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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 157 KB, 256x329, Star_Wars_-_Shadows_of_the_Empire_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7279037 No.7279037 [Reply] [Original]

Games best left in the past.

>> No.7279058
File: 321 KB, 661x522, 1609037851357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Wars

>> No.7279060


>> No.7279329

6th gen was a mistake and you are proof of that.

>> No.7279338

Gool ol Dash Rendar. He looks like a gritty chocolate bar mascot

>> No.7279357

The vast majority of them

>> No.7279391

>this thread again
Did an eceleb talk about this game or something?

>> No.7279436

Played this a lot as a kid cause it was one of the few games I had on the N64. Was a lot of fun back then but the controls have aged like milk. Still a really cool game but it was a bit too ambitious for its time. At the very least it helped inspire Rouge Squadron.

Would be cool to see it remade by the team that did Jedi: Fallen Order but that's a pipe dream and Disney would ruin it.

>> No.7279654

Is it really that bad? I was thinking of buying it on Steam. I haven't played it since I was 10 years old.

>> No.7279679


The PC port negates the bad controls of the N64, and is patched for modern machines. I think it's great.

>> No.7279705

Aged like milk even on PC

>> No.7279729

It's a great game.

Don't be a chode.

>> No.7279954

Some dipshit company is rereleasing a cart of it, thus making money off something they had nothing to do with. Zoomer culture ftw...

>> No.7280176

I'd really like to recapture the creepiness of some of these games but I don't get exactly what makes them like that

>> No.7280183

>Some dipshit company is rereleasing a cart of it
i dont remember anyone actually liking this game

>> No.7281420


>> No.7283339
File: 33 KB, 313x445, 9D753568-A9A6-4214-9E1C-A71A21EF3DA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7283440

Only criticism I have of it is the floaty jumping and slippery movement. Overall though it has a solid action-adventure vibe that you don't really see too often in star wars games.

>> No.7283508

Interesting, since I don't remember anyone actually liking Final Fantasy, funny how that works.

>> No.7283617

I played this game. Never understood the appeal it has on some people.

>> No.7283724


Because you didn't play it back in 1996.

>> No.7284062

Even on release it got average reviews. When even the hilariously biased Nintendo magazines were giving it a score in the 70% range you know it’s a bad sign.