and explain how your genius brain picked up a pack of juice boxes and immediately knew to go throw them down the garbage chute.

>> No.7359661


I think some of this requires your mind to be in a specific place. I distinctly remember playing SH2 for the first time after going grocery shopping and hauling in a bunch of heavy 12 can cases of seltzer and soda, so when I got to the canned juice I immediately knew I could use something heavy to dislodge the garbage chute. If you look at that and your mind doesn't immediately jump to "these things are fucking heavy" I could see it being unintuitive.

OP, what puzzle is it? SH1 doesn't really have any outlandish puzzles from what I remember.

>> No.7359693

>cant figure out a puzzle
>call dev retarded
>waaa stop bullying me

your a fag

>> No.7359715

> itch.io
Is there actually any good shit on here that isn't on Steam, or it just a bunch of crappy demos that the devs know would never sell a single copy on Steam?

>> No.7359727

When you examine them it says its heavy.

>> No.7359747

No it fucking doesn't, at least not in the original. You must have been playing the PC version with the fan patch. Which added extra hints to the caption precisely because of how retarded the puzzle is. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.7359748
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>not the hot kind the stinky hairy kind but also not in the hit stinky hairy way the bad stinky hairy way

>> No.7359763

There's some good shit hidden among the doo doo. Look up Sunken Heads. Really good surreal adventure game.

>> No.7359801

I tried calling the Konami hotline a few months ago. Then I learned 900 numbers don’t even exist anymore.

>> No.7359893

No i played on ps2.

>> No.7360072

That one held me up because I thought it was a consumable and it wasn't letting me drink it because I was at full health. But I didn't have any issues with anything in SH1, the piano puzzle and valve turning puzzle took a little longer but not in a way where I'm not even sure what to be doing.

The rotating face thing in SH2 also irritated me a little bit, along with the noose part where you have to read so much only to end up with what felt like an unsatisfying solution.