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7313042 No.7313042 [Reply] [Original]

Are arcades dead?

>> No.7313053

In the west

>> No.7313054
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In the U.S? Yes.
In Japan? No.

>> No.7313063

>pachinko life support

>> No.7313067

cope harder, Kimchi bastard

>> No.7313080

Barcades were becoming popular before COVID. No idea how many of those were forced out of business.

>> No.7313121

If they weren't before they sure as hell are now.

>> No.7313184

>Wrong image
>cope harder

>> No.7313251

Man, look at all those SOULFUL gambling machines :)

>> No.7313256

yes where i live its dead only a small one at least mame exists

>> No.7313305

Not in my area. No, we're full.

>> No.7313314


>> No.7313360
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>In Japan? No.
I'm sure you can find more if you google, especially after COVID.
>“The place was filled with emotions,” Shimoda said a week before closure. “Many people told us that they miss our arcade. I again realized how much it has been loved.”

>> No.7313371

yes unironically

>> No.7313383

Its more like "In Japan? Somewhat."
Sega getting out of the business is a major blow. All thats left for major players in Japan's arcades is Taito and whatever small independent operators. Mind you Sega accounted for more then 50%,

>> No.7313487

My city's barcade closed in November, but they're working towards reopening. They moved about 10 of their games into another bar for the time being.

>> No.7313496


>> No.7313498
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Yes we also have arcades, they're extremely popular with retirees!

>> No.7313516

And? Coin pushers and fruit machines have always been around in arcades.

>> No.7313525

>meanwhile on 1998 /vr/...

>> No.7313926

My city's barcades are still going strong

>> No.7313952

It was kinda disappointing when I went to japan a few years ago desu w/ regard to the arcade scene there. Like every other genre of gaming, arcade stuff became pretty carbon copy/soulless a few years into the HD era. I'm sure there's some arcades here and there with well maintained older stuff but the reality from what I saw is that while it leagues ahead of anything stateside, it's fallen quite a ways from the glory days

>> No.7314194

The major one in my city has tried to rent their machines to stay afloat. I think they will manage though, the owner is a fuckin gorillionaire.

>> No.7314393

>Many people told us that they miss our arcade. I again realized how much it has been loved
If people miss something, it'll be back. Japan is a small country, so it can be done once rona is over.

>> No.7314397

vr cades have enough of a wow factor to draw people in but sharing headsets was a tall order before a global pandemic, that and being directly antagonistic to drinking and eating.

>> No.7314414

>In Japan? No.

>posts a picture of a casino
>it's practically dead

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7314416

there was one near me a while ago, you paid 20 bucks to be let in for the day and all the machines were free. they had mostly all actual machines but some games they didn't have were emulated, but still in an arcade cabinet.

not sure if they survived the pandemic though. hope they did.

>> No.7314428

That aside, some bars / clubs still try to benefit from arcade machines. Too bad at least where I live, the government is making owners make them unavailable due to the meme virus.

>> No.7314562

Yes. With the virus, even more so.
But blame the industry too for not giving people enough reason to visit arcades in the first place.

>> No.7314597

My city still has a decent one which I did barely used during its peak because I'm a shut-in autist. Dunno if it will survive this whole covid bulllshit.

>> No.7314640

In japan they have gambling machines and they are all owned as Yakuza as their golden cow for money laundering. This is why Sega got bailed out of having to liquidate.

>> No.7314660

Fake news. Sega sold the arcade business to another company which will continue to use the Sega branding. Sega will contribute developing hardware and software. Sega is just getting out of the business of managing retail businesses, which makes sense.

>> No.7314684
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>to another company
gee, i wonder, which organization has massiva capital on that company

>> No.7314758

>gambling machines and they are all owned as Yakuza
The only gambling allowed in Japan is pachinko and they're owned by North Korea-affiliated groups.

>> No.7314840

Round 1 and Dave & Buster's are proof that arcades are still a thing. Idk about the status of the companies since Covid tho.

>> No.7314843

For the most part yes, traditionally speaking, but there's still chains that also provide food or bowling services that have classic arcades every once in a while. Galloping Ghost in Illinois I'm pretty sure the dude is so loaded, even if no one comes in, the guy doesn't care and has the place open for his own personal enjoyment. The lucky bastard.

>> No.7314851
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Barcades are the new arcades. Youngins these days stay home and play their switches and ps5s

>> No.7314994

Sega doesn't run pachinko parlors you stupid fuck.

