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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 126 KB, 1024x870, tiger-electronic---handheld-game---the-lion-king-p-image-314481-grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7352291 No.7352291 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone ever truly enjoy these things?

>> No.7352313

they are actually in MAME now, like, really, hundreds of them, the joke at school during the bitwars is they were like 1bit or something, but the reverse engineering decades later showed that they are running on a 4bit mcu

>> No.7352316

I had the toy story one. It was terrible, not just bad, but terrible, from the music to the sounds to the gameplay.

>> No.7352319

yeah i play some of the tiger handheld in mame that i used to have as a kid every now and then

>> No.7352389

Game & Watch ones are pretty good even if all of them have basically the same gameplay. Tiger's games cram too much into a single screen and it's almost impossible to see what's happening.

>> No.7352641
File: 49 KB, 398x800, 1611551069718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, just get one of these, better value and animation is superior for what they are

>> No.7352652

They were on point for the price range. Besides, the real reason they exist is to give out the licensed "game" without actually purchasing it.
>e.g. Tyler gets Sonic 2 for his birthday
>But not Sonic 2....."Sonic 2"

>> No.7352670

Absolutely, but I don't remember the gameplay at all on them.

>> No.7352676


>> No.7352718


They are a disgraceful unplayable messes. They are grandmas birthday present pick of a videogame. A mistake.

I had the Goosebumps game, its only use was throwing hard at siblings when they didn’t let you play real games.

>> No.7353158

Pretty sure the people who made them knew what parts they used at the time. I don't think the guy who was processing the POs was sitting there saying "why are were ordering all these 4 bit parts from Sharp? My kid told me tiger games are 1-bit. And he should know because his dad works as tiger games"

>> No.7353242
File: 155 KB, 1196x954, 1593097394837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon's Quest was extremely based, friend.

>> No.7353246

Yeah but who was talking about the specs of a Tiger Handheld before internet autists years later?

>> No.7353273

wtf is wrong with his face? that part of the curse he's always bitching about?

>> No.7353283

Why did they call it by the english title? Why not the Japanese title?

>> No.7353291

they were just importing devices made for the foreign market and selling it in japan with a different box

>> No.7353304

>Game Vision
>Tiger not listed anywhere on the box
>unit clearly marked with Tiger logo


>> No.7353629

Aside from the hundreds or thousands of people involved in designing, building, selling them? I guess the thousands of people doing similar stuff who talked about how the competition was doing things like people in any business do. Probably more than are discussing that today. I always get a chuckle when things are "discovered" or invented" that have been around and known about for years and could be learned about by asking the right person or reading the right document.

>> No.7353695

I liked the tetris one when I was a kid, had some other fun games in it (like a car racer where your car was made by 8 blocks/pixels)

They were a cheap alternative to a gameboy at the time

>> No.7353717

I had the Sonic 2 tiger game, and the TMNT konami one, and both of those fucking sucked compared to these brick games.

>> No.7353748

can't remember well now but there was one of these things that allowed you to switch games by replacing the lcd display

>> No.7353804
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1599475458939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiger handhelds were kino

rich kids mad that their gamegears can't compete with the tiger

>> No.7353806

I have that exact one, the Lion King game
and I had a pinball one and one of those infinite racer ones

>> No.7353825

imagine if Tiger was still making handhelds in 2021...

>> No.7353834

Probably would've been bought out by EA or Activision

>> No.7353938
File: 165 KB, 402x401, icancounttopotato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if zoomies knew how to use the internets...

Probably would've been bought by Hasbro

>> No.7353962

Every once in a while there was one that was actually decent.
that said these types of super simple LCD games peaked with a few Game and Watch titles, specifically Mario's Cement Factory and Donkey Kong Junior.

>> No.7353975
File: 31 KB, 480x640, heman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes kids enjoyed them.
I enjoyed them.
My friends enjoyed them no matter how primitive some were.

There's always elitist fucks in these tiger handheld threads who shit on them for not being gameboys but childhood was a simpler time when simple things could be exciting and imagination was the fuel for excitement.

