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7296543 No.7296543 [Reply] [Original]

Are there other RPGs from this era that had a similar tropical/water theme? The atmosphere of this game is so unique

>> No.7296590

Skies of Arcadia had a nautical theme kinda

>> No.7296636

This would be just after this era, but Final Fantasy X & X-II as well as the opening area of Kingdom Hearts.
Kind of? Still a great game, but it's much more "Jules Verne: The JRPG".

>> No.7296641

Yeah anything near the turn of the millennium works, FFX is a perfect example actually

>> No.7297476

FFX came out two years later and I think it's island theme was directly inspired by Cross.

>> No.7297729
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Has perhaps TOO MUCH water

>> No.7297864


>> No.7298675
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Chrono Cross has plenty of flaws but it has no problems being comfy.

>> No.7298791

It amazes me that people dislike prerendered backgrounds

>> No.7298903

Beach area from Sonic Adventure

>> No.7298925

>"See that mountain? you can climb it"
Its only zoomers who grew up with this, they prefer copypast jank over deliberate artistry

>> No.7298942

mario sunshine, too bad its not very fun to play

>> No.7298974
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>> No.7299038

Prerendered backgrounds and locked cameras are the peak of presentation. They give a lot more life to a place than being able to travel around a flat uninspired land with a locked camera because the devs had to compromise a hundred times more to get that out the door.

>> No.7299239


Tile-based worlds are still better for gaming. They may or may not LOOK the best, but if presentation must suffer so that interactivity can flourish, then it ought to suffer.

>> No.7299243

Super Mario Sunshine except your controller is damaged so you have to wait an extra second or three every time you take an action

>> No.7299261

>so that interactivity can flourish
i can climb the samey looking mountain i saw in the background that looks exactly as every other mountan omg omg omg omg omg thank you tood howard

can't wait to explore the copy pasted dungeon and Samey enemies procedurally generated, much immersion guaranteed

>> No.7299402


I was talking about things like Metroid you goofy strawman battler. It's valuable for there to be visible tiles that clearly show the mechanical nature of the world, as opposed to pre-rendered imagery that looks much more realistic and complicated than it is and so interferes with some aspects of gameplay.

Pre-rendered backgrounds are cool though, I'm not saying they're bad. And yeah the thing you're babbling about sounds kinda lame - what is that, Morrowind or something? I never played whatever game that is, but I played Daggerfall and it sucked.

I mean there should be procedurally generated content too though. It just shouldn't be BORING procedurally generated content. That, tiles (or other structures with the same benefit), and handcrafted content should all be present. Throw your Todd Howard thing in the trash and replace it with Spelunky, now you've got yourself a respectable game.

And also take away the tropical setting if there is one, because it's ugly-looking.

>> No.7299423

So why do zoomers hate Sunshine again? Did an ecleb release a video telling them they should recently?

>> No.7299456

zoomers probably love it the same way they love Windwaker only because some memetuber made it popular. The game sucks and the fludd made it the worst 3d mario to control, so stiff and tedious.

>> No.7301326

Neither of these are RPGs

>> No.7301329

>guys I'm totally a boomer, really!
lmao sure you are, zoom zoom

>> No.7302581

It was a few years later, but Suikoden IV. Not a great game, sadly.

>> No.7302631

I was a kid when it came out
Hated it then and it still sucks
They took everything that felt good about controlling Mario and fucked it apart, stuck a lame-ass forced water gimmick in and called it a day

>> No.7302712

Nice larp

>> No.7302720

Nice cope

>> No.7302793

lmao the fall back of a retard trying hard to make me believe his bullshit!

>> No.7302818

lmao the delusional cope of a retard resolving cognitive dissonance in the most low IQ way possible!

>> No.7302826

don't forget that's also when they started the cheesy story crap

>> No.7302832

Nice samefagging, tranny

>> No.7302854

I'm not against story per se, it was well done in odyssey
Go away dude your delusion has lost its comedic value

>> No.7302879

>Go away
No, YOU leave. Trannies aren't allowed here and you'll never fit in.

>> No.7303156

Thinking about what your life must be like makes me sad

>> No.7303169


>> No.7303185

O'm not the one that dilates

>> No.7303194

Yeah but you seem like a giant faggot