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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7336726 No.7336726 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have nostalgia for G4? Their brand of dudebro shit was all over the 6th generation of games especially outside of the internet and with early internet shows like ScrewAttack. I personally couldn’t stand them but maybe I’m just a bitter old fart

>> No.7336761

It was fun back in the day, some of the skits on their shows were fun, like secret agent Bob and Steve.

>> No.7336816
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g4 mostly sucked but killing techtv was the worst part

>> No.7336825



>> No.7336882

How G4 lasted as long as it did and still had nostalgia despite this will never not baffle me.

>> No.7336884

No, I stopped watching TV before it was even established. The closest I ever saw to anything like that was Video Power and Nick Arcade.

>> No.7336901

One of the benefits of being a early zoomer was that sitting down and watch TV was a rarity that only happened at night before bed if that. By the mid and late 2000s YouTube was established

>> No.7337037

It was decent early on, it felt like an honest attempt at making a videogame channel. Unfortunately it was never profitable at all so things progressively got worse and worse. Its like a warning of what the future held, the growth of the internet mirrored G4 in many ways. From fun shenanigans to investors wanting their money back so more corporate selling out. The best shows were Cinematech and the random animes they showed late at night. They must have had some serious hipsters working for them as they had a real tendency to show off obscure games worth a fortune these days.

The Filter show was fun too at first. I was a Nintendo baby so seeing people vote for their favorite games from the past I missed out on was cool. They ran out of ideas and it went to shit real fast. It was best with the original host.

Icons was great. Videogame development was mostly a mystery so learning the stories of how your favorite development studio came to be was really cool. I really wish the episodes were preserved, finding bits and pieces on youtube sucks.

Really I'm nostalgic for G4 because it was the first time I was able to see so much videogame footage in a single place. I didn't have high speed internet and video playing sites were non-existent. Actually seeing moving footage of an up coming game outside of a random VHS tape wasn't possible.

>> No.7337056

Comfiest stay home from school sick channel.
Reviews on the Run was based as fuck.
Ultimate Banzuke was fuckin hype.
X-Play was pretty cool.
Attack of the Show was nu-male bs even to an 11-year-old.
Code Monkeys was incredible.
10/10 made me wistfully nostalgic.
I gotta get up in four hours to remove asbestos. Then do schoolwork all evening because I stayed up last night watching The Wire.
Blogposting but w/e.

Brush your teeth, /vr/.

>> No.7337245

I'm nostalgic for the brief period of time before the TechTV merger. I liked TechTV too, but the idea of an all-video games channel was mind blowing to a 13 year old me. It only existed for about 2 years (02 to 04) and most people didn't know about it. I didn't have a good internet connection back then, so I got the majority of my game news from G4.

>> No.7337869
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Yes. I watched X-Play alot while growing up.

>> No.7338004

xplay had its moments but was mostly retarded, judgment day was fine and tommy was ridiculous (but in a good way), cinematech was great for just taking in games, and icons was a big deal for me because it was the first in-depth exploration of game history and its creators I ever experienced.

channel went limp when attack of the show debuted

>> No.7338037

I have very little nostalgia for G4 because the skits and such were so lame. then early youtube creators were obsessed with lame cringey skits, go figure.

>> No.7338053

I agree with this anon, other than the show "Icon" or "Icons" it sucked. Techtv was the real lost.

>> No.7338078
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Do you guys remember ZDTV? It was the original incarnation of TechTV before the name change.
I remember GamespotTV and Sessler bitching about the repetitive scientist models in his original Half Life review.
I also remember them showing the first footage of MGS2 and it absolutely blowing my mind.

>> No.7338092

Sess has his head up his ass. The Michael Stipe of gaming. Sad!

>> No.7338160

Even as a teenager I fucking hated their attitude and non-reviews. I will never not be mad their Battle Network 6 review was stupid bullshit purely out of anti Mega Man bias unless it was classic Mega Man.

>> No.7338208

Unfortunately accurate. I did like Screensavers and also recommendations for obscure yet helpful programs. It felt like a channel made for autists by autists. Because we did not have much representation at the time.

