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File: 217 KB, 1025x657, goldenAxe.choosehero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7329168 No.7329168 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled: Ax, Tyris or Gilius?

>> No.7329178

Gilius, he looks like he hates elves.

>> No.7329180
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, Death Adder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Dora because Revenge of Death Adder is the only remotely good beatemup in this franchise.
Golden Axe 1 and 2 are sub-Konami tier dogshit and 3 is a Maximum Carnage level mediocre skippable mess. This is the fucking console that had Streets of Rage 2, the all time best game in the genre on it. Fuck Golden Axe.

>> No.7329181

ur mum

>> No.7329185

Gilius > Tyris > Ax.

Golden Axe 1 is the best of the series.

>> No.7329186

Golden Axe had the most epic music and great lore though.

>> No.7329189


>> No.7329194

Gilius, not even a question

>> No.7329196

>This is the fucking console that had Streets of Rage 2, the all time best game in the genre on it
this post starts bad and keeps getting worse as you go

>> No.7329205

You're a closet horsefucker m8

>> No.7329207

The hot sexy babe of course.

>> No.7329212
File: 16 KB, 472x930, d7bh8fp-6f73e5fd-2501-41a1-80b1-189a0463656b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyris, especially on the Genesis

>> No.7329217

wait... dosbox?
fill me in, is the dos version superior to the genesis version?

>> No.7329227

No. lol

>> No.7329253

OP here, didn't even notice it. Dunno.

>> No.7329261

If you dislike Streets of Rage 2 you dislike video games period.

>> No.7329264

Relying on great presentation while having absolute shit gameplay is what Konami's crappy beatemups like Simpsons and Turtles and X-Men did.

>> No.7329291
File: 1.73 MB, 1236x833, goldenaxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Axe has kind of an "outdated" gameplay. You have to check which games were available before to understand why people enjoyed it.

>> No.7329302

>If you dislike Streets of Rage 2 you dislike video games period.
seconding this statement

>> No.7329307

>If you dislike Streets of Rage 2 you dislike video games period.
pfft more like question mark, it's an "ok" bootleg approximation of a Capcom game and if not for the soundtrack nobody would gaf

>Golden Axe had the most epic music and great lore though.
atmosphere is pretty great, gameplay is "good enough", does not overstay its welcome. I've got a soft spot for it but I probably wouldn't like it if it were more than 25 minutes long.

I don't know how I never noticed that, I only knew about the additional dialog and extra level.

what I want to know is how is the Sega CD version, nobody talks about that one

>> No.7329315

Streets of Rage 2 demolishes the shit out of the entire Final Fight franchise in gameplay.

>> No.7329317
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>the opinion of someone who engages in bestiality

>> No.7329328

Great Gianna Sisters demolishes the shit out of the entire Mario franchise in gameplay.

See? I can write absurd nonsense too.

>> No.7329335

That's a very long but still really accurate way to say "I'd like to fuck a horse"

>> No.7329341

Did you just type "pfft"

>> No.7329342

Gilius = Easy
Ax = Medium
Tyris = Hard

In coop, someone should always take Tyris and the other player should let her take all the magic power ups so that she can nuke shit as often as possible.

>> No.7329349
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>horse fuckers on /vr/

>> No.7329361
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It was concurrent with the NES Double Dragon 2 which I find far better in terms of gameplay

>they don't want to fuck a horse
imagine being this gay

>> No.7329370

are you fucking with me? is the character select actually the difficulty select? if so, it makes sense why I always gravitate towards Gilius without knowing
I feel like im being fucked with though, like I have to go get my manual

>> No.7329372

The midget or the beefcake

>> No.7329382

I don't think that's officially the intent with the character select. I think anon just posted an informed opinion on how the characters play and how they affected his experience with the game's difficulty.

>> No.7329390

Difficulty and characters are separate things just like a lot of other beatemups. Gillius is just the best character the same way Max is god tier in SoR2 or Mustapha is god tier in Cadillacs Vs Dinosaurs

>> No.7329396

im unsure what would happen if i reported this as mlp content

>> No.7329415

It's not literally the difficulty select, but the characters are so poorly balanced that it might as well be.

