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/vr/ - Retro Games

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733156 No.733156 [Reply] [Original]

Any setups based around retro games or with them

>> No.733171
File: 73 KB, 640x480, IMG022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i have for now

my ps2 is at my other apartment

>> No.733180

inb4 crt enthusiasts

>> No.733198

"im in college"

>> No.735631

not bad, at least you keep your's nice and clean. every other one I've seen so far is a jumbled up mess of wires and crap.

>> No.735637
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>> No.735662

> Playing League of Legends
> Not realizing he's part of the cancer that's killing gaming.


>> No.735673

You shouldn't stack consoles. That N64 is ventilating onto your PS2.

>> No.735685

>WoTA on Cass early

I like you :)

>> No.735689

Could those drawers be in a more inconvenient place. Jesus, they go on the underside of the desk not on top

>> No.735691

>no one noticing his drug paraphernalia

lel so hard core op :D enjoy your mental illnesses

>> No.735692

smoke weed errryday and play retro.

So cool OP.

>> No.735695

I kind of figured it was something like that, but I wasn't sure. He sure is a cool dude.

>> No.735705


>not knowing what a bong is

did you not leave the house until the age of 24 or something

>> No.735708


Sorry, but I need weed to enjoy most retro games. Almost all of them N64 and back have aged badly. When I'm high, I can focus on the game and become immersed instead of laugh at the awful graphics. Not to mention forgive some of the horrible yesteryear mechanics like aged controls and awful camera.

>> No.735709

I don't partake. It doesn't look like a bong I've ever seen.

>> No.735715


he probably took the picture without thinking of moving his paraphernalia because he figured he was on a board with adults and not petty school girls.

>> No.735719


>upstanding adults smoking drugs


>> No.735725

Welcome to the real world where people smoke cigarettes, weed, take pills, and drink alcohol.

>> No.735729


>real world
>ever seeing people smoke weed unless you associated with degenerates and young people

Okie Dokie

>> No.735732

>being able to tell that from that tiny, shitty-ass picture
Why don't you show him the door. Take your keycard.

>> No.735734
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you are the definition of trying too hard

>> No.735736
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>degenerates and young people
Or "retired hippies"

Also, battlestations

>> No.735737


who the fuck says "smoking drugs"

>> No.735740

Is this a troll post? If not, that's incredibly pathetic.

>> No.735742


Who doesn't?

>> No.735748

I don't smoke weed so I don't know if you're trying to insult me but whatever, we both know you're a troll anyway.

>> No.735754

>d-d-don't do d-d-drugs, b-bakay-yaro!!

>> No.735756

SMRPG is playing, the SNES is on but there are no controllers plugged in.


>> No.735763

>your average tripfag

>> No.735761
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Disconnected it so there wasn't yet another wire in the way of the consoles.

Slightly older, from a different angle, but with a controller plugged in.

>> No.735768

But Geno is in the middle of an attack. What'd you do, set your camera on a timer, do an attack and quickly remove the controller and get out of the way?

>> No.735775

I let the intro cycle through.

>> No.735789
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Sorry about the darkness. The camera sucks and I suck at taking pictures.

>> No.735797

>Quotes an anon and calls them a tripfag

>> No.736438

>2 titans

Jesus Christ, man, that seems a bit overkill, price-wise and usage-wise.
Not that I'm knocking it, though.
Shit, I'd love to have that.

>> No.736652

doesn't bug me.

>> No.739686
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>> No.739703


Every game, completely maxed out, 2560x1440, 70-100 FPS.

It was worth it.

>> No.739708
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pvm brofist

>> No.739737

i like your shelving makes it all look clean, just need a stand for the tv. Unless you sit on the floor.

>> No.739748

It's on top of my dresser actually, about the same height as my computer monitor nearby. I have a small room

>> No.739781

well damn, didn't even notice. that makes a lot more sense

>> No.739804

a screen made for ants

>> No.739805

Jesus christ man, your setup went from 'nice TV, nice toys, good systems, best gundam' to UNFOLD WINGS TO XY POSITION

Seriously, what is that hideous shit on top of your thing? And why haven't you set up God and Nobell for a Double God Finger?

>> No.739812

Yeah, that's intro cycle material. I've sat and watched it for a while before.

>> No.739820

>Radiant Silvergun

Set you back much?

Also what gundam is that?

>> No.739845
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Posted before but here you go...

AV Famicom, Saturn, Mega Drive, PS3.

>> No.739862

now that is one dusty ps3

>> No.740073

Indeed. Let it that further explain why I am posting in /vr/ these days

>> No.740115

What is next to sonic jam ?

>> No.740302

Forgot i made this thread. At
Wish more people posted some pictures. And i know my pictures blurry as Fuck idk why. why does everyone care about my ash catcher i didn't ask about weed i just wanted somne retro setups. Bump

>> No.740314

I shouldnt ok thanks for the info

>> No.740493
File: 252 KB, 1068x755, retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time i posted some autist got really upset i usually switch out consoles depending on what i am playing at the time

>> No.740503

the lean on that tv stand...

>> No.740512

Yeah i am switching out for a small tv soon

>> No.740534

Ah that is the box to the new iPhone 5 I got. On the far left is also a bottle of green tea.

>> No.740546

aww yea

mine was almost new condition. made in Dec 2001
came with a remote

>> No.740557

Brofist for having a CRT the same size as the NES in pic.

>> No.740623
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