>> No.7338223

Yeah I noticed that as well. AOTS was the declining point and by then smartphones where starting to become all the rage. I did like when they did their launch day celebrations live like Halo 2 and Doom 3 just dedicated the whole day to it and basically did not care. Things where laid back in the day.

>> No.7338243

Man Gamespot and IGN were always in weird places weren’t they? Websites in 96 overshadowed by magazines and TV for the 90s and most of the 2000s. A brief period in the late 2000s and early 2010s were they were the definitive voices in modern video games. Then became trailer factories by 8th gen because most people followed companies directly or got sources from youtubers and twitter without the middle man of a website

>> No.7338256

>It felt like a channel made for autists by autists.
exactly. they aired fucking lain

>> No.7338321
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From 2006-2010ish when I was 14-18ish I jacked off to Morgan Webb almost every day on G4

I want to tell her that one day

>> No.7338382

Code monkeys is pure fucking cringe

>> No.7338393

She’s got a Twitter go for it man

>> No.7338415

Icons was awesome but yeah aside from a few decent moments G4 was worse

>> No.7338539

That will be such a turn-on for her, I can scarcely imagine a more romantic opening. Be ready to satisfy her there and then.

>> No.7338542

How did video game journalism go from dudebro to limp-wristed liberal soiboys?

>> No.7338586

I was nostalgic for it but yeah I had a hard time getting through more than a few episodes when I tried to rewatch it

>> No.7338603

Nepotism and also the fact normals do not have any real taste or identity other than status and popularity.

>> No.7338625

I loved watching ninja warrior on there

>> No.7338746

No need for dudebro when there’s no video. Soiboy translates well to text and long form video. Dudebro is for short form video and structured content

>> No.7339208

Call For Help actually being helpful to absolute beginners and slightly above was amazing. Almost anyone inclined to watch the channel might not have had much use for it, but it was a great stepping stone if you needed it.

>> No.7339360

its ok you can just watch rick and morty instead

>> No.7339381

I remember G4 being my first exposure to the 6th generation of consoles, with Dead Rising and GTA IV. Code Monkeys sparks some nostalgia in me as well.

>> No.7339519
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> G4
> Litearally the only video game channel
> Failed
No. They were never good. If it was even a halfway decent channel it would have survived. The shows were terrible. It was clear that no one there gave a shit about video games. It was full of cringy shit like Olivia Munn eating hot dogs.

>> No.7339693

Madden, COD and the like fully sopped up the dude bro audience. It's probably not half the reason, but it's a decent chunk.

>> No.7339708

I think I only watched it for xplay and e3, and even then I'm an early zoomer so most of it was on youtube. You didn't even need to watch the network at that point.

>> No.7339754

I do, but only for a few shows I dearly loved.
>X-Play until the glass orb set
>Judgement Day and EP
>Cinematech/Nocturnal Emissions
>Filter until it blatantly stopped being about games
I remember that they aired Cromartie High School as well, one of the best anime with one of the best dubs. Fuck AOTS.

>> No.7341727
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Nothing wrong with "dudebros", and it was more california types than dudebros if anything. Arena is the only one where duderbos would fit.
Loved techtv, g4techtv, and g4, but g4 is when things started to fall apart, when screensavers ended and olivia munn arrived/AOTS began was the sign of it's upcoming downfall, that was also around the time the internet started to go to shit and 'mainstream'.
There were still some good shows there for a while, too bad they got replaced by ninja warrior, cheaters and cops, they couldn't beat the internet when it came to vidya news so it was only a matter of time. I honestly don't know why they are bringing that shit back, it's going to be worse with how fast things move now and ultra pozzed

>> No.7341736
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loved judgement day, Loved Tommy being that smug asshole and Lucas trying to be courteous and professional, sometimes they would get in a friendly back and forth, really fun show and dynamic.

>> No.7341748
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>G4tv.com show ended
>fastforward to 2021
>Geoff became the Dorito Pope, Kojima's boyfriend, and the host of the soulless vidya oscars.
>Tina Woods and the lesbian chick all moved to work on Xbox

>> No.7341751

Michael Stipe actually had talent though.

