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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.03 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-020329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7307836 No.7307836 [Reply] [Original]

I'm playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. About to head to Fire Mountain. This game is beautiful. It has a very surreal, dream like quality to it. The gameplay flow so far has been perfect, I'm having a blast. I keep finding myself thinking "wow that looks so cool"

>> No.7307848
File: 1.75 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-022012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7307859

Congrats anon. Glad you are having fun. no sarcasm here.

I beat chronno trigger for the first time like a year or so ago. Is fun to discover good games one totally missed.

>> No.7307863
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-014922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been locked in a deep depression for years. Finally got a good combination of medications and therapy so I'm hoping I can spark my joy for video games again.

>> No.7307883

You'd do yourself a favor by losing the filter but on the whole good for you OP, have a good time.

>> No.7307890

Good luck Anon, hope it all works out for you.

>> No.7307930

Beat it a week ago with the custom redux patch, fantastic game. I see you aren't playing that so equipping the boots might be a chore but doesn't change the quality of the game that much.

It's great throughout but the last 2 dungeons drop in difficulty after the Water Temple, they might seem too simplistic. Overall the pacing is perfect

>> No.7307939

Also what emulator are you using? I think N64 games look better without shaders but that's me

>> No.7308047 [DELETED] 

>Been locked in a deep depression for years.

spotted the american

>> No.7308050

Spotted the Europoor.

>> No.7308057
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I never saw a poor man from Luxembourg.

>> No.7308063

They recycle them into bikes iirc

>> No.7308686

little known fact: you can use a burning deku stick to blow up bomb flowers. and it can save you some backtracking

>> No.7308705

What the fuck is this filter

>> No.7308707

Good for you anon. I actually need to get into that but haven't been able to follow up due to money and life stuff, hopefully will feel the same when treating my issues with anxiety and problem focusing which are mostly chemical.

>> No.7308928
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-022408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroarch with the Crt-geom shader

I don't have a CRT anymore (my shitty set died) but this on my 45" TV looks pretty damn close to the original on a CRT imo. Better than if I hooked my N64 to my flatscreen for fucking sure

>> No.7308935
File: 885 KB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-014414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find upscaling, widescreen hacks, etc to be absolutely disgusting

>> No.7309002
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210119-013654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started therapy so I can get past my child abuse, therapist said that reconnecting with my inner child is really important, and this game is definitely doing that.

I'm a firm believer against QoL changes for games. At least first time playthroughs. I want to experience the game as the developers intended, so that I can appreciate the game as the piece of art it is.

>> No.7309012
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x900, Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) [!]-210118-001814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself walking slowly through the environments, just taking in the atmosphere and music.

>> No.7309023

its not what they intended though, and it literally adds nothing to a 3d game

>> No.7309034
File: 2.36 MB, 600x500, E47CCC42-C993-4726-9A1B-4D5BFAC5A228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a classic, it will always been fun to come back to and play.

Dont be afraid to explore either, you can actually get good rewards just doing the random minigames and ending up getting new items and weapons and shit.

>> No.7309045

I think it would be kind of fucked up to play a game for the first time and change it based on other players input. I know the water temple is notorious, I'd be doing myself a disservice by not experiencing it as it was released at least once.

>> No.7309047
File: 84 KB, 960x957, 9E5A13CB-BA13-4537-9A84-27C5B41F88DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah and if you enjoy OoT, Majoras mask is basically the best expansion pack ever. Its a massive tonal shift though, its definitely not the heroes journey of OoT.

>> No.7309074

MM really peaked my interest because of the darker tone, but having never played any Zelda game, it seemed like a bad first game. Honestly, OoT feels way darker than I expected.

>> No.7309078

the dungeon is the same without gimmicky crt filters that were never actually part of the art direction

the game is way longer if you care about all the heart pieces, masks, bottles and skulltulas, nothing of that is needed to beat it but is still fun to go through the side quests and minigames

>> No.7309082

MM is best played after OoT so that it unnerves you more when everyone is a clone of their OoT character yet is a completely different person.