Like this guy, imagine the hours of gameplay some kid got out of this boring looking hunk of plastic.

>> No.7353993

>what if Tiger was still making handhelds

at least you're avatarfagging properly

>> No.7354026

are you kidding? I loved these. I grew up behind the iron curtain and I never even heard of Nintendo or Sega, this was the only type of handheld gaming I knew and it was really fun.

>> No.7354068


If anyone hasn't seen this, you can play these things in your browser.

>> No.7354074
File: 95 KB, 600x491, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Tiger Electronics Handheld) - Electronic Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I took mine everywhere I went as a kid, don't think I ever managed to beat it though.

>> No.7354085

That bleeping noises and LCD Nerd at the end has me in tears every time I see this. Sad that fans do better work than James himself, this should have been in the actual episode.

>> No.7354136


At least you're still a dumb baby embarrassing yourself

>> No.7354147

I had a similar looking Hulk Hogan figure with a spring-loaded arm that could deliver straight punches. Played with it my entire childhood, many years.

>> No.7354149

I had to Jurassic Park when as a kid.
It was fun I guess

>> No.7354235

Man, that guy sucks ass, not nearly as good as my segway

>> No.7354364
File: 391 KB, 1280x1210, spicegirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did this exist, but it was a reskin of an earlier Tiger game themed on MC HAMMER

>> No.7354371

I remember recently finding some of those handhelds behind a glass display case at a Half Price Books. I tried hard not to laugh.

>> No.7354375

I enjoyed the SNES version. Wanna know why? Because it shits over the Genetard Virgin version from a great height.

>> No.7354389
File: 1.13 MB, 2322x4128, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, handhelds started with Radio Shack's Plane and Tank. Then I got a mix of these and Nintendo Game and Watches. The Tiger one I played the most was a two in one (you turn it 180 degrees for the second game) combination of Bo Jackson baseball and football. Don't have any Tiger's left, but here's the collection of what I still do have left of the rest.

>> No.7354507
File: 18 KB, 399x310, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up a poorfag. this was my gameboy. the games were alright, the cartridge system was divine

>> No.7354674

Gimmicks like this makes these LCD games worth owning.

>> No.7354842

most jap games have an english sub-title because they deem it attractive for japs

>> No.7356987

Bored and stupid kids

>> No.7356991

idiot, they call castlevania dracula in japan

>> No.7357093
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had these chink ones
very simple, they usually were sports themed and all you had to do was catch stuff or dodge

>> No.7357113

I played that one and the Goosebumps one in church when I was a kid. Didn't like The Lion King but Goosebumps was kinda fun.
Anyone remember a Crash Bandicoot LCD game? It was more advanced than the typical Tiger handheld, behind the back perspective that emulated Crash's gameplay pretty OK for what it was, this was sometime in the late 90s. I remember a catacombs level. I think there was a Resident Evil LCD game in the same line?

>> No.7357169
File: 34 KB, 500x376, 51f3mGfT8SL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bad boy sat atop the stack of magazines next to the toilet for years

>> No.7357327

These were surprisingly good. When the N64 was dying out and just before the Gamecube was released a friend of mine brought one of these to school. For about 2 months these things became the 'it' thing at my elementary school. At first we laughed because a couple of us had gameboy colours and we would take turns playing Zelda on lunch break and then we got hooked on these things. And they were really cheap at the time too. The racing game was surprisingly fun or maybe it was a spaceship? We would try and max out the speed and difficulty and see who could get the furthest.

It was so weird because for a week it was super popular in our classroom (grade 6) and then we noticed other classrooms playing these things. Even the older kids started playing them.

>> No.7357580

Just mash the button and the score goes up. They were very poorly programmed.

>> No.7357585

Akumajou Dracula.

>> No.7357595

LCD games were really only playable when its simple catch-the-ball type system, more than that and it becomes a mess.

