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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7321752 No.7321752 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys actually use this or should I just download individual emulators?

>> No.7321783

Yes, it's convenient. That's it.

>> No.7321803

i use it for everything except mame some of the cores are out of date though like beetle psx

>> No.7321815

that was my issue with it. seems to be hit or miss which cores actually work with the games. I wonder if those same issues would persist if you were to download an individual emulator?

>> No.7321953

Depends on your use case. If you aren't interested in particular by any of Retroarch's features like the shaders, controller interface, rewind, CRT resolution switching etc. there isn't a big point to it all.

>> No.7322165

yeah, almost exclusively

>> No.7322194

I mainly use it for the built-in machine translation functionality. The alternatives don't work nearly as well.

>> No.7322227

>everything except mame
Why? Because I use it just for MAME.

>> No.7322242

The front-end nature of it is whatever. But I use it because properly set up cores in retroarch will have less input delay than any other options which makes it practically mandatory IMO. I also happen to like the shaders

>> No.7322257

Did you check the sticky? All information about emulators can be found from there. No use making an off topic thread on a board for retro video games.

>> No.7322273

piss off dude, your crusade against emulation needs to stop

>> No.7322304

piss off dude, your crusade against off-topic threads needs to stop
Ok shitposter

>> No.7322309

you yourself said it was in the sticky which means it's not off-topic

>> No.7322314

for some games yeah it fixed issues using standalone for me re-loaded the hardcore sequel on ps1 is one of them in retroarch it has a sound issue where they endlessly loop

just used to it really i used mame before i even knew retroarch existed

>> No.7322398

retro arch is for chinkbox
if you waste your time playing game you can waste configuring individuals emulators, making folder, shortcuts...

>> No.7322425

that makes no sense

>> No.7322464

so the game is no longer retro because I don't own the console anymore?
wew lad. calm down. just use the catalog, nufag.

>> No.7322557

I use it because it makes every emulator in it as full-featured as can be. Some are really solid as standalones but others seriously lack good options for timing, display or control.

>> No.7322564

only brainlets and newfags to the scene need frontends

>> No.7322581

is that the new meme we're going with now

>> No.7322587

You're free to use emulators to play video games and you're free to make a thread about the game which you are playing via emulator. This thread however is not about a retro game it's about a computer program.

>> No.7322590
File: 24 KB, 300x225, OC2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a meme, it's reality, you wouldn't understand

>> No.7322597

quit crying like a bitch

>> No.7322606

As soon as you quit making off topic threads

>> No.7322623

I suggest you actually read the wording >>6775606
do you go into console and CRT threads and complain too?

>> No.7322635

Depends on the thread.

>> No.7322642

Use individual emulators. They are better.

Retroarch is a shitty frontend.

>> No.7322643

Yes. For nearly all systems up to and including the Dreamcast it's better than standalones for several reasons - most importantly DRC, BFI and less input lag.
For anything beyond that (ps2, gamecube etc) , use standalones.

>> No.7322646

>the UI was too complicated, i prefer zsnes and epsxe

>> No.7322653

>UI is too complicated
That's what the retroarchtards say, but in reality individual emulators are too complicated for them.

>> No.7322683

so now you agree that stand alones are worse?

>> No.7322693

>my brain is small so that means complicated is bad
I don't like the idea of you people being on this board. Googles captcha should be replaced with factoring a polynomial, just so we can filter out the low IQ catamites.

>> No.7322707

no one that uses Retroarch thinks any emulators are complicated you moron only the inverse is the case because every time someone mentions it, it seems to trigger some retards
most people who use Retroarch still use MAME, Dolphin and PCSX2 standalones

>> No.7322712

i love retro emulation and rwtroarch is very good for that.
i dont play anything beyond whatever generation ps1 n saturn are.
my only gripe is that theres only 1 32x core.
i know kega fusion exists but its doesnt have the features retroarch cores have.

>> No.7322746

>retroarch is better because it's easier

>retroarch is too complicated

Which is it drone? Standalones will always be better.

>> No.7322753

Most people who are into actual emulation use standalones. Only retarded sois who care more about putting it on a system, then never using it, use retroarch.