>> No.7309093

> It's great throughout but the last 2 dungeons drop in difficulty after the Water Temple, they might seem too simplistic.
I don't think I agree with this at all. Shadow Temple is plenty complicated, and I think I remember getting stuck in the Spirit Temple though I can't remember on what specifically.
I heard about this for the first time recently. Up until then I thought you had to go all the way from Goron City back to Lost Woods then back to Goron city before opening the shortcut between them.

>> No.7309102

I'm not sure if it's because of the aged 3D graphics or because it was intended, but the game has a very dreamlike feeling. And not a good dream either, a slightly spooky one about your dead grandma o something. The deku tree just fucking dies and the first thing you hear from and NPC is that it's your fault.

>> No.7309109

>it seemed like a bad first game
it is, i love it but is the odd one out in many ways. Tone and mood is actually weird for videogames in general, for some that makes it an acquired taste or don't get into it at all.

>> No.7309139

i think it was very intended. Nintendo had some experimental people on board and is specially noticeable in Majora, they even talk about how they went out of their way to explore with influences and used african stuff and weird tribal shit from all over the world as inspiration. Both are games that gave you a sense of nostalgia even after the first playthrough. Ocarina had so many odd melancholic moments for what was supposed to be a fun epic adventure.

>> No.7309161

Actually look good! Had a question regarding S Video though, does it look better on an older LCD/LED tv that can only go up to 720p vs. a new set that has a standard 1080p or 4k resolution??

>> No.7309337

I recommend the lottes multipass shader for N64 games or just vanilla. Geom scanlines are too visible and it makes it too artificial.

Royale is the most accurate one but it rapes the simple low poly on n64 imo

>> No.7309340

the newer set will probably handle it better, tv m anufacturers used to neglect 240p much more than they do now (though it's still not widely adopted at all). look up "my life in gaming" on youtube if you wanna quality whore your original hardware

>> No.7309351


>> No.7309413

Nigger if you absolutely have to have a filter just put on composite. That's what most shit looked like back then.

>> No.7309443

I love your stance on gaming and I genuinely hope therapy helps. Video games have done wonders for my mental health. Stay safe and enjoy one of the best games ever.

>> No.7310343

>It has a very surreal, dream like quality to it.
This is something Nintendo lost after the N64 generation. There's this delicate balance between "realistic, believable world" and "obviously a video game level" that SM64 and OOT constantly walk. There's also a legitimate contrast between light and dark for both games. Most of the really bleak shit in Ocarina of Time is in the back half of the game so I won't spoil it, but suffice to say the dungeons are much darker, scarier places than Nintendo could ever hope to make since.

>> No.7310350

MM is absolutely the wrong first Zelda game but you're right that OOT (especially the original N64 version) is a much darker game than it's given credit for.

>> No.7310359
File: 71 KB, 250x339, 1383335-250px_grog__ocarina_of_time_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7310360

you might want to adjust gamma or bloom in the shader parameters anon, that shit is too dark

>> No.7310363

started it a few weeks ago and made a thread about it but gave up inside the body of the whale. it creeps me out and I'm lost and confused and don't even know how to destroy those bubbles and where to go and it's all gross to look at.
help me get back into the game and finish it, please.

>> No.7310365

the deku tree scene reminds me of Princess mononoke when all the kodamas start dying. Kind of shit that is not violent or melodramatic but still fucking depressing then you leave and Saria says goodbye in a somber scene on the bridge.

Then back to PAN pararananana bright music when reaching hyrule field, such a contrast of totally melancholic moments followed by the sense of adventure just right after, and every section of the game has something like this, somber , moody as fuck scenes with a lot of implicit nostalgia and doom, then cheery, open, go explore shit tones right after

>> No.7310368

Hope it works out for you bro, couldn’t think of a better game to get you on track

>> No.7310383

So how far are you now? Please keep posting about your progress.

