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File: 57 KB, 350x256, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7330801 No.7330801 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine if every Zelda game was like this. They tried to bring the dark themes back for Twilight Princess but overdid it and gave us a 2006 emo's wet dream instead.

>> No.7330820

What audience were they even chasing with a "dark and edgy" rendition of a classic cartoony series?

>> No.7330842

I haven't played MM in a few years. I can't comment on gameplay necessarily but speaking to its atmosphere I think it was a very good follow up to Ocarina. They clearly went for something different. Following OoT successfully was doubtless an easy feat and had to be calculated. Dark and gloomy was fine, and a nice compliment to the more classically Zelda tone of Ocarina.

that's a naive question.

>> No.7330873

its not really that dark or edgy. Ocarina was already kinda melancholic and moody, Majora was too except it had a few darker themes here are there, like the masks being of dead spirits.

Remember in Ocarina where you collected poes or followed a dead innkeeper through a graveyard, or when you the entire town you knew as vibrant as a kid was full of redeads as an adult and the other one is fucking on fire?

Both games had some darker momments but they also had a lot of lighter ones and funny stuff. Cataloguing either one as dark and edgy is missing the point.

>> No.7330967

they were trying to filter people like you

>> No.7332570

strike a nerve?

>> No.7332615

They were trying to spook me. It worked. I haven’t touched MM in 15 years. I can’t do it. It’s great.

>> No.7332787

You DO remember Link's uncle fucking dies in the intro to LttP right? The NES games are pretty dark too. Don't talk about a series you didn't play until after Toon Link happened.

>> No.7332841

I don't think Nintendo "overdid" Twilight Princess's darkness, because I wouldn't call the game dark. It seems to me that they weren't really trying to emulate Majora's Mask. Instead, Nintendo appears to have had a very superficial understanding of a "mature" game and was trying more to emulate various aspects of western film media with its attempted grittiness and large amounts of spaghetti western references, among other things.

The tones of Ocarina and Majora's Mask are entirely different from what Twilight Princess ended up being and even to this day Nintendo seems to have no idea what the lasting appeal of their stories, atmosphere and art design was.

>> No.7333223

No, sorry, Llttp is rrally faggy. All the 2d games are pure soi and have zero atmosphere

>> No.7333230
File: 44 KB, 786x786, ooccoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twilight Princess had a darker art style and a handful of "heavier" themes, but I'd hardly call something that has this a "2006 emo's wet dream". The game was ultimately too goofy for that. Majora's Mask itself is more bizarre than anything. A very Alice in Wonderland experience

But I do like that the series experiments with style and mood

>> No.7333259

>overdid it
ok grandma

>> No.7333273

Yeah. Despite the art style, TP really disappointed me, personally, with the goofy tone. It felt closer to Wind Waker than OoT or MM. It felt like a half-measure for the darkness it tried to look like. I wish we could have gone back to OoT. The N64 games were pitch-perfect.

>> No.7333279

Majora wasn't dark and edgy, it was weird and creepy

>> No.7333432

It got pretty dark. Like all the people sitting, waiting around to die. And some of them losing their composure at the end, if you went looking for them.

>> No.7333440
File: 171 KB, 326x281, 02EC8C9C-F6B6-4058-990E-865EAED44150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all 2d Xelda are pure onions and have zero atmosphere

>> No.7333457
File: 20 KB, 342x480, rfd6lqpjpva61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link to the past and Winwaker are soul, most better than ocarina and how real Zelda should always look
>t. hecking soituberino

>> No.7333465

Neither OOT or Majora are that dark. I wonder how many people are just memeing, This >>7333279 is probably more like it but both OOT and Majora were full of humor and wacky stuff, everyone overstates how dark they were

>> No.7333467

Please stop

>> No.7333492

They were dark. OoT had a dungeon with a torture chamber and walls of skulls. The town square is full of zombies (yes I know "They're magical constructs" in official definitions, but that's not the impression given, plus Kakariko is considerably less populated than the castle town seems). A soldier dies in a back alley, on screen. In MM, there's constant themes of death and spirits moving on so you can take their mask and continue their role. People are cowering in fear of their seemingly inevitable death.
"MM and OoT aren't dark" is such a stupid take.

>> No.7333518
File: 262 KB, 916x618, Beaver-Brothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wacky race gave me nightmares for weeks, so dark, my wife's boyfriend had to buy me icecream , i was so shaken

>> No.7333528

>something mildly silly exists
>all heavy themes are now nullified
Fucking retard.

>> No.7333559

As if that overrated game couldn't get any more retarded

>> No.7333569

>there being silly stuff means that dark stuff doesn't exist in it
lmao why are people on this site so fucking stupid? And not just stupid, they're fucking proud of it

>> No.7333574

Because they have the ability to go
>G-gotcha! I was only pretending!
and never have to learn to be not-stupid.

>> No.7333576

>something mildly weird or creepy exists
>all of the fun adventure with fun and wacky elements are nulified

>> No.7333585

>game about helping dead characters pass on and take their masks which you horrifically transform into them with
>game about a town of people accepting their fucking deaths stuck in a time loop to experience again and again
Shut the fuck up. Who are you kidding?

>> No.7333590

The entire game has a depressive atmosphere and it's very obviously deliberate..

>> No.7333596

Being this disingenuous should be against the rules

>> No.7333625

Silent hill 2 has a depressing atmosphere, MM is just weird

>> No.7333632

>A darker game exists! That nullifies any darkness in this game!
Terrible argument.

>> No.7333646
File: 183 KB, 700x678, catto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you played the game?
I'm starting to think you haven't played the game.

>> No.7333647

>something mildly silly exists
>all heavy themes are now nullified
Not nullified, but certainly weakened. That's what levity is for. To balance out the atmosphere

>> No.7333658

Levity attempts some balance, yes. But it doesn't even begin to completely level out this particular game. MM is a dark game with heavy themes. And a couple silly looking characters or weird races like Deku scrubs did not even everything out.

>> No.7333789

>Imagine if every Zelda game was like this.

No fucking thanks. Majora's Mask is shit.

>> No.7333796

oh no no no he actually said it! watch the mad lad get his (you)s

>> No.7333812

By the same logic people are using here Star Wars is the darkest edgiest series ever, because wow, they blow up a planet and luke uncle and aunt die! But the main thing here is tone and the tone in MM is never as dark as people make it out to be. Sure you use the ghosts of some dead tribesmen in your quest, except this is not presented as some ultrazomber brooding edgelord black metal song, its presented in a wacky and fun way and the characters themselves are really fun. You go do wacky goron races and play in a Zora band and as a Deku every character you meet is a funny cartoon, the whole thing with the nagging princess, the dumb king and the monkeys is fun.

Oh but the buttler son died, and you probably have his mas, thats a feels melancholic momment, well, lets shape all the fun shit we done so far by this one specific thing!

>> No.7333829

The tone is exactly what's dark you hippo.
I have a feeling you're just absolutely tone-blind.

>> No.7333837

Use more hyperbole, it really helps your stance. Your argument is as dumb and superficial as "The game is colorful! How dark could it possibly be???"
Or maybe "This one scene has a joke! How dark could it possibly be???"
I can't tell if you're baiting or just too entrenched to admit you were wrong and have to play up every little thing so you can feel like you had a point.

>> No.7333843
File: 595 KB, 641x468, moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song is a wacky happy song because it's in major and it's fast!

>> No.7333845

Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are both Top 5 Zelda games.