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730724 No.730724 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite retro scifi-themed RPG? JRPGs or Western RPGs welcomed.

Pic related for now, I'm kind of on a Sega RPG kick right now and I just finished Phantasy Star 1 a couple days ago. It really took me by surprise, I didn't realize it was part first person dungeon crawler. I had a blast plotting out my own maps on paper and collecting as many puzzle clues as I could from NPCs and monsters.

>> No.730754

The German 90s RPG Albion was pretty neat, kinda had a JRPG vibe to it for me.

I wanted to get into the meaty MegaTraveller DOS RPGs but they're 2deep4me.

>> No.730751

The only Phantasy Star that I ever played was II. I like a good RPG but the difficulty of II was just too much for me to handle. I did get pretty far (somewhere on the second planet) but I never got the motivation to finish the game.

>> No.730820
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Yeah I've started playing it after finishing PS1 and it's pretty difficult compared to your average FF game, but I'm having fun with it and embracing the challenge. I'm mostly having trouble with the confusing labyrinthine dungeons. BTW I'm surprised by the heavier story elements like the guy killing his daughter by mistake and taking his own life because of it. Definitely digging it.

>> No.730824

>Your favorite retro scifi-themed RPG

I guess I have to say Phantasy Star too since the only other series I can think of is StarOcean, and that's only loosely sci-fi at best.

What I don't get is how the first PS on Master System had such bright and colorful battle backgrounds that were even animated, and then PS2 you just got a black screen with a half assed blue grid, and PS3 just had dull non-animated backgrounds. How did it regress so badly despite a jump in hardware power?

>> No.730830

I actually thought PS2 was the easiest aside from 4 (which I played so long ago I don't remember). At least in PS2 you could get the item to save anywhere and abuse the hell out of it.

>> No.730838

Don't use maps, make up your own.
No elitism intended, there are no bosses and the mazes are the challenge. Maze design is literally hellish.

>> No.730843

>At least in PS2 you could get the item to save anywhere and abuse the hell out of it.

Seriously? Damn I can't wait to have that. You could actually save anywhere in PS1 and I thought it was interesting that I suddenly wasn't able to do it in PS2.

>> No.730849

Wait till you see the ending. Twilight zone material there.

But yeah, there's very little story in that game, but what there is is amazing. And yeah, don't use internet maps, its a dungeon crawler.

>> No.730853

It's sort of cryptic how you have to obtain it, but I'd go so far as to say it's vital to get on a first playthrough. There's no shame in looking up where to find it in my opinion.

>> No.730857

I didn't know about it so I beat the entire game using the save points at town. It got really intense in the dungeons with monsters that can actually kill you. They don't tell you anything in that game.

>> No.730863

I don't think anyone ever tells you how and the process is luck based anyway.
No way anyone could ever find out without stumbling by chance.

>> No.730870
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My rudimentary, nonsensical attempt at mapping biolab, the dungeon I'm at now. It's tougher mapping these since they're wide open spaces compared to PS1 dungeons so I can't just do nice neat grids.

>> No.730872

Just as a note, there are bosses. There are 4 bosses, 2 of which are in the final dungeon. You'll know the first boss when you meet it, because its standing there. Its in a two part dungeon and if you lose, you do the whole thing over. No pressure.

Man that game was great. I played it for the first time in 2011, and it and 4 were the most fun I'd had in years playing an RPG.

>> No.730881

That's exactly how mine looked like.
Binary trees and trying to see figures out of the room layout all the way!
Also, the top arrow on the chutes indicate whether you're going a floor up or down. If you pay attention they're are colored differently, down for red and yellow for up.

>> No.730883
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Phantasy Star IV is my favorite JRPG. But don't fight too many random battles, since it's not very hard.

PSII was really easy because I gave everyone two shields and spammed itemcasts. Yeah, lots of gear can can spells when used as an item..

Biosystems lab? Looks good to me.

Don't use a guide, particularly if you haven't been spoiled.

>> No.730894

Phantasy Star 1-4 is on my to play list, but 4 is the only game I have right now. I have way too many RPG's on my to play list and I've been more focused on SNES and PSX ones.

>> No.730910

Clever. The way it worked for me, one party member was always without a piece of equipment that could cast Res (heal) so I constantly stocked up on Trimates.
Using items is cool because the next turn it defaults to attacking, meaning one less menu I had to open.