>> No.7341770

I loved TechTv, but hated most of G4. G4 embodied the mainstream dudebro takeover of geek shit.

>> No.7341801

>G4 was "geared more toward MTV's demographics"

>> No.7341898
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>> No.7341937

i'm remember watching it in middle school & high school. funnily enough the channel being cops & cheaters reruns was when i ultimately stopped watching TV

i always felt that oliva munn was the kiss of death for the channel.

you could make arguments on whether it was the tech TV merger or not but nothing ever truly felt the same when she showed up.

alot of that bias was largely from the oversaturation of mega man games at the time. back then you basically had 3 separate megaman franchises (zero, X & battlenet) cranking out games constantly which is kinda the opposite nowadays.

they were also bias towards JRPGs & dungeon crawlers among others for similar reasons.

people got bored of dudebro shit which lead to a bigger push towards pretentious arthouse shit and now that people are bored of that we're heading toward nostalgic boomer shit if we're not already there.

if toonami can come back in an age of netflix & crunchyroll why G4 can't?

>> No.7341946

The dudebro shit never did much for me, but it was nice to see adults actually talk about games. And Cinematech, much of a 30 minute ad as it was, got me into a lot of games I didn't even know about
Kinda weird how merging the channels only made literally everything worse. They started airing that "celebrities that like games" show endlessly and I totally lost interest in the whole channel

>> No.7342151

The one thing that always annoyed me was the love for Olivia Munn and Morgan Webb. Although I liked Morgan I thought the fans were kind of annoying back in the day. Also it was weird how Adam Sessler became a worst personality to deal with over time, as it was most likely the writers and directors that basically kept him on a leash.

>> No.7342164

I think if I remember right G4 became much more of a cultural thing than that of interests and hobbies. It became less about people who are like us who liked these things and knew what they were talking about vs X celebrity likes Y game. Its the same kind of cringe I think we see with those in the video game sphere and in other places.

>> No.7342170

This was the only show I loved watching on G4. The rest was trying to be something else. They raped TechTV.

>> No.7342182
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They had real tech news and discussion.

ZDTV, or another, in the early 90s had software reviews, interviews, and tutorial type shows. Obviously too dry for modern audience. This was when the majority of of people didn't know the basics of using a PC (well I'm not sure they do anymore now).

>> No.7342186

Middle age women love these sort of comments

>> No.7342193

Yeah I am, but no way it'd work today. The internet and gaming news being widely available killed it. It's unfortunately obsolete now.

>> No.7342213

Yeah I liked G4 but like most have said in this thread, G4 now will just be lame.
They are trying to bring it back but I really doubt it'll take off since most of the people who watched dont care about games anymore.

Plus the crew running the social media are posting lazy memes now that come off as an out of touch boomer

>> No.7342394

I have nostalgia for TechTV not G4.

>> No.7342417
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>tfw no amount of Adderall will bring the magic back

>> No.7342419


I have nostalgia for Leo Laporte's chode.

>> No.7342425

Some of the bits still make me laugh

>> No.7342452

Judgement Day was what got me to watch G4 regularly and see the other shows. I just really liked Tommy and he even took that one game he did the music for being a crap game pretty well.

>> No.7342468

I got my first job when I was 16. Got cable installed with my first paycheck and started watching G4.
This was around 2005/2006 and I loved the channel then.

I only watched from 05-08, stopped caring after that

>> No.7342508

The real nostalgia comes from techtv before that god awful merger. Fuck G4 and what it did to glorious tech tv.

>> No.7342515

That was what tech tv was originally called right? I vaguely remember it being listed that way in the channel guide.

>> No.7342946

I miss it but it was smart that they killed it.

>> No.7342989
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12 year old me enjoyed G4 very much. I miss it, honestly. But we can't have simple things like cute girls talking about video games, it has to be trans POC now.

>> No.7342998


>> No.7343039

I have nostalgia for TechTV. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for G4.

>> No.7343042


>> No.7343201

You fucking nailed it, man. I loved ZDtv and tech tv, but G4 was soooo cringe.

>> No.7343232

>I loved ZDtv and tech tv, but G4 was soooo cringe
I'm willing to bet you weren't even alive when ZDTV was a thing.

