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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7341302 No.7341302 [Reply] [Original]

Who made the best games and why?

>> No.7341307

If it aint jap its crap

>> No.7341315

wise words

fr tho, not sure what other answers to expect from this thread

>> No.7341376


>> No.7341379

Depends on the genre.

Japanese - Sports, Platformers, JRPG
USA - FPS, Realistic Sports
Europe - Western RPGs

>> No.7341381
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Japs make good consistent quality
Non Japs occasionally come out with GOAT titles

>> No.7341427

Also, Euros have some very good(but pretty janky) strategy games, of all sorts. RTS, TBS, RTT, TBT, 4X, etc.

>> No.7341559

if it aint jap it aint crap

>> No.7341562

Japanese for most things

US for FPS

Europe for nothing

>> No.7341578

Probably give the edge to Japan but USA has legendary games in pretty much every genre across console and PC.

>> No.7341579

>USA - Realistic Sports
Konami did the best (retro) soccer games, Sega had Virtua Tennis, etc.

>> No.7341694

Japs followed by USA
as for Europe nothing worth playing comes from that shithole kek

>> No.7341719

Japan, not even close. There are a million legendary japanese videogames out there.

>> No.7341729

Australia made some good games thanks to Melbourne house but it’s barely a blip in the grand scheme

>> No.7341756


>> No.7341775

Europe for willyvanias

>> No.7341791
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European game industry is literally the best in the world though. People often forget that Rockstar is a British company. It's still unrivaled to this day in creating open world third person shooters. The PS1 is nothing without Psygnonis' contribution to the software design, it would end up as a blunder like the rest of 5th gen consoles. Also Bullfrog, Codemasters, Core Design, Frontier, are all British. And we haven't covered German, French, and the rest of European studios here.

USA is a close second. They have created significant innovations in regards of video game design as well as tons of legendary titles.

Japan is far behind in the third place. They only make games for the underdeveloped minds and receive praise for it. Their video game industry has been largely stagnant as well, in alignment with their economic stagnation.

>> No.7341839

dont bother, fatmericans can only think of speccy and the like, and ignore anything we made from when 3D became standard

>> No.7341851

tpbp & /thread

>> No.7342128

Well yeah, because technically impressive shit is...still shit. Agree though with Euro being at the top post 3D

On the other hand if you don't wanna hear us bitch about the speccy maybe don't treat it or similar platforms like they were the second coming of Christ.

>> No.7342161

Japs - puzzle, beat em ups
USA - point & click adventures
Europe - racing

>> No.7342173

>It's still unrivaled to this day in creating open world third person shooters.

>> No.7342180

Europeans need to be banned from attempting to make video games, enough is enough, It's still a problem to this day

>> No.7342217

This post reeks of australia-kun.

This one too

>> No.7342220
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What's with the butthurt americlaps in this thread?

>> No.7342225

>literally no one mad in the thread
>genuine ontopic game discussion 30 posts in
and then
>Eurocuck shows up steaming with anger and gets out his notebook of hilarious american memes

>> No.7342227

NA and Jap both have amazing games to their name. Off the top of my head idk anything that interesting made in Europe

>> No.7342237

Japanese > massive power gap > everyone else unless it's an FPS or autism sim. If it has action components in 3rd person/2D there's just no goddamn question.

>> No.7342247
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>"as for Europe nothing worth playing comes from that shithole kek
>"Europeans need to be banned from attempting to make video games, enough is enough, It's still a problem to this day"
>genuine ontopic game discussion 30 posts in

>> No.7342248
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>itt: butt blasted sharters

>> No.7342256

Oi roit the gaem 'as a buncha features and simulation innit so 'at makes it fun, pip pip

That doesn't mean shit if the basic acts of moving around and combat with foes feels rock'em'sock'em tier and stilted like every one of your bongshit games.

>> No.7342264

None of those statements seem mad or off-topic

>> No.7342282
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>> No.7342283

I mostly remember Europe for making "wow"ing games whether it be graphics or music, but usually they arent that good in other departments


>> No.7342284

What the hell is australia-kun? Can you manchildren stop with your memespeak for a second and have a rational discussion?

>> No.7342306

>What the hell is australia-kun?
Lurk more

>> No.7342308

GTA open world clones and FPS games are the reason gaming sucks balls today, thank you Europe, thank you America, you done did it, you ruined gaming!

>> No.7342316

Clearly it's Europe

>> No.7342337

Only shitposters and brits (or people with poor taste) do that MSX, C64 and Amiga (to some degree) are the only ones worth anything

>> No.7342412

Most of the actual technology vidya needs to work in the first place came from the US. After all, we invented the IC in the first place and pretty much every important microprocessor family other than ARM is of American origin.

>> No.7342435

the videogame world would be so much better if americans kept to doing pc parts and never went into game development

>> No.7342606

It's most likely you

>> No.7342610

Americans buried shitty games, Britbongs kept buying the shit, so japan didn't waste it's time on you

>> No.7342795

Japanese are better at storytelling and arcade games, Americans are better at sandbox games, and Euros are better at low quality clones of Japanese games played on computers with rubber keys and a gay pride rainbow on the case.

>> No.7342832

>Japanese - Sports, Platformers, JRPG
Spyro and Crash.

>> No.7342936

Japan had better 2D platformers, America had better 3D platformers.

>> No.7342942

US/EU can still make some pretty great games, but it seems like they can only do that when they focus on PC. Once the focus shifted to consoles then they started churning out more and more garbage.

>> No.7343457
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This should be a Jap vs US vs UK thread.

At least 95% of the great companies/games out of Europe are from the UK. >>7341791 already mentioned many of these companies. Europe literally wouldn't even be in the running without the UK, or more specifically Britain.

>> No.7343463

Nothing but shit came out in the EU. You're pretty much trying to make great Britbong take all the heat

>> No.7343492

This %100.
Japan simply dominated the 80s-early 2000s. Best games ever made, period.

>> No.7343504


Psygnonis and Rare alone, both British chad companies, are better than anything Yankeestan had.

>> No.7343516

Cry more

>> No.7343540

kek. You know it's true so that's all you can say.

>> No.7343570

>idk anything that interesting made in Europe
Tetris? Minecraft? GTA? Like, some of the best-selling franchises ever?

>> No.7343668


>> No.7343671

Non-brit euro here, this mostly.

>> No.7343675

France, Germany, and Spain all had great game scenes nobody ever talk about partially due to the language barrier.

>> No.7343712

Spain does produce a lot of great artists and coders who work on AAA gaming but i don't remember any games actually developed in Spain by spanish companies except maybe Blasphemous.

>> No.7343723

Ever heard of Dinamic?

>> No.7343748

Love me Lionhead
Love me Free Radical

Simple as

>> No.7343753

Plenty of fairly well known titles here actually.


>> No.7343980

Rare is dead and Retro Studios replaced it.

