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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7313873 No.7313873 [Reply] [Original]

Any day now, right guys? Haha. R- Right guys?

>> No.7313875

I'm still selling my Dreamcast for $900.00

>> No.7313886

Kirby Super Star, acceptable condition. No label

$45 firm

>> No.7313902
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I used to want a nice collection of games I grew up with. I just don't care anymore. I'm saving up to buy a home and travel more. I don't need a shelf of garbage. Long live emulators.

>> No.7313915

Flashcarts. ODEs. Hard drives. You can play on real hardware without spending a fortune.

>> No.7313937

I got a poster or two of my favorite titles, and a handful of OG carts but anything else is a waste of space and money. Most everything plays backups now and a 1:1 experience is all that matters.

>> No.7313943

Get off your fat ass and go to rummage sales and flea markets

Those are the only places that still sell at decent prices.

>> No.7314810

Of course. I want cheap games so I say it will happen. My mommy says I'm always right because there are no right or wrong answers

>> No.7314817

retro games won't pay your student loans stupid hipster, but keep hoarding, i am sure you'll blame capitalism when your mountain of plastic is worth pennies after the demand boom passes

>> No.7314826

Whenever I see threads like this I imagine insane people who expect to see shit like selling for dirt cheap pre-2010s. It's over dude, it's never going to happen. Gaming is too embedded in modern culture, most people know what goes for nowadays and will try to capitalize because they know people WILL pay it. Can't say I blame em, but if you're just looking online or at the same game shops, then you're doing yourself a disservice. Go on selling apps, garage sales, flea markets, it ain't gonna be easy and I guarantee you you'll most likely find jack shit, but hey you'll have lucky days too, I know I have. At this point lots of older stuff fluctuates pricing wise, where as PS1/N64 is the new hot shit, and now PS2/Xbox/GC era is rising significantly nowadays. If you're still complaining after all this time and not doing shit about it, it's your own fault. Just emulate or wait or settle for the prices if you *really* want something, no ones forcing you to buy at those prices, shit just takes patience.

>> No.7314838

Most of the idiots paying those prices are doing so to speculate and hoard not play, thats what every dummy gets wrong. Those people are participating in a bubble thinking they are making an investment, is not a real demand by gamers.

>> No.7314841

No, but as the new generation comes along they won't be nostalgic over the consoles they didn't have. Zoomers won't give a shit about the SNES and NES like how Millennials don't give a shit about Atari and Coleco

>> No.7314847

Gotta consider the people who still love/care about those systems enough to know those consoles are hard to properly manage and maintain as they get older so they capitalize on that if their units are in decent working condition or come with nice working controllers, games, etc. But yeah the games for those sytems are dirt cheap. It's usually the systems that still go for for mixed pricings.

>> No.7314858

theres always a nicke market of retro gamers, but the ones driving demand up right now are resellers and speculators themselves who don't realize they are getting in late if they plan on holding.

Its like the 90s comic boom and crash all over again. Some old comics that people thought would keep rising in prices even 30 yr later are worth barely a few dollars more than they costed at retail

>> No.7314860
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Here's the deal kiddo. Prices are never going down ever again. For anything, not just games. We will see hyperinflation due to printing money for covid. It will be worst than teh great depression. So what you need to do right now is hack all your consoles or buy flash carts. Also buy land for farming. You will be able to trade former youtubers for their games using your crops.

>> No.7314861

>Get off your fat ass and go to rummage sales and flea markets
>Those are the only places that still sell at decent prices.

Are you somehow posting through time from 2009? If not sounds like you haven't been to a rummage sale of flea market yourself in a good while.

>> No.7314880
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Yeah it's like there's a pandemic or something.... oh..... Nah but yeah those scenes have been completely picked through for a long while now, but it's nice trying every once in a while. In any case, if I don't find video games, I always end up finding something else there. Also nice to get fresh air and wake up early and walk around looking for cheap shit.

>> No.7315104
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Already happened

>> No.7315280
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>> No.7315324

I'm a millenial but the first console I had that wasn't my dads, (which also got me, not just him, into gaming,) was the GBC, and I really grew up with the Gamecube and GBA. However, I have an affinity for all of those consoles you mentioned because after the Wii came out I had gotten recommendations every now and then for old games from my dad and I ended up buying quite a bit of Virtual Console games back in the day. Couple that with a few years later I became an avid subscriber of Retro Gamer magazine, and I tend to just like games whose day was long before I really played games, in addition to games I played as a kid. Plus, the NES games you could get in Animal Crossing certainly helped.