>> No.7314995

Rock, no! You're not old enough to drink!

>> No.7315009

He's the oldest robot master after Proto man!

>> No.7315095

this shit sucks. it makes sense, but it sucks. the only way it's possible to get large enough amounts of people interested in arcade stuff these days enough to go out and drop a few dollars is to ply them with alcohol. sad times

>> No.7315102

i think it's great. it keeps the places open and there's no reason you have to drink. sometimes they have shitty fruit ninja HD kind of games but those just subsidize the games you actually want to play

>> No.7315116

i used to go to arcades very often as i loved videogames but as soon as consoles became better and i could own them and buy games with my allowance i was over them pretty quickly and more than happy that i could invite people over instead of having to go to some smelly noisy joint full of pedos and drug dealers and having to wait in line to play games and pay for each match.

Arcades died , the same way LAN died, they both can be done today but interest is not there because they never were any good or the most convenient way to play, simply what was available. You could go on some arcade now and you can tell all your boomer friends to carry their entire PC rigs over to your house but most people won't because why even? everyone i know in their late 30s who still games would tell me to go fuck myself and just log into fightcade or steam if i wanted to play with them.

>> No.7315117

Allowing arcades to exist during a pandemic is literal murder. Every time you touch a machine you are literally killing my grandmother. #stayhome #savelives #wearthemask

>> No.7315125

>nooo fuck grandma i want to consoom alcohol while i play with toys

>> No.7315137

>fuck grandma


>> No.7315154

Peak american family values

>> No.7315170

My grandparents refuse to wear masks and explicitly said they would rather die than see america turn into a prison. Not everyone thinks that geriatric life surviving on your grandchildren's tax dollars is the peak of human civilization.

>> No.7315176

Do ameriniggers really?

>> No.7315197
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VR arcades are the future of arcades

>> No.7315204

nothing of value will be lost anyways, imagine thinking taking the most simply precaution against a virus which proves deadly for seniors is totalitarianism meanwhile throwing old and infirm people to the roadside so they die because your own family are just "parasites" is perfectly fine because muh money.

What a selfish, spoiled and disgusting way of thinking. America needs to die if people think like this unironically.

>> No.7315217

yes, and a good thing too, they can live forever pure and untouched in our memories as opposed to whatever soulless cancer would exist today

>> No.7315237

>some smelly noisy joint full of pedos and drug dealers
That sounds based desu

>> No.7315239

if masks did shit then how come "m-muh 2 weeks" turned into 6+ months?

admit it, you got conned into accepting psuedo-martial law without any resistance whatsoever, that was the goal from the start

>> No.7315247
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Reminder that the WHO released a report that too many amplification cycles were being used for COVID testing and advised to use lower amplification cycles to reduce the number of false positives. If that doesn't convince you that COVID was a manufactured pandemic then you are an idiot.

This isn't any new knowledge, people knew about this shit during the summer.

>> No.7315316

you sound like you're larping or you lived in the south bronx or something. my arcade didn't have drugs or pedos, it was just really fun. also, home consoles can't give you the experience of large custom cabinets for games with unique controls ie rhythm games, driving games, etc. you can get a nice wheel or dance pad or w/e for your home but it'll never be the same unless you just buy a cabinet. they were /special/. I understand that most people are antisocial, cheap, don't care about build quality and don't like skill-based games, that doesn't mean Im happy about it or glad to see the wheel of progress turning as we go further on into time here

>> No.7315567

Man I really hated prize arcades growing up, kids wouldn't play anything unless it barfed out prize tickets. All the pinball machines, game cabinets and air hockey tables just gathered dust because all the 10 year olds were crawling over the ticket machines trying to win bootleg pikachu dolls.

>> No.7315575

>home consoles can't give you the experience of large custom cabinets for games with unique controls ie rhythm games, driving games, etc.
thats just a bullshit gimmick. Let me guess, you think the wii was the best console ever.

>> No.7315582

>boomers, the main demographic of dying people
>refuse to stay home, refuse to use masks, refuse anything that remotely resembles common sense
>if masks did shit then how come "m-muh 2 weeks" turned into 6+ months?
Gee, i dunno. Specially it did terribly in America, where boomers think like this, i wonder why.

>> No.7315585

Yes, but -- without reading the thread -- probably not for the reasons everyone in here is going to tell you they are.

>> No.7315860

Well yeah, it was manufactured.

It was manufactured in China.

