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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7301701 No.7301701 [Reply] [Original]

What was your first console?
Do you still have it?
Does it still work?
How often could you afford games when you were little?

>> No.7301706

nes was my first i dont have it anymore

>> No.7301726

I do.
It still works, needs a little cleaning though.
Not often, i rented the games, where i'm from the carts were expensive as fuck, so everyone had a PSX.

>> No.7301727

Sega Saturn
I do still have it, but it's kept at my mother's house.
It does still work.
I can't remember how often I would get games for it but I think I had about 8 before I was gifted a Playstation about a year later. My favorites were Clockwork Knight and Daytona.

>> No.7301747

Atari 2600
I no longer have it

>> No.7301753

Original Gameboy or NES -- I can't remember which I got first.
Still have them at my parent's house.
They should still work.
I can't remember how often, but I remember going to Funcoland and getting used games instead of new ones most of the time.

>> No.7301887

N64, still works. Had a weird problem a while back where it would randomly reset, I thought it might be the power supply or the ram card but both looked fine when I took them apart. I ended up disassembling the entire thing and putting it back together and now it runs fine.

>> No.7301951

1. If we're talking of actual consoles it was the GameGear, but I left out all the other 8- and 16-bit consoles, since my next already was the PS1. But speaking of games in general first I played on an east german KC85 (and the Poly-Play multi-game Arcade), second machine was a C64.
2. I still have all my old hardware.
3. It's a GameGear, of course it doesn't work anymore like around 95% of all devices, since this might have been one of the most shoddy made consoles.
4. For the GameGear? Not very often. Console games were obscenely expensive especially compared to the rather short games. I only had 7 games for it (excluding the multi game cartridge that came with it only 6). Getting games cheap or for free for my C64, Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 was so much easier.

>> No.7302052

Model 1 Genesis. It's somewhere in the ether, by way of Funcoland. Dunno. Allowance went to a rental usually.

>> No.7302153

My parents had already owned a few consoles and handhelds before I was around, like the N64 and GBA.
For a console that I acquired for myself, I can't remember between 2 handhelds. I bought a blue GameBoy Pocket off of an acquaintance for about $20 back in 5th grade. It still works, but it definitely shows signs of age (minor screen problems, stiff buttons, missing battery cover). I prefer to play my GameBoy games on the semitransparent GBA mentioned earlier.
At around the same time, I got the other handheld, which was a Model 1 Game Gear. I think I got it for around $40 at the time, along with some Sonic games. Unfortunately, it turns off on its own after a second every time I power it on now. I thought about fixing it and maybe giving it an LCD mod in the future.

>> No.7302424

GameCube, still in the corner of my room

>> No.7302491

It was one of three consoles (Zoomer warning if you're so inclined)

I got an SNES and an N64 from my aunt's house. She decided to give it to me at some point. This was around 2007. We only ever had 3 games for it - Super Mario World, Mario Kart 64, and Mario Party 3. I never even played the last game and never got new games because I never saw the point at the time. Last time I saw them was around 2013. Family shit happened a few years later to ensure there was no possibility of seeing it again.

The first console I considered solely mine instead of a family console was my PS2 I got one Christmas around 2012. I accumulated about 12 games for it, mostly mediocre licensed stuff as I didn't know what people liked or cared for back then. The only game exception to this anecdote that I remember was Gran Turismo 3. It still holds great memories with me of my best personal years of my life. My dad sold off all of the games and possibly the cables too around 2015. Thankfully, the console survived the internet auctions and somehow turned up only a few years ago. I have the console itself now sitting in storage.

>> No.7302515

The PS1
I do.
It doesn't work properly anymore because the disc reader has some kind of issue where it only recognizes the disc occasionally. Most of the games I play aren't on original hardware, although I do have an NES that I got later.
I had a pretty decent collection of games when I was little, but the majority of them were for PC.

>> No.7302552

I played on the Megadrive/Genesis but I cannot really remember it.
I remember playing on PS1 but it wasnt really mine and I only remember playing Gex on it.
At some point I had a PS2 and a Gamecube.
Dont have any of these anymore and I dont care.

>> No.7303293

Sega Genesis.
Very often, I still have them.

>> No.7303409

little. lol.

>> No.7303445

>What was your first console?
Genesis model 2, got it in 1992 for my birthday
>Do you still have it?
>Does it still work?
>How often could you afford games when you were little?
only got them for Christmas or birthdays, when I was 11 onwards I could get my own games because I had money from yard work jobs around the neighborhood but PS1 was the thing then so I was buying PS1 games.

>> No.7303473

GBC it was handed down to me
I dont physically have it now i emulate
It probably got trashed but probably works
I couldnt afford shit i was little

>> No.7303560
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, gameboy black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Play It Loud! edition Gameboy in 1995. Years later I gave it to a younger brother who might still have it. I have two other DMGs now, both with backlight mods.

Five years later I bought a Nintendo 64 with the money from my first summer job. I still have that in working order.

