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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 748 KB, 1652x1620, 2121937E-9916-4CBC-83F7-8AA102298284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7336371 No.7336371 [Reply] [Original]

>Get a notification at 8am that they're finally in stock
>Gone within seconds
This hobby fucking BLOWS.

>> No.7336376

thank god emulators dont need to rely on 3d printed replacement parts made in a garage and sold for 300bux

>> No.7336380

Limited stock shit is gay as fuck. I got that brawlerpad 64 and it works fine enough. Don't know why people are so autistic over the N64 pad to spend the 100 bucks to get a functional analog stick.

>> No.7336381

I could not care less
>Steel sticks

>all have no stock ever and it's a huge circlejerk
I'm not interested. Either make a lot of stock or I'll just wait 20 years for the chinks. Not worth the stress.

>> No.7336386

as their system is on the life support of speedrunners, their pads get destroyed from repeated mashing, as the system itself wasnt well recieved, there is only a tiny pool of pads out there and those are all degrading

>> No.7336390

boy does it feel great to be emulating, tried like 4 different games i never played today just on a whim all originally on different systems and it took me minutes to find and play each one, Is like everyday is christmas, it doesn't get any comfier

>> No.7336392

>speedrunner trannies ruining everything once again
But really I think most people would be happy playing the N64 with a GameCube controller and that raphnet adapter.

>> No.7336404

The trannies are more into watching then actually running so you know

>> No.7336438
File: 77 KB, 772x662, 1518951506330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why try to save face? the one thing everyone already knows about the speedrunning scene is that is mostly tranners

>> No.7336461

That's a bunch of dudes from 2012 or 2013, no one watches them anymore, nor do they have any influence.
No one watches GDQ for 4 years now.
I don't really give a shit cause thankfully I only watch a few runners, but if there's trannies out there thankfully they are getting zero views.

>> No.7336497

What is this crap and why should I care?

>> No.7336505

Seconding this

>> No.7336507

> no one watches them anymore, nor do they have any influence.
yeah, like with literally everyone in the speedrunning community

>> No.7336516

zoom zoom

>> No.7336521

>when your mom let's you'd download roms on her tablet so you gotta let the entire 4chans know

>> No.7336535
File: 755 KB, 866x764, 8u3qCoZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething tranny, it actually makes me love emulation even more

>> No.7336538

Lole don't you have some speedrunner tranny cock to suck on /v/?

>> No.7336553


>> No.7336559

got a copy of kuon, wanna buy it for 400$? is not soul unless you do and will look great on your collection when you post it on reddit

>> No.7336564
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>> No.7336568

Nah I don't buy games I know nothing about before emulating them, especially games that cost more used than when they were new. Hard pass!

>> No.7336575

Cool, i have a whole bin of old games that i bought for 5 bucks , i can sell you each one for 60$. Gotta coomlect them all!

>> No.7336591

Sure you did larper. Plus I've already got most games I want, and youre going to continue seething!

>> No.7336603
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1536, 20210124_101148[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him but I also have 50 litre bins of crap I picked up cheap that I sell to collectors, I used to be one, back before it was ruined, back when it was cheap

>> No.7336612

>i larp on the internet

>> No.7336617

It's a photo right there, dated, with "Hi /vr/" on the paper.

What do you want me to write on it to prove you wrong?

>> No.7336628
File: 161 KB, 1024x717, 1611636661469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its this faggot again, all you do is write
>i larp on the internet
>i larp on the forth channel
and post this specific image

>> No.7336632

>im seething so hard I samefag in my zoomy rages

>> No.7336635

you are a personality black hole, no wonder you are deeply invested in dying plastic as to refuse to believe its a reality

>> No.7336645

>i am still seething, larping, and shitposting all at the same time on 4channel. Mom get the camera!

>> No.7336653
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1536, 20210126_055226[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7336654

It's a stainless steel bowl to replace the plastic bowl on an N64 analogue stick module with the intention of making it never wear down and therefore never getting the big fat deadzone the n64 is notorious for

>> No.7336662

you're talking to a brainless, feckless retard, he's always going to be retarded, evidence won't fix that

>> No.7336668

I'm increasing my prices, just because you're a cunt.