>> No.7315930

>after the demand boom passes
>implying the prices are ever going own

>> No.7315932

You are right. Buy high man, best invrstment i swear. It will keep rising, forever. Trust me :^)

>> No.7315939

One copy of Chibi-Robo for sale w/ manual, $120

>> No.7316562

I live in the midwest, people still sell shit dirt cheap at rummages.
Flea markets are a different story - I only have luck at the ones in the middle of nowhere. (where the ebay people dont go)

>> No.7316648


>> No.7316691

It's not a bubble. It won't pop. It will plateau eventually.

Why would it pop? There's finite supply and it's only getting smaller. Especially in the west where people take shitty care of their games. In Japan you can get a pristine copy of Chrono Trigger for like $10, but for a shit-encrusted NTSC cartridge it's like $150 despite not being a rare game at all.

>> No.7317112
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>still believing that buying old games is the only "proper way" to play them
>still not understanding that not a penny of your used game price goes to devs/publishers and only reseller jews profit from you
>still thinking that emulators are 1997 ZSNES tier and probably believing input delay is still a thing
>still clinging to "muh feel of rotting plastic" or "muh smell of 30yo ink"
>still fetishizing physical media

>> No.7317334

well they're arent making any more of them so it wont "pop" but you already see NES / SNES prices diving compared to N64 / GC over the last few years for your average game. the rare stuff will stay expensive.

>> No.7317359

The bubble is a fucking anglosphere construct built by retards who buy Funko Pops
go to Japan, every retro game that isn't rare is cheap as fuck there.

>> No.7317370

anon, Wh*tes have literally decided that Super Smash Bros. Melee, the single best selling Gamecube game of all time with at least 14million copies printed, is worth a 3 digit price.

Don't fucking buy games from a wh*te.

>> No.7317372

because the millenials who owned nes and snes and got into the retro boom in the late 00s are over nostalgia fagging the plastic, now its zoomers who are mostly interested in 5th gen onwards and they will move on too, eventually realizing their newly acquired hoard is just plastic rubble acummulating dust and making his home look like a manchild´s they'll sell it all at discount prices to avoid their mother's kicking them out and prices will go down

>> No.7317403

It ebbs and flows with people's interests. The interest is high right now.

>> No.7317434

My dad has 45 NES consoles BNIB from when he was closing the retail chain he worked for. 15 SNES and cases of old capcom PS1 games. It's all mass produced crap guys, none of it is worth nearly what people want to pay.

>> No.7317491

Based. Coomlectors are a joke

>> No.7318165
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>> No.7318904

Yes, Pat Contri. Any day now.

>> No.7318959

Poorfags unite to form one super poorfag. Cope harder losers.

>> No.7318963

luckily for me most playstation games arent that expensive or can be easily played with hacking a system, feel bad for cartidgecucks

>> No.7318969
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Git gud

>> No.7319213

Nigger those are all shut because of the china virus. Not like there's anything still out there anyway.

>> No.7319261

None have closed here so they didn't "all" shut. But it would be interesting to know where they did. I could imagine there might be deals to be found when they open again. You're not going to find EB for a buck but I could see finding deals on large/heavy things that are expensive to ship or low value stuff that's not worth the effort to deal with on ebay.

>> No.7319267

No one's waiting for price drops they're just getting flashcarts

>> No.7319739

>No, but as the new generation comes along they won't be nostalgic over the consoles they didn't have.
That would be like saying people born in the 80s don't care about the records made in the 60s, or didn't want to watch the Godfather. It's true for many people, but there's still interest.

Also, what matters is that the generation who's the most interested in retro games has a lot of purchasing power now, and that will only increase in the 30 or 40 next years. Thus the prices will rise accordingly, especially as the games themselves become rarer.

>Zoomers won't give a shit about the SNES and NES like how Millennials don't give a shit about Atari and Coleco
The difference is that Atari and Coleco games were pure crap, while the 90s 2D games are magnificent. Even then we knew it was a golden era for gaming.

>> No.7319749

kek, having loose discs is worse than not having them, nigger

>> No.7319750

>buy land for farming
Buy valuable assets and learn a trade that makes money even when there's a crisis*

>> No.7319764

>be in Japan
>an out of box retro game is worth like 5-8 dollars most of the time, maybe in the 10-15 for good stuff
>out of box with manual is almost the same price
>complete box is worth like 25-45 bucks most of the time
meanwhile in America
>my Melee complete in box is totally worth 3 figures
the retro games market in the US is absolute dogshit. it would make me angry if it wasn't so absurd and funny.