>> No.7344002

Lords of Shadow is well know i suppose, outside of that not really much that's very notable, most of these scream "outsourced shovelware"

>> No.7344038

You've never heard of Severance and Commando?

>> No.7344098

This is /vr/ anon. We're talking about old stuff, not awful modern shite.

>> No.7344315

Eh come on now Tetris is pretty kick-ass, as well as the falling block puzzle genre it spawned.

>> No.7345172

Only France, Germany has a couple of good ones and Spain has only Commandos really (rest is shit)

>> No.7345539

>EU = Europe

EU Propaganda has done a number on you

>> No.7345598

>tfw even US propaganda couldn't persuade us that USA = America

EU best propaganda in the world desu

>> No.7346698

They all did

>> No.7347632
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The Euros are up there with anyone when it comes to 3d platformers. Prince of Persia, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, the Rayman series, Lego Star Wars and other Lego games, Pac-Man World, just to name a few.

Harry Potter games were good too.

>> No.7347676

>Japs only barely above USA
Americans are so cute

>> No.7347712

jap games had more polish, higher budgets, and better qol, but western ones were more creative.
it's no coincidence that japanese wizardry clones (aka "jrpgs") became one of the most popular genres of all time.

that being said, western devs caught up with japs in the 90's, and have bypassed them by far.
to this day, japs still churn out clones of the same 5 or so games

>> No.7347732

nips: jprgs
usa: doom
uk: gta
europe: they dont make anything its all the uk

>> No.7347839

>Factor 5
>Quantic Dreams
>Rainbow Arts

>> No.7350281

US just makes jewish EA tier garbage, definitely the worst.

>> No.7350287

true, delphine for flashback, factor5 for turrican, i can take or leave the rest, but most of the sw houses are/were in the uk, maybe I was being too harsh on the continentials

>> No.7350293

best games by volume: japan
best games overall: US
shittiest turds: EU

>> No.7350298

lmao Peter Molyneux is a dumb faggot and Fable sucks ass.

>> No.7350343

Name 10 good American games

>> No.7350353

More specifically England. More specifically the Norf.

>> No.7350360

I hate Quantic Dreams myself but the point is that those are or were pretty relevant studios desu. It's mostly just France and Germany tho, places like Poland or Spain had their own scenes but they were never that big.

>> No.7350367

This also applies to televisions and sedans.

>> No.7350441

There are tons.
>Diablo 2
>Warcraft 3
>Quake series
>DOOM series
> Duke Nukem 3D
>Postal 2 (fuck you, it's amazing)
>Gauntlet Legends / Dark Legacy
>Elder Scrolls series
>Command & Conquer series
There are even some good modern ones like the original Gears of War or Supreme Commander but most of you fags are too jaded to enjoy anything newer than 2000 so you don't want to hear about any of that.

>> No.7350965

They made some CastleVania games.

>> No.7350987

You didn't name any good games

>> No.7350992

Tony hawk pro skater , literally nothing else

>> No.7351019

Because they actually designed fun games with incredibly tight satisfying controls, that had good physics and momentum and were properly fucking bugtested.

seriously compare any western platformer ever made to Mario 3 or Mega Man X. Hell fuck it, I can't even think of a western platformer that's half as good as Mega Man Xtreme.
And if we're considering the PS2 retro, God of War was total dogshit and came out the same year as fucking Ninja Gaiden Black and Devil May Cry 3, which are considered the two best 3D action games ever made. The west has never competed with Japan outside of PC-centric genres like FPS and strategy.

>> No.7351026

>Because they actually designed fun games with incredibly tight satisfying controls, that had good physics and momentum and were properly fucking bugtested.
And then you played a Bits Laboratory or Micronics game.

>> No.7351035

>durrrrrrrrrrrrr games that are universally considered amongst the best ever made aren't good duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrr
what's your problem with Warcraft 3 faggot? you don't like building entire worlds and enjoy them in custom games with friends? maybe you should play quake then -- oh right, that's a shit game too, nothing fun about blowing demons into pieces and hopping around maps at light speed with rocket launchers and plasma guns. what are some good games then? JRPGs where you sit through a cringe anime story for 80 hours cycling through context menus?

>> No.7351045

Japan never made anything as satisfying as Total Annihilation or X-COM.

>> No.7351048

If it's jap, it's crap.

>> No.7351053
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>> No.7351064
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>Because they actually designed fun games with incredibly tight satisfying controls, that had good physics and momentum and were properly fucking bugtested.

lol, is it opposite day?

>> No.7351070

very much, american and euro videogames are shit and you posted a completely unrelated image

>> No.7351071

Over half of that list is shit, anon. Good selling shit, but still shit. I will concede WC3, SC1, D2, and DOOM were good though.

>> No.7351105

do you really want the skyrim bug webms? or the trannypunk 2077 ones? really? we could be here for weeks

>> No.7351107
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you missed one

>> No.7351112 [DELETED] 
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>what's your problem with Warcraft 3 faggot? you don't like building entire worlds and enjoy them in custom games with friends? maybe you should play quake then -- oh right, that's a shit game too, nothing fun about blowing demons into pieces and hopping around maps at light speed with rocket launchers and plasma guns. what are some good games then? JRPGs where you sit through a cringe anime story for 80 hours cycling through context menus?

>> No.7351118

Japanese game developers are a stagnant beast begging to be put down like a rabid dog. They constantly fail to utilize hardware GPU effects, physics and overall making what could be done on the dreamcast at higher resolutions. Not to mention they never implement anything new in terms of AI or gameplay.
The "select actions from menu" approach that's so popular among japanese gamers is proof of this, this rather simplistic way of doing things allows them to focus on their interactive animes, instead of making japanese games go forward in terms of gameplay. Some studios within nintendo, sony and capcom have always been the exception of this rule, but the collective sticks to it religiously.
Your average /v/irgin is an overweight suburbanite obsessed with wapanese culture, of course they're loud, angry and hate halo and madden. They're too comfortable watching their games instead of playing them and they need "games" that will last them 70+ hours, since it's their primary activity. For the majority of the gaming community it's a whole different story though.

>> No.7351130
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>Japanese game developers are a stagnant beast begging to be put down like a rabid dog
true, we need more gta clones with generic fantasy and sci fi look and more generic fps games

>> No.7351134

>the EU

The fact you already had to include the entire European Union instead of a single country means Europe already fucking lost.

Japan has made some classic games, namely Pac-Man, Mario, and Galaga, but so has the US with Centipede, Asteroids, and Missile Command.

People who grew up with the NES and SNES and never explored beyond that range later in life will mostly say "Japan", because Japan was extremely restrictive of their third-party licensing deals, especially to companies outside of Japan, but if you go ahead and look at the Amiga and Commodore 64 and DOS libraries, you very quickly begin to realize that the US made just as many, if not more better games than Japan.

You had LucasArts, MicroProse, Sierra, Westwood, and id Software that made tons of classics and some of the best, most influential games ever period.