>> No.731040

How is the remake for the PS2? Should I go for it or just play the original?

>> No.731050

Remake for one is pretty neat. Alis looks good, as do the rest of the team. Music is pretty good, though honestly the Mark III version sounds better.

Remake for 2 butchers the music. Removes absolutely all the edge. Plus the new character art is weak, doesn't look as good.

>> No.731060

Hopefully this is an alright thread to ask this in, am I alright to skip Phantasy Star and play 2,3 and 4? I have a Genesis compilation and I'm quite eager to play some Phantasy Star games, but I can not afford the original and I try not to pirate unless I own an original game. Yes, it's sort of stupid of me to do. I suppose I could eemulate the first one after Soul Hackers, but my main worry is missing out on story stuff if I play the Genesis games first.

>> No.731075
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Phantasy Star is included in the 360/PS3 Genesis collection as a bonus, and probably in the PSP one too, though I never checked. There's a handful of Arcade and Master System games in there.

You have to beat the first level of Sonic 2(1?) in 2 player to unlock it. Are you a bad enough dude to do that?

But no, you don't have to play them in any order. They are all sequels, but seperated by 1000 years. I played 4 (the most accessible) first then worked my way back.

>> No.731085


I never got that far, or never got the item.

>> No.731136


I heard that the newer gen comps have unlockable PS, but I'm using the PS2 Genesis Collection instead of one of those newfangeled ones. Otherwise I'd plug in two controllers and beat that Robotnik to unlock the game.

>> No.731160

There's really not much story to begin with. For example in PS2 when a party member first joins you they say like a 2 line intro and that's the last you ever hear from them. It's a pretty bare bones series in terms of character development. In terms of overall plot there's a few references here and there, but you can play them in any order.

>> No.731164
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>> No.731248

Rolf/Nei/Rudolph/Amy is the best team.

>> No.731273


I am SHOCKED that that is not the US box art.

>> No.731275
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>quality Japanese covers

>> No.731308
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The western box arts look ridiculous and the nip ones look incredibly low-budget.

>> No.731793
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I've always liked the US version. It reminds me of those paperback fantasy novels you'd see everywhere in the 80s.

>> No.731803

Doesn't Nei die?

>> No.731808

>several people in thread saying they just started playing
>post spoilers anyway

Way to go, genius.

>> No.732486
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>> No.732491

Not in my game.

>Revive Nei

>> No.732505


At first I thought you meant the Sega Ages remake, but then


I gotcha.

>> No.732518

>That feel when you've thought for years how you would make a spiritual successor to PS4 and revive all the elements that put the original games ahead of their time, and it will never happen the way you want it, if it ever happens at all.

Phantasy Star Online was great, and I enjoy Phantasy Star Universe and Online 2 as well but the series is definitely losing track of it's roots and the careful attention to detail it once had. I'd love a new traditional entry.

>> No.732523

I can't say I was a fan of PSU but I'll praise that it had familiar PS elements. The planet hopping and shout-out to Mother Brain was nice.

PSO2 is probably the most offending one so far, with how blatant and open they are with strange crossovers involving animu and other unrelated games. It's weird because it's one of the stronger post-PSO titles yet it's all over the place in actual Phantasy Star-ness.

I just wish they didn't whore out Dark Force so much.

>> No.732524

Here's something I thought I'd never said.

Phantasy Star Deluxe, the mobile phone remake of the first game, is really, really good.


Didn't even know it existed.

>> No.732525
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Well, not my favorite, but Im really enjoying this cyberpunk adventure-jrpg.

>> No.732529
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I just checked this out. Wow.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna share this one with a friend who's another big fan of the series.

>> No.732542

Sorry but I'm not at all sure how to go about this. If it's a phone game, is it for android? Where would I get it? What's capable of patching it?

>> No.732547

The cover depicts the utter emptiness of the whole game quite accurately.

>> No.732551

Ha ha ha halol pics

>> No.732758
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Now I have a reason to post this picture :) I'm happy to see all the Phantasy Star Threads!

>> No.732760
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The US Boxes are pretty neat, although PSII Box is strange because Rolf is super old on it and Nei looks like a demon with horns

>> No.732772

Seriously, what the hell were they thinking? The other US boxarts look decent, but PSII just looks horrible.