Magic is pretty underpowered in the game because it's a scarce resource. As such, the only thing that really matters is

Tyris has the weakest attacks, and the strongest magic. But magic isn't a big enough part of the game to be worthwhile unless hogging potions in multiplayer.

Ax is the middle of the road.

Gilius has the shittiest magic and the strongest attack, and his rear attack is a fucking get out of jail free roll.

>> No.7329451


>> No.7329530

It's no SoR2 but you would have to be a faggot to not enjoy GA1&2

>> No.7329764

Gameplay for those is pretty much standard beat-em-up affair of the 90's, not sure how any of them are "shit".

>> No.7329832
File: 641 KB, 1024x1024, 3A5D538A-55D1-418D-9E4F-874894301DE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't fuck this horse

>> No.7329853


>> No.7329872

It sure took a long time for that dust to settle, damn

>> No.7329895

Golden Axe had LORE? Fuck you, I see a thing I hit it.

>> No.7329965

>Ax, Tyris or Gilius?

You know the correct answer, friend anon OP.

>> No.7329984

sounds like the best lore I've ever heard, straight to the point, simple as

>> No.7330013


>> No.7330186
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Her magic was busted, she's the fastest, and she has a great ass

>> No.7330560

i always tried to hit the villagers than ran screaming. it was more fun that way.

>> No.7330575

I usually play as Gilius in Golden Axe I and II.

>> No.7330594

Ironically Revenge of Death Adder is actually the worst one. Older ones just aren't as mashy as newer beat em ups are are more like Double Dragon

>> No.7330898

T-this is true...

>> No.7331117

Streets of Rage 2 is a lame Final Fight clone. It was laughable back then. Its a laughable game now.

>> No.7331160
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look at me, im being intentionally contrarian, im so special, i ruin every conversation im in

>> No.7331258

Dear conformist frog. I will keep hurting your delicate feelings. It brings me great joy to do that. And who knows, at some point you might even grow a fucking spine. Just kidding. Love you anon <3

>> No.7331267
File: 14 KB, 235x369, 1611491726879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look mom, im doing everyhing im not meant to, its what i do as a personality black hole haha

>> No.7331279

>personality black hole
Interesting projection. Do you feel empty sometimes? Wanna talk about it?

>> No.7331287

It's your emptiness that drives you towards seeking negative attention, via the most obvious ways possible

>> No.7331327

Now thats a fantastic piece of self reliazation. Right there. Color me impressed!

>> No.7331412

Shut up you dorks and let's discuss how Gilius Thunderhead is the best. Every game can be made better with the addition of Dorfs.

>> No.7331481

Not really. That anon is fucking retarded. The actual pecking order is Tyris > Gilius > Ax
Tyris is the best character because of her running attack having the best hitbox of the 3, and being able to cheese literally anything with it, including the final boss. It's safe as fuck to use, and will very rarely get punished.
Gilius' is decent, but can't compare to Tyris'.
Ax's shoulder tackle is just straight up shit and is just asking to get countered.
Magic is largely irrelevant, and is best used as a "Get out of jail free" card. Strength is also irrelevant as the only effective means of killing enemies are the running jump attack, the running attack, and tricking enemies into falling off the stage.

>> No.7331643

Good post desu.

>> No.7331689

i never noticed a difference with dash attacks. if you did them too early or too late, the sword dudes would still slice you, regardless of who you were, and it was still the best way to take them out (except for gilius's roll attack).

i always just picked gilius because his neutral attack range was longer than the others, or at least seemed like it.

>> No.7331965

Hey can we get some more off-topic arguments, fuckheads? Take this shit to a discord or something.

>> No.7331979

retarded or baiting, the eternal question

>> No.7332578

final fight arcade > streets of rage 1-3 > final fight 1-3 snes

>> No.7332914
File: 61 KB, 400x556, tirys_flare_by_shayeragal_dao7lax-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and she has a great ass
also known as POOPA