>Also Bullfrog, Codemasters, Core Design, Frontier, are all British. And we haven't covered German, French, and the rest of European studios here.
Literal who's.

>> No.7351135

>as for Europe nothing worth playing comes from that shithole kek
ich geb dir gleich volles pfund aufs maul

>> No.7351141

>but if you go ahead and look at the Amiga and Commodore 64 and DOS libraries, you very quickly begin to realize that the US made just as many, if not more better games than Japan
I've mentioned before that most of the really significant, trend-setting games on C64 and Amiga were American ones not Euro demo/jank shit. Turrican and Jack the Nipper left no lasting influence as Maniac Mansion or Bard's Tale did.

>> No.7351145

did you just sneeze?

>> No.7351149

>argument is a reddit tier reaction pic
got 'em

>> No.7351162

Okay, you're never allowed to play another American video game ever again, so that means no other-wise you forfeit your argument.

>> No.7351167

They did though. Hundreds of guys learned to code on the Spectrum and whatnot who often went on to careers in the industry.

>> No.7351169

>generic fantasy and sci fi look
You just defined Japanese sci-fi and fantasy.

>> No.7351185

Europe has always been held back by being 30 or so different countries with different languages, markets, and cultural preferences. The US and Japan are each a single country/culture/language/market.

>> No.7351186
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Within the last 20 years, there have been exactly 2 people who have innovated in Japanese game design....2....The first is Shinji Mikami, the second is Hidetaka Miyazaki. The rest of Japanese gaming is just awash with speedy design in order to appeal to the CONSOOMER.

>> No.7351192

I would just deduce Europe down to two countries; France and the UK. Those are the only two countries that matter when it comes to video games.

>> No.7351198

No, he's typing in German.

>> No.7351201

ok, genug ist genug

>> No.7351205

Did I mention the X-COM guys needed an American dev (Microprose) to realize their vision? Elite or Domark didn't have the resources for a project of that scale.

>> No.7351213

But it also explains why Europe doesn't innovate much on the hardware side of things and nearly every important development in consumer electronics has come from the US and Japan. That Britain had its own indigenous computer industry is a feat; most European countries didn't have that. For example Germany despite its reputation as a tech powerhouse never made their own computers.

>> No.7351221

France and the UK were the least 2 effected infra-structure-wise by World War 2, and a third of the region was under Soviet control, so it makes sense why they were held back in designing titles.

>> No.7351260

Aaaand that's how we know you're a coping weeb with shit taste, thanks for playing!

>> No.7351302

cry more and go buy skirim for the 10th time jingoistic moron

>> No.7351326

From Software isn't comparable to something like Capcom the same way you don't compare Pony Canyon to Treasure.

>> No.7351356

Why bother? America threw some good computers to us which they themselves don't appreciate.

>> No.7351370

How did Miyazaki innovate annything?

>> No.7351431

>You have to involve the whole EU for Euros to even stand a chance against the USA and Japan.

>> No.7351450

Americans have never innovated, everything they have bring to the table is to make gaming much much worse, like the fps shooter

No, only americatrash fantasy, literally every single wrpg ever made takes place in the same universe that looks exactly the same every time and is not even designed at all, is just 1:1 medieval clothing with no artistic vision at all, or simply star trek or generic post apocaliptic wasteland.

>> No.7351469

Switch Europe and USA and this is accurate

>> No.7351541

Americans were only good at Doom clones, strategy, simulation and point and click games. Most of their console stuff was absolutely lackluster and the idea of them being even remotely comparable to Japan is so ridiculous you can't take it seriously.
>No good fighting games
>No good beat em ups
>No good platformers
>No good shmups
>No good puzzle games
>No good rail shooters
>No good run and guns
So yeah if phew phew and pretending your running your own company sounds like the hottest shit to you Americans are amazing but c'mon. Just because Japan is shit now, doesn't mean you can top them at their prime. Western devs took years to catch on.

>> No.7351552

>No good fighting games
>No good beat em ups
You know Mortal Kombat wasn't Japanese right?

>> No.7351561

Retro Mortal Kombat is played like shit. The franchise is really good now, mind you.

>> No.7352230

The flag of Europe predates the EU though

>> No.7352265

>no Valve

>> No.7352295

You forgot the CPC, Dragon 32, BBC, Acorn, and Tiki. European computers except for the Speccy and CPC lost to their American counterparts because Europeans except for the british in some ways didn't have the microprocessor and RAM industry the Americans had. C64 was really cheap because all its part including the CPU and DRAM were manufactured in-house. Even Japanese computers couldn't compete with the American computers, which was the reason they were never exported to the US.

>> No.7352306

The greatest game ever made (Max Payne) was made in Finland.

>> No.7352318
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really? woah, the only game I knew of that came out of there was this

>> No.7352321

The writing sucked though, and they were trying to shove that down your throat.

>> No.7352325

and Europe predates the 1955 flag, I don't get your point

>> No.7352327

Everyone made good games. But the most good games coming from Jap I guess

>> No.7352331
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 2ihpeue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only games I know that have come out of india are these two

>> No.7352346

Japanese games are massively overrated. There are some good ones but most of them are boring copious products.

>> No.7352368

It's really weird to me that screen caps from this still get reposted. I remember uploading this to YouTube 10 years ago from Australian TV.

>> No.7352370

>Japanese games are massively overrated
They're called tastes, anon. Doom bores me to death but I'm not going to say it's a shit game just because I don't like it, people suck id's dick here 24/7 so clearly their games mean a lot to to many people. So no, most jap games are not bad at all.

>> No.7352386


Imagine thinking this image doesn't apply in reverse or to any culture anywhere

>> No.7352393

>They're called tastes
Well no. I used to enjoy japanese games but they all got boring because most of them lacked originality and freedom.
>Doom bores me to death
It's not your fault. Doom doesn't have a lot of content, all you have to do in the entire game is killing the same 12 enemies using the same 9 non modifiable weapons and look for the same 3 keys. All enemies are made of 3 frame walking sprite and 1 frame hit detection sprite. It's made for 12 year old kids and brainless casuals.

>> No.7352396

it doesn't for the UK, we literally invented 99% of inventions, there was nobody for us to copy the industrial revolution from

>> No.7352404

Japan > US > the rest of Europe > UK & Spain

>> No.7352549

>C64 was really cheap because all its part including the CPU and DRAM were manufactured in-house
Commodore made SRAM, they didn't do DRAM though--that was bought from outside suppliers. By the mid-80s TI and Micron were the only American DRAM manufacturers.

>> No.7352614

Don't get yourself wrong. SMB3 is far from representative of most Japanese games. Look through the NES/FC library and you'll find lots of average paint-by-numbers crud.

>> No.7352628

Or even worse, when you have to look through the MSX, FM 7, and PC-88 library.

>> No.7352658

How much Wizardry and weeb dating sims does anyone need?

>> No.7352829

Mortal Kombat 2 and 3 played great, only MK1 had jank.