>> No.7322770

>coming into a thread to fling shit
you're a moron
use whatever you want download it and try it, if it's not for you use standalones

>> No.7322789

Okay but what about the superior input delay and video/audio synching you get with retroarch

>> No.7323479

Can I just get one fucking emulator that has a UI that wasn't designed by a schizoid aspie? EVERY MENU DOESN'T NEED TO HAVE AN ADVANCED-OPTIONS-TIER SERIES OF SUBMENUS BEFORE THE GAMES CAN EVEN BE ACCESSED.
Those should be the first 2 things people see when they launch an emulator. Any other options (add game, move game, remove game, change core, change layout, etc) should be farther in the application AND STILL BE EASY TO IDENTIFY. I don't give a shit how much engineering work you put into them, i'm using this shit to play games, not have a masochistic jerk fest over your programming.
The best thing about retroarch is that I'm mostly limited to one shit layout.

>> No.7323490

I'm pretty convinced that people who go against RA have some kind of mental problem. I mean if you don't use it that's fine, the problems you bring up are absolute nonsense though.

It's easier, more and GOOD options (less input lag, crt shaders), convenience of having all in one emulator. There's practically no reason to not use it to me (unless you want a specific emulator updated like Beetle, which still works great in it), but you do you. For me it's perfect.

>> No.7323503

Cool but do you have anything to say about any retro video game? NESticle is not a video game btw

>> No.7323509

Use individual emulators and don't fall for the retroarch meme

>> No.7323531
File: 154 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2017-04-30 18-39-26-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convenient, full of features, everything in one place, machine translation, crt shaders, ONLINE MULTIPLAYER.

>> No.7323558

Not in this thread. Maybe check other threads if you want to talk about your favorite retrogame?
This is a thread about emulators, which play retrogames.

>> No.7323805

At first I thought it had no point to use it on PC, but I was really wrong.

>> No.7323807

you guys make my head spin. this is almost as bad as arguing about diet in /fit/. I didn't know it was this complicated.

>> No.7323831
File: 30 KB, 576x530, ludo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's now a baby-mode Libretro frontend, for people filtered by Retroarch. It lacks most of the features tho.

>> No.7323852

Retroarch is pretty convenient. Includes pretty much the best emulator for every system it supports in one package via the online updater.

>> No.7323908

Features are great, but the interface definitely needs some work. The new one is a big step on the right direction but there is still a long way to go

>> No.7323921

>filtered by Retroarch.
Fuck me. These people don't deserve computers.
They would never have survived the DOS age.

>> No.7323950

I've always preferred the original RGUI interface over the other ones. It's cool how they decided to add a bunch of beautification features to it as well like changing the colors of the menu and adding things like snow or stars in the background.

>> No.7323968

I use RetroArch to run things that don't run as well or at all on a dedicated emulator. So it's more of coverage than as a main emulator for me.

>> No.7323975

I'm really interested to see how the full release of the PCSX2 core will work. Technically it's the first 64-bit release of it with all of RA's usual features as well. I'd imagine Vulkan support will increase performance by a shit ton.

>> No.7324148

I dunno if it will be able to run on vulkan as the actual standalone doesn’t

>> No.7324178

I tried this one a month ago out of curiosity. It's definitely dumbed-down compared to Retroarch, but it seems to suffer from random frame skipping (on my rig at least, might be different for others).

>> No.7324190

Well that's the thing, the version of PCSX2 in RA is a fork pretty much. It never had a 64-bit release.

>> No.7325158

I use PSP emulator and a very specific SNES emulator so I don't need RA.

>> No.7325168

Does anyone have a guide to proper core setup or something
I like low input delay

>> No.7325174

This will never happen because RA devs refuse criticism like these and brand you a heretic if you point it out.

>> No.7325191

Retroarch is a program where marquee scroll speed is an important setting

>> No.7325261
File: 2.95 MB, 480x432, RetroArch 2019.04.28 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you guys actually use this

>> No.7325396

I just use it for beetle pgxp

>> No.7325403

All my friends hype up Retroarch and whenever I bring up a point like this, they act as if I'm crazy.