>> No.7343336
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It's almost Friday

>> No.7343469

I was in middle school at the time. I watched gamespot tv and screen savers.

>> No.7343505

G4 was mostly garbage, specifically Xplay and their Japan-hating garbage. Thankfully, they're gone now. Cinematechque or whatever was alright.

>> No.7343567

Nostalgia? It didn't EXIST long enough for anyone to have genuine nostalgia for it

They killed tech TV for consoomer advertising disguised as shows and I'll never forgive that

Notice how instead of addressing the actual problem of conspicuous consumerism, consumption-as-identity and the rise of "infotainment," you use language that makes it about how men and masculinity are bad. Figure out where that poison is entering your brain from and cut it out of your life.

>> No.7343583

>back then you basically had 3 separate megaman franchises (zero, X & battlenet) cranking out games constantly which is kinda the opposite nowadays.
I wish those days would return.
I'm salty at Mega Man 11, it played it extremely safe compared to something like DMCV or REmake 2, it didn't even include Bass or Proto Man, or did ANYTHING to advance the story. Mega Man 10 established Wily had a working prototype of the virus, and they just dropped that plotpoint.

>> No.7343612

What are you on? Dudebro was a term used on this very website in 2005 and thorough the entirety of the seventh gen, to refer to those fratboys that had no interest on videogames prior to shit like GTA and whose entrance into the hobby were becoming cancer ruining gaming for more ""realistic"" yet simplified experiences of what came before because this audience would usually be too simpleminded to understand mechanics from computer games prior to the rise of the Xbox and PS2. They wouldn't understand Ultima, for example. It has nothing to do with actual masculinity, it has to do with the normalfags who forever ostracized nerds in the 80's and 90's now becoming the center focus of the hobby they so much spited before.

>> No.7343951

That's probably your average teenage /pol/ user, who regards anything but the glorification of the masculine white male he most certainly isn't to be a product of jew brainwashing. These are people who come on a site that was literally founded to post loli and complain about anime, they're basically dudebros if dudebros were bigger losers than the people they were mocking.

>> No.7344028

Failed Dudebros, in other words.
Man, I will never forgive moot for letting this shit happened. He should've kept 4chan small with only /a/ /b/ /c/ /co/ and /v/.

The fact it grew so much and began making boards that had nothing to do with anime or anything attracted way too many normalfags here.

>> No.7344205

Not even that, they're just scummy, hypocritical LARPers with zero self-awareness.

>> No.7344216

I have nostalgia for the first two years of G4, before the techtv merger
Icons, Cinematech, Portal, and all the station bumpers were kino

>> No.7344297

Pre-2002/Basement-era Screen Savers was so comfy. Anyone remember when the show was 90 minutes long?

>> No.7344303

shut the fuck up /pol/tard, go back to your containment board

>> No.7344994
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Toonami coming back mainly worked as one of those "lightning in a bottle" scenarios where all the pieces were in the right place at the right time.

Streaming was becoming the norm in 2012 but hadn't killed cable TV outright, Adult Swim was in an infamous dark age where Tim & Eric got big and they never fully recovered from it, the anime boom went bust, the Great Recession
was over but the after-effects weren't, and a lot of weebs and casual anime fans alike were down and out.

Then the April Fools prank in 2012 took people by surprise and even the guys at Adult Swim took notice and followed the money. IIRC, the Toonami prank was originally meant as more of a last hurrah for the anime block only to end up saving it.

>> No.7345005

>Toonami coming back mainly worked as one of those "lightning in a bottle" scenarios where all the pieces were in the right place at the right time.
>Streaming was becoming the norm in 2012 but hadn't killed cable TV outright
Remember this shit? Streaming anime off the internet in 2006 was fucking mindblowing.

>> No.7345010 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 875x1000, Friendly Reminder (enbie edition).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even imagine being this retarded.
Tranime shit is literally the worst part of this website. The most usable boards are the ones furthest divorced from this site's unfortunately weeb-y roots. Boards like /n/, /ck/, /mu/, /diy/, etc. are both entirely devoid of weebshit and far higher quality than boards like /v/ and /r9k/ where insufferable weeb faggots congregate.