>> No.7357607

>These were surprisingly good
under 20$ these 20/50/99 games in 1 were a fucking steal compared to a used good gameboy cart which would cost 10-25$ depending on the game

battery life wasn't that bad either no one would bother stealing(minus the fucking teachers reee) them either too as a time killer handheld from the 90's legit 9/10 primitive as fuck but when you've got over 9000 variations of tetris racing breakout and etc simple games all under the same hood which even the poorest mother fucker could own

well it'll spread faster than aids these were indeed rather popular from 96ish-01 but sadly very forgotten and highly under rated

>> No.7358004
File: 56 KB, 293x212, castlevania_ii_tiger_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just mash the button and the score goes up. They were very poorly programmed
You've clearly never played any

>more than that and it becomes a mess.
Some Tiger handhelds were quite ambitious with what they tried to do. Obviously there were some stinkers that kids got lumbered with and Tiger would license absolutely any fucking thing but the ones I had like Simon's Quest and Home Alone 2 were fun enough for a few minutes at a time.
Compare them to some early game boy games or 80s arcade titles and they have the same amount of depth (very little). Literally made to last a few minutes and meant to be replayed over and over like a score attack.

>> No.7358009

No, but shouldn't this handheld be called Dracula II: Noroi no Fūin?
I get SEGA got lazy and just repackaged the US unit, but at least they could've added the proper Japanese title in their box.

>> No.7358043


The fuckin Game Wizard, I had the Star Wars version long before I even saw the movies and I actually have a strange nostalgia for it

>> No.7358172

What, did you expect the score to go down if you button mash? Have you literally never played any games in your short sad life?

>> No.7358190

What would be cooler than the mame remake would be if someone took the graphics & presentation & made an actual good game out of one (I nominate the castlevania one - the one I had). I'd prefer to play in original form factor with better buttons. Pipe dreams..

>> No.7358580

What mame remake?

>> No.7358624

>if someone took the graphics & presentation & made an actual good game out of one
that's a pretty vague thing

>> No.7358926

They were purely something kids would fuck with while waiting at the dentist or something like that. No kid actively would want one compared to a gameboy.

>> No.7359074
File: 22 KB, 300x241, 689789789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one growing up, it was fun enough to pass the time during a car ride somewhere.

>> No.7360202
File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, star_wars_handheld_game__3_games__1530512446_ddf154470_progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7360783


I had a Pit Fighter one. Thats all i remember

>> No.7361073

This is why they were only a fun distraction for a few minutes. I can't say I hated them but most of the time I couldn't figure out how to actually win at them. The platformers all just had you and the enemies teleport around the screen and then you'd just lose because you collided with something.

>> No.7361110
File: 168 KB, 810x1080, dragon-ball-battle-namek-handheld_1_55e9089813383fdb1f5132addf44bfbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having this shit, it was great

>> No.7361168
File: 172 KB, 640x783, 2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is quite the same one but I had an Undertaker figure that had a spring-loaded waist, when you twisted him around he'd throw a punch.

>> No.7361175

it was ass

>> No.7361189

okay mario cement factory was actually half-decent

>> No.7361208 [DELETED] 

Are these by The 90s? I'm fourteen (14) years old and I love The 90s!

Post you're are snapchats and I'll share pics and vids of my The 90s collection (=

>> No.7361240
File: 249 KB, 1500x2000, d15b33810b427d16644e9653e0c24ac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if it was any good, but I played the shit out of this bad boy.

>> No.7361241


>> No.7361250

This fucker in action.


>> No.7361257

They were great for helping me appreciate finally getting home to play actual video games.

>> No.7361284 [DELETED] 

Why did you delete?

I'm also fourteen (14) years old btw

>> No.7361309

Naw that he-man is based. These tiger toys are shir

>> No.7361313

Its a matter of perspective, in the 1950's this was considered a game, its literally spin a cardboard circle and guess the number.


They were a pretty cheap present your aunt could get you, press buttons and things move, a bit of a novelty since most people didn't have digital electronics in their house. The tiger ones were the bottom of the barrel but some were still good, the early lcd games were often like space invaders or car racing games, you would get bored since they only had 1 level or increasing speed but some of the tiger games would have a boss so that was basically winning the game.
Even as an adult I can play them for couple of minutes just because of the novelty.