>> No.7319775

this is absolutely true for every other country that isn't america. In mine i could go to local marketplaces and buy games for 5$ that retarded americans would pay 100$ plus shipping on ebay, everyone is fleecing them because they are dumb and finantially inept so i actually have zero complaints on my end but is still hilarious how defensive they get in these threads.

>> No.7319859

>retarded americans would pay 100$ plus shipping on ebay
It makes sense to pay that much when you're too busy making money. Say you're a business lawyer or a banker in New York now. You don't have time to explore marketplaces in Bumfuck. But you have $100. So you pay $100.

>> No.7319872

This is retarded trust fund kid logic like paying for parking tickets instead of just finding a place to park.
doesn't fucking apply to the working class.

>> No.7319894

Even if you're working class, $100 is not a lot for a video game. I make $18 an hour, fite me.

>> No.7319901

The so-called working class is not the price maker in this business. I tried to explain why these games actually sell for $100 irl.

>work hard 16 hours per day at the law firm
>"hurrr ur a trust fund kid"

>> No.7319902

jesus christ you are financially retarded

>> No.7319907

if you're working at a law firm, you are rich as fuck. Your life does not fucking compare to normal people at that point.

>> No.7319915

No, I'm just not a mentally ill collector. Entertainments purpose is to entertain, not to be a collection of plastic on a shelf. I'd gladly pay $500 for my digital Steam copy of Age of Empires 2 considering the thousands of hours I've derived from it.

>> No.7319916

>not spending money on useless shit makes you a poorfag
lmao. ask me how I know you rent

>> No.7319920

This mentally is why americans that make over 100k a year are still deep in debt and one step away from foreclosure

>> No.7319925
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This thread is hilarious. Get a minimum wage job and you can afford whatever you want after a week.

>> No.7319926

Everyone here is waiting for price drops that are never going to happen and crying and seething and coping. If you're not aware of this you're the newest for newfags

>> No.7319936

These games cost like 10 bucks at most were i live, how much more can they drop?

>> No.7319951


>> No.7319961

keep bragging about getting fleeced, i love it and support you dear american friend
>t, reseller

>> No.7320003

Maybe, but... we are the ones who push the prices up. And they're not going down until we die.

(Disclaimer: personally, I do not buy $100 games since I already bought them in the 90s, but I'm just telling you what's happening with the current prices and why it makes sense.)

>> No.7320006

>The so-called working class is not the price maker in this business
I would actually argue that they are and it's explicitly because life in America is so hellish for the working class.
These people are barely making it and are one car problem or hospitalization away from losing everything. So why wouldn't they try to sell their old games for 3 digits?

>> No.7320018

>getting fleeced

How many video games do you think I own anon?

>> No.7320023

Good point, but what really creates this price is the fact that rich fucks actually shell out $100 or more.

15 years ago, the poor were already selling the same games for $2 or $5, because they always sell, at any price. But the rich fucks weren't rich yet, so they weren't buying.

>> No.7320026

>so they weren't buying
(so the offer at $100 per game was non-existent)

>> No.7320039

Enlightened. Everyone grows out of video games eventually. Everyone.

>> No.7320360

stupid fuck

>> No.7320387

Get a job you bum

>> No.7320404

i make more than 18/hour and wouldn't spend 100 on any video game
unless it was something actually rare, i suppose

>> No.7320437
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just buy repros niggas

>> No.7320678
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Lmao, kys

>> No.7320701

>buying roms
what planet are you on

>> No.7320706

I like replies like this because coomlectors make it even more obvious that they just don't give a shit about playing the game, is all about coomlecting that plastic and leaving it there to gather dust.

>> No.7320881

>haha guys i scored jackpot!! i found this B-grade SNES game for just $50 on ebay! it took scanning deals for 3 months every day, but it was well worth it! it only has a sticker on the cart and some cum on the manual, but it works fine i promise. at this rate, I'm soon gonna own a hefty library of 12 games! may one day even get to play true rarities like Chrono Trigger!
>what? you beat the game I got years ago and didn't care much for it? haha, you're just JEALOUS i got this game! i bet you feel like total losers right now! only a loser would just download a game he likes and play it for free!
>ROMs are piracy. unlike you, i actually support the developers. I am sure all $50 of my purchase will go to that small Japanese studio that made the game in 1992. how? I don't know, it's just… magic, I guess. because otherwise, only the reseller would profit from it—would be kinda stupid to buy it then, eh? anyway, it's about SHOWING your support to the developers, that's what counts. of course I wouldn't want to support the resellers alone.
>Ahhh, nothing beats the feel of inserting a cart into the console. What? "Why not buy repros"?! Are you kidding me? My game is a piece of real nihon plastic, well worth $50, and your repro is a piece of chink shit. you're literally just buying ROMs!
>i bet you this game is gonna cost $70 in just 15 years! i'm gonna be rich and your roms will cost nothing. so long losers!