>> No.7345028

And that's how I know you're shitposting. That shithole is as bad as /tv/.
/diy/ is too niche to be a shithole thank god, on a similar manner to /m/.

Or /vr/ before the rule change and you fucking zoomers invading.

>> No.7345035 [DELETED] 

>Pedophilia is bad.
If only Snacks were here, to see how 4chan has become nothing but a parody of it's former glory.

>> No.7345042

/mu/ is very useable if you just hide the bad threads. /tv/ is not usable because it's nearly all bad threads.
>you fucking zoomers invading
I own more consoles than you

>> No.7345050

>I own more consoles than you
You have more plastic, what a medal of honor, do you even play the fucking games?

>> No.7345054

poorfag can't even afford some plastic

>> No.7345064

Emulation, hardmodding and softmodding of consoles bb

>> No.7345068

Posting about fast food isn't high quality content.

>> No.7345103
File: 221 KB, 875x1000, Friendly Reminder (sushi edition).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag subjects himself to a worse, less authentic experience and tricks himself in to thinking it's better so as to not bruise his ego
Posting about fast food is very high quality content

>> No.7345123

There were a couple of years where it was enjoyable, and stopped being so by around 2008. After that it was just a dumping ground for Cops reruns and syndicated garbage out the ass, and I wasn't really sad to see it go.

>> No.7345179

>/pol/ack thinks we don't recognize his shitty recycled memes
Looks like the untermensch is butthurt we called him out. Come on, Mr. Aryan Ideal, post your chiseled jawline for us. Five bucks says you have a wispy mustache and no chin. Here's a redpill for you, people don't say you're from reddit because that's their only insult, they say it because you cocksuckers are no different from those rage face spamming faggots we've been dealing with for years.

>> No.7345207

This. THIS THIS THIS THIS. Everyone who likes or has fond memories of G4 was too young for TechTV. We traded Leo the cool old tech guy for Adam the lameass who praised shit and gave poor reviews to good games.

>> No.7345262

Be fair, Sessler was an original from the ZDTV days. It's more like trading cool old guy Leo Laporte for milquetoast Kevin Pereira, as AOTS was Screen Savers' direct replacement.

>> No.7345319

I still have a lot of fond memories of it, even when it was on its last legs and in the throes of pop culture decay with AotS. But I'll always love it for that sweet spot right after the TechTV merger when they still showed Beast Wars reruns early in the morning, marathons of Icons and Portal in the afternoon with anime and Cinematech at night.

>> No.7345630

nu toonami sucks

>> No.7345649
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Advent Rising

>> No.7345652

it's not even dudebro, op is just rewriting history

>> No.7345657

Yes. I watched the shit out of G4 the winter that Metroid Prime came out. One of the comfiest holidays of my life, when I was too young to hate it, and also too young to appreciate Portal for the genius it was.

>> No.7347050

They tried

>> No.7347451

The yule log station bumper was peak comfy

>> No.7347874

Its funny how toonami ratings eventually started to fall off these recent years. People were worried Toonami was going to be canceled again, but then [AS] is losing family guy and other fox shows to disney. Then Warner got bought out by ATT and they started gutting them for money including canceling Venture Bros and such. To top it all off [AS] has nothing new going on sundays and the ratings have been doing so bad there that Saturday nights are starting to look (comparably) good. It seems like [AS] started to invest into Toonami a lot more recently reacquiring new shows and a new season of Attack on Titan. Don't mistake it though, Television is still dying and eventually Toonami is likely to be consolidated into Crunchy Roll and all the Adult Swim originals going to HBO Max.

>> No.7347887
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Hello fellow late 20's guy. 30's are coming. Embrace for impact.

>> No.7347926

It raped tech tv so no, fuck it

>> No.7347942

Tech TV wasn't even good lol

>> No.7348074 [DELETED] 

I'm still amazed VB lasted as long as it did. Especially after going to hand drawn. Sage for offtopic.

>> No.7348236

Anybody remember the late-night Martin Sargeant show or Wired for Sex? Some of the first brushes with kinda-sorta porn I ever saw at age 13. I remember my heart beating so hard I thought I was gonna pass out.