>> No.7361730
File: 924 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_20210131_210000033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute garbage made to make poor kids jealous of kids with gameboys

>> No.7361851

Hory sheit I forgot all about this bad boy

>> No.7361986

I only ever got them when they were a pack-in toy for fast food stores like Taco Bell and McDonalds. They were rare but goddamn they were fun to sneak into school and play during recess. While the girls ran off to play with their tamagotchis me and the boys would see who was the best at things like this one Sonic soccer game.

>> No.7361997

>they're lions
What the actual fuck? Is this some sort of knockoff?

>> No.7362281


That's a term people on here don't seem to have a grasp on. In a world where every kid has a smartphone that can emulate millions of things we could only dream of as children, these handhelds do seem like something as antiquated as that toy in your vid.
It's unfair to compare LCD handhelds to real video games, they were more electronic toys that had the novelty of resembling a video game.

Tiger threads always bring out the most entitled little fucks eager to shit on them , but if someone at school pulled out one of these at recess every fucker wanted a go.

>> No.7362284

I have had nearly every system beginning with the Sega Genesis and onward and yeah I still honestly enjoyed these as a kid.

>> No.7362395
File: 280 KB, 667x500, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one and the other one that straps around your head with a batman game. Good times

>> No.7362414

oh my god I had this ...i actually enjoyed playing it

>> No.7362470

I had a generic baseball one that wasn't bad as long as you immediately turned the sound off after turning it on.

>> No.7364410

>clearly about lions

No not really but I always thought they were pretty cool though. I had a Tonytronic which was/is the shit

>> No.7364680

Unironically enjoyed that more that Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.

>> No.7364697
File: 118 KB, 810x1080, Pinball Wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone get the fuck out of my way!
The absolute mega CHAD of LCD games coming through.

>> No.7364747
File: 25 KB, 300x400, football.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncle got me this one year and I played it so much the buttons wore out.

>> No.7364915

Holy shit what's the name of that green and purple one? I didn't think I had any of these but that just came flooding back.

>> No.7364937

Wrong, many were shovelware but some were great like >>7353242 and >>7361240 which was also an actual toy

>> No.7365416

The only 2 my Grandma had.
I can't believe through sheer luck she ended up with the absolute best ones.
It's why the mcdonalds ones and other cheap toy ones felt like shit to me.

>> No.7366887

I have this

>> No.7366989
File: 648 KB, 600x663, BtqU2hRCcAEKXyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even before Tiger, toy companies were banking on Novelty above practicality.

>> No.7367087
File: 110 KB, 503x600, whulkstern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure anon means this Hulk Hogan figure (series 4). I had that one and a series 3 Hogan (suplex action) which was my first WWF figure.

That Undertaker was my favourite by far though, just completely different to ally other figures and a great look.

>> No.7367090
File: 22 KB, 425x349, 718xKUc2XVL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, but on the topic I had this.

Had a choice between this and WWF Wrestlemania for the Amiga for my 5th birthday.

I chose wrong.

>> No.7367095

*All my

Jeez I'm retarded.

>> No.7367578

Is it just me, or does Hulk Hogan look like he has autism?

>> No.7367751

Mario Bros., where you're moving packages on conveyors, was addictive as hell.

>> No.7367798

All the poor kids (read: me) loved these things because Game Boy games were expensive, not to mention it's a lot easier for kids to enjoy cheap trash
I randomly found videos of MAME playing Tiger games and Game & Watch and I couldn't fucking believe it. I understand we should preserve all vintage video games via emulation, but it's just so silly

>> No.7367804

No one said this Jesus dude. Avgn said it and you parroted it,

>> No.7368098


>Some Tiger handhelds were quite ambitious with what they tried to do.

That's the problem with them. There's a limit to how much gameplay you can cram into these things, just compare Tiger's Sonic LCD with Sega's:




I wonder if you can blame this thing for the GB's pre-Pokemon decline in the mid 90s. It basically rendered the best selling GB game obsolete.