>> No.7352834

The "masterpiece" games on the japanese computers that most people remember are jerky, sluggish, and shallow action games with colours that hurt your eyes and wizardry inspired RPG stats that served no purpose whatsoever because the gameplay was linear and repetitive as fuck. They were more unplayable than most speccy games and there's a reason they practically disappeared from history.

>> No.7352841

>No, only americatrash fantasy, literally every single wrpg ever made takes place in the same universe that looks exactly the same every time and is not even designed at all, is just 1:1 medieval clothing with no artistic vision at all, or simply star trek or generic post apocaliptic wasteland.

Lmao, Ultima literally proves you wrong and that was made almost 40 years ago, as it combines Medieval Fantasy with Sci-Fi epic, holy shit weebs are stupid, clueless, retards.

>> No.7352860

>They were more unplayable than most speccy games and
I suspect one reason was that JPCs had big hi-res graphics screens that cost a lot of CPU to move stuff around. The PC-8800 had a 48k graphics page while the Spectrum had just 6k. While this made Wizardry and hentai games look nice, it was a killer for action stuff.

>> No.7353037

>>No good fighting games
Primal Rage? Mortal Kombat? Weaponlord? Pit-Fighter?

>No good beat em ups
Comix Zone (which puts the majority of them to shame with the quality of its animation and originality of its gameplay)? The Punisher (Genesis)? Rampage?

>>No good platformers
Now that's just laughably wrong. There's Earthworm Jim, Sonic 2, Super Star Wars, Commander Keen, ToeJam & Earl, Pitfall, The Lion King, Lode Runner, MDK, Aladdin (Genesis), Jurassic Park, Duke Nukem, Alien Carnage, and so on and so forth.

>>No good shmups
Again, laughably wrong, as Spacewar! practically invented the genre. There's also Tempest, Defender (which the japs and other americans and euros all copied to no end), DemonStar, Spyhunter, and plenty of other ones on the C64 and Amiga I could go through and mention one by one.

>no good Puzzle games
Out-right stupid opinion. The US makes the objective best puzzle games around, just look at point and click adventure games, which are essentially puzzle games.

>No good rail shooters
*Sigh* CarnEvil, Crossbow, Area 51, Big Buck Hunter, Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

>>No good run and guns
And possibly THE dumbest statement of them all...although they're all equally as stupid. Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Metal Warriors, Vectorman, Smash TV, NARC, Total Carnage, Xenophobe, etc, etc, etc, we all know how this goes, you don't know anything about gaming and it shows.

>> No.7353042

Didn't they have low res mode? The C64 had hires and lowres modes.

>> No.7353062

>Americans have never innovated, everything they have bring to the table is to make gaming much much worse, like the fps shooter

Americans/The West invented:
Puzzle Games
Racing games
Flight sims
Sports games
Lightgun games
Third Person Shooters
First Person Shooters

Everything they've brought to the table has been a jump forward in gaming, to deny such would be to be a biased dipshit.

>> No.7353070

The point isn't that Americans are close to Jap, it's that not matter how far you gap them the Euros are much further behind.

>> No.7353072

Standard graphics on the PC-8800 were 640x400. Some machines had a 320x400 mode. This was if you recall when most Western computers had 320x200 or 160x200 or even less than that.

>> No.7353085

>we literally invented 99% of inventions

Except you didn't.

>Modern computers
>The internet
>UPC codes
>Video game consoles
>MRI machines
>Graphical User interface
>3D printers

>all invented by the US

>> No.7353097

USA > Jap >> Europe

I mean, name me a game with wider name-recognition than Pong?

>> No.7353104
File: 64 KB, 850x505, World-economic-history-and-the-escape-from-Malthusian-Trap-because-of-Industrial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small time, we broke the world out of the malthusian trap

>> No.7353108

There there, Mortal Kombat was already a strech but your list is so filled with shovelware, plainly non american games and technicalities it made me chuckle.

I'll give you Comix Zone and Vectorman tho.

>> No.7353112
File: 41 KB, 245x363, guvna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now invent a toothbrush or a bill of rights.

>> No.7353114

Super Mario Bros

>> No.7353115

>wojak shitter
kill yourself my man

>> No.7353116

you forgot
>basic dental hygiene

>> No.7353123
File: 491 KB, 1808x1640, 1608373381344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Rome did, until you brits wasted their manpower taming your bog-diving asses.

>> No.7353134 [DELETED] 

>plainly non-American games

Care to list them? I assure you, each and every single one I mentioned was American made.

>> No.7353139
File: 55 KB, 620x307, BRITAIN_2388153b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see this? this is everywhere, we have stomped, owned, colonized.
You are speaking English, not Latin.
We defeated the Romans.
They were small time.

>> No.7353146

And now they all kicked you out and hate white people. Great job.

>> No.7353152

>plainly non-American games
Care to list them? I assure you, each and every single one I mentioned was American made.

>so filled with shovelware
Lmao, and so are the Japanese games you'll inevitably list. Anyone can say that, it means nothing, especially since half the games I mentioned are classics, some of which are included in the Smithsonian. Cope more weeb.

>> No.7353156

I have a job, babyboy.
And we don't kneel to niggers like you with a culture completely based around niggers.
Enjoy your rap, basketball and ugly sneakers.

>> No.7353159

>We defeated the Romans.

No, you didn't, they actually crucified the slut that tried to start a rebellion, it's why the capital of your entire heart-land is from what the Roman's named it, forever giving you the tramp-stamp of their empire to be remembered eternally in the annals of history.

>> No.7353163

>Great job
>I have a job
For inventing English you don't understand it very well.

>> No.7353167

I also used to think Japan made the best vidya when I was underage. Now I cringe to that mere thought.
Don't get me wrong, some of my favorite games of all time were made in Japan, but if you can't expand your horizons you have objectively bad taste. The west excels in genres Japs haven't even dare to touch.

>> No.7353169

You don't have a job, that was my point, shitter.

>> No.7353175
File: 29 KB, 496x496, London Mayor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, what was that?

>> No.7353182

This guy knows what's up ^

>> No.7353183

>8 years of a nigger president
>best he can do is a powerless paki town mayor

>> No.7353186

>Gauntlet Dark Legacy
yeah you can go die now

>> No.7353187

>town mayor

You brought it up, not me. If you can't take the heat, get out of Africa.

>> No.7353197

If you're going to call Sonic 2 American just because Naka used some STI yes men as cannon fodder coders (and refused to do so again in Sonic 3 because he hated working with them) you may as well consider every single Virgin platformer a British game because of Dave Perry. As a coproduction, it's a slipery slope, and since you don't sound particularly dumb, I'll just assume that you're perfectly aware of it and just went USA USA for shit and giggles. Same with naming an American port of a japanese game, calling point and click games "puzzle games" as if they have anything to do with Tetris or naming games from second gen systems because you have literally nothing else.

