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7291519 No.7291519 [Reply] [Original]

I recently played through Silent Hill 4 and it seemed great. Difficult and different than the previous three games but still great. Are people bad at it? Is it too different? Are people just fucked in the head?

>> No.7291528

Cause there's too little unique content. Half way through the game it turns into a horrible escort mission through the same fucking levels. It's obvious this was rushed and came out half-baked.

>> No.7291536

>Are people bad at it?
That's the question for Homecoming. So fucking great after the intro, but actually difficult. You need to save ammo and not kill everything.

>> No.7291541

>bad game actually good
>me clever

>> No.7291556

Honestly I could see that but you explore more of some of the environments on the second run through, and you go through a lot a quicker making it less of a slog and more of a "level rush", what with Walter chasing you, new objectives, more enemies. though i do agree the escort mission is prob what killed it for most people.

>> No.7291625

Silent Hill 4 is the Resident Evil 4 of the series. Classic fans hate it, nu-fans love it. I guess any survival horror game with "4" in the title is a bad sign.

>> No.7291630

>>7291519 (OP)
Silent Hill 4 is the Resident Evil 4 of the series. Classic fags hate it, real fans love it. I guess any survival horror game with "4" in the title is a great sign.

>> No.7291773

t. Triggered RE4cuck

>> No.7291793

It felt more like a game that was inspired by silent hill rather than a proper silent hill, It was also unnecesary, this game adds nothing to the first three which are togueter a perfect bundle. I also never cared for any of the games that came after, for me silent hill was the first three games and that was more than enough for that franchise before it got stale and bland.

I originally played the first three one after the other and this one just gave me fatigue. Its not terrible, but also not really memorable.

>> No.7292149

>It felt more like a game that was inspired by silent hill rather than a proper silent hill, It was also unnecesary, this game adds nothing to the first three which are togueter a perfect bundle.
That's pretty much what it was, they wanted to make a spinoff game and it was only going to be called "The Room" originally, but I guess Konami forced them to add "Silent Hill" to the title for better sales. It was always going to be related to SH though, the meme of it being a completely unrelated game at first isn't true.

I thought it had some good ideas but became way too repetitive and haven't really wanted to replay it.

>> No.7292158

It goes to shit half-way through. Also different isn't always better.
>plot is a giant rehash of 2
>hey guys this dude is was a soldier which is why we have him jabbing back and forth with his weapon and QTA combos!
>except the twist of the game is that he actually wasn't
the fact that he was supposed to be a soldier in the first place wasn't even used in any cool ways since the enemies are all generic as possible without any thematic relevance which if you're already copying 2 why wouldn't you go all the way? Plus it becomes hostel at the end for no reason which is a huge tone shift and very out of place for Silent Hill.
No, RE4 is a great game. SH 4 is regarded as okay at best by most people. Also Silent Hill doesn't even have nu-fans

>> No.7292329


>> No.7292332
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Homecoming is easy. It's also one of the worst games ever made. You're retarded.

>> No.7292628

Silent Hill was ALWAYS about giving more control to the player and ALWAYS had characters be able to do some strong as fuck move.

SH1 has strafing (no survival horror had that) and a variety of melee weapons. As for QTEs? "Spam X to get free of enemy", every SH game has that.

SH3 has a combo system, even fighting game style input like to perform the forward attack with the katana.
SH4 has the combo/strength system

In short you're complaining about things which your beloved "Team Silent" already did. Silent Hill was always action required and ALWAYS gave more moves/control to the player than your average survival horror.
Let's not even mention that you're complaining that a strong young man knows how to fight, but teenage Heather or beta middle aged men are totally fine guys; and yes, it is the same thing. Like I said Heather knows how to weild a katana, do special moves with it, so does the guy in SH4. etc

>> No.7292639

the rehash part was awful, but up until then it's a good game

>> No.7292641

That's a nice rant there but my point was that the creators gave the justification to the fans that the reason Alex could all that shit was cause he was in the military only for the main twist of the game to be that he actually wasn't.

>> No.7292645

Let me also add that Homecoming has the tightest survival gameplay mechanics in the entire franchise

>you can only carry up to 3 clips of ammo per weapon
>instead of running around with 250 bullets, 150 shotgun shells and 50 magnum rounds in SH1/2

>supplies you find in the world are actually VERY scarce too, it's super rare to find any ammo or even health
>instead of finding it laying around in plain sight everywhere you go

>dodging a dog in SH1 through 4: just keep running like it's not even there
>the dog won't even follow you that much; it's like it's not even there
>dodging a dog in Homecoming: you have to do the roll/dodge move at the precise moment the dog attacks
>the dog follows you to the end of time, only entering a place can get rid of it
>meaning you have to keep doing the precise dodge again and again and again and again, the dog won't give up
>if you fail your dodge and the dog jumps on your back it's a OHKO

>With weapons: SH1 through 4: can just snipe enemies from very safe distances
>In Homecoming, the guard/weakness/dodge system of enemies means that you actually have to be in danger for every single enemy you fight

Just examples. Homecoming did better survival gameplay than any other SH games even dreamt of on paper.
The only thing HC fails at are the puzzles which range from decent to good at best.
>That's a nice rant there but my point was that the creators gave the justification to the fans that the reason Alex could all that shit was cause he was in the military only for the main twist of the game to be that he actually wasn't.

They didn't. That justificiation is in your head. There is no justification anywhere in the game, just like it's not never justified in any previous SH game.

>> No.7292650

>The only thing HC fails at are the puzzles which range from decent to good at best.

This being said, the puzzles in SH2/3 are often more obxnious than they should be due to poor localization. If you can read several languages and switch languages for the puzzles hints, you'll notice that a puzzle will be more/less hard depending on the language used, and vice versa with another puzzle and another language. It's kinda of a mess. At least this isn't an issue in HC because the puzzles aren't so obtuse and senseless that you need explanation, for the most parts the puzzles make sense in-world; no "medallion to unlock a box".

>> No.7292653

>They didn't
They literally did

>> No.7292659

>here is no justification anywhere in the game,
He's talking about in interviews

>> No.7292695

It was too bland. The whole setting, story and characters. You could tell the creative team was burned out by Silent Hill 4.

>> No.7293091

locations are reused but not because the project was "rushed". they on purpose cut the sections in half and separated introductions to each dream from the chased by a ghost part. they could had easily made it so you never return to apartment after each character death in dream and that you continue the dream.