>> No.7316017

is this a serious question? of fucking course they are. one anon saying "but my city has a packed one!!" doesn't mean shit. arcades are a thing of the past and the only reason any stay afloat is due it nostalgia and the novelty of it.

>> No.7316029

pachinkos are subhuman are should not be juxtaposed with actual arcades

>> No.7316071

In most western countries they are. They were doing a bit better in eastern countries but the pandemic was that straw that broke the camel's back for lots of places and who knows how many will ever re-open now.
What would be considered an "arcade" today (in the west mostly) are pretty much just ticket redemption games and cabinet versions of smartphone games. Though in the US there is those Round 1 bowling centers that're owned by a Japanese company that get a whole bunch of exclusive Japanese games like current rhythm games and such.

>> No.7317313
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>> No.7317438
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My local spot in Miami managed to weather the pandemic and is up & running again. It might technically be considered a barcade, but the bar is really an afterthought that hands out bowls of ramen. The place is full of Japanese imports like SegaSonic The Hedgehog and Bishi Bashi, so its a real gem of a place and it would be a real travesty if it died. It's even got six player Xmen.

>> No.7317487

Always hate these tacky nerd shit cocktail themes at barcades. I get it, but it's still really lame.

>> No.7317496

then don't go there big brain

>> No.7317514

Eat a dick moralfag
People drink, who fuckin cares

>> No.7317516

I don't know they're a lame place with lame machines until I get there you fucking goober.

>> No.7317519

There are actual arcades full of classic games all over the US dumbass

>> No.7317893


With covid restrictions even barcades are closing down.

>> No.7317924

>7 dollar drinks

>> No.7317937

All the barcades in my city are doing fine

>> No.7317942

>playing daytona on a cab is a wii-tier bullshit gimmick
OK man whatever you say

>> No.7317958

Psst. You just named two very, very rare arcade games that only a couple of arcades in the country have. Then capped it off with the relatively common 6 player X-men.

But that would be Arcade Odyssey, yes? It's been one I've had my eye on for quite a while. Out of curiosity, do they still have Planet Harriers? It may be the only arcade in the country that still does.

>> No.7318013

Barcades come in just as many varieties as normal arcades. I'd say the three main ones are:
>nerd bar using arcade games as a gimmick, but generally don't seem to care much beyond that
>"ordinary" barcades, which are about 90% things like 4P Pac-man vs, Donkey Kong, Konami Beat-em-ups, VS series, and anything Midway produced
>weird-ass passion project barcades filled with shit you wouldn't expect to see in a barcade
The last one is always a treat whenever you find one. Akibahara in Denver is my favorite. I hope they manage to survive.

>> No.7318026
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>playing daytona on a cab is a wii-tier bullshit gimmick

>> No.7318028

There are several in my city that were thriving before lockdown. There's a huge one in a converted warehouse in my home town that's always packed as well. I never have to pay for beers at my local bar cause there's always se drunk loudmouth that wants to gamble beers on the Street Fighter 2 machine.

>> No.7318089


Fuck em. We had a generation of parents that sold us out to china, and chose to wreck our potential wages and benefits using imported pajeets and chinks. They got to live their lives, particularly through one of (if not the) most abundant and joyful periods in American history. If me getting a few extra hours (hell even minutes) of joy in this modern hellhole means they have to crawl into their grave already, then so be it. My life is objectively worse than theirs thanks to both rona AND their fucked up economic decisions, so they can die a little early for me to eke out whatever enjoyment I can that's left in this degenerating shithole.

>> No.7318094

>but muh money
americans please stop with the kikery already

>> No.7318268

i went to a few bar-cades in japan back in 2012. it was fun, lots of drunks playing mario kart.

except when americans came in and wanted to play "madden 96"

>> No.7318756

I'm not exactly an arcade expert, so I just assumed the 6-man Xmen was rare and thought it would catch people's attention for my post. Is the Simpsons beat em up rare? Played 4-player with my chums on that over there and had fun. As for Planet Harrier, I wouldn't know. I haven't been there in over a year now, plus some of their rarer imports seem to be on a temporary basis. I do know that they had House of the Dead EX, claiming to be the only one in America to do so, at least during October so it might still be there. Plus, I confess that I kind of just walk past most of the Japanese imports without much of a thought and go straight to things like Silent Scope.

Here's the list of their more regular games on their website, it's probably outdated:

Their social media seems to be the better way of keeping track of new stuff that gets rolled in or rolled out.