>> No.7353201

USA for strategy, sims and FPS
Japan for everything else
Eurotards ruin every genre they touch

>> No.7353204
File: 24 KB, 680x451, 5B444F6C-E964-4509-AE01-45A6FEC4E08C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American game development sucks because for a long time it was a top down process driven by executives who didn’t play games. In England they had the ZX Spectrum and this is where a lot of 15, 16, 17 year old kids honed their trade in the 80s. Then you get guys—real genius coders—like Matthew Smith, the Stamper brothers and the guys at Rockstar coming through and completely changing the landscape. All of these guys cut their teeth on the Spectrum and the British micro-computer scene. We never really had that here.
—John Romero, creator of Doom, speaking at the 2012 GDC Europe

>> No.7353209

>Lmao, and so are the Japanese games you'll inevitably list.
Yeah Japs sure missed on Pit Fighter and its legendary competitive scene

>> No.7353212

Noticed how he said genius coders and not genius game designers

>> No.7353215

>says the tranny who got famous by leeching off autistic American nerds making whatever they wanted

>> No.7353265

>If you're going to call Sonic 2 American

The project was a joint-development between American and Japanese developers, but if it really makes you butthurt, I can easily just replace it with Oddworld.

>Same with naming an American port of a japanese game
You mean The Punisher? The Genesis version was not the same as the Arcade version, featuring different art work, different soundtracks, and different level design. They essentially made an entire game based on the frame-work of what Sega's arcade game was.

So you've pointed out one game of my entire list that has contention regarding it's status as "American", which I replaced with an even more original and highly acclaimed title. You're not making a good point for yourself here.

>or naming games from second gen systems because you have literally nothing else.
You literally just named Tetris, lmao, how hypocritical can you get? I also love how you can't compare with what I've named so you go on the attack, using well-poisoning tactics to think that me mentioning Defender and Tempest somehow makes those games disappear, when it just strengthens my opinion revealing how afraid you are of challenging them. Grow up please? And just admit you posted a dumb, arrogant, hot-take.

>> No.7353271

This, Romero is the perfect example of a hack fraud that happened to be at the right place at the right time.

>> No.7353278

This is where I have to question what the fuck Romero was talking about, the C64 and Amiga were both bigger than the ZX Spectrum and the british micro-computer scenes ever were.

>> No.7353281

What resolution is that?
Was that filmed with a fucking Gameboy Color?

>> No.7353284

>we never really had that here
>blatantly ignoring he was working next to one of the most innovative coders Video Gaming ever knew
>John Carmack

Romero is a top-tier idiot, isn't he?

>> No.7353289

Most of the C64 and Amiga scenes happened and still are happening in Europe...

>> No.7353293 [DELETED] 

Yea, so it's just a case of Romero not knowing what the fuck he was talking about.

>> No.7353294

Carmhack didn't invent shit. Lucasarts had been doing 3D games long before he did.

>> No.7353296

He's not wrong though? Its still a european microcomputer scenes even if it involves imported computers.

>> No.7353303
File: 130 KB, 652x1959, 1611455911436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7353306

/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.7353314 [DELETED] 

Most of the scenes are happening in Europe right now for them, but 20 years ago you'd be lying to yourself if you think it was only in Europe. Why do you think the US is the monolith in the gaming industry that it is today? Why do you think almost all of the best indie games come from the US?

I'll give the European demo scene props, but Romero is out of his retarded fucking mind if he thinks that there weren't demo-scenes in the US. New York was the capital of the demo scene world-wide in the 90's.

>> No.7353317 [DELETED] 

30 years ago*

Damn time flies.

>> No.7353342
File: 108 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Phil_Fish_at_GAMMA_3D_2008_(3069071319).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indie developer Phil Fish landed himself in hot water at a GDC movie screening this week after telling a Japanese developer that his country's games all sucked. His response was, "Your games just suck," - "Japanese games are just two western games duct-taped together."

>> No.7353351

Carmack is responsible for revolutionizing VR.

>> No.7353358

VR is a meme and will fail (again)

>> No.7353376

He wasn't wrong. for a faggot, that was based

>> No.7353390

kek, yea, I wonder why

>> No.7353391

>Most of the scenes are happening in Europe right now for them, but 20 years ago you'd be lying to yourself if you think it was only in Europe.
It wasnt only in Europe, but europe had the bigger and more widespread scene. Accessible publishing for indie games sort of died in the US after Atari exchange program ended. Meanwhile in Europe there were tons of fun programming magazines and tv programmes for young kids.
>Why do you think the US is the monolith in the gaming industry that it is today?
Rockstar and Ubisoft aren't American. Psygnosis is responsible for the PS1's success while atari jaguar died.
>Why do you think almost all of the best indie games come from the US?
I dont think they do.
>Romero is out of his retarded fucking mind if he thinks that there weren't demo-scenes in the US.
Of course there were but it was bigger in europe.

>> No.7353401

>Rockstar and Ubisoft aren't American

And Take-Two, Activision-Blizzard, Valve, Naughty Dog aren't European.

>> No.7353405 [DELETED] 

>Psygnosis is responsible for the PS1's

Yes, with such hits as...................oh, and we can't forget their landmark PS1 title..............................but oh, they did develop the innovative PS1 game..................

>> No.7353413

>with such hits as....
The PS1 system architecture and development kit itself.

>> No.7353427

>The project was a joint-development between American and Japanese developers
You mean Naka travelled to the states with a few key members of Sonic Team and filled some of the lesser positions with STI guys, something he would later regret and explicitly ban most of them from working on Sonic 3.
Yup this one is pretty good. Way better than Keen, Alien Carnage and the other Superfrog tier stuff.
>You mean The Punisher? The Genesis version was not the same as the Arcade version, featuring different art work, different soundtracks, and different level design. They essentially made an entire game based on the frame-work of what Sega's arcade game was
So what? Plenty of arcade conversions were like that back then, that's why I called it a technicality. So we have Comix Zone and a remake/port, what else, anon? I can name more than 15 jap ones.
>You literally just named Tetris, lmao, how hypocritical can you get
Tetris, Tetris Attack (not the same game), Puyo Puyo, Dr Mario, Lemmings...
>I also love how you can't compare with what I've named so you go on the attack, using well-poisoning tactics to think that me mentioning Defender and Tempest somehow makes those games disappear, when it just strengthens my opinion revealing how afraid you are of challenging them
What's there to challenge? How many shmups did America make after the Crash? Modern shumps evolved from stuff like Galaxians.

>> No.7353428

>The PS1 system architecture and development kit itself.

And where are you getting that from?

>Accessible publishing for indie games sort of died in the US after Atari exchange program ended
Are you talking about the 90's specifically? Because the only indie games that matter nowadays are US indie games
>Super Meat Boy
>Binding of Isaac
>Enter the Gungeon
>Among Us

>> No.7353516

>You mean Naka travelled to the states with a few key members of Sonic Team and filled some of the lesser positions with STI guys, something he would later regret and explicitly ban most of them from working on Sonic 3.
Regardless, it was a joint venture.

