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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7285351 No.7285351 [Reply] [Original]

This game sucks. Why can't I tell Lord British 'fuck YOU... and your religion'?

>> No.7285368
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1596834025924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7285749

Do you have the Diligence, Control, and Passion to convert the realm to Gargism?

>> No.7285763
File: 94 KB, 493x599, 493px-Batlinillu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you join the Fellowship for salvation?

>> No.7286510

Is that supposed to be Moses?

>> No.7286516

Remember that this game was influenced by conservative Christian nutters who constantly whined about the 'satanic' themes of video games. D&D suffered from similar degrees of self-censorship.

>> No.7286546

You can literally tell him.

>> No.7286554 [DELETED] 

Yeah not great, but I'd would love to go back to that rather than "cut your dick off and kneel and suck niggers dry, or be tortured to death" of today.

>> No.7286594

The game was influenced by the Wizard of Oz. Garriott wanted to develop a morality system but he rolled his eyes at the "conservative nutters" cause they kept getting on his case about literal demons and killing kids in the game.

>> No.7286991

Yeah but when you go to the other end of the spectrum you end up with ultima 8.

>> No.7287101

It isn't a religion

>> No.7288009

>words mean whatever the voices in my head tell me they do