>> No.7310394

theres a shortcut to that level which makes it way faster and easier, you have to know where to fall down, but i don't fully remember.

Honestly, thats my least favorite level, if is genuinely not fun then speed it up with a guide, the game has much to offer after that, right after is the forest temple which is fucking awesome, one of my fav levels ever on a videogame.

>> No.7310448
File: 508 KB, 3200x1680, 635930445672524289-Fire-Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fire mountain

>> No.7310486

"what they intended" vs "what they could do" are 2 different things... Miyamoto once said he wanted Mario to ride a dinosaur during the NES era but couldn't pull it off

>> No.7310498

The drop in difficulty is probably just a matter of perception; the Spirit Temple is complex but you're less likely to get caught in that "Where the fuck do I go now?" trap that most people experience in the Water Temple

>> No.7310825

I hope this thread is alive long enough for OP to get to the Adult Link portion of the game

>> No.7310920

it me

>> No.7311082
File: 218 KB, 1024x907, heaven or hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you're enjoying yourself, which put you above at least half of anyone here.
But yes, it's a magical game, I love it too. Probably the only game that can make me cry.

>> No.7312170

>I recently started therapy so I can get past my child abuse, therapist said that reconnecting with my inner child is really important
glad to hear. yes, you're right about oot being surreal. as someone who finds and grew up with link to the past as the best of the series, the atmosphere and environments, coming one-step closer to real life, were boggling as a teen, especially the music. lots of overlooked tracks that were utterly unique for its time (ie. ambient music in an adventure game)


hope you're able to play majora's mask after this

>> No.7314332
File: 160 KB, 278x400, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the N64 version in 2021
enjoy a tedious water temple, lack of gyro aim and very dated graphics i guess.
the only real thing OG oot has over the 3DS version is a better shadow temple atmosphere and a more stylised ganon fight at the end.
its still a 10/10 either way.

>> No.7314346

oh also OP, when you unlock the temple of time you can actually revert back between being a child and adult whenever you want to, i didn't know this the first time i played and spent hours finding out what i had to do to beat a certain part of the game

>> No.7314371
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, 1538689620770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not op enjoying OoT for the first time right now

>> No.7314459

>worse mixes for the music (most obvious with forest temple music)
>all dark atmosphere (the well, shadow, ganon) ruined
>fog in forest temple gone, removing atmosphere and making it feel emptier
>lousy 30fps conversion, half the animations are unchanged so they're too fast in oot3d
>most animations that WERE changed (e.g. rolls, sidehops) look hideous
>link looks like he's running in slow motion
>movement feels worse overall
>all the inhabitants of hyrule are suddenly rich, their houses filled with random stuff
>you can only play it comfortably when emulated, as the 3DS is a piece of shit compared to a real controller
>no rumble

There's also a few things that don't make as much sense without the N64, like the stone of agony being the actual rumble pak and the N64 controller's buttons being oriented like the ocarina's holes.
Don't get me wrong, oot3d is fine but it's a haphazard job rushed out by a mediocre studio in one year, rather than the singular vision of the original team. For me the downsides aren't worth it for some prettier water and faster iron boots equips.
also if you play the 1.0 version you'll get more blood and sandnigger chants in fire temple

>> No.7314467

Finally someone who isn't a contrarian "It is s shit game tho." faggot.

Ocarina of time was pretty much the perfect game and definitely deserves to be called the best game of all time.

>> No.7314484

I've looked up people playing on YouTube but after 4 videos of different people failing and sucking at it i gave up. got any good one? I'm not to keen on guides when i can't even figure out the graphics and they try to tell me something I don't get.

>> No.7314490

equip deku shield, hold R (without targeting) to crouch while holding the burning stick and you can aim more freely

>> No.7314508

>enjoy a tedious water temple, lack of gyro aim and very dated graphics i guess.
this is a retro gaming board so no one cares about "dated" as a critique

>> No.7314513

I'm playing the virtual console wad on Dolphin in HD. It's perfect.