>Way better than Keen, Alien Carnage and the other Superfrog tier stuff.
More acknowledgement you have no idea what you're talking about, lmao, calling Earthworm Jim "superfrog" tier, oh man, you really are one dumb little kid aren't you? Ahhhh, thanks for the laugh.

> I can name more than 15 jap ones.
I'm sure you could, no doubt Batman Returns-tier. By the way, you forgot about Rampage, which I'd rather play over literally any Japanese beat-em-up.

>Tetris, Tetris Attack (not the same game), Puyo Puyo, Dr Mario, Lemmings...
Lemmings and Tetris aren't Japanese, so even MORE stupidity, man, how did you even graduate, or did you not yet?

>What's there to challenge? How many shmups did America make after the Crash? Modern shumps evolved from stuff like Galaxians.
I don't know, SHMUPS are mostly a dog shit genre that I only know of because of Defender, Tempest, and Spyhunter, the rest is just niche trash that japs shit out to appease autists the rest of the time.

>Modern shumps evolved from stuff like Galaxians.
Ah yes, the Space Invaders rip-off, once again showing off how uninformed and ignorant you are, truly a sight to behold.

>> No.7353540

I know you're frustated and stuff, but no ammount of ad hominems can improve the retro American library, anon.
>More acknowledgement you have no idea what you're talking about, lmao, calling Earthworm Jim "superfrog tier"
Notice how I was mostly refering to the PC stuff, the David Perry ones fall into the slipery slope category.
>By the way, you forgot about Rampage, which I'd rather play over literally any Japanese beat-em-up.
Rampage barely qualifies as a brawler
>Lemmings and Tetris aren't Japanese
The point is that those are not American either. I could have named stuff like Intelligent Cube or some stuff with long weird names but I prefered to keep it simple.
>Ah yes, the Space Invaders rip-off
You know that game isn't American either, right?

>> No.7353574

>I know you're frustated and stuff, but no ammount of ad hominems can improve the retro American library, anon.
Ironic, since your first response was appeal to ridicule, and then you've simply been using the dismissive fallacy when it suits you. Also, glad to see you don't know how ad hominem works since ad hominem is only an ad hominem if my argument singularly relies on the insult being the basis of my argument. I was simply throwing in verbal abuse.

>Notice how I was mostly refering to the PC stuff, the David Perry ones fall into the slipery slope category.
Yea, referred to 2 of the 3 PC games and then say "referring mostly to the PC stuff", lmao, oh, you mean Duke Nukem? The sole remaining PC title that I listed? Needless to say you already fucked yourself by saying Commander Keen was Superfrog-tier, so your opinion on the matter is veritably worthless, as you're operating from a disingenuous standpoint altogether.

>The point is that those are not American either. I could have named stuff like Intelligent Cube or some stuff with long weird names but I prefered to keep it simple.
Then why bring up japanese beat em ups specifically that you could list? Sheesh, you have zero consistency in your argument, probably the way you prefer it so if you get proven wrong you can exempt yourself from responsibility of previous statements.

>You know that game isn't American either, right?
You know, that game that literally pre-dated Galaxians and if you were trying to frame the origin of SHMUPS (which it wasn't), you would've said?

>> No.7353586

There are literally 4 different retro video game references in that list.

>> No.7353591


>> No.7353596

Nice dude, you pic is 0.5% videogames and you got humiliated the entire thread regardless of that. Impressive

>> No.7353598

>your pic

I didn't make it.

>> No.7353605

>Yea, referred to 2 of the 3 PC games and then say "referring mostly to the PC stuff", lmao, oh, you mean Duke Nukem? The sole remaining PC title that I listed?
Yup, it's called being a ESL continental. Astonishing, right?

>Needless to say you already fucked yourself by saying Commander Keen was Superfrog-tier
It's even worse, I was actually being pretty generous. I mean comparing it to B tier Jap stuff would already make it look pretty bad, but the first 3 were competing with SMB3, and 4 was competing with SMW and Sonic. PC players only remember it because they had nothing else.
>You know, that game that literally pre-dated Galaxians and if you were trying to frame the origin of SHMUPS (which it wasn't), you would've said?
Do you really believe that I'm familiar with things like the developement of Sonic 2 but somehow didn't know about one of the most well known jap games ever? And how is that related to American games, anon?

>> No.7353606

>and you got humiliated the entire thread regardless of that

Also, that's hilarious that you think so, since it only had 4 responses, only 3 of which were butthurt responses.

>> No.7353617

Now say it without crying

>> No.7353638

sure thing billy bob

>> No.7353669

>Yup, it's called being a ESL continental. Astonishing, right?
So that means you can't count? What are you trying to give an excuse for now? That you were blatantly using vague language to cover for the fact that you had a pathetic excuse?

>It's even worse, I was actually being pretty generous. I mean comparing it to B tier Jap stuff would already make it look pretty bad, but the first 3 were competing with SMB3, and 4 was competing with SMW and Sonic. PC players only remember it because they had nothing else.
Lol, go right ahead and compare it to B-tier jap-crap, you're not going to prove anything, it's not going to magically erase the legacy Keen has created for itself, regardless of how much you fantasize about it not being so. By the way, I'm referring to the fact that Superfrog is not a well known title, Commander Keen sold way more than Superfrog, but Superfrog is actually a legit, quality platformer.

>Do you really believe that I'm familiar with things like the developement of Sonic 2 but somehow didn't know about one of the most well known jap games ever?
What exactly is the relationship between Sonic 2 and Galaxians? Is there a missing thread here? Oh, of course, you're familiar with the development of Sonic 2, so of course that means you know the history of SHMUPS....?

>And how is that related to American games, anon?
Because Americans invented SHMUPS? Space Invaders was important for a bunch of other reasons, primarily being it helped popularized video games in the first place.

Also, going back to your "Puzzle Games" question - Marble Madness, Minesweeper, Bejeweled come off the top of my head, if you won't accept point and clicks (even though the entire basis for them is solving context-sensitive puzzles).

>> No.7353673

Awww, look, I made him upset.

>> No.7353701


>> No.7353705

>The west excels in genres Japs haven't even dare to touch
Has Japan ever made an RTS? I don't recall there being any.

>> No.7353706
File: 389 KB, 1197x797, 40ef63485e819b87d52b93661755c18c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353712
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 2j0vfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even RTS games based on Feudal Japan were all made in the West

>> No.7353723

You really don't know anything about Japanese games if you think they were less creative than Western games.

>that being said, western devs caught up with japs in the 90's, and have bypassed them by far.
>to this day, japs still churn out clones of the same 5 or so games
The West makes shitty tranny and nigger simulators and milks franchises to death, and they've even manage to fuck over the Japanese game industry with their bullshit.

>> No.7353737

>Japs make good consistent quality

No, they don't, it's simply only the quality games manage to get ported over to the US, and even then mountains of garbage manage to still slip through, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the NES.

