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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7296060 No.7296060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite DK game, /vr/

>> No.7296062

The SNES trilogy as a whole package.

>> No.7296262

Jungle Beat
DK64 is also very high up there

>> No.7296740
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DKC1 or 2 probably. Either that or GB Donkey Kong

>> No.7297304


>> No.7297320

DKC, sheerly due to the novelty pf pre rendered sprites, I never saw anything like it until that game

>> No.7297326


>> No.7297368

I have a tie going with all three DKC games. If I want to sit down and relax and get lost in the atmosphere then I play DKC1 and feel like I'm 8 again.

If I want precision gaming and to go for 102% completion with the best platforming in the series then I play DKC2.

If I want a casual experience with a fun atmosphere and a relaxed 103% game (except the last fucking rocket barrel level which fucking makes me sweat) I play DKC3.

I don't dislike any of them and dont consider one better than the others. I can't say I'm a big fan of any other main stream DK games though. The Returns series wasn't my cup of tea although I did beat them.

>> No.7297397
File: 25 KB, 307x153, 74C02276-A5C0-46AA-B75C-1D667E3C9EED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucking murdered

>> No.7297562

I saw that spergout you had the other day. Please god, get professional help!

>> No.7297568

What spergout? What did Lee do again?

>> No.7297606
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I find the NES version to be the definitive version.

>> No.7297613

What are you talking about

>> No.7297730

unironically DK64 and DKC2

>> No.7297752 [DELETED] 

I'm a new, why do you want OP to die? Why are you linking a weird picture?

>> No.7297803

Donkey Konga, US version of course

>> No.7297846
File: 1.03 MB, 2232x1898, TmOZ8UF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lee's entire life is a non-stop spergout. Reminder that he's this way because they made him watch barney in tard class.

>> No.7297874

No, but the anon is talking about a recent spergout "the other day", has me curious.

>> No.7297935


>> No.7297938

A /v/ thread with the same OP where he got a custom redtext message. It was something like: "Please god, get professional help."

>> No.7297940

DK64 completely unapologetically and unironically

>> No.7297943
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>> No.7297953

its a bot

>> No.7297956

dk country 2

>> No.7298057 [DELETED] 

He sounds schizophrenic.

>> No.7298075
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>> No.7298087
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DK 94 is definitely the epitome of donkey games, and now that gba is allowed. Mario vs donkey kong is on par with Dk 94. They are absolutely fantastic with a shit ton of great levels and replayability. The DKC games deserve the spot as the best games where you actually get to play as donkey kong and only the first DKC game can hold that title.

>> No.7298096

Take a syringe of bleach and fill up your ballsack, please.

>> No.7298102 [DELETED] 

Huh? How am I ESL? Have you tried take medicine?

>> No.7298104

>op asks for game
>first post fucks it all up

>> No.7298108
File: 160 KB, 990x600, cute-baby-bats-awesomelycute-com-10-24-2014-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life must be rough... Im sorry, anon. Here is cute flying doggos to lift your spirits.

>> No.7298131
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>> No.7298136 [DELETED] 

Chill with the racism, dude. I'm trying to have a DK thread.

>> No.7298159

All or nothin', baby. Just like Kong's Banana Hoard.

>> No.7298165

I really can't tell anymore if it's an Autist pretending to be Lee, or Lee's mental health is deteriorating more and more.

Thoughts on the DKC cartoon, /vr/?

>> No.7298179

Who the heck is Lee? I feel like a newfag. I only pop in here sporadically.

>> No.7298182

>Who the heck is Lee?
Barneyfag's real name.

>> No.7298187

Oh, apparently this is some sort of lolcow I hadn't heard of until now.

>> No.7298194
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>> No.7298242

Are you serious? For a decade, Barneyfag has be a staple of the 4chan experience now. ANYTHING can trigger him.
fuck, even a stock OFFICIAL render of Donkey Kong set him off just because it was also on Derpibooru.

>> No.7298529

why would my life be rough? because I enjoy a game that sheep think is bad because some YouTubers said so? a revision of history that has attempted to be reinforced here and on /v/? Never that.

>> No.7298538
File: 32 KB, 370x269, DK_Country_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best platformer on the SNES.

>> No.7298563

maybe the best *pure* platformer, but it has competition in the genre with super castlevania and super metroid

>> No.7299121
File: 809 KB, 852x480, dkcgbcend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a little out of nostalgia, but the gbc version of DKC 1. I have the original on snes mini, but this one will always have a place in my heart for the turn-on-a-dime controls and soundtrack, even if said soundtrack was from a gameboy game.


>> No.7299143

My guy. Admittingly it was my first proper DK game, but fuck me if kid me didn't enjoy it enough to get all 201 golden bananas twice. Actually started a file last year and was enjoying it even then, ought to get back to it.

I get what people mean when they shittalk it, but truth be told, the thing with colored pickups actually hasn't been that bad. They still guide you to where you'd want to go for each character, so eh.

>> No.7299772

Dkc2, but second is actually DKLand, its great

>> No.7300520 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7302145
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>> No.7302187

You should genuinely....genuinely think about suicide, it will help you more than medication ever will.