>> No.7318767

>Though in the US there is those Round 1 bowling centers that're owned by a Japanese company that get a whole bunch of exclusive Japanese games like current rhythm games and such.
They're still primarily ticket-redemption games. I was in one once and all the non-gambling games were tucked into a corner and ran on badly-functioning cabinets.

>> No.7318786

>House of the Dead EX, claiming to be the only one in America to do so
It's a very, very rare game in the states, but there are two. The other one is at Game Nest in Vegas.

>> No.7318812

Are there even barcades for nerds only anymore? I don't think that niche is still, or was profitable. My barcade gets packed on the weekend with normal people. Zoomers and Xoomers mainly and the odd Boomer here and there

>> No.7318815

Depends where you are, really. No real restrictions in Australia any more, aside from borders

>> No.7318826

Based oldies. Floridians?

>> No.7318832

It'll be like opium dens but instead of opium you lie down on a dirty mattress and they plug your brain direct into some VR shit.

>> No.7318839

Hustlin' for beers on streetfighter. That's fucken awesome, my dude.

>> No.7318850

It depends entirely on your definition of "nerd". If you mean huge arcade losers, yeah, there are a couple of them in bigger cities that promote themselves mainly on their fighting and rhythm game selection. If you mean "the Rick and Morty Funkopop crowd", then yeah. There are LOADS of barcades catering to them.

>> No.7318858

I've been to 4 different Round1s now (Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver, and Milwaukee), and I can say the floor space is normally split pretty evenly between ticket and non-ticket games. And the machines are generally kept in good repair, save for a couple of broken machines you'd inevitably have with an arcade of that size.

>> No.7318916


>> No.7318921

Is Dave and Buster's still a thing, guys or are the new generation of barcades killing/killed them?

>> No.7318934

theres one where i live i didnt think it was that great when i went

>> No.7319030

Chuck E Cheese for adults, right?

>> No.7319232

Non-American here. The concept of Barcade sounds great, we don't have that over here.

How much do they make you pay for one credit on these games?

>> No.7319264

Depends. Usually, it's a $1-$2 per play or sometimes they charge you a $20 or so cover charge and all the machines are freeplay (sometimes for a time period, sometimes for as long as you like til close). Still have to buy the marked up alcohol drinks though.

>> No.7319270

What country, btw?

>> No.7319610

They live online, forever

>> No.7319614

Luxembourg lol (we only have banks here)

>> No.7319615
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and on my HHDs

>> No.7319623

Mine shut down completely even though they could operate still in order to virtue signal and make political posts on their Facebook page. Hope they go under.

>> No.7319624

The only reason why I like Arcades still is hanging out with my family every now and then. Or even just to experience new gimmicks. I agree that some things these days can be done on PC especially a flight stick or even a driving wheel. But you can not deny back then the immersion was there.

>> No.7319625

>you're killing grandma
>grandma on the vaccine wait-list
it's not me

>> No.7319630


>> No.7319654
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Same with my area. They even have pinball and some classics from the 80's.

>> No.7319683

Do you faggots just whine about America all day?

>> No.7319685

They exist in my area but most go to the Mall arcades or even unironically Esports which is like a huge gaming LAN center that basically allows you to play with friends and stuff like that.

>> No.7319972

Luxembourg is like a vacation town. Wonderful to visit, boring as hell to live in.

>> No.7319980

Yep. And it's raining, too. Won't stay in this country for too long!

>> No.7320052

Pinball PA?

>> No.7320065

>leaving Luxembourg
but the Grand Duchy! what other internationally recognized sovereign state calls itself a Grand Duchy?

>> No.7321565

Citation needed retard

>> No.7321818

>grand duchy
>it's actually not grand

This country is a lie desu

>> No.7322708

Did anyone ever fucking CLEAN arcades? I remember them being the fucking filthiest places on earth.

>> No.7322750

That's cool that a Luxembourgish actually browses this website. It's also one of the only countries where i can imagine that a barcade wouldn't work either lol. Ah, just cross the border to Germany if COVID hasn't closed them. I'm sure the Germans have a few barcades.

>> No.7323717

is it all pachinko?

>> No.7323723
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>> No.7323779

Pretty much.

>> No.7324258


Live in Japan, there are 3 huge arcades within a 10 mile radius where I live.

>> No.7324267
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Not yet though Covid is helping.

>> No.7324324


>> No.7324376

I live in the Philippines and there's a couple, mostly connected to movie theaters. Some of them closed due to COVID, unfortunately; there's many arcades/internet cafes in the third world because most people can't afford game systems/computers.

