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7319487 No.7319487 [Reply] [Original]

>when you map dash to the L button in Mega Man X

>> No.7319497

that image is horrifying

>> No.7319507

Cannot unsee that lmao

>> No.7319514

I don't fucking know how people played that shit with dash on A

>> No.7319543

Put it on R you godless degenerate.

>> No.7319554

That's basically the same thing anon.

>> No.7319650 [DELETED] 

I've played it that way since 1994.

>> No.7319652

I've played it that way since 1994. No point in changing now.

>> No.7319659

Same, except I changed it to L the first time I started emulating games and it felt objectively better.

>> No.7319718

I played MMZ first so it was only natural

>> No.7319736

but what do I use to change weapons then?

>> No.7319741

>he doesn't exclusively use double tap directions to dash

>> No.7319762

Y + A or X + Y depending on how you prefer to jump n' shoot.

>Hasn't played the game

>> No.7319890

>can't dash jump off walls

>> No.7320275

I agree.

>> No.7320280

You'll probably change it if you play the Zero games. There's simply no way to go back to dash on A after those.

>> No.7320289

Of course nobody mapped it to A. I can't be alone when I say I mapped it to X, right?

>> No.7320292

Personally I mapped the two action buttons on the bumpers and kept dash on A

>> No.7320304

i've never changed the default controls. they work fine

>> No.7320338

Not for the SNES games. Putting weapon swap on anything but the shoulder buttons is just wrong to me.

For the PS1 games, though, I've grown to love putting dashing on L1 for the PS1 games and secondary weapons on R1, keeping weapon swap on L2/R2.

>> No.7320350

>Putting weapon swap on anything but the shoulder buttons is just wrong to me.
It sounds like it might be useful if I actually used Z-Saber in them much instead of sticking to the Buster Shot.
Love X form in Zero 2.

>> No.7320373

Why in the goddamn fuck would you put it on L instead of R? Jesus

>> No.7320454

Lun Button

>> No.7320461

No it's not. R is made for dashing.

I'm half joking. Pick whatever is best for you, but for me, it is R.

>> No.7320465

Double tap dashes.

>> No.7320567

Why would you put it on R? Is it because you're (R)etarded?

>> No.7320572

So how do you dash off walls then?

>> No.7320578

Hold A or whatever button you have it on and press Jump.

>> No.7320590

Okay so then how do you do that while holding a charge shot? You don't have to answer, I figured it out in the 90s, but it doesn't mean that the standard controls aren't fucking retarded.

>> No.7320594

Because pressing 3 face buttons at once is awkward as fuck. Rocking your thumb between Y and B, with a 3rd button for your index finger makes a whole lot more sense.

>> No.7320601

Nevermind, misread your post. That's what I get for posting during work.

>> No.7320608

It's okay, if you want to still join the fun, the real argument is whether to put dash on L or R.

Faggots choose R.

>> No.7320637

I might be a faggot, then. It makes more sense to me to associate the right side of my hand with button presses and the left wtih d-pad only. That said I think my brain coin flips it.

>> No.7320640


>> No.7320726

I think of dashing as an extension of movement. Unlike jumping which changes your axis, dashing is just a faster version of the trajectory you were already taking so it seems perfectly fine in my brain to have it on the left along with the movement it controls.

>> No.7320762

>Jump is Y button
>Dash is B button
>Shoot is R button

>> No.7320867
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Because I've had subweapons on R for at least 15 years.

>> No.7320885

No one does this. Why would you put the most frequently tapped button on a slower finger?

>> No.7321118

Reminder that you get the full dash speed for a longer period if you dash and hop, interrupting your speed boost far more infrequently.
This is even slower, don't be slow like this anon. Dash instantly.

>> No.7321125

I think most people figured this out during their first playthrough.

>> No.7321625

You can claw it if you don't have the dexterity to hit 3 buttons at once with your thumb.

>> No.7322204
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>> No.7322247

t. fag

>> No.7322254 [DELETED] 

Claw gang is the developer's intention, my nigga

>> No.7322264

Claw gang is the developer's intention, my nigga

>> No.7322584

I learned how to be efficient with default controls. Dash on A. Didn't realize you could change it. Years later people said they prefer using L or R for dash and I could never adjust. I much prefer A.