>> No.7303612
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1944, Family_Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this round bootleg Famicom, called Family Game. It belonged to my mom before me. Bootleg famicom cartridges were commonly sold around the 2000's in Argentina, I had like 20 of them (some had more than one game). I have very fond memories of asking my grandpa if he could buy me a new game. Me and my brother both actually. We were a little bit spoiled, but always very grateful. The console itself still works, but you can't unplug the controllers and they're a little messed up. I would try to fix them, but since they're at least 30 years old and emulating NES is so easy, I just don't care. I keep it for the childhood memories. I don't think I'll ever have kids (just broke up with my gf for this reason, along many others) but if I ever do, I'll let them play with my Family Game. Or at least a properly working replacement. I want them to appreciate what games used to be like, as I, a 23 year old zoomer, consider myself lucky for getting to experience that back when I was a kid.

tldr: i made a blogpost about this chinese bootleg i had as a kid

>> No.7303640

Pics of mom, not the console, dumbass

>> No.7303650

At least 3 games a week. Nintenpoorfags seethe.

>> No.7303660

yeah just wait patiently, I'll surely deliver

>> No.7303685

Tf is with the "real" famicom next to it? Did you mod in extra buttons and front controller ports?

>> No.7303690

It's a bootleg as well, just a more subtle one. Pic isn't mine either.

>> No.7303694

Also I assume the extra buttons are Turbo. My console had little switches for it.

>> No.7303719

NES and no, that particular NES was lost in one of our many moves when I was a kid. I bought another one when I was 13 with some birthday and lawnmowing money I saved up.

>> No.7303729


>> No.7303772

Gameboy Pocket with Super Mario Land
Honestly, by the time I was set up with Pokemon Blue that was the only game I needed for Gameboy. I got a N64 for a Christmas and then I put every Birthday or Christmas towards N64 games.

>> No.7303832
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Doesn't work anymore, but here it is.

Couldn't buy my own games - I was like 4. Got games from birthday/Christmas/brothers/etc.

I didn't actually upgrade to a gameboy color until like 2001. Good times.

>> No.7303839
File: 1.72 MB, 2264x4760, gameboydeyellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom gave it to my cousins when we got a PS1 because they were poorer than us.
Turns out their mom wouldn't let them play it and they played it literally ONCE when WE visited and they made ME ask for the console.
Few years later they actually turned rich and got a PS2. That NES was never heard of again.

As for NES games, we'd get one once in a while. One time a friend even gave me a game he didn't like for my birthday, and it was a good game (Mission Impossible).

I still have my OG phat GB however but it's broken, I intend to repair it. Last summer I de-yellowed it already.

>> No.7303840

This thing is disgusting dude. Clean that mess inside&out, then check if it still doesn't run. If it still doesn't, repair it.

>> No.7303845

>I would try to fix them

A good cleaning will fix most NES/Famicom pads.
In the worst case scenario you'll just need to refurbish the d-pads with graphite or tape

>> No.7303854

My parents had an NES and SNES before I was born, but the first console they got for me was the PS1. I haven’t had it for a long time now. I wish I did. My dad sold it, I think. I guess he figured since the PS2 was BC, the PS1 was redundant. We were able to afford games usually, but since I was young, we mostly stuck to rentals. If I really liked a game, they’d usually get it for me. I mostly stuck to WWF games, licensed garbage. Sometimes good games like Spyro.

>> No.7303858

A famiclone. I don't have it anymore, disposed of a long time ago due to failure, it was a NOAC if I remember properly. We primarly used multicarts bundled with these clones but very rarely we bought other bootlegs on the local flea market or sometimes traded games between each other.

>> No.7303869


Pfft no way. I'm keeping it as-is for nostalgia's sake. It's not like I actually want to play it anymore.

>> No.7304036

Gamecube. It broke and I got rid of it a really long time ago.
The console I play the most on is an atari 2600 I inherited when I was little. I bought cartridges off ebay for it with my allowance so it was sort of like growing up in the 80s a bit.

>> No.7304042

PS1. Not sure if I still have the very first one I owned, but I do still have a PSOne which I inherited from my grandad (no idea why he even bought one). Not sure if it still works.

Not really sure how often I got games but between the ones I had, my grandad's stash and an older friend lending them to me, I must have had about 20 games on the console. But to be honest, most of the time I just played the demo discs that came with PlayStation Magazine.

>> No.7304187

Good call

>> No.7304259

A Sega Saturn. I paid about $400 for it when it was brand new (imported).
I still have it, chipped now with a Phantom. Still works.
I was a poor teenager working for minimum wage at the time, so maybe once or twice a year?
Favorite games are probably Burning Rangers and SF3.

>> No.7304267

>It's not like I actually want to play it anymore.
get a backlight and a flashcart, then you will

>> No.7304276

Master System
Twice a year.

>> No.7304406

Eh, I'd just buy a another one, if that's ever the case. This one has too much sentimental value to me, to want to do anything to it.