>> No.7348516
File: 8 KB, 324x290, v is mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid motherfucker. I hate you. I hate everybody like you, who just came in from r3ddit or facebook or twitter or wherever during the 2016 election and you think you fucking belong here. Let me put it into context why I hate you with something that, if you paid the slightest bit of fucking attention to your English classes, you would recognize as an analogy.

I live in a place, that, due to shitty, greedy politicians, businessmen, and journalists keeping the useful idiots in a red haze of political correctness and "anxiety" medication, is now overrun with Chinese. The Chinese have values in direct opposition to our values, buy up all the property, run all the goddam businesses, and, in general, act all smug and superior to everyone else, acting like this is "their city", and looking down on you for not being one of them.

Do you see a comparison here? YOU ARE THE CHINESE. You are the shithead, unwanted immigrant who did not found this website, and, as a matter of fact, came well after it was already established. You are the scumfuck Chinese demanding all the signs be in Mandarin, and all of the restaurants serve gutter-oil fried dog. What's that? You don't like Anime? You don't like "weeb shit?" Well, tough fucking luck, asshole! This website was FUCKING FOUNDED by "weebs", and your complete and utter disrespect for the site's heritage - much how the Chinese have zero respect for my country, and only look at it in terms of how they can exploit it - shows that you absolutely, one hundred percent, do not belong. I will tell you the exact same goddamn thing I tell the Chinese. Get the fuck off MY Website. You do not belong. You are the aberrant. You are the alien. You are the one who exists to ruin everything that is good. Go back to wherever you came from, and let us fucking be in peace.

>> No.7348778

This copypasta isn't very funny, just sad

>> No.7348812

>I'm not sure they do anymore now
The age of the "personal confuser" (as Laporte was tediously fond of calling the PC) was over as soon as broadband became the norm and the best way of learning about your PC was through the PC itself thanks to good ol' Google. Then smart phones hit stressing accessibility and we know the rest. ZDTV/TechTV was only viable in the exact span of time it existed. I can recall people shitting on the consumerist tech porn aspects of AotS, but it's not surprising things went that direction even ignoring the demographic shift.

>> No.7348870

Looks like it not pasta, /vr/ trooper.
At least, I've never seen it before.

>> No.7349017
File: 43 KB, 720x480, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Unleashed on TechTV was great. Where else could you watch shows like Lain, Ergo Proxy, and Last Exile on American television?


>> No.7349082

Most of it was cringe, but it made decent background noise while I played PSP

I got G4 around the same time we got digital cable, so there was always something on but G4 was an easy default

>> No.7349481

It's not wrong tho
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate are a literal cancer on whatever community they decide to metastasize in
If you don't like the way things are where you arrived, go the fuck back where you came from

>> No.7349693

If it makes you feel better you weren't alone. I always had to beat off after an episode of x-play

>> No.7349696

X-Play’s reviews for Japanese games were almost always abysmal.

>> No.7349748

Really want to see that Smash Melee review they did where I think both of them shit on the game, Tommy especially. I never caught it live, it was during the flashback segment they did in later shows.

>> No.7350680

It's true and based

>> No.7350975

I'm honestly disappointed that more people didn't know about G4 until after the TechTV merger. When it first started, it was a channel that honestly cared about games. That only lasted about 2 years though. An "all games, all the time" channel just could not last.


This is the G4 that I have nostalgia for. Everything was 100% dedicated to games.

>> No.7351094 [DELETED] 

>announcing a report or sage

>> No.7351219 [DELETED] 

>reporting a sage that actually got used for it's original purpose

>> No.7351637

Too bad. It's gone now

>> No.7351646
File: 552 KB, 781x1311, 1593406655734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget what they took from us.

>> No.7352284

a lot of once-hot middle aged women are secretly flattered by this kind of thing

>> No.7352376

How do you know

>> No.7352773

Your English is pretty good for someone who's family has lived in a paleolithic community in Africa for millions of years.

>> No.7352794

That diaper just fills up so quickly

>> No.7352794,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seethe harder, bitch