>> No.7324389

this. arcades went from being for kids to soiboy millenials

>> No.7324432

Is California the Mecca of gaming in the U.S.?

>> No.7324448

I live in Luxembourg but I'm French! There are probably a few "barcades" in Paris but I'm sure it's not as good as the American Barcades.

>> No.7324451

Its just really fucking big with tons of people. Every chain has like 15 California locations.

>> No.7324493


I was an arcade area manager for Namco Entertainment during the late 90's to mid 2000s. We actually had conference calls on the business tanking during this time due to consoles bringing the same experience home and how the company should combat it.

The first solution was to phase out non-redemption games (Soul Calibur, Time Crisis, etc), as they were ported for the same experience in the living room, and more focus on redemption games (Ski-ball, Claw-games, etc) with tickets and prizes.

Then we realized that much of our revenue from redemption games had come from customers who had come in to play non-redemption games. The shopping mall owners at the time wouldn't work with us on monthly rent, nor did they care about our dilemma in the industry.

So as a last gasp we brought in more interactive non-redemption game like Dance Dance Revolution that was tough to replicate at home. It bought us a little more time, but we remained on life-support till they started closing stores in droves. I was eventually laid off, rough times.

>> No.7324571

That's what they said in the 90s too.

>> No.7324576

Except it hasn't been 'controlled' anywhere. The figures are just reported differently. This whole 'My country did better than your country' nonsense is terrifying especially coming from people who would claim nationalism is evil. It's one massive hate spiral ramped up amongst people who ignored similar amounts of deaths due to other diseases every year of their lives.

>> No.7325336

Luxembourg here too! The heck, how are there so many of us..?
We should organize a meetup..

>> No.7325421

Free Play arcades in Dallas are type 3
They kick ass

>> No.7325457

What is the point of these places? Why not at least have some good games? There's one where I live and not many people go there. My grandmother plays these games on her laptop.

>> No.7325461

The great irony is that Soul Calibur III was arguably the last fighting game to have any real arcade presence in the west. I know it was popular enough at my local minigolf arcade that they ran tournaments for it.

>> No.7325475

Soul Calibur II, not III. I got the numbers mixed up.

>> No.7325487

>So as a last gasp we brought in more interactive non-redemption game like Dance Dance Revolution
I'm sure you probably don't know this, but those specific DDR machines are pretty legendary among DDR players. They're usually called "Namco crap cabs", or something similar, since Namco ordered a huge batch of machines with cheap knock-off pads. They're notorious for being terrible to play on.

>> No.7325506


arcades have mobile games to remaster now

>> No.7325538

most states don't have legal online gambling

>> No.7325761

>What is the point of these places?

For every $10 bucks you burn, you get $2.50 worth of dopamine.

>> No.7325948

Are you active on Meetup (the website) though?

>> No.7325950

To gamble. They're literally slot machines with some minor gaming elements.

>> No.7325990 [DELETED] 

>Namco crap cabs
I'm well aware of it, the official replacement pads were $150 per pad (8 pads per machine). In 2005, Namco cut a deal with an aftermarket company to reproduce them and shipped them to all of their 2500 locations at the time with instructions to use for replacements going foward.

DDR customers revolted. Namco eventually recalled them back and spent the cash for official ones from Konami. Some are still floating around out there though.

>> No.7326009

>Namco crap cabs

I'm well aware of it, the official replacement pads were $150 per pad (8 pads per machine). In 2005, Namco cut a deal with an aftermarket company to reproduce the pads as well as full knockoff cabinets and shipped them to all of their 2500 locations at the time with instructions to use for replacements going forward.

DDR customers revolted. Namco eventually recalled the pads and some machines back and spent the cash for official ones from Konami. Some are still floating around out there though.

>> No.7326391

Exa has a decent business model for arcades in that it demands exclusive content and it's just an upfront sale rather than demanding a portion of profits like most current arcade companies.
It just needs more non-kusoge arcade-first releases.
Right now it only has premiere releases for the Shmup autist crowd, a select few good japanese re-releases and a few steam ports of varying quality and exclusivity.

>> No.7326473

What types of games?

>> No.7326518

not him but its all mostly Tekken, racing, light gun, and various ticket/prize redemption games. sometimes you see marvel vs capcom or strikers 1945 II

>> No.7326559

I find it funny that "barcades" aka a bar with arcade vidya were around in the 90s and were the most dangerous place retarded kids dared to be around, with drunkards, thieves and prostitutes always present in those reputable establishments drinking cheap booze.
Guess the country.

>> No.7326665

From what ive "learned" watching too much game center CX is that while arcades themselves have gone down in quality, arcade machines can still be found in the wild in an absolute shit ton of places. The US and canada have much more pinball than japan though so there's that.

>> No.7326674

Might be in canada. that'd be like 5-4 USD.

>> No.7326683

There isnt any proof, really. But damn if it isnt convenient.

>> No.7326686

The sad truth is that only Japan is civilized enough for a random arcade cab outside an old store not get vandalized into scrap metal by ni-passersby in a mere month.

>> No.7326691

Man that carpeting is fucking amazing.

>> No.7326701

Most of these outside a store are in small villages though and there's one universal truth and that is that everybody knows everything in a village. social pressure is more effective than police brutality in these places.

>> No.7326725
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They sure as fuck arent common thats for certain. Seems like you can still find them in any city in the west though you might have to look. Its 11 hours away from where I live but the closest is this sick-ass dingy fucking basement arcade called the "house of targ" which prides itself on its menu of homemade pierogis and microbrewery beer with their labels and stuff on it. Its fucking delicious and I like seeing a bit of the orthodox slavic roots of some areas of quebec show up in weird places like that.
Seems like theyre still operating under COVID though theyve installed cleaning stations in front of every arcade and put plexiglass between every single machine. Though to soften the blow everything is set on free play for now.
I go there whenever im in the area (which is almost never but still)

>> No.7326832


>> No.7326951

That is because the alcohol is the money maker, not the games. Has anyone thought about what it costs to run an arcade these days?
A decent location(not huge, enough for maybe 30 games) will run you about $45k a year. Machines are $10-20k each for new stuff. A minimum wage employee at 40 hours a week is about $25k a year. On the low end, you're looking at about $400k for your starting year costs, with $100k every year in maintenance, employee costs, rent, and new machines.
If you charge 50 cents a game, you'll need 800,000 plays just to pay off your starting costs. If open 40 hours a week, you would need 10 customers every hour spending $5 each just to stay alive from year to year, no profit or paying off your initial debt. You would need four times that to pay off your initial year and not start your 2nd year in debt. Now, how many customers do you see in your average non-bar arcade these days? Is 1 out of 3 machines occupied with a player constantly pumping coins in? No? Yeah, they are losing money.
Dave and Busters style barcades, they have the steady stream of drunks ready to blow money, and they make their main profit off of the alcohol. Pure arcades can't compete in that market.

>> No.7327078

They're coming back as barcades, but even those are struggling because they're having a hard time finding working cards and hardware. The local barcade has to have the original Street Fighter 3 because they can't find a working copy of Double Impact or Third Strike. As far as actual, non-alcoholic arcades? Fucking dead. The arcade where I live went from hosting FGC majors in the early 2000s to a pay card-based ticketfest where all of the machines were Xboxes hooking up to timers. It closed a few years ago.
What's sad is LANs are in even worse shape than arcades are.

>> No.7327130
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1611015457371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wont people learn, none of these work? you know people can still be asymptomatic and/or lie about their condition, remove their masks, noses gone wild, using shitty flimsy masks, and not respecting social distancing, not to mention the virus can handle on the air up to 3 fucking hours and yes, just by breathing and talking you release the damn thing.

Also nobody has been being honest about how effective those damn vaccines are, and we sure as hell wouldn't trust the upcoming chink ones, because fuck china.

>> No.7327152
File: 280 KB, 869x1267, cimg_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pachinko and slots

>> No.7327767

Huh, no I ain't but I guess I could sign up..

>> No.7327774

if they weren't right now is probably the worst time to own an arcade business

>> No.7328219

Stu's Game Reviews on YouTube has this series of videos about this arcade in central PA called the Village Arcade. It's almost entirely composed of old Sega/Midway-style electromechanical games and pinball machines, with one video game, which is Pac-Man. Is there any hope it'll survive COVID?


>> No.7328231

It's always the same people (almost always foreigners) but it's cool desu.

>> No.7328315


Looks industrial strength comfy

>> No.7328419

You don't have to drink silly. Just play arcade games there. I live near one that has a pretty decent pinball machine setup (along with other arcade boxes) people come in all the time and just enjoy the games themselves. A lot of them host dnd and small magic tournaments.

>> No.7330358

They live on in the heart

>> No.7330378

Third strike is piss-easy to find lol I bought two boards to make superguns just last year
Sounds like your local arcade is just run by idiots