>> No.7336671

>i samefag on my shoops on the internet, say I'm tough shit then post a pile of fucking pal games but im a zoomer and don't know what the difference is

>> No.7336673

by accusing everyone of samefagging and larping on every thread you make it extra obvious that you are the one samefagging, ironically

>> No.7336676

>im going to continue to be a larping zoomie faggot on 4chans

>> No.7336678

how about you repost that 1 kelly comic strip as you live in denial, sad

>> No.7336684

>i am so undeniably seething I cannot stop samefagging and shitposting
>I'm going to project everyone as being in denial when I'm the larping zoomie that's shitting up the board

>> No.7336685
File: 85 KB, 891x717, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the soul meme

>> No.7336687

are you losers arguing about physical versus emulation? i cant be bothered to read the whole thread
but if you are you should know playing video games in general is pretty gay and you're both fags

>> No.7336695

>when I zoom zoom on the 4chans, I sometimes pretend I know what I'm talking about

>> No.7336697

you're so obnoxious people can identify you across threads dude

>> No.7336705

>when my zoomie brain breaks down, I have schizo episodes where everyone is the same
>too much fluoride in the water I tell you, almost thought it was pronounced "sega system" the other day

>> No.7336706

do you honestly think you're the only collector on /vr/ or something, you even dismiss photographic evidence tailored to call you a faggot

>> No.7336713

we need a nickname for you, as you're so identifiable and constantly plaguing threads yelling larp, im sure one will come organically, you're not going away, you'll only get worse

>> No.7336714

>do you honestly think zoomers like myself have self control? I can't fathom what its like to not have an adhd fortnite brain
>now buy my fortnite collection, boomers

>> No.7336723

>i need a name for my schiod subconsius. Its starting to tell me bit rot might not be real and the boomies will forever beat me at street fighter

>> No.7336724

you're going insane, you think its all one person calling you a faggot, i can assure you, its not

>> No.7336728

>the thread says only 9 posters but im a zoomie who doesn't know how to use image boards. I thought IP was a fortnite dance

>> No.7336731
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>> No.7336741

>i command you to spam my memes from /v/ because my zoomer brain is incapable of reading things unless they contain at least 12 buzzwords

>> No.7336936

I bought a Gamecube style joystick for the N64. Works just fine and it's cheap.

>> No.7337000
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>being a bandwagoner fucking blows
So I've been told.

>> No.7337007

if those are yours, you can sell the at a premium to the speedrunner spazlords

>> No.7337998

Sweet. Then I'd be a MUTLI hundrednaire!

>> No.7338107
File: 24 KB, 300x250, zsgaWz5ZVh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this photo real? How is this possible? What are the odds? Couch soaked in chemicals? Food poisoning? MK Ultra?

>> No.7338140
File: 202 KB, 1852x851, 7cfyBLf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a speedrunning event so is actually less common when they are not all trannies, despite normal logic telling you such a thing is statistically unlikely in the general population

>> No.7338182

When your #1 drive in life is to play video games it's inevitable that you'd rather BECOME the girlfriend than get one

>> No.7338214
File: 6 KB, 60x60, 1f616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shocking. I watched 2013-2015 and I'm aware some runners are mentally ill monsters but I can't believe it's rampant. I wonder if they were approached or paid to do this. It's so strange.

>> No.7338224

Can you /v/ faggots stay on topic or go back to the shithole you came from?

>> No.7338248
File: 316 KB, 697x522, EdD7fqiXsAE9I85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, friend. Tell us more about your low inventory woes. What color is your N64 controller?

>> No.7338310

I have a transparent green and gray one as well as a stock gray. Need to get a fourth controller for when my bros come over to play smash bros but I can't decide on what color I should get

>> No.7338504

Been going to the local second hand store and bought N64 controllers with noticably better sticks, one feels super smooth I got some silicone grease at the recommendation of people online and using small amts of that to try to keep it in good shape till these things are more available

>> No.7338710
File: 16 KB, 599x473, wakumYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the scalpers have won this one.
Buy as much stock as possible and make makeshift controllers out of the parts for 4x the price.