>> No.7321059


>> No.7321068

based. my first concern is accuracy, second is playing with the original controller or at least something made to be similar. emulation can cover both of those so once i'm done playing the big titties on original hardware, i'll move on to a mister type all in one device or software emulation.

>> No.7321069

>and wouldn't spend 100 on any video game
That's because you don't actually like any video games. They're likely just filling a void in your life.

>> No.7321154

collectorfags like you give the rest a bad name

>> No.7321163

I don't collect games because I'm not mentally ill. Are you projecting again?

>> No.7321229

>oh no no! you dont want to spend $100 on a game? well then you just dont like the game! you need to PROVE you like the game to me, personally, by spending absurd amount of money on it, or else it doesn't count!

>> No.7321280

There are chess sets that cost over $100, and pool tables, board games, books, vintage figurines, legos ffs.

The idea of a game is that you play it a lot and get good at it or get something else out if it like a lot of content or a good story or fapping, fucking whatever. Thusly, the only person who would bitch about a game costing $100 or more is someone who doesn't even intend to get anything out of the game other than ownership. I can spot you from 100 miles away you subhuman collectorfag.

>> No.7321320

a chess set is the game, a console, a cartridge are not the game , they are just peripheral hardware, the game is the software, you need the chess set to play chess, you do not need the plastic to play a videogame which is purely sotware

>> No.7321340

>you need the chess set to play chess
Ever heard of online chess?

>> No.7321710
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>being this dense

>> No.7321821

Not that guy but in 2019 I got a model 2 Sega Saturn and a model 1 GameCube for $60 at a yard sale. That's $10 short of the price the Saturn alone would've commanded on eBay at the time. You've just gotta look. Craigslist is a really good place.

>> No.7321840

>Not that guy but in 2019 I got a model 2 Sega Saturn and a model 1 GameCube for $60 at a yard sale. That's $10 short of the price the Saturn alone would've commanded on eBay at the time. You've just gotta look. Craigslist is a really good place.
The smart thing is doing this but immediately resell them for much higher rates and go back to emulating.

>> No.7322307

>Not that guy but in 2019 I got a model 2 Sega Saturn and a model 1 GameCube for $60 at a yard sale. That's $10 short of the price the Saturn alone would've commanded on eBay at the time. You've just gotta look. Craigslist is a really good place.
that's the thing
you got very lucky, once in a long time. and you used your spare time to go through yard sales. not everyone lives in US btw, and not everyone will have same luck looking through piles of shit at random sales.
also, I would understand this for consoles, where supply is still decent; not so much for games, where hunting down one game can be a nightmare, good ones tend to balloon in price tremendously, and as a whole they are basically ROMs sold for money.

>> No.7322371

>There are chess sets that cost over $100, and pool tables, board games, books, vintage figurines, legos ffs.
first, none of these are software.
>chess sets for $100
you can play chess anywhere on any set, even chink shit will do just fine. or just with about any software for any platform, which makes playing with others much easier too. supply of chess sets isn't limited like with retro games. unless you're hunting down collector's items, in which case you're the "subhuman collectorfag". in any case, I never heard of anyone hunting down some rare set of chess only produced from '91 to '93 and long out of print that was memed by some youtuber and ballooned in price.
>pool tables
see above. i dont know what a pool table costs though, but yeah it's an investment. regardless, first of all the cost is justified because it's physically large and costly to produce. second, again, you likely don't need one particular pool table from '93 that ballooned in price through internet memes, and different pool tables offer largely same experience. third, it's buy once, play forever, invite friends to play it, etc. you can replay a video game, but not every day, and not every game is worth beating many times.
you want to read? buy the newest copy or just download it. you want "the item", or some particular copy from '89? well, you're the "subhuman collectorfag", again. please tell me more about how the different ink and paper changes the whole experience and the book just doesn't read the same.
>vintage figurines
see: "subhuman collectorfag"
this perhaps is the only worthy comparison. it's out of print and the only way to get a particular set is to hunt it down. also, here you can hardly substitute it with anything, because it's purely physical. it's actually more justified than with old games which are glorified ROMs. so the only thing i can say here is, maybe grow out of Legos and get a life.