>> No.7353749

And yet they still make more good games than all other parts of the world combined

>> No.7353753

Really. Try and look through the NES/SNES/PS1 releases we didn't get and see just how much kusoge there is. Protip: It's a lot.

>> No.7353754
File: 789 KB, 1121x760, tq4pyxsl5go41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milks franchises to death
Tell me, how many Final Fantasy, Dynasty Warriors, Fire Emblem, Mario, Zelda, and Castlevania entries are we at now?

>The West makes shitty tranny and ni**** simulators
Pic related.

>and they've even manage to fuck over the Japanese game industry with their bullshit.
Remember when the Metroid developers purposely made Samus a girl to surprise players who thought she was a man? Ahhh, good times.

>> No.7353761

>this is what weebs actually think

>> No.7353776

>Tell me, how many Final Fantasy, Dynasty Warriors, Fire Emblem, Mario, Zelda, and Castlevania entries are we at now?
How many Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Halo, Need for Speed, Fifa/NBA/NFL and Battlefield entries are we at now?

>Pic related.
The fuck is this supposed to prove?

>Remember when the Metroid developers purposely made Samus a girl to surprise players who thought she was a man? Ahhh, good times.
What the fuck does this have to do with 2021? Are you insane?

>> No.7353790

>How many Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Halo, Need for Speed, Fifa/NBA/NFL and Battlefield entries are we at now?
Far less than any of the titles I just listed, aside from the sports titles, which are usually just shovelware.

>The fuck is this supposed to prove?
Not spoon-feeding you.

>What the fuck does this have to do with 2021? Are you insane?
Wow you're really a big dipshit huh? Japanese games have had elements of "SJW'ism" far longer than the west. They also had trannies in their games earlier than the West, does Poison from Final Fight ring a bell?

>> No.7353795

Yeah I guess the Western industry hasn't been able to produce as many successful series as Japan.

>Not spoon-feeding you.
So it means nothing. Got it.

>Wow you're really a big dipshit huh? Japanese games have had elements of "SJW'ism" far longer than the west.
The fuck does Samus being a woman have to do with SJWism, dipshit?

>They also had trannies in their games earlier than the West, does Poison from Final Fight ring a bell?
Trap/tranny character != LGBT/SJW.

>> No.7353797

>cherrypicked example from a current-year game's English localization
I mean, what did they expect? Also this picture seems like something that would be posted on r/gamingcirclejerk

>> No.7353798

>Yeah I guess the Western industry hasn't been able to produce as many successful series as Japan.
Call of Duty has had fewer entries and yet has sold more copies than Final Fantasy, so that statement is some laughable cope, oh man you're pathetic.

>So it means nothing. Got it.
Not spoon-feeding you.

>The fuck does Samus being a woman have to do with SJWism, dipshit?
>tricking the player into thinking Samus is a guy
>revealing it's a woman at the end
It's harmless, but it's still SJW'ism.

>Trap/tranny character != LGBT/SJW.

>anon gets upset over tranny games
>gets pointed to trannies in his beloved weaboo games
lmao'ing at your life

>> No.7353801
File: 682 KB, 1079x1765, 647ocfj7psh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game's English localization
Funfact: "It's how it is in the original"

>> No.7353803

>Call of Duty has had fewer entries and yet has sold more copies than Final Fantasy
Because Western gamers love to eat shit. Cope.

>Not spoon-feeding you.
You can't explain what it means. Oh man you're pathetic. You posted it and don't even know what it means.

>tricking the player into thinking Samus is a guy
>revealing it's a woman at the end
So no relation to SJWism at all.

>anon gets upset over tranny games
>gets pointed to trannies in his beloved weaboo games
Because they don't, you fucking dishonest kike. Your kikeshit LGBT ideology does not apply to literally every trap/trans character or person that has ever existed.

>> No.7353805
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because Western gamers love to eat shit. Cope.
Hah, funny, pic related.

>You can't explain what it means. Oh man you're pathetic. You posted it and don't even know what it means.
You're a retard, you're going to have to get smart or have someone else explain it to you, because I'm not. No reason for me to either, since you're just a loser retard shitposting about your weeb butthurt on an anonymous image board.

>So no relation to SJWism at all.

>Because they don't, you fucking dishonest kike. Your kikeshit LGBT ideology does not apply to literally every trap/trans character or person that has ever existed.

>> No.7353808

>Hah, funny, pic related.
Another non-sequitur.

>You're a retard
No, you're a retard who posted an image as an argument without even comprehending what it means. Retard.

>your weeb butthurt
Except I never said or implied that I'm a weeb, retard.

Dumb fucking kike.

>> No.7353809

>Another non-sequitur.
Japanese love eating shit. They make ice cream shaped like it specifically because of it.

>No, you're a retard who posted an image as an argument without even comprehending what it means. Retard.

>Except I never said or implied that I'm a weeb, retard.

>Dumb fucking kike.

>> No.7353814 [DELETED] 

>Japanese love eating shit. They make ice cream shaped like it specifically because of it.
You mean Westerners love eating shit.

Dumb fucking kike subhuman. It's really too bad the holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.7353818

>You mean Westerners love eating shit.

>Dumb fucking kike subhuman. It's really too bad the holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.7353821 [DELETED] 

Subhuman dumbfuck kike. Kill yourself.

>> No.7353823
File: 264 KB, 512x448, Goemon-3-01-27-2020-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem... pic related made SJWs seethe, cope and dilate.

>> No.7353824
File: 789 KB, 810x740, 31c023df698d761b5fb236d9735ca8be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, shut the fuck up you dogshit non-human, it's amazing you can even use a keyboard.

>> No.7353826 [DELETED] 

Japan's suicide meme is another one of your fucking kike propanda creations. Disgusting subhuman.

>> No.7353827
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1597547075017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related made SJWs seethe, cope and dilate.

Mmm, no, pic related actually did because people actually played this game.

>> No.7353829


Lmao, literal mental breakdown happening rn on 4chan.

>> No.7353832 [DELETED] 

Of course it's propaganda you fucking shit-eating kike.


>> No.7353836
File: 469 KB, 1842x817, 5f65bdbc9f4c6c82d31225491bb16ecb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally proves that it does

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7353839 [DELETED] 

Literally proves your kikeshit wrong. You're always fucking going on about how they're number one in suicides when in reality there are a lot of countries with higher suicide rates, which your kike propaganda outlets never mention. Fuck off.

>> No.7353843
File: 108 KB, 500x522, fans-of-anime-and-manga-are-worthless-1235016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, I'm sure, a fat retard such as yourself must be an aficionado on Japan, eh?

>> No.7353847

Nice projection fat retard, and nice shopped screenshot. Just the kind of bullshit I'd expect from a fucking kike.

>> No.7353850
File: 126 KB, 1200x630, 9dddc3578c57051ba228434794a3fb60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao, look at all that cope you have, kike

>> No.7353853

Miyazaki doesn't know jack shit about anime or otaku, dumb fucking kike.