How the fuck do people like the current menu

>> No.7325425

Only time it should be used is for of you want an All-In-One solution, or are on a platform like Android where its the only way to my knowledge to emulate some systems with certain emulators.

>> No.7325442
File: 85 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2017-06-30 23-20-20-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Menu is the most important thing in emulation

>> No.7325460


Because to them, tinkering with emulators is more enjoyable than playing the games. They just want to read guides, watch youtubes, and tinker with retroarch.

>> No.7325551

is there a frontend for retroarch with a better user experience than the default?

>> No.7325602

Well that’s a lie
Use launchbox

>> No.7327286
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, emuvr-room-snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you people get PS1 disc covers? not the case or the front cover, I mean like the picture printed on the actual disc, is there a website for that stuff?

>> No.7327296

wow, I've never tried classic gb emulation, didn't know it captured the actual look of a gb screen, even that trail blur thingy.

>> No.7327304

I use launchbox so check their database

>> No.7327332
File: 1.58 MB, 1478x893, mgs-disc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god, you're a godsend!
Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.7327412

No problem man

>> No.7327420

Yes, for everything up to Dreamcast. Most standalones for those are behind or inaccurate.

>> No.7327570
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, emuvr-room-snap-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress, it's working!! I'm so happy, lol.
Editing all these disc is gonna take a while but now I know where to get them, thanks again.

>> No.7327739

Nice Taki tits

>> No.7327768

I stopped using most of my old emulators after getting into retroarch. Obviously don't use the dolphin core.

>> No.7328169

Not just the devs either, there are plenty of users who get really angry if you ever point out the UI could use some improvements for some reason. Maybe it's just a weird cope because they don't like it either and don't think it'll ever improve so they get upset when someone brings it up.

>> No.7329070

I assume it's for
But then it's coming to steam and steam reviews are harsh sometimes so maybe it'll change in the future.

>> No.7329184

Download individual emulators. It's way more convenient.

>> No.7329301

It's not if you play a ton of games.

>> No.7329327

Seethe tranny.

>> No.7329336

Why not? Can't your organize your folders?

>> No.7329351

Because most standalones are objectively inferior to cores at this point, especially for 32 bit systems. And I say that as someone who stuck with standalones for 15 years until last year when I jumped over to RA.

>> No.7329397


>> No.7329413

Lag, accuracy, and compatibility. Saturn and N64 standalones are especially outdated. 8 and 16 bit standalones are ok if RA's interface filters you.

>> No.7329419

I use it for everything up to 5th gen. Beyond that I do stand alones.

>> No.7329434

One of the games I play requires a very specific emulator that has a feature not supported by RA's available cores.
Then I only play PSP and GBA games, so using RA is a bit useless for me since PPSSPP is better using standalone and mGBA, while probably slightly better in RA, can't bother me to learn the ui and key mapping.

>> No.7329730

>They would never have survived the DOS age.
Which is both hilarious and ironic as these are the exact same kiddos who fetishize the DOS age despite not being alive for it.

>> No.7331349

Duckstation stand alone version is pretty damn nice

>> No.7331483

Simple tasks like configuring controllers were an enormous pain in the ass back when I tried it. It has probably improved since then, but I'm ultimately just not that interested in anything Retroarch offers.

>> No.7331498

It is. The RA core is also a few weeks behind and the dev doesn't want the core on RA.

>> No.7331697

That's objectively false. I prefer one emulator for every system to play games on. I usually pick the best emulator and leave it at that. RetroArch has a messy UI, which I can't stand, so I've abandoned the idea of using RA.

>> No.7332109

ridge racer revolution looks so good on stand alone duckstation compared to retroarch

>> No.7332389

RGUI is the only one that works correctly at low resolutions on a CRT, especially if you're using a superwide 240p mode.

>> No.7333397

I use it to have everything available to me in one place and for achievements.

>> No.7333416

It really doesn't. He's saying Retroarch offers little benefit over individual emulators when on a dedicated personal computer versus a mobile device like a phone/tablet or small emulation box.