>> No.7322638

Since you live in the imaginary world that only exists inside your head they can drop as much as you imagine them to. You can have unicorns farting rainbows and shitting sealed copies of EB if you want. The only limit is the imagination of a little child playing pretend.

>> No.7322648

>first, none of these are software.
You're not paying for software, you're paying for the plastic.

>> No.7322730

>You're not paying for software, you're paying for the plastic.
then it's about collecting, not playing. and it's even more obvious that the plastic isn't worth $50-100 and more.

>> No.7322912

I'm not into emulation. I'd rather have the original hardware. That's just how I like my games though.

>> No.7322931

congrats. you should typed out one of the most retarded "logic" statements to ever grace this website, and thats saying something

>> No.7322947

jesus these fucking threads are retard tier depressing. you either have the fags that jump up your ass if they see a single Mario/Duck Hunt cart in someones collection and call them out as a "PLASTIC HUMPING COLLECTOR FAG YOU DONT REALLY LIKE VIDEOGAMES!!!!!" or you have the fags wanting to justify games costing triple digit prices "because teh price reflects entertain value"
. Both of those are such retarded extremes. I really hope the people who get all pissy about people preferring physical media never collected anything at all in their entire life, after all its just "worthless <MATERIAL> that sits on a shelf. Just buy what you wanna buy or go emulate, who gives a fuck? either way both sides sound like a bunch of hormonal fucktards

>> No.7322995

haha mario/duck hunt go boing boing wahoo bam woof woof

>> No.7322998
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>spend weeks/months digging through garbage bins and flea markets for last pickings for games collectors have scalped long ago
>could just work a minimum wage job and buy them online delivered straight to your door
Why would you guys care about blowing $100 on a game? They dont lose value and its cheaper than modern games that need internet + subscription for online + dlc bullshit. I've already rebuilt most of my childhood favorites and plan for more. Having a 90s mancave of your favorite shit isn't that hard.

>> No.7323013

hey to give hope or rub salt into wounds, depending how you want to take it, just last week at a Goodwill I found Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Double Dash and Resident Evil 4 for GameCube all for 99 cents each, so not every place is price checking these things.

also found GI Joe for the NES at a pawn shop today for 5$, so its not all common garbage games out there

also most japanese games are priced super low for a lot of stuff. learning the moon runes really is the ultimate anti-life equation for retro gaming if you can get decent at it. got pretty much every first party Saturn title for less then 10$ that way and they dont come in autism tier CD cases

>> No.7323027

the retro collector market is really small, but it gets harder and harder to find deals anymore due to ebay letting everyone instantly know what their shit is worth.

>> No.7323034

Why are you here then, faggot?

>> No.7323037

You’re technically still buying a ROM even if you buy an original cartridge.

>> No.7323039

>try to get more people into playing the classics a decade ago citing it's a much cheaper hobby than current AAA's
>massive inflation occurs with retro
I wish the bubble would pop

>> No.7323048

i like AVGN, but I absolutely blame him and youtube in general for fucking up the market, though I am sure it would have gotten fucked anyway.

i know I will get bitched at as "gatekeeping", but I know I am not the only one who loved the hobby when it was just a relatively small community going back and replaying these older titles in an era where the industry mostly only cared about what was new. was so enjoyable to be able to walk into an EB Games or a thrift store and pick up some new titles and give em a try, without breaking the bank.

>> No.7323082

AVGN and the advent of the smart phone are almost solely responsible for the inflation, yes. The fact that James obviously hasn't given a damn fuck about retro gaming in like 8 years is just salt in the wound. He set the retro gaming world on fire as prices skyrocketed, cashed in, and walked away.
Up until around 2010 I'd say was the golden age for this hobby. Those days are long gone and I don't think they'll ever come back unfortunately.

>> No.7323089
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>> No.7323123


Just get an Everdrive or emulate buyfag.

>> No.7323137

not without another gaming crash

>> No.7323148

I'd say it was less him and more the imitators. Like, I guess you can still blame him for starting it, but I remember shopping for used games back in 2007/2008 and prices didn't shoot up like crazy with every review. Compare that a few years later where every time Game Grumps did a video the local stores would add an extra $20 to $40 dollars to their copies.

>> No.7323169

2007 and 08 maybe not, but by 2010 prices most definitely shot up with every review. I remember watching specifically for Action 52 and sure enough they were selling for hundreds more on cue.

>> No.7323469

You didn't understand it