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File: 19 KB, 256x224, April TMNT statue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7348984 No.7348984 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Shredder and Krang want the Statue of Liberty?

>> No.7348990

To distract the audience from April's fat melons.

>> No.7348991

sex doll

>> No.7349032

And why did the Turtles have to travel through time to recover the Statue of Liberty? What was April O'Neil reporting on before Krang showed up? Why were those people at this event?

>> No.7349369

they hate france
for good reason, fuck france

>> No.7349378

big questions

>> No.7349384

I'm not at Liberty to say.

>> No.7349385

He lost, anon. Accept it.

>> No.7349389
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>> No.7349403

Meh weirder shit happens in the tmnt multiverse, the 80’s characters are only allowed to realize the flaws of their universe when they interact with any other universe

>> No.7349430

I always masturbate vigorously to Apreil O'Neil, she's very cute, has beautiful boobs, and her jumpsuit makes me crazy.
Do you feel the same?

>> No.7349436

We all lost.

>> No.7349441

bad question to ask, you're just going to end up mentally scared as some creep from the deep raises up from lurking and tells you his stories about whacking it to master splinter

>> No.7349452

It's cool. As a teen I fantazised a few times about covering my dick with pizza so April would have to suck it good to get all the sticky cheese.

>> No.7349457

>even in his fantasies he has to trick women to get them to fuck him


>> No.7349460


>> No.7349647

Anon, even when they fuck Chad Wolf Thundercock it's only for the social status.

>> No.7350080

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Take your pills.

>> No.7350760

>women will always be women, wether it is in hard-on fantasy or the real world
>I want to fuck zoe quinn
Pick one.

>> No.7350791

Shredder and Krang understood that the Statue of Liberty was a symbol of oppression that perpetuates the US's racist patriarchy, so they took matters into their own hands and justifiably tore it down.

>> No.7351003

Because they could.

>> No.7351014 [DELETED] 
File: 510 KB, 1051x1687, 67EDF2F8-737B-4565-A761-99908432DF86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were BLM “activists” who wanted to erase US history because it’s racist and replace the concept of liberty (a white male invention) with justice and affirmative action.

>> No.7351076
File: 296 KB, 380x390, insumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7351080

Stop spamming this image on /vr/ of all places, and go back to /pol/

>> No.7351081

that mike looks uglier than normal, what did you do

>> No.7351083

Did you hit your head?

>> No.7351085

t. kneeler who doesn't want to be reminded of his shame

>> No.7351103

Sports is for annoying normalfags so this does not apply to me.

>> No.7351116

I can’t believe Americans actually kneel for BLM shit. 2020 is going to be remembered as a year of mass psychosis.

>> No.7351124
File: 94 KB, 800x533, QBRP4WW5UZA75P5NXC4A47VNRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was nothing to do with sports

>> No.7351506

Anything with the National Anthem constitutes normalfag shit.

>> No.7351630

Coalburners and their apes aren't American, and normalfag Euros were doing the same as ours were.

>> No.7351648

I can’t believe Brits actually clap for the NHS tiktok dancing. 2020 is going to be remembered as a year of mass psychosis.

>> No.7352078


>> No.7352112 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 840x560, kneel for your masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nothing to do with the anthem, retard, it's kneeling for BLM, no anthem at all

>> No.7352323

Like everything they did in that version of TMNT, it was a very roundabout way of getting the turtles within firing range of a non-lethal trap that was in itself a very roundabout way of getting rid of them.

>> No.7352553

libshits aren't American they're just America-adjacent

>> No.7352679

Okay, well going to protests is normalfag shit as well. And none of this changes the fact that this doesn't belong on /vr/ and you should go back to /pol/ and stop trying to constantly shoehorn your dumbass reactionary politics into discussion about retro video games of all things.

>> No.7353004

Why did beating a level boss send them further in time?

>> No.7353053

I mean to a small kid it makes sense - the statue of liberty is something that symbolises american pride. They steal that because they are bad and evil and want to harm America.

So basically the same as how the American government says anyone they don't like such as Putin is bad and evil.

>> No.7353074

april is so FUCKING hot

>> No.7353084


>> No.7353092

I've been all over the world and Paris is fucking horrible; even a dingy town in Malaysia is better

>> No.7353257

Those are Trump people praying to God for election integrity in Arizona, you fucking moronic Ahmed worshipper.

>> No.7353942
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>> No.7353979

OP asking the real questions

Fuck, now I have to replay it and find out

>> No.7355031

This fag gave the best answer so far >>7352323

>> No.7355304

I gotta say the video games are canon and the cartoon was a gay AU

>> No.7355320

Anon, the Japanese aren't particularly known for their quality writing.

>> No.7355341

Just like /vr/

>> No.7355347

They were going to spend a few days hotglueing it and then teleport it back as a prank.

>> No.7355432

Americans can't let ANYBODY ever get their filfthy hands on their statues, April was and people were celebratiy the birthday of the statue, Kang and Shreder wanted too demoralise the turtles by taking the statue. Shreder went back in time to find a nice place to dump it, hoping that the turtles wouldn't be able to catch up

>> No.7355443

Why doesn't Shredder go back in time to kill the turtles before they're hit by the mutagen?

>> No.7355467
File: 716 KB, 686x980, reaction (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355525


Oh ok. Anyway the SNES version is slow as fuck after you play the arcade original.

>> No.7355545

Who lost?

>> No.7355553

applies to the modern west as well

>> No.7355907

not intelligent enought to come up with that

>> No.7355965

Most incarnations explain it as the Turtles being friends with a time guardian named Renet who pops up to warn them whenever someone goes back to the past to try to kill them. In the 80s cartoon, it's because Shredder is incompetent.

>> No.7356051

I fucked Zoe quinn. I am become five guys, bringer of fries.

>> No.7356062

The bosses were Shredder's minions, so he probably gave them some sort of device to help them get back after they were done with their mission.