>> No.7353858

Can't wait to share your posts with my Thai friend, he always gets a kick out of retarded weaboo disphits, lmao

>> No.7353859

Retarded fucking subhuman kike.

>> No.7353881

>higher female suicide rate than North Korea and Russia
>higher combined suicide rate than Sri Lanka
>female suicide rate surged by 80% during covid pandemic https://www.cbsnews.com/news/female-suicide-surge-japan-covid-pandemic-could-be-warning-world-womens-mental-health/
b-but muh k-kikes....

>> No.7353887

Like I just said, you fucking kikes are always going on about how they are #1 in suicides and never mention a word about any other countries. Fuck you and fuck your propaganda.

>> No.7353890

I know you are but what am I.

>> No.7353892

Eat shit kike.

>> No.7353895

I know you do but what do I do?

>> No.7353897

Biden lost.

>> No.7353902

Because Nintendo is Japanese

>> No.7353904

I wish.

>> No.7353908

You bring up a good point.
I think American games have more of a "punch". The explosions are satisfying. The color and sound match the design just perfectly. All the pops of shots that kill aliens in xcom.
Japanese shmups are great too. But there's something about American violence that gets it right when it comes to killing a humanoid or fleshy creature.

>> No.7353910

The only countries above Japan when it comes to female suicide are a bunch of developing countries in africa, south america, and south east asia, and china and south korea which have just developed recently and still have problems with poverty. It's got the number #1 female suicide among countries that have been developed for many decades.

>> No.7353912

This is a really weird post.

>> No.7353913

Can we get off the political shit and get back to having a console war over countries?

>> No.7353915

There are many countries with higher suicide rates, yet you kikes never ever mention them, and always make it seem as if Japan is #1 and is the only country where suicide is even worth talking about.

Fuck you.

>> No.7353920

Oh yeah and I also like how you can't find the time to talk about the opioid crisis that you engineered.


>> No.7353924

>the only indie games that matter nowadays are US indie games
That would be Sweden actually. Minecraft, Hotline Miami, Penumbra, Amnesia, Soma are all swedish.

>where are you getting that from?

>> No.7353926

>you engineered

Jews? Are you implying that it isn't the fault of the Chinese, flooding the drug market with fentanyl through drug runners across out southern border?

>> No.7353929


>> No.7353930

>I-it wasn't us, goy!
Fuck off.

>> No.7353934

No, I'm not a schizo for plainly pointing out your fucking kike propaganda tactics. Speaking of which, you have a history of claiming that anyone who doesn't comply with your program is mentally ill.

Fuck you.

>> No.7353941

Oh, interesting.

>That would be Sweden actually. Minecraft, Hotline Miami, Penumbra, Amnesia, Soma are all swedish.
Minecraft was inspired by Dwarf Fortress, so once more, it loops back around to American indie games. Also, do you have anymore? Or is that literally all of them?

I mean, surely a country that you consider to be the "pinnacle of indie games" has multiple hits releasing every year, right?

>> No.7353945

Not a jew you schizo faggot.

>> No.7353946

Oh yes my apologies, you are of course a "fellow white person" (for today).

>> No.7353952
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Sound an awful lot like a butthurt 50-center CCP shill, trying to steer everything away from the chink-shills to the moloch worshippers.

>> No.7353963

Nice try, kike.

>> No.7353969

Nice try, CCP shill.

>> No.7353970

This has nothing to do with China, this is just something you pulled out of your ass at random to deflect attention away from the fact that you're a dirty fucking kike.

>> No.7353978

>this is just something you pulled out of your ass at random to deflect attention away

Wow, ironic, almost like that's exactly what you're doing.

>> No.7353983

Shut the fuck up. This has nothing to do with China. You brought up China out of nowhere. You fucking abominable kike. Piece of fucking shit.

>> No.7353987

Shut the fuck up. This has nothing to do with jews. You brought up jews out of nowhere. You fucking abominable chink. Piece of fucking shit.

>> No.7353994

You fucking rats make my blood boil. Absolute scum of the fucking earth. Always tricking, plotting, gaslighting and bullshitting. Hitler should have wiped you all out.

>> No.7353996

You fucking rats make my blood boil. Absolute scum of the fucking earth. Always tricking, plotting, gaslighting and bullshitting. Trump should have wiped you all out.

>> No.7353997

Fuck you.

>> No.7354001


>> No.7354013

Fuck you.

>> No.7354015

I try to live my life, live my life everyday
Keep out of strife, come what may
I try to do unto others as I'd have them do to me
But it can't be done for everyone
And now it's plain to see

You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A big fat stinking cunt
Say it ain't true but I'm here to tell you
You're a motherfucking cunt
You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A motherfucking cunt (Fuck you!)
Everybody knows from your head to your toes
You're a big fat stinking cunt

I try to be real nice, say it twice
Be real nice
Even though it is hard to keep up this facade
And now I see, deary me
What a hassle this could be
I'm out of luck, don't give a fuck
'Cause you're the cunt, not me
(Why don't you go fuck yourself, dickhead?)

You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A big fat stinking cunt
Say it ain't true but I'm here to tell you
You're a motherfucking cunt
You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A motherfucking cunt
Everybody knows from your head to your toes
You're a big fat stinking cunt

Why don't you shut that scabby cunt mouth before I fuck up your face?

I try to be real nice, say it twice
Good advice
Even though it's futile
Fucking imbecile
I don't know why, why I try
To deny this nagging itch
You maniac, gonna get you back
You fucking son of a bitch

You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A big fat stinking cunt
Say it ain't true but I'm here to tell you
You're a motherfucking cunt
You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
A motherfucking cunt
Everybody knows from your head to your toes
You're a big fat stinking cunt

>> No.7354019

Kill yourself kike.

>> No.7354020

Kill yourself fat retarded loser.

>> No.7354028 [DELETED] 

Fucking kike piece of shit. Fuck you.

>> No.7354165
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Everything they made is gold

>> No.7354668
File: 24 KB, 407x405, I-can-count-to-potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 options

>> No.7354671

Either way it's not retro so bringing it up here is irrelevant

>> No.7355223

You made this to start a flame war, didn't you?

>> No.7355236
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, you, the penultimate brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is shit, so obviously referring to Japan and US.

>> No.7355614

Europe? I've never seen someone misspell America that badly

>> No.7355618

More retro than you, José

>> No.7355645

>gets butthurt over a shitpost in response to an even bigger shitpost


>> No.7355691

I'd rather not

>> No.7355847

Japan, duh.
Based af

>> No.7355859

>makes exsisting stuff better
Thank you based Nippon.

>> No.7355874

>Gene Simmons took his look from Kabuki theater
>Kabuki preceded KISS
Gomen Nasai Japan-san.

>> No.7356046

Are you implying only Europeans can be real Americans you racist fucking bigot?