>> No.7302195


Did I stutter?

>> No.7303680
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>> No.7304047

cv4 is no where near as good as dkc2 or super metroid.

>> No.7304160

Also throwing my hat in DK94 and Mario Vs. Donkey Kong.I really wished they went back to the arcade gameplay and Mario/DK rivalry.

>> No.7305712
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>> No.7306467
File: 350 KB, 736x570, DONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's posting ponies, you autist.
Post Donkey Kong for fuck off.

>> No.7306475

Why have you decided to extend your rage to DK? Did they also force you to play DK64 in your sped class or something?

>> No.7306552
File: 827 KB, 956x1271, Guy_de_Rothschild_1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey kong 64 sucks just as much as banjo kazooie and conkers bad cunt day. Rare was trash on the 64, thats my opinion you cant sway me on this. You can like it all you want, but its like being a limp bizkit fan.

>> No.7307102

All n64 games suck

>> No.7307535

I forgot that DKC had a sixth world. suddenly I like it a whole lot more.

>> No.7308330
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>> No.7309807

DKC Returns
DK Jr.

>> No.7311245

>conkers bad cunt day

I'm sorry but this is a terrible play on the title.

>> No.7311307
File: 81 KB, 879x563, 166e13d83546c02dff3964d6caf692f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong Country 2, but everyone likes that game. There are no bad Donkey Kong games aside from Barrel Blast, King of Swing, and Jungle Climber.

DK64 needs more love, tell me what you love about DK64. For me it's Crystal Caves and Creepy Castle, good atmosphere and fun to explore.

>> No.7311656
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>> No.7311706

Still one of the best platformers, and maybe something like Super Meatboy rivals its spot.

>> No.7312243

Not the biggest fan of DK64 but love the music, vibe and concept. I remember Frantic Factory being especially memorable.

>> No.7312283


>> No.7312290
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>> No.7312306

Best platformer ever

>> No.7313801

Not really a huge fan of DK64's music, but i really like the aesthetics of Angry Aztec and Frantic Factory.

>> No.7313859

I'm guessing Hooter the owl got reworked into Squawks the parrot?

>> No.7313872

I don't have the patience for most Donkey Kong games, but I like the original.

>> No.7314245

Kloak ended up making into the second game

>> No.7315184

Playing DKC3 for the first time (I was a Genesis kid) having loved the previous two. This one really feels so much more hollow than the others. I can't really pin it down, but it definitely feels less like anyone wanted to make it.

Still, I wish there were more games like DKC2

>> No.7316087

Call me crazy but I like Gloomy Galleon. The swim physics aren't as bad as other early 3D platformers and I like the subtly eerie vibe. Water levels always made me nervous as a kid so it was cool to see one that leaned in on the creepy aesthetic.

>> No.7316148
File: 65 KB, 750x1078, FB_IMG_1609352090250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that Nintendo isn't gonna give us shit for the 40th anniversary this year

>> No.7317316

DK64 was a good game, it just kinda felt like it was biting off more than it could chew at times. I do agree that the later levels are amazing.

>> No.7318125
File: 62 KB, 512x396, dkcrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good atmosphere and fun to explore
Probably the only level I'd talk shit about, particularly in this regard, is Angry Aztec, and having played through that part recently, I don't even know why I thought this, even that level is enjoyable. Shout out to Frantic Factory, as a kid, I'd go back to that one just for its setting and music, just running around pelting baddies even when there was no more to do.

K. Rool Duel is where it's at, though. Just the lengths you have to go to just because this scaly fuck just won't quit. Has to take almost literally giving him the boot to end it, and that's after decking him in the face like four times or something.

>> No.7318616

DK64 has a good soundtrack. The problem is mainly just that it has too many Banjo-Kazooie-isms, resulting in a very different atmosphere to what the DKC trilogy had

>> No.7319374

DKC3 was basically a B team game, as most of the people involved the first two moved onto n64 projects.

>> No.7319409

Still better than any Rare N64 game.

>> No.7319451

Limp Bizkit are better than N64 Rare games.

>> No.7319853

While It's not quite as good as DKC1&2, DKC3 is a solid game that I think is under-appreciated.

>> No.7319857

I miss when they were puzzle platformers
The Lemmings stuff is fine but we’ve had enough of it

>> No.7320478
File: 261 KB, 900x607, Kaczynski-Prison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya gotta feel sorry for em tho, stuck indoors being shown the worst of what western media has to offer in lieu of an actual education

>> No.7320495

Donkey Kong 94 is the perfect action-puzzle-platformer and maybe the best game of all time

>> No.7320591

I quite enjoy DKC, DKC2 and DK '94. I personally find DKC2 to be the peak, its just too high quality. DKC to a lesser degree, I treat it like I do with Sonic 1 or SMB1; a novel first entry but very flawed and just a nostalgia trip, vastly outdone by other sequels.

I cant bring myself to like DKC3. Something about it is aggressively not very fun or engaging for me. The "B team last minute leftovers" vibe it gives off is very apparent. Never played DK64 but apparently everyone hates it now.