>> No.7368189

I had some generic no-brand red racing game that I won at a contest in my synagogue when I was a kid but I barely played it. I got rid of it when moved five years ago, and I don't even remember what it was called...

>> No.7368279


I sure never enjoyed them. They weren't even much of a novelty. They were just... there. An inoffensive presence at best.

I liked some cheap handheld game devices though. Mechanical ones could be good. I remember one little motorcycle-racing game in which some kind of cleverly constructed set of enemy racers (in the form of little plastic nubs supported by unobtrusive-looking background plastic) would somehow rotate around a loop of track, powered by a windup motor, while you maneuvered your bike (another nub that could collide with the others, supported by an unobtrusive background stick you could slide up and down) and tried not to crash into anything. Or something like that. It wasn't super interesting to play but the construction of it was clever and charming. Another I liked was this weird slot machine thingy with three spinners on it that would turn up, when you stopped them, with images of three parts of a robot, and so you'd make a random robot by matching three sections. And there was some kind of challenge involved where you'd lock specific spinners and re-spin the rest or something, like in video poker or something, in order to try for the coolest and highest-scoring combination of parts. And there was some other one I liked but I can't remember it clearly.

Anyway the electronic games of that type sucked. Mechanical ones at least had some elegance to them.

>> No.7368302
File: 26 KB, 381x300, 2508_1285323227873_Tiger_Shinobi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked them. They were a good option for long car rides as a member of a family too poor to afford a Game Boy. I received them from clueless aunts and grandmas. Just think of all the poor saps they suckered into buying one of these.

I had that Highway game. Thanks for the good memories fren.

>> No.7368338

Tiger handhelds are underrated gems like the speccy. You actually have to use your imagination to appreciate them so that's why neither are appreciated by Americans.

>> No.7368439

This thread is full of Americans waxing nostalgic about the handhelds you obsessed faggot.

Of course you use it as an excuse to shoehorn in the shitty Speccy too.

>> No.7368443

Nice reddit spacing tranny

>> No.7368452

>paragraph breaks are reddit
>thinking about trannies 24/7

yup, it’s a zoomfaggot

>> No.7368462

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7368556

I think he had cocaine.

>> No.7368562
File: 24 KB, 400x317, s-l400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one and another that had 99 games. 1 game of snake, a spy hunter clone, and 97 different versions of Tetris I could never figure out completely.

>> No.7368583

They were for when you would bug your mom too much about getting you a video game and they thought this cheap thing would suffice.

I feel bad I bugged my mom about getting me games when I was really young, I didnt realize how expensive they were. I am lucky that I realized that pretty young so I could stop acting like a spoiled brat.

>> No.7368643

>but it's just so silly
welcome to haze the mame dev

>> No.7369473

So where the hell do you download all the tiger electronics roms? I can find several here and there with a few sites that have a ton but they're malware infested. I'm just looking for the megaman games

>> No.7369495
File: 42 KB, 500x423, 52dfc3740c30f451f1a6c543b9866427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone truly figure out what the doug button does?

>> No.7369514

It's an action button that does things depending on the area.

>> No.7369517

why don't they have a skeeter button?

>> No.7370338

Can only be used (3) times

>> No.7370991

I said it at school in 97 as a joke at the lunch table as I’m sitting there unironically enjoying one

>> No.7371063

they were okay once they were intuitive. had double dragon 2 and it was just 'fight baddies/avoid obstacles and move forward to next bunch of baddies/obstacles etc etc' and was fine as that
too many of the later 90s ones tried all sorts of bizarre and unintelligibe goals and mechanics that most couldn't wrap their heads around

>> No.7371559

>zoom zoom esl zoom cringe zoom holy shit the human race is doomed zoom zoom shitpost zoom cringe

>> No.7372907

It dougs

>> No.7372918

Someone posted the instruction manual before

>> No.7372945

Yeah I remember that.
Really strange that it said, verbatim, "It Dougs?".