>> No.732931

I really want to like PS1-3, but they're just so damn slow and bad I can't bring myself to play them. PS4 however is the stuff of legends, and I really like the series universe as a whole.

>> No.732978
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I haven't played PS4, but for some reason, I am compelled to beat 2 before hand.

>> No.732990
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> do want

>> No.732995

I got the Sega Genesis Collection for PSP, [mostly due to Kid Chameleon/Comix Zone/Sonic/Ristar] and jone day just started playing IV. Figuring the newest would be the best for me to get into [I really hate old school JRPGS] and I fell in love with this game. It's everything most JRPGs are not. I'm currently up to what I think is the last boss. Although I've thought that about five times up until this point. This game totally sold me on the series, though.

I really should get back to it. I kinda dropped it since I've reached the boss and I'm laughably underlevelled.

Despite owning it on PSP, I did pick up the GBA port and a Genesis copy of PSII though, because COLLECTING. Any definitive version to play?

>> No.733021
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That's a Bunny Girl Figure I bought a couple years back from online, shes over 12 inches tall and a really nice addition to my wife and I's figure collection.

>> No.733018

>Any definitive version to play?
The Playstation II version.

>> No.733040
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And here's the rest of me and my wife's figure collection.

>> No.733047

Ignore this faggot. The definitive version is the original genesis and md release.

>> No.733081

Ps II rocks but be warned that its a super oldschool rpg from 1989. It is very different in presentation to IV but great in its own way. Play it on genesis or on a collection which is just an emulated version such as the 360 or psp. It is a pure dungeon crawler with minimal though great story

>> No.733856
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Obviously not an RPG, but I just started playing the original Metroid, drawing my own maps on graph paper. I'd never done this before (minus a few dozen hours in the Etrian Odyssey series). Figuring everything out yourself is really enjoyable.

I read about this a few years ago. Shame they never finished the translation hack.

>> No.733865

anyone who subtracts from the score of the level design because it's "repetitive' doesn't get this, you can't get lost if it's special landmarks orienting you all the time. it's a dungeon, you need to be able to get lost so that mapping is a necessity.

>> No.733871

>that bladegrip
Where the gunblade started.

>> No.733897
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Are you surprised to know that gunblades were actually a thing?

>> No.733947

I never thought of it that way, but that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.733962

That's a really cool cabinet. I love those dark red wood style ones.

>> No.733973

The fact that they are real things doesn't detract from the goofiness of the concept. In real life, they were fancy toys for rich people, and were not used as practical weapons.

>> No.734741
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>> No.734882

Well, the first one has a remake for the PlayStation 2 and the movement, battles and everything is really fast, is a joy to play it.

>> No.736210

B-but these all look good

>> No.736215
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>> No.736228

Nei can't use guns in-game.
Muh autism...

>> No.736236

I thought only PS2 got a remake, the first one had a (surprisingly decent) remake for cellphones.

>> No.736237

Only PS2 got a Ps2 remake... Yeah.

>> No.736261

What's the one with bright blue hair?

>> No.736262

Holy shit, you could literally put anything in that cabinet and have it look classy.

I mean you've filled it with anime porn figures and it looks downright refined somehow.

>> No.736954
File: 118 KB, 720x540, bome oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue haired bunny girl is a recolor of a Bome figure. The Blue haired one at the bottom is the Bome Blue Oni figure.

>> No.737201
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Is this scifi? I quite liked this game, even though the whole Swordian aspect wasn't very good

>> No.737261

I don't think so. It's more like medieval fantasy meets modern world technology.
Still...what didn't like about the Swordians? Their character? Their game mechanics?

>> No.737341

They need to make a Star Ocean game that's straight up just Star Trek. I know that the first game was suppose to be an Away Mission episode, and Last Hope was suppose to be TNG First Contact, but I want vast exploration of planets, a lot of time on ships and dealing with ship to ship issues, too.

>> No.737421

the latter. They kind of made standard weapons superfluous, and I really liked the various swords, axes and polearms in ToP.

>> No.737630

This is why I hated SO at first. I wanted Star Trek but got nothing but castles and swordsmen like every other RPG. By the time 4 rolled around I just accepted that was the style they were going for and never intend to make it full sci-fi. 4 though at least had the most sci-fi elements since you were in charge of the space ship.

>> No.737723

Oh yeah. It didn't bother me that much (and you could always use Mary to check on those), but I understand what you mean.