>> No.7304435
File: 24 KB, 433x320, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first handheld was the leapster L-max. But my actual first handheld was the gba sp

>> No.7304442

N64, I got from my parents when I was 6 in 1996.
Yes, although I had to get chinese replacements for power supply and video cables.
Most of my N64 games were bought by my parents, I usually got 2 games every year from them and rarely an odd one from some other relative.

>> No.7304448

>What was your first console?
Sega Genesis
>Do you still have it?
>Does it still work?
>How often could you afford games when you were little?
Once or twice a year

>> No.7304464

First game system? Spectrum 128K. Very first console? NES.

>> No.7304737

No, but I've since gotten a new one
That one works, yes
Almost never, but we did go to blockbuster a lot, so I was able to play a fair amount of games.

>> No.7304738

>What was your first console?
OG Xbox. Amiga 500 or G&W if you count those
>Do you still have it?
I still have the Xbox
>Does it still work?
I have no idea, probably not since it hasn't been turned on in 10+ years and is most likely a 1.6 model.
>How often could you afford games when you were little?
Probably not very often, but I was never much of a buyfag and neither was my mom.

>> No.7304761
File: 25 KB, 243x422, 1610776622300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Dreamcast.
I don't still have it, but I do have one I've slowly been modding. I do still have the first Xbox we ever had though, beaten up and filthy. Can't wait to restore it.
We never bought games when we were young, my dad had a buddy that would pirate the shit out of games for us. Did this for the Dreamcast, PS2, and our Xbox was/is modded so we'd make trips to Blockbuster every weekend and rent a game for a night just to install it and keep it.

>> No.7306314

First console was the NES, got it for Christmas in 1991 when I was 6.

I do still have it, looking at it right now actually.

It still works great, probably better than when I first got it. I put a BLW in it a few months back.

My family was lower-middle-class, but since the SNES was already out (or would be shortly) when I got my NES, NES carts were pretty easy to get for cheap.

>> No.7306563

>What was your first console?
>Do you still have it?
>Does it still work?
>How often could you afford games when you were little?

The first console my parents owned were an Atari 2600 with like 30 games. My dad bought a bunch of them at discount price. But then they bought me and my other siblings a Nintendo Entertainment System. And I was lucky to get new games on either my birthday or Christmas. I rented or borrowed/ swapped temporarily NES games from friends. The first console I bought was the Sega Saturn. I would either buy games full price or bargain biun pricce, if luccky. Whenever I bought games, I would always check the bargain bins or pawnshops or go to rental places and look at their "previously played" selections that they put up for sale.

>> No.7306572
File: 185 KB, 879x670, guybrush-and-elane-never-pay-more-than-20-bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey Island told me this advice, and I stuck with it.

>> No.7308046

Nintendo 64
Still have it, now in a box due to a move, but was plugged into my TV with my PS3 and PS4 until last week.
Yes, still works like the first day.
Not very often, usually as present on christmas/birthday.

>> No.7308061

Atari 2600. Still have it, still works but no joysticks.

>> No.7308157

How do you know it works?

>> No.7308624
File: 197 KB, 1645x1539, polystation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still have it?
Nope, I think it broke when I still was young
>Does it still work?
>How often could you afford games when you were little?
For pic-related in particular, few to none, but later on, 1 every 3 months or so.

>> No.7308654
File: 237 KB, 1440x1080, turbogame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was your first console?
Pic related, very popular non-chinesium famiclone of the time period
>Do you still have it?
>How often could you afford games when you were little?
I didn't need to afford anything since this was my FATHER'S console. He'd rent games every weekend. Shortly after we upgraded to a SNES
and beating Super Mario World was one of the kinoest experiences we had together. Too bad he stopped playing entirely after the PS1 gen.

>> No.7308685

Original Gameboy
No. it was stolen when our house got robbed.
I can only remember ever owning Gameboy Gallery 5 games in 1 and The Addams Family. It's weird that I didn't have Tetris, but I think Mum and Dad bought it second hand.

>> No.7308726

SNES. I had 3 or 4 games with it and the only other games I played were games I would borrow.

Then when I got the N64 my mom gave the SNES away to some poor cousin that I didn't even know.


>> No.7308729

I played a fair amount of NES/SNES/Genesis growing up but think of the PlayStation as my first console. I hocked a ton of video game stuff when I was a teenager, and while I don't have any distinct memory of selling my PS1 or any of those games, they're nowhere to be found. My dad has been slowly cleaning out his basement, and has unearthed a small amount of Wii stuff, so there's some hope for me that there are boxes down there with my old PS1 stuff and maybe my GBA, too.

The first console that was ever completely my own was my Game Boy Color, yellow one like OP but a Pokemon one. My brother was messing with it a few years ago and the screen got cracked, I'm guessing it ended up in the garbage. I had the serious luxury of being the first grandchild, first nephew, first great grandchild etc so I had a ton of games as a kid. I would get them as gifts on practically every major holiday, and then my Christmas/Birthday money would also get spent on games. When I think about the Christmases and Birthdays of years past, I can always remember what games I got on which holiday, and how old I was.

>> No.7309140

Very little, we had SMB/Duck Hunt, which came with it, and then Battletoads. Anything else was a rental.