Got into a spat trying to haggle with one over $300 + shipping + tip for just the damn bowl w/ mod OEM stick, arguing that eventhough they're rarely in stock they're still being made so the current pricing is steep. His excuse was "Sorry, they go for more now. I'd be losing out on money if I sold it that low (165)."
Well it's only because you faggots buy out stock and purposely inflate the prices. Also saw during bids that some of these leeches bid against eachother, then resell the parts for double what they paid for. These people are just the scummiest niggers.

>> No.7338807

Fucking hate scalpers. Anyone itt have good stories of scalpers getting fucked? I remember seeing some post of this guy seething all his scalped PS5s were stolen from his apartment

>> No.7338886

they groom each other

>> No.7339032
File: 350 KB, 824x684, 1605816570568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking owned that faggot's ass

>> No.7339236

>i samefag on my own posts

>> No.7339310

Why does it seem like so many retro accessories can't keep up with demand? You would think that any person with good business sense would be pumping out as much product as possible, even hiring employees to help meet demand.

>> No.7339321

>it's another episode of kellyposter thinks everybody is the same guy

>> No.7339689

>in my zoomy rages
You sure are.

>> No.7339705

Almost none of them are established producers, they're people with just enough cash flow to keep the lights on, and are getting all their production done in China, Eastern Europe, etc. They don't have the muscle to get thousands of units, and would be terrified to make the investment if they did.

>> No.7340057

>actually having a wojak image saved
zoom zoom

>> No.7340063

wojak is 10 yrs old grandpa, times really ticking, are you noticing it?

>> No.7340097

Damn 10 (ten) whole years!?!?! man thats ancient bro you are right. Should definitely be considered a retro meme at this point.

>> No.7341319

I have a steel A grade bowl im willing to sell, you want it?

>> No.7342303
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't a troll, how much, daddy-o?

>> No.7343464

>brawlerpad 64
To each their own with that controller. The Tribute 64 is amazing however.

>> No.7343693

Not a troll, it was 65 to have it shipped here so I'd like to make at least twenty dollars off of it, so is 85 ok?

>> No.7344531

whoa wtf now I get it
Where's the line?

>> No.7344629

Why even bother when you can get a n64 controller with a gamecube stick in it? The n64 thumbstick is pretty shitty. And this is coming from someone who still has an n64 from his childhood.

>> No.7345121


>> No.7345128

that is correct, their obsessive tendencies had moved to gender, which was and is still being massively astroturfed, once they start obsessing about it, they convince themselves, autists also don't feel like they belong on this planet, so its very easy to convert that to not belonging to their body

>> No.7345157

There's alot that doesn't work though. Gran turismo 2 gets like 10 fps. Kirby 64 took a bit to get running right and I still didn't get it graphically perfect. Eating is nice but it isnt perfect.

>> No.7345192

That's a damn good price, but I'm gonna' pass on it. I appreciate the generous offer though, anon. Sorry if I got your hopes up.
I think after waiting so long for them to be in stock and then missing out the other day burned me out emotionally that I just lost interest. Weird how finally there's a good opportunity/price and I don't even want it.

>> No.7345217

>tranny obsession

is this /v/ or /vr/?

>> No.7345229

n64 pad replacement is driven by speedrunners destroying their pads, leading to a shortage
speedrunning has a very very high percentile of trannies, there is a cogent link, I cannot excuse the wojaks and buzzwords however, those need to be flushed

>> No.7345520
File: 358 KB, 1073x1549, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure? That sounds like a feeling that might pass in a few days, then you might be even more pissed having passed it up.

>> No.7345605
File: 14 KB, 142x250, smug cwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7345642

locked photosynthesis thad

>> No.7347120

Buy a 3d printer?

>> No.7347247

I'm not the biggest fan of the BP honestly. It's serviceable for the amount of n64 I play nowadays.

>> No.7347283

I don’t understand why more speed runners don’t just use GameCube controllers.

>> No.7347313

look at their faces anon. you could tell them the sky is green and they'd believe it pretty soon.

>> No.7349153
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's alright, man. Thanks though.