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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 400x340, deus_ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7309890 No.7309890 [Reply] [Original]

Starting with the obvious.

>> No.7309893 [DELETED] 

Also, Trump won.

>> No.7309897

but is not good

>> No.7309906 [DELETED] 

another poltard who didn't come here for videogames, discarded

>> No.7309967
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>> No.7309975 [DELETED] 

Yeah that's going to be a you're a fucking retard from me champ

>> No.7309976
File: 283 KB, 641x480, 1495330077-3315571428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Eden.
>game takes place in a futuristic towering city where every layer below becomes more of an uncontacted slum until it degenerates into a horror game
It's a brutally cyberpunk puzzle game that was, for some reason, reviewed as a "third-person shooter" (this somehow isn't a joke). You solve puzzles using four party members you switch between, Lost Vikings style.

>> No.7310102 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 725x960, navarro_report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good little sheep. Don't question or even think about the election results. Let the Elite decide the fate of your country for you...

>> No.7310127

>tfw DX was right
>about everything

>> No.7310153

Aliens? Nanomachines?

>> No.7310160

>Aliens? Nanomachines?
have you been living under a rock? lol

>> No.7310528

How is it "dystopian"?

>> No.7310653

How is it not dystopian? Bunch of shadow organizations fighting for global domination and using people as their pawns, people dying on the streets because some bastards manufactured a pandemic to further their own agenda of being in control of distributing the cure, no police but judge/jury/executioner troops instead etc.

>> No.7310771

Asking how Deus Ex is dystopian is like asking how a Zelda game is a hero's journey.
Do you want us to copy paste a Wikipedia description of the article along with disapproving frog pictures?

>> No.7310783

they didn't predict shit. nothing in the game is novel. they just looked at contemporary political discourse and conspiracy theories.

you think it's novel because you weren't into politics or conspiracies back then

>> No.7310797

this, deus ex is just rehashed shit that was already established conventions by 80s cyberpunk literature and rp games. Even Transmetropolitan came before Deus Ex and that was actually fun unlike bearing the garbage gameplay from Deus Ex just to get some riped off dialogue straight from William Gibson's novels, old ass anime or the Matrix

>> No.7310801

pasting shit from wikipedia and politisperging is all Deux Ex threads are anyways.

>> No.7310812

Deus Ex world seems better than this one.

>> No.7310817

The grays weren't aliens in Deus Ex.

>> No.7310832

At least the war is purely between classes in Deus Ex, and there's no white replacement/dick chopping shit in it. Sure, the manufactured plague is a bit more effective there, but they get plasma rifles and advanced cybernetics. All in all, Deus Ex world = less dystopian.

>> No.7310874

... what the fuck are you even talking about? "at least it was fun", but what game are you even comparing it to? There's no Transmetropolitan game afaik, and even if it exists... people still talk about Deus Ex despite it being a sleeper hit for PC gaming weirdos, and no one cares about your gay comic.

>> No.7311045
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UVII was an excellent dystopian game. Everything was all wrong with the world.

>> No.7311120

>Aliens? Nanomachines?
DX was not X-Files or Terminator you idiot

>> No.7311401

Robocop vs Terminator

>> No.7311649

>some riped off dialogue straight from William Gibson's novels, old ass anime or the Matrix
Are you referring to the sci-fi shit or the conspiracy shit.

>> No.7311945
File: 643 KB, 3040x1440, Screenshot_20210120-031511_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Grey Death was manufactured in a lab in China
>US government was poisoning the water supply of poor people
>AI as the blueprint for "god" and perfect governance
>homeless peope everywhere like the coastal cities of the US
>twin towers aren't in the game, before 9/11

>> No.7312481

And its the fault of shitposters like you, who pretend to not know definitions of words and people who bite the bait and answer you

>> No.7312493

>thread about liking X
>90% of posts are retards tripping over themselves to be contrarians
>9% of posts replying to said contrarians
>1% of negligible kino posts
why can't I leave this shithole

>> No.7312620


>> No.7313870

Robocop versus Terminator.

I'm aware, but you're going to trigger Leftist trannies.

>> No.7313890

Use Leechblock

>> No.7313904
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>> No.7314915

read a book maybe

>> No.7317572


>> No.7317587

It's perfect, yes.

>> No.7317593

>why can't I leave this shithole
because it's worse than every other site but also better than every other site. it's just up to you to learn to ignore the garbage. almost every other site has comment voting systems and that makes people say random shit for upvotes instead of making good posts for the sake of making a good post.

>> No.7317774

I am going to play Deus Ex for the firs time, I got the GOG version and it comes with the revision mod, should I play my first run normally or is it fine to install the mod? I don't know how much it changes the visuals

>> No.7317929
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It changes them quite a bit and I don't think it looks better. I'd play vanilla for your first time, but grab Kentie's Deus Exe launcher which is basically just for fixing bugs and getting it to run properly on modern systems.

>> No.7318262
File: 80 KB, 811x398, IMG_20210121_173837_259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you play vanilla, then play Revision. Thank me later.

>> No.7318269

This thread isnt about liking DX it's about a loon who thinks it was predictive.

>> No.7318718
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are you bind, incredibly sheltered and naive, or just retarded?

>> No.7319826
File: 119 KB, 340x268, WEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crusader duology, pic related is the logo of World Economic Consortium (sounds familiar?), the antagonists of both games.
>Global conglomerate monopoly that surpassed national governments and effectively replaced them
>Every sphere of life is managed by respective Cartels - Military Cartel, Mining Cartel, and so on and so forth.
>Their industrial facilities are just as deadly as those in China. Whoops! You fell into a vat of corrosive waste because there was no railings or any other protective measures. Whatever, bring in the replacement employee!
>The media spouts constant misinformation to the normies. When you blow up a tear gas storage facility the TV says it's nothing than a firework display that rendered the place "inoperable for the time being".
>High as fuck taxation.
>Military Cartel is comprises scores of not-so-nice guys sporting advanced military gear ranging from assault rifles, auto-shotguns to death rays that can burn one's flesh off or evaporate them to bipedal robots armed with heavy weaponry taken straight from RoboCop. These guys make sure you pay your taxes and obey the corporate law, rebel scum!

Too bad most of the Crusader lore is explained in those documents packaged with the game in the box. The game itself is pure isometric, bloody and explosive rampage of revenge against the totalitarian regime who once employed you.

I would mention Half-Life 2 here, but despite its age, this game doesn't look like "retro" to me.

>> No.7319831
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>> No.7319837

Can I install this on Windows 10? I have the disc version.

>> No.7319838

none of the threads about Deus Ex are about Deus Ex, they are an excuse to shoehorn shit, they are all instant slide material.

>> No.7319843

you probably were and still are, otherwise you would have know that Deus Ex ripps off cyberpunk plots, themes and tropes that were already clicke 10 years before the game came out

>> No.7319886
File: 107 KB, 640x434, einhander